{# the 'no-referrer' here is for old browsers #} {% if settings.ONION_DOMAIN %} {%- endif %} {%- if settings.SCHOLAR_ENV != "prod" -%}[{{ settings.SCHOLAR_ENV|upper }}] {% endif -%} {% block extra_head %}{% endblock %} {% block fullbody %}
{% if query and query.q %} {% set rss_params = dict(q=query.q) %} {% if query.filter_type %}{% do rss_params.update(dict(filter_type= query.filter_type)) %}{% endif %} {% if query.filter_availability %}{% do rss_params.update(dict(filter_availabilty=query.filter_availability)) %}{% endif %} RSS   {% endif %} {{ "User Guide" }}
{% block fullmain %}
{% block main %}Nothing to see here.{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}
{% endblock %} {% if settings.ENABLE_GOATCOUNTER -%} {# for local testing: #} {%- endif %} {% block postscript %}{% endblock %}