""" Helpers to make elasticsearch queries. """ import copy import datetime import logging from gettext import gettext from typing import Any, List, Optional import elasticsearch import fatcat_openapi_client import sentry_sdk from elasticsearch_dsl import Q, Search from elasticsearch_dsl.response import Response # pytype: disable=import-error from pydantic import BaseModel from fatcat_scholar.config import settings from fatcat_scholar.identifiers import clean_doi, clean_pmcid from fatcat_scholar.query_citation import try_fuzzy_match from fatcat_scholar.query_parse import pre_parse_query, sniff_citation_query from fatcat_scholar.schema import ScholarDoc # pytype: enable=import-error # i18n note: the use of gettext below doesn't actually do the translation here, # it just ensures that the strings are caught by babel for translation later class FulltextQuery(BaseModel): q: Optional[str] = None parsed_q: Optional[str] = None limit: Optional[int] = None offset: Optional[int] = None filter_time: Optional[str] = None filter_type: Optional[str] = None filter_availability: Optional[str] = None sort_order: Optional[str] = None collapse_key: Optional[str] = None debug: Optional[bool] = False time_options: Any = { "label": gettext("Release Date"), "slug": "filter_time", "default": "all_time", "list": [ {"label": gettext("All Time"), "slug": "all_time"}, {"label": gettext("Past Week"), "slug": "past_week"}, {"label": gettext("Past Year"), "slug": "past_year"}, {"label": gettext("Since 2000"), "slug": "since_2000"}, {"label": gettext("Before 1927"), "slug": "before_1927"}, ], } type_options: Any = { "label": gettext("Resource Type"), "slug": "filter_type", "default": "papers", "list": [ {"label": gettext("Papers"), "slug": "papers"}, {"label": gettext("Reports"), "slug": "reports"}, {"label": gettext("Datasets"), "slug": "datasets"}, {"label": gettext("Everything"), "slug": "everything"}, ], } availability_options: Any = { "label": gettext("Availability"), "slug": "filter_availability", "default": "fulltext", "list": [ {"label": gettext("Fulltext"), "slug": "fulltext"}, {"label": gettext("Microfilm"), "slug": "microfilm"}, {"label": gettext("Open Access"), "slug": "oa"}, {"label": gettext("Metadata"), "slug": "everything"}, ], } sort_options: Any = { "label": gettext("Sort Order"), "slug": "sort_order", "default": "relevancy", "list": [ {"label": gettext("Relevancy"), "slug": "relevancy"}, {"label": gettext("Recent First"), "slug": "time_desc"}, {"label": gettext("Oldest First"), "slug": "time_asc"}, ], } class FulltextHits(BaseModel): query_type: str count_returned: int count_found: int offset: int limit: int deep_page_limit: int query_time_ms: int query_wall_time_ms: int results: List[Any] # global sync client connection es_client = elasticsearch.Elasticsearch(settings.ELASTICSEARCH_QUERY_BASE, timeout=50.0) def transform_es_results(resp: Response) -> List[dict]: # convert from ES objects to python dicts results = [] for h in resp: r = h._d_ # print(h.meta._d_) r["_highlights"] = [] if "highlight" in dir(h.meta): highlights = h.meta.highlight._d_ for k in highlights: r["_highlights"] += highlights[k] r["_collapsed"] = [] r["_collapsed_count"] = 0 if "inner_hits" in dir(h.meta): if isinstance(h.meta.inner_hits.more_pages.hits.total, int): r["_collapsed_count"] = h.meta.inner_hits.more_pages.hits.total - 1 else: r["_collapsed_count"] = ( h.meta.inner_hits.more_pages.hits.total["value"] - 1 ) for k in h.meta.inner_hits.more_pages: if k["key"] != r["key"]: r["_collapsed"].append(k) results.append(r) for h in results: # Handle surrogate strings that elasticsearch returns sometimes, # probably due to mangled data processing in some pipeline. # "Crimes against Unicode"; production workaround for key in h: if type(h[key]) is str: h[key] = h[key].encode("utf8", "ignore").decode("utf8") # ensure collapse_key is a single value, not an array if type(h["collapse_key"]) == list: h["collapse_key"] = h["collapse_key"][0] # add ScholarDoc object as a helper (eg, to call python helpers) try: h["_obj"] = ScholarDoc.parse_obj(h) except Exception: pass return results def apply_filters(search: Search, query: FulltextQuery) -> Search: """ Applies query filters to ES Search object based on query """ # type filters if query.filter_type == "papers" or query.filter_type is None: search = search.filter( "terms", type=["article-journal", "paper-conference", "chapter", "article"] ) elif query.filter_type == "reports": search = search.filter( "terms", type=[ "report", "standard", ], ) elif query.filter_type == "datasets": search = search.filter( "terms", type=[ "dataset", "software", ], ) elif query.filter_type == "everything": pass else: raise ValueError( f"Unknown 'filter_type' parameter value: '{query.filter_type}'" ) # time filters if query.filter_time == "past_week": date_today = datetime.date.today() week_ago_date = str(date_today - datetime.timedelta(days=7)) tomorrow_date = str(date_today + datetime.timedelta(days=1)) search = search.filter("range", date=dict(gte=week_ago_date, lte=tomorrow_date)) elif query.filter_time == "past_year": # (date in the past year) or (year is this year) # the later to catch papers which don't have release_date defined date_today = datetime.date.today() this_year = date_today.year tomorrow_date = str(date_today + datetime.timedelta(days=1)) year_ago_date = str(date_today - datetime.timedelta(days=365)) search = search.filter( Q("range", date=dict(gte=year_ago_date, lte=tomorrow_date)) | Q("term", year=this_year) ) elif query.filter_time == "since_2000": this_year = datetime.date.today().year search = search.filter("range", year=dict(gte=2000, lte=this_year)) elif query.filter_time == "before_1925" or query.filter_time == "before_1927": # 1925 value retained for backwards compatibility in URLs search = search.filter("range", year=dict(lt=1927)) elif query.filter_time == "all_time" or query.filter_time is None: pass else: raise ValueError( f"Unknown 'filter_time' parameter value: '{query.filter_time}'" ) # availability filters if query.filter_availability == "oa": search = search.filter("term", tags="oa") elif query.filter_availability == "everything": pass elif query.filter_availability == "fulltext" or query.filter_availability is None: search = search.filter( "terms", **{"access.access_type": ["wayback", "ia_file", "ia_sim"]} ) elif query.filter_availability == "microfilm": search = search.filter("term", **{"access.access_type": "ia_sim"}) else: raise ValueError( f"Unknown 'filter_availability' parameter value: '{query.filter_availability}'" ) return search def process_query(query: FulltextQuery) -> FulltextHits: if not query.q: return do_fulltext_search(query) # try handling raw identifier queries if len(query.q.strip().split()) == 1 and '"' not in query.q: doi = clean_doi(query.q) if doi: return do_lookup_query(f'doi:"{doi}"') pmcid = clean_pmcid(query.q) if pmcid: return do_lookup_query(f'pmcid:"{pmcid}"') if query.q.strip().startswith("key:"): return do_lookup_query(query.q) # if this is a citation string, do a fuzzy lookup if settings.ENABLE_CITATION_QUERY and sniff_citation_query(query.q): api_conf = fatcat_openapi_client.Configuration() api_conf.host = settings.FATCAT_API_HOST api_client = fatcat_openapi_client.DefaultApi( fatcat_openapi_client.ApiClient(api_conf) ) fatcat_es_client = elasticsearch.Elasticsearch("https://search.fatcat.wiki") key: Optional[str] = None # "best effort" fuzzy match lookup (but aggressively skip on any exception) try: key = try_fuzzy_match( query.q, grobid_host=settings.GROBID_HOST, es_client=fatcat_es_client, fatcat_api_client=api_client, ) except Exception as e: logging.warn(f"citation fuzzy failure: {e}") sentry_sdk.set_level("warning") sentry_sdk.capture_exception(e) pass if key: result = do_lookup_query(f"key:{key}") if result: result.query_type = "citation" return result # fall through to regular query, with pre-parsing query = copy.copy(query) if query.q: query.parsed_q = pre_parse_query(query.q) return do_fulltext_search(query) def do_lookup_query(lookup: str) -> FulltextHits: logging.info(f"lookup query: {lookup}") query = FulltextQuery( q=lookup, filter_type="everything", filter_availability="everything", filter_time="all_time", ) result = do_fulltext_search(query) result.query_type = "lookup" return result def do_fulltext_search( query: FulltextQuery, deep_page_limit: int = 2000 ) -> FulltextHits: search = Search(using=es_client, index=settings.ELASTICSEARCH_QUERY_FULLTEXT_INDEX) if query.collapse_key: search = search.filter("term", collapse_key=query.collapse_key) else: search = search.extra( collapse={ "field": "collapse_key", "inner_hits": { "name": "more_pages", "size": 0, }, } ) # apply filters from query search = apply_filters(search, query) # we combined several queries to improve scoring. # this query use the fancy built-in query string parser basic_fulltext = Q( "query_string", query=query.parsed_q or query.q, default_operator="AND", analyze_wildcard=True, allow_leading_wildcard=False, lenient=True, quote_field_suffix=".exact", fields=[ "title^4", "biblio_all^3", "everything", ], ) has_fulltext = Q("terms", **{"access_type": ["ia_sim", "ia_file", "wayback"]}) poor_metadata = Q( "bool", should=[ # if these fields aren't set, metadata is poor. The more that do # not exist, the stronger the signal. Q("bool", must_not=Q("exists", field="year")), Q("bool", must_not=Q("exists", field="type")), Q("bool", must_not=Q("exists", field="stage")), Q("bool", must_not=Q("exists", field="biblio.container_name")), ], ) if query.filter_availability == "fulltext" or query.filter_availability is None: base_query = basic_fulltext else: base_query = Q("bool", must=basic_fulltext, should=[has_fulltext]) if query.q == "*": search = search.query("match_all") search = search.sort("_doc") else: search = search.query( "boosting", positive=base_query, negative=poor_metadata, negative_boost=0.5, ) # simplified version of basic_fulltext query, for highlighting highlight_query = Q( "query_string", query=query.parsed_q or query.q, default_operator="AND", lenient=True, ) search = search.highlight( "abstracts.body", "fulltext.body", "fulltext.acknowledgement", "fulltext.annex", highlight_query=highlight_query.to_dict(), require_field_match=False, number_of_fragments=2, fragment_size=200, order="score", # TODO: this will fix highlight encoding, but requires ES 7.x # encoder="html", ) # sort order if query.sort_order == "time_asc": search = search.sort("year", "date") elif query.sort_order == "time_desc": search = search.sort("-year", "-date") elif query.sort_order == "relevancy" or query.sort_order is None: pass else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown 'sort_order' parameter value: '{query.sort_order}'") # Sanity checks limit = min((int(query.limit or 15), 100)) offset = max((int(query.offset or 0), 0)) if offset > deep_page_limit: # Avoid deep paging problem. offset = deep_page_limit search = search.params(track_total_hits=True) search = search[offset : (offset + limit)] if settings.ELASTICSEARCH_QUERY_PREFERENCE: search = search.params(preference=settings.ELASTICSEARCH_QUERY_PREFERENCE) query_start = datetime.datetime.now() try: resp = search.execute() except elasticsearch.exceptions.RequestError as e_raw: # this is a "user" error e: Any = e_raw logging.warn("elasticsearch 400: " + str(e.info)) if e.info.get("error", {}).get("root_cause", {}): raise ValueError(str(e.info["error"]["root_cause"][0].get("reason"))) from e else: raise ValueError(str(e.info)) from e except elasticsearch.exceptions.TransportError as e: # all other errors logging.warn(f"elasticsearch non-200 status code: {e.info}") raise IOError(str(e.info)) from e query_delta = datetime.datetime.now() - query_start # convert from API objects to dicts results = transform_es_results(resp) count_found: int = 0 if isinstance(resp.hits.total, int): count_found = int(resp.hits.total) else: count_found = int(resp.hits.total["value"]) count_returned = len(results) # if we grouped to less than a page of hits, update returned count if (not query.collapse_key) and offset == 0 and (count_returned < limit): count_found = count_returned return FulltextHits( query_type="fulltext", count_returned=count_returned, count_found=count_found, offset=offset, limit=limit, deep_page_limit=deep_page_limit, query_time_ms=int(resp.took), query_wall_time_ms=int(query_delta.total_seconds() * 1000), results=results, ) def es_scholar_index_alive() -> bool: """ Checks if the configured back-end elasticsearch index exists and can service queries. Intended to be used in health checks, called every couple seconds. Note that the regular client.indices.exists(index) function call will return an error if the cluster leader can not be reached, even if the local node could service queries in a read-only manner. The client.count(body=None, index=index) API returns quickly enough (though might be slow during indexing?), and returns context about the number of shards queried, and thus seems like a good fit for this check. """ try: resp = es_client.count( body=None, index=settings.ELASTICSEARCH_QUERY_FULLTEXT_INDEX, timeout=90.0, ) except elasticsearch.exceptions.RequestError as e_raw: if e_raw.status_code == 404: return False else: raise e_raw try: return bool(resp["_shards"]["successful"] == resp["_shards"]["total"]) except KeyError: return False def get_es_scholar_doc(key: str) -> Optional[dict]: """ Fetch a single document from search index, by key. Returns None if not found. """ try: resp = es_client.get(settings.ELASTICSEARCH_QUERY_FULLTEXT_INDEX, key) except elasticsearch.exceptions.NotFoundError: return None doc = resp["_source"] try: doc["_obj"] = ScholarDoc.parse_obj(doc) except Exception: pass return doc