""" Originally wrote these as dataclasses using pydantic.dataclasses, but we don't get serialization for free with those. This is useful for things like auto-conversion of datetime objects. """ import re import datetime from enum import Enum from typing import Optional, List, Any, Dict import ftfy from bs4 import BeautifulSoup # pytype: disable=import-error from pydantic import BaseModel # pytype: enable=import-error from fatcat_openapi_client import ReleaseEntity, ReleaseContrib from fatcat_scholar.api_entities import entity_to_dict class DocType(str, Enum): work = "work" sim_page = "sim_page" class IntermediateBundle(BaseModel): doc_type: DocType releases: List[ReleaseEntity] biblio_release_ident: Optional[str] grobid_fulltext: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] pdftotext_fulltext: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] pdf_meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] sim_fulltext: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] class Config: arbitrary_types_allowed = True json_encoders = { ReleaseEntity: lambda re: entity_to_dict(re), } class AccessType(str, Enum): ia_sim = "ia_sim" ia_file = "ia_file" wayback = "wayback" web = "web" repository = "repository" paywall = "paywall" loginwall = "loginwall" shadow = "shadow" class ScholarBiblio(BaseModel): release_ident: Optional[str] title: Optional[str] subtitle: Optional[str] original_title: Optional[str] release_date: Optional[datetime.date] release_year: Optional[int] release_type: Optional[str] release_stage: Optional[str] withdrawn_status: Optional[str] lang_code: Optional[str] country_code: Optional[str] volume: Optional[str] volume_int: Optional[int] # TODO: needed? issue: Optional[str] issue_int: Optional[int] # TODO: needed? pages: Optional[str] first_page: Optional[str] first_page_int: Optional[int] # TODO: needed? number: Optional[str] doi: Optional[str] doi_prefix: Optional[str] doi_registrar: Optional[str] pmid: Optional[str] pmcid: Optional[str] isbn13: Optional[str] wikidata_qid: Optional[str] arxiv_id: Optional[str] jstor_id: Optional[str] mag_id: Optional[str] license_slug: Optional[str] publisher: Optional[str] publisher_type: Optional[str] container_name: Optional[str] container_original_name: Optional[str] container_ident: Optional[str] container_issnl: Optional[str] container_wikidata_qid: Optional[str] issns: List[str] container_type: Optional[str] contrib_count: Optional[int] contrib_names: List[str] affiliations: List[str] class ScholarFulltext(BaseModel): lang_code: Optional[str] body: str acknowledgement: Optional[str] annex: Optional[str] release_ident: Optional[str] file_ident: Optional[str] file_sha1: Optional[str] file_mimetype: Optional[str] thumbnail_url: Optional[str] access_url: Optional[str] access_type: Optional[AccessType] class ScholarRelease(BaseModel): ident: Optional[str] revision: Optional[str] title: str release_date: Optional[datetime.date] release_year: Optional[int] release_type: Optional[str] release_stage: Optional[str] withdrawn_status: Optional[str] doi: Optional[str] doi_prefix: Optional[str] doi_registrar: Optional[str] pmid: Optional[str] pmcid: Optional[str] isbn13: Optional[str] wikidata_qid: Optional[str] arxiv_id: Optional[str] jstor_id: Optional[str] mag_id: Optional[str] license_slug: Optional[str] container_name: Optional[str] container_ident: Optional[str] container_issnl: Optional[str] container_type: Optional[str] class ScholarSim(BaseModel): issue_item: str pub_collection: str sim_pubid: str first_page: Optional[str] class ScholarAbstract(BaseModel): body: str lang_code: Optional[str] class ScholarAccess(BaseModel): access_type: AccessType access_url: str mimetype: Optional[str] file_ident: Optional[str] release_ident: Optional[str] class ScholarDoc(BaseModel): key: str doc_type: str # enum: work or page doc_index_ts: datetime.datetime collapse_key: str work_ident: Optional[str] tags: List[str] = [] biblio: ScholarBiblio fulltext: Optional[ScholarFulltext] ia_sim: Optional[ScholarSim] abstracts: List[ScholarAbstract] releases: List[ScholarRelease] access: List[ScholarAccess] def clean_small_int(raw: Optional[str]) -> Optional[int]: if not raw or not raw.isdigit(): return None val = int(raw) if abs(val) > 50000: return None return val def test_clean_small_int() -> None: assert clean_small_int("") == None assert clean_small_int(None) == None assert clean_small_int("asdf") == None assert clean_small_int("iiv") == None assert clean_small_int("123") == 123 assert clean_small_int("1200003") == None assert clean_small_int("-123") == None def doi_split_prefix(doi: str) -> str: return doi.split("/")[0] def release_doi_registrar(release: ReleaseEntity) -> Optional[str]: if not release.ext_ids.doi or not release.extra: return None for registrar in ("crossref", "datacite", "jalc"): if registrar in release.extra: return registrar # TODO: should we default to Crossref? return None UNWANTED_ABSTRACT_PREFIXES = [ # roughly sort this long to short "Abstract No Abstract ", "Publisher Summary ", "Abstract ", "ABSTRACT ", "Summary ", "Background: ", "Background ", "N/a.", "No abstract.", "Introduction: ", "ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ", "a b s t r a c t ", ] UNWANTED_SHORT_STRINGS = [ "&na", "n/a", ] def clean_str(raw: Optional[str], strip_trailing_period: bool = False) -> Optional[str]: """ Takes a str and "cleans" it. Intended to be usable with short strings (names, titles) in any language. See scrub_text(), which extends this function for paragraph length and longer text fields. """ if not raw: return None text = ftfy.fix_text(raw) # remove HTML text = BeautifulSoup(text, "html.parser").get_text() # TODO: for performance, compile these as globals? # replaces whitespace with single space text = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", text).strip() # TODO: shouldn't HTML be parsing these out? text = text.replace("", "").replace("", "") text = text.strip() if strip_trailing_period and text.endswith("."): text = text[:-1] if text.lower() in UNWANTED_SHORT_STRINGS: return None if not text: return None return text def scrub_text(raw: str, mimetype: str = None) -> Optional[str]: """ This function takes a mimetype-hinted string and tries to reduce it to a simple token-and-punctuation scheme with any and all markup removed. Eg, HTML tags, JATS XML tags, LaTeX, whatever. Like clean_str(), but more aggressive about some punctuation, and intended for text fields (like abstracts), not just short strings. The output should be clean and "HTML safe" (though should still be escaped in HTML to get entity encoding correct). TODO: not using mimetype hint for latex yet """ text = clean_str(raw) if not text: return None # TODO: for performance, compile these as globals? # Three regexes below adapted from Blendle cleaner.py # https://github.com/blendle/research-summarization/blob/master/enrichers/cleaner.py#L29 text = re.sub(r"…", "...", text) text = re.sub(r"[`‘’‛⸂⸃⸌⸍⸜⸝]", "'", text) text = re.sub(r"[„“]|(\'\')|(,,)", '"', text) # hack to remove abstract prefixes for prefix in UNWANTED_ABSTRACT_PREFIXES: if text.startswith(prefix): text = text[len(prefix) :] break # single word? not "text". eg, random URLs if len(text.split()) <= 1: return None if not text: return None return text def contrib_name(contrib: ReleaseContrib) -> str: # TODO: support more cultural normals for name presentation if contrib.raw_name: return contrib.raw_name elif contrib.given_name and contrib.surname: return f"{contrib.given_name} {contrib.surname}" elif contrib.surname: return contrib.surname else: return contrib.given_name def contrib_affiliation(contrib: ReleaseContrib) -> Optional[str]: # TODO return None def es_abstracts_from_grobid(tei_dict: dict) -> List[ScholarAbstract]: if tei_dict.get("abstract"): body = scrub_text(tei_dict["abstract"]) if body: return [ScholarAbstract(lang_code=tei_dict.get("lang"), body=body)] return [] def es_abstracts_from_release(release: ReleaseEntity) -> List[ScholarAbstract]: d = dict() for abst in release.abstracts: if abst.lang not in d: body = scrub_text(abst.content) if body: d[abst.lang] = ScholarAbstract( lang_code=abst.lang, body=scrub_text(abst.content) ) return list(d.values()) def es_biblio_from_release(release: ReleaseEntity) -> ScholarBiblio: if release.container: publisher = release.publisher container_name = release.container.name container_original_name = ( release.container.extra and release.container.extra.get("original_name") ) if not container_original_name or not isinstance(container_original_name, str): container_original_name = None container_ident = release.container.ident container_type = release.container.container_type container_issnl = release.container.issnl issns = [] if container_issnl: issns.append(container_issnl) if release.container.extra and release.container.extra.get("issne"): issns.append(release.container.extra["issne"]) if release.container.extra and release.container.extra.get("issnp"): issns.append(release.container.extra["issnp"]) issns = list(set(issns)) else: publisher = release.extra and release.extra.get("publisher") container_name = release.extra and release.extra.get("container_name") container_original_name = None container_ident = None container_type = None container_issnl = None issns = [] first_page: Optional[str] = None if release.pages: first_page = release.pages.split("-")[0] ret = ScholarBiblio( release_ident=release.ident, title=clean_str(release.title, strip_trailing_period=True), subtitle=clean_str(release.subtitle, strip_trailing_period=True), original_title=clean_str(release.original_title, strip_trailing_period=True), release_date=release.release_date, release_year=release.release_year, release_type=release.release_type, release_stage=release.release_stage, withdrawn_status=release.withdrawn_status, lang_code=release.language, country_code=release.extra and release.extra.get("country"), volume=release.volume, volume_int=clean_small_int(release.volume), issue=release.issue, issue_int=clean_small_int(release.issue), pages=release.pages, first_page=first_page, first_page_int=clean_small_int(first_page), number=release.number, doi=release.ext_ids.doi, doi_prefix=release.ext_ids.doi and doi_split_prefix(release.ext_ids.doi), doi_registrar=release_doi_registrar(release), pmid=release.ext_ids.pmid, pmcid=release.ext_ids.pmcid, isbn13=release.ext_ids.isbn13, wikidata_qid=release.ext_ids.wikidata_qid, arxiv_id=release.ext_ids.arxiv, jstor_id=release.ext_ids.jstor, mag_id=release.ext_ids.mag, license_slug=release.license_slug, publisher=publisher, container_name=clean_str(container_name), container_original_name=container_original_name, container_ident=container_ident, container_type=container_type, container_issnl=container_issnl, issns=issns, # TODO; these filters sort of meh. refactor to be above? contrib_names=list( filter( lambda x: bool(x), [clean_str(contrib_name(c)) for c in release.contribs], ) ), contrib_count=len([c for c in release.contribs if c.index]), affiliations=list( filter( lambda x: bool(x), [ clean_str(contrib_affiliation(c)) for c in release.contribs if c.index ], ) ), ) return ret def es_release_from_release(release: ReleaseEntity) -> ScholarRelease: if release.container: container_name = release.container.name container_ident = release.container.ident container_issnl = release.container.issnl container_type = release.container.container_type else: container_name = release.extra and release.extra.get("container_name") container_ident = None container_issnl = None container_type = None ret = ScholarRelease( ident=release.ident, revision=release.revision, title=release.title, release_date=release.release_date, release_year=release.release_year, release_type=release.release_type, release_stage=release.release_stage, withdrawn_status=release.withdrawn_status, doi=release.ext_ids.doi, doi_prefix=release.ext_ids.doi and doi_split_prefix(release.ext_ids.doi), doi_registrar=release_doi_registrar(release), pmid=release.ext_ids.pmid, pmcid=release.ext_ids.pmcid, isbn13=release.ext_ids.isbn13, wikidata_qid=release.ext_ids.wikidata_qid, arxiv_id=release.ext_ids.arxiv, jstor_id=release.ext_ids.jstor, mag_id=release.ext_ids.mag, license_slug=release.license_slug, container_name=container_name, container_ident=container_ident, container_issnl=container_issnl, container_type=container_type, ) return ret