import sys import json import signal from collections import Counter from typing import List, Any from confluent_kafka import Consumer, Producer, KafkaException class KafkaWorker: """ Base class for Scholar workers which consume from Kafka topics. Configuration (passed to __init__): kafka_brokers (List[str]): brokers to connect to consume_topics (List[str]): topics to consume from consumer_group (str): kafka consumer group batch_size (int): number of records to consume and process at a time batch_timeout_sec (int): max seconds for each batch to process. set to 0 to disable API: __init__() run() starts consuming, calling process_batch() for each message batch process_batch(batch: List[dict]) -> None implemented by sub-class process_msg(msg: dict) -> None implemented by sub-class Example of producing (in a worker): producer = self.create_kafka_producer(...) producer.produce( topic, some_obj.json(exclude_none=True).encode('UTF-8'), key=key, on_delivery=self._fail_fast_produce) # check for errors etc producer.poll(0) """ def __init__( self, kafka_brokers: List[str], consume_topics: List[str], consumer_group: str, **kwargs: Any, ): self.counts: Counter = Counter() self.kafka_brokers = kafka_brokers self.batch_size = kwargs.get("batch_size", 1) self.batch_timeout_sec = kwargs.get("batch_timeout_sec", 60) self.poll_interval_sec = kwargs.get("poll_interval_sec", 5.0) self.consumer = self.create_kafka_consumer( kafka_brokers, consume_topics, consumer_group ) @staticmethod def _fail_fast_produce(err: Any, msg: Any) -> None: if err is not None: print(f"Kafka producer delivery error: {err}", file=sys.stderr) raise KafkaException(err) @staticmethod def _timeout_handler(signum: Any, frame: Any) -> None: raise TimeoutError("timeout processing record") @staticmethod def create_kafka_consumer( kafka_brokers: List[str], consume_topics: List[str], consumer_group: str ) -> Consumer: """ NOTE: it is important that consume_topics be str, *not* bytes """ def _on_rebalance(consumer: Any, partitions: Any) -> None: for p in partitions: if p.error: raise KafkaException(p.error) print( f"Kafka partitions rebalanced: {consumer} / {partitions}", file=sys.stderr, ) def _fail_fast_consume(err: Any, partitions: Any) -> None: if err is not None: print(f"Kafka consumer commit error: {err}", file=sys.stderr) raise KafkaException(err) for p in partitions: # check for partition-specific commit errors if p.error: print( f"Kafka consumer commit error: {p.error}", file=sys.stderr, ) raise KafkaException(p.error) config = { "bootstrap.servers": ",".join(kafka_brokers), "": consumer_group, "on_commit": _fail_fast_consume, # messages don't have offset marked as stored until processed, # but we do auto-commit stored offsets to broker "": False, "": True, # user code timeout; if no poll after this long, assume user code # hung and rebalance (default: 6min) "": 360000, "default.topic.config": {"auto.offset.reset": "latest",}, } consumer = Consumer(config) consumer.subscribe( consume_topics, on_assign=_on_rebalance, on_revoke=_on_rebalance, ) print( f"Consuming from kafka topics {consume_topics}, group {consumer_group}", file=sys.stderr, ) return consumer @staticmethod def create_kafka_producer(kafka_brokers: List[str]) -> Producer: """ This configuration is for large compressed messages. """ config = { "bootstrap.servers": ",".join(kafka_brokers), "message.max.bytes": 30000000, # ~30 MBytes; broker is ~50 MBytes "api.version.request": True, "": 0, "compression.codec": "gzip", "": 250, "": 1000, "batch.num.messages": 50, "": True, "default.topic.config": { "": 30000, "request.required.acks": -1, # all brokers must confirm }, } return Producer(config) def run(self) -> Counter: if self.batch_timeout_sec: signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self._timeout_handler) while True: batch = self.consumer.consume( num_messages=self.batch_size, timeout=self.poll_interval_sec, ) print( f"... got {len(batch)} kafka messages ({self.poll_interval_sec}sec poll interval). stats: {self.counts}", file=sys.stderr, ) if not batch: continue # first check errors on entire batch... for msg in batch: if msg.error(): raise KafkaException(msg.error()) # ... then process, with optional timeout self.counts["total"] += len(batch) records = [json.loads(msg.value().decode("utf-8")) for msg in batch] if self.batch_timeout_sec: signal.alarm(int(self.batch_timeout_sec)) try: self.process_batch(records) except TimeoutError as te: raise te finally: signal.alarm(0) else: self.process_batch(records) self.counts["processed"] += len(batch) # ... then record progress for msg in batch: # will be auto-commited by librdkafka from this "stored" value self.consumer.store_offsets(message=msg) # Note: never actually get here, but including as documentation on how to clean up self.consumer.close() return self.counts def process_batch(self, batch: List[dict]) -> None: """ Workers can override this method for batch processing. By default it calls process_msg() for each message in the batch. """ for msg in batch: self.process_msg(msg) def process_msg(self, msg: dict) -> None: """ Workers can override this method for individual record processing. """ raise NotImplementedError("implementation required")