#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ NB: adapted to work as a library for PDF extraction. Will probably be re-written eventually to be correct, complete, and robust; this is just a first iteration. This script tries to extract everything from a GROBID TEI XML fulltext dump: - header metadata - affiliations - references (with context) - abstract - fulltext - tables, figures, equations A flag can be specified to disable copyright encumbered bits (--no-emcumbered): - abstract - fulltext - tables, figures, equations Prints JSON to stdout, errors to stderr This file copied from the sandcrawler repository. """ import io import json import argparse import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from typing import List, Any, Dict, AnyStr, Optional xml_ns = "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace" ns = "http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0" def all_authors(elem: Optional[ET.Element], ns: str = ns) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: if not elem: return [] names = [] for author in elem.findall(".//{%s}author" % ns): pn = author.find("./{%s}persName" % ns) if not pn: continue given_name = pn.findtext("./{%s}forename" % ns) or None surname = pn.findtext("./{%s}surname" % ns) or None full_name = " ".join(pn.itertext()) obj: Dict[str, Any] = dict(name=full_name) if given_name: obj["given_name"] = given_name if surname: obj["surname"] = surname ae = author.find("./{%s}affiliation" % ns) if ae: affiliation: Dict[str, Any] = dict() for on in ae.findall("./{%s}orgName" % ns): on_type = on.get("type") if on_type: affiliation[on_type] = on.text addr_e = ae.find("./{%s}address" % ns) if addr_e: address = dict() for t in addr_e.getchildren(): address[t.tag.split("}")[-1]] = t.text if address: affiliation["address"] = address # affiliation['address'] = { # 'post_code': addr.findtext('./{%s}postCode' % ns) or None, # 'settlement': addr.findtext('./{%s}settlement' % ns) or None, # 'country': addr.findtext('./{%s}country' % ns) or None, # } obj["affiliation"] = affiliation names.append(obj) return names def journal_info(elem: ET.Element) -> Dict[str, Any]: journal = dict() journal["name"] = elem.findtext(".//{%s}monogr/{%s}title" % (ns, ns)) journal["publisher"] = elem.findtext( ".//{%s}publicationStmt/{%s}publisher" % (ns, ns) ) if journal["publisher"] == "": journal["publisher"] = None journal["issn"] = elem.findtext('.//{%s}idno[@type="ISSN"]' % ns) journal["eissn"] = elem.findtext('.//{%s}idno[@type="eISSN"]' % ns) journal["volume"] = elem.findtext('.//{%s}biblScope[@unit="volume"]' % ns) journal["issue"] = elem.findtext('.//{%s}biblScope[@unit="issue"]' % ns) keys = list(journal.keys()) # remove empty/null keys for k in keys: if not journal[k]: journal.pop(k) return journal def biblio_info(elem: ET.Element, ns: str = ns) -> Dict[str, Any]: ref: Dict[str, Any] = dict() ref["id"] = elem.attrib.get("{http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}id") ref["unstructured"] = elem.findtext('.//{%s}note[@type="raw_reference"]' % ns) # Title stuff is messy in references... ref["title"] = elem.findtext(".//{%s}analytic/{%s}title" % (ns, ns)) other_title = elem.findtext(".//{%s}monogr/{%s}title" % (ns, ns)) if other_title: if ref["title"]: ref["journal"] = other_title else: ref["journal"] = None ref["title"] = other_title ref["authors"] = all_authors(elem, ns=ns) ref["publisher"] = elem.findtext(".//{%s}publicationStmt/{%s}publisher" % (ns, ns)) if not ref["publisher"]: ref["publisher"] = elem.findtext(".//{%s}imprint/{%s}publisher" % (ns, ns)) if ref["publisher"] == "": ref["publisher"] = None date = elem.find('.//{%s}date[@type="published"]' % ns) ref["date"] = (date is not None) and date.attrib.get("when") ref["volume"] = elem.findtext('.//{%s}biblScope[@unit="volume"]' % ns) ref["issue"] = elem.findtext('.//{%s}biblScope[@unit="issue"]' % ns) ref["doi"] = elem.findtext('.//{%s}idno[@type="DOI"]' % ns) ref["arxiv_id"] = elem.findtext('.//{%s}idno[@type="arXiv"]' % ns) if ref["arxiv_id"] and ref["arxiv_id"].startswith("arXiv:"): ref["arxiv_id"] = ref["arxiv_id"][6:] ref["pmcid"] = elem.findtext('.//{%s}idno[@type="PMCID"]' % ns) ref["pmid"] = elem.findtext('.//{%s}idno[@type="PMID"]' % ns) el = elem.find('.//{%s}biblScope[@unit="page"]' % ns) if el is not None: if el.attrib.get("from") and el.attrib.get("to"): ref["pages"] = "{}-{}".format(el.attrib["from"], el.attrib["to"]) else: ref["pages"] = el.text el = elem.find(".//{%s}ptr[@target]" % ns) if el is not None: ref["url"] = el.attrib["target"] # Hand correction if ref["url"].endswith(".Lastaccessed"): ref["url"] = ref["url"].replace(".Lastaccessed", "") if ref["url"].startswith("<"): ref["url"] = ref["url"][1:] if ">" in ref["url"]: ref["url"] = ref["url"].split(">")[0] else: ref["url"] = None return ref def teixml2json(content: AnyStr, encumbered: bool = True) -> Dict[str, Any]: if isinstance(content, str): tree = ET.parse(io.StringIO(content)) elif isinstance(content, bytes): tree = ET.parse(io.BytesIO(content)) info: Dict[str, Any] = dict() # print(content) # print(content.getvalue()) tei = tree.getroot() header = tei.find(".//{%s}teiHeader" % ns) if header is None: raise ValueError("XML does not look like TEI format") application_tag = header.findall(".//{%s}appInfo/{%s}application" % (ns, ns))[0] info["grobid_version"] = application_tag.attrib["version"].strip() info["grobid_timestamp"] = application_tag.attrib["when"].strip() info["title"] = header.findtext(".//{%s}analytic/{%s}title" % (ns, ns)) info["authors"] = all_authors( header.find(".//{%s}sourceDesc/{%s}biblStruct" % (ns, ns)) ) info["journal"] = journal_info(header) date = header.find('.//{%s}date[@type="published"]' % ns) info["date"] = (date is not None) and date.attrib.get("when") info["fatcat_release"] = header.findtext('.//{%s}idno[@type="fatcat"]' % ns) info["doi"] = header.findtext('.//{%s}idno[@type="DOI"]' % ns) if info["doi"]: info["doi"] = info["doi"].lower() refs = [] for (i, bs) in enumerate(tei.findall(".//{%s}listBibl/{%s}biblStruct" % (ns, ns))): ref = biblio_info(bs) ref["index"] = i refs.append(ref) info["citations"] = refs text = tei.find(".//{%s}text" % (ns)) # print(text.attrib) if text and text.attrib.get("{%s}lang" % xml_ns): info["language_code"] = text.attrib["{%s}lang" % xml_ns] # xml:lang if encumbered: el = tei.find(".//{%s}profileDesc/{%s}abstract" % (ns, ns)) info["abstract"] = (el or None) and " ".join(el.itertext()).strip() el = tei.find(".//{%s}text/{%s}body" % (ns, ns)) info["body"] = (el or None) and " ".join(el.itertext()).strip() el = tei.find('.//{%s}back/{%s}div[@type="acknowledgement"]' % (ns, ns)) info["acknowledgement"] = (el or None) and " ".join(el.itertext()).strip() el = tei.find('.//{%s}back/{%s}div[@type="annex"]' % (ns, ns)) info["annex"] = (el or None) and " ".join(el.itertext()).strip() # remove empty/null keys keys = list(info.keys()) for k in keys: if not info[k]: info.pop(k) return info def main() -> None: # pragma no cover parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, description="GROBID TEI XML to JSON", usage="%(prog)s [options] <teifile>...", ) parser.add_argument( "--no-encumbered", action="store_true", help="don't include ambiguously copyright encumbered fields (eg, abstract, body)", ) parser.add_argument("teifiles", nargs="+") args = parser.parse_args() for filename in args.teifiles: content = open(filename, "r").read() print( json.dumps( teixml2json(content, encumbered=(not args.no_encumbered)), sort_keys=True, ) ) if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma no cover main()