**fatcat-scholar**: fulltext search over [fatcat](https://fatcat.wiki) corpus of 25+ million open research papers ## Translations Update the .pot file and translation files: pybabel extract -F extra/i18n/babel.cfg -o extra/i18n/web_interface.pot fatcat_scholar/ pybabel update -i extra/i18n/web_interface.pot -d fatcat_scholar/translations Compile translated messages together: pybabel compile -d fatcat_scholar/translations Create initial .po file for a new language translation (then run the above update/compile after doing initial translations): pybabel init -i extra/i18n/web_interface.pot -d fatcat_scholar/translations -l de ## Production Use gunicorn plus uvicorn, to get multiple worker processes, each running async: gunicorn example:app -w 4 -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker