[[source]] name = "pypi" url = "https://pypi.org/simple" verify_ssl = true [packages] aiofiles = "*" babel = "*" beautifulsoup4 = "==4.*" confluent-kafka = "*" dynaconf = ">=3" # <7.14 pin is because of elasticsearch.exceptions.UnsupportedProductError # https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch-py/issues/1639 elasticsearch = { version = ">=7.8.0,<7.14.0", extras = ["async"] } elasticsearch-dsl = ">=7.0.0,<8.0.0" fastapi = "*" fatcat-openapi-client = ">=0.3.3" fuzzycat = "==0.1.19" ftfy = "*" gunicorn = "*" grobid_tei_xml = ">=0.1.2,<0.2.0" httptools = "*" internetarchive = "*" jinja2 = ">=3" lxml = "*" minio = "<7.0.0" pycountry = "==19.8.18" pydantic = "*" pylatexenc = "*" python-stdnum = "*" requests = ">=2" sentry-sdk = { version = ">=0.14.0", extras = [] } starlette-prometheus = "*" toml = "*" uvicorn = "*" uvloop = "*" [dev-packages] black = "*" ipython = "*" mypy = "*" # typing_extensions is required for mypy to operate typing_extensions = "*" flake8 = "*" flake8-annotations = "*" isort = "*" pytest = "*" pytest-mock = "*" pytest-cov = "*" responses = "*" types-requests = "*" types-beautifulsoup4 = "*" types-babel = "*" [requires] python_version = "3.8"