SHELL = /bin/bash .SHELLFLAGS = -o pipefail -c .PHONY: help help: ## Print info about all commands @echo "Commands:" @echo @grep -E '^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf " \033[01;32m%-20s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}' .PHONY: dep dep: ## Install dependencies using pipenv pipenv install --dev .PHONY: lint lint: ## Run lints (eg, flake8, mypy) pipenv run flake8 fatcat_scholar/ tests/ --exit-zero pipenv run mypy fatcat_scholar/ tests/ --ignore-missing-imports #pipenv run pytype fatcat_scholar/ .PHONY: fmt fmt: ## Run code formating on all source code pipenv run black fatcat_scholar/ tests/ .PHONY: test test: lint ## Run all tests and lints ENV_FOR_DYNACONF=test pipenv run pytest .PHONY: coverage coverage: lint ## Run all tests with coverage ENV_FOR_DYNACONF=test pipenv run pytest --cov .PHONY: dev dev: ## Run web service locally, with reloading ENV_FOR_DYNACONF=dev pipenv run uvicorn fatcat_scholar.web:app --reload --port 9819 .PHONY: run run: ## Run web service under gunicorn pipenv run gunicorn fatcat_scholar.web:app -w 4 -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker .PHONY: fetch-works fetch-works: ## Fetches some works from any release .json in the data dir cat data/release_*.json | jq . -c | pipenv run python -m fatcat_scholar.work_pipeline run_releases | pv -l > data/work_intermediate.json .PHONY: fetch-sim fetch-sim: ## Fetches some SIM pages pipenv run python -m fatcat_scholar.sim_pipeline run_issue_db --limit 500 | pv -l > data/sim_intermediate.json .PHONY: dev-index dev-index: ## Delete/Create DEV elasticsearch fulltext index locally http delete ":9200/dev_scholar_fulltext_v01" && true http put ":9200/dev_scholar_fulltext_v01?include_type_name=true" < schema/scholar_fulltext.v01.json http put ":9200/dev_scholar_fulltext_v01/_alias/dev_scholar_fulltext" cat data/sim_intermediate.json data/work_intermediate.json | pipenv run python -m fatcat_scholar.transform run_transform | esbulk -verbose -size 200 -id key -w 4 -index dev_scholar_fulltext_v01 -type _doc .PHONY: update-i18n update-i18n: ## Re-extract and compile translation files pipenv run pybabel extract -F extra/i18n/babel.cfg -o extra/i18n/web_interface.pot fatcat_scholar/ pipenv run pybabel update -i extra/i18n/web_interface.pot -d fatcat_scholar/translations pipenv run pybabel compile -d fatcat_scholar/translations