path: root/fatcat_scholar/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'fatcat_scholar/')
1 files changed, 306 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fatcat_scholar/ b/fatcat_scholar/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54d3f71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fatcat_scholar/
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+import os
+import io
+import sys
+import argparse
+from pydantic import BaseModel, validator
+from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Optional, Any, Sequence
+from fatcat_openapi_client import ReleaseEntity, FileEntity
+import internetarchive
+from fatcat_scholar.api_entities import *
+from fatcat_scholar.djvu import djvu_extract_leaf_texts
+from fatcat_scholar.sandcrawler import SandcrawlerPostgrestClient, SandcrawlerMinioClient
+from fatcat_scholar.issue_db import IssueDB, SimIssueRow
+from fatcat_scholar.schema import *
+from fatcat_scholar.grobid2json import teixml2json
+def es_fulltext_from_sim(sim: Dict[str, Any]) -> Optional[ScholarFulltext]:
+ if not sim['page_texts']:
+ return None
+ first_page = sim['page_texts'][0]['page_num']
+ issue_item = sim['issue_item']
+ return ScholarFulltext(
+ lang_code=None, # TODO: pub/issue metadata? or langdetect?
+ body="\n".join([p['raw_text'] for p in sim['page_texts']]),
+ #acknowledgement=None,
+ #annex=None,
+ release_ident=sim.get('release_ident'),
+ #file_ident=None,
+ #file_sha1=None,
+ #file_mimetype=None,
+ thumbnail_url=f"{issue_item}/__ia_thumb.jpg",
+ access_url=f"{issue_item}/page/{first_page}",
+ access_type=AccessType.ia_sim,
+ )
+def es_sim_from_sim(sim: Dict[str, Any]) -> ScholarSim:
+ first_page = None
+ if sim['page_texts']:
+ first_page = sim['page_texts'][0]['page_num']
+ return ScholarSim(
+ issue_item=sim['issue_item'],
+ pub_collection=sim['pub_item_metadata']['metadata']['identifier'],
+ sim_pubid=sim['issue_item_metadata']['metadata']['sim_pubid'],
+ first_page=first_page,
+ )
+ 'Scholarly Journals': 'article-journal',
+ # TODO:
+ 'English': 'en',
+ # TODO:
+ 'Netherlands': 'nl',
+ # TODO:
+def es_biblio_from_sim(sim: Dict[str, Any]) -> ScholarBiblio:
+ issue_meta = sim['issue_item_metadata']['metadata']
+ pub_meta = sim['pub_item_metadata']['metadata']
+ first_page = None
+ if sim['page_texts']:
+ first_page = sim['page_texts'][0]['page_num']
+ container_name = sim['pub_item_metadata']['metadata']['title']
+ last_word = container_name.split()[-1]
+ if len(last_word) == 9 and last_word[4] == '-':
+ container_name = container_name[:-10]
+ issns = []
+ raw_issn = issue_meta.get('issn')
+ if raw_issn and len(raw_issn) == 9:
+ issns.append(raw_issn)
+ volume = issue_meta.get('volume')
+ volume_int = None
+ if volume and volume.isdigit():
+ volume_int = int(volume)
+ issue = issue_meta.get('issue')
+ issue_int = None
+ if issue and issue.isdigit():
+ issue_int = int(issue)
+ date = issue_meta.get('date')
+ release_year = None
+ if date and len(date) > 4 and date[:4].isdigit():
+ release_year = int(date[:4])
+ release_date = None
+ if len(date) == len("2000-01-01"):
+ release_date = date
+ return ScholarBiblio(
+ #release_ident=release.ident,
+ title=None,
+ #subtitle=None,
+ #original_title=release.original_title,
+ release_date=release_date,
+ release_year=release_year,
+ release_type=SIM_RELEASE_TYPE_MAP.get(pub_meta.get('pub_type')),
+ release_stage="published", # as a default
+ #withdrawn_status=release.withdrawn_status,
+ lang_code=SIM_LANG_MAP.get(pub_meta.get('language')),
+ country_code=SIM_COUNTRY_MAP.get(pub_meta.get('country')),
+ volume=volume,
+ volume_int=volume_int,
+ issue=issue,
+ issue_int=issue_int,
+ pages=sim.get('pages'),
+ first_page=first_page,
+ first_page_int=None,
+ #number=None,
+ # no external identifiers
+ #license_slug=release.license_slug,
+ publisher=issue_meta.get('publisher'),
+ container_name=container_name,
+ container_original_name=None, # TODO pass-through
+ container_ident=None, # TODO: pass-through
+ container_type=None, # TODO
+ container_issnl=None, # TODO: pass-through
+ issns=issns,
+ # no contrib/affiliation info
+ contrib_names=[],
+ affiliations=[],
+ )
+def _add_file_release_meta(fulltext: ScholarFulltext, re: ReleaseEntity, fe: FileEntity) -> ScholarFulltext:
+ best_url = None
+ best_url_type = None
+ for url in fe.urls:
+ best_url = url.url
+ best_url_type = AccessType.web
+ if '//' in url.url:
+ best_url_type = AccessType.ia_file
+ break
+ elif '//' in url.url:
+ best_url_type = AccessType.wayback
+ break
+ if url.rel == "repository":
+ best_url_type = AccessType.repository
+ # TODO: more file-to-access logic
+ fulltext.release_ident = re.ident
+ fulltext.file_ident = fe.ident
+ fulltext.file_sha1 = fe.sha1
+ fulltext.file_mimetype = fe.mimetype
+ fulltext.access_url = best_url
+ fulltext.access_type = best_url_type
+ return fulltext
+def es_fulltext_from_grobid(tei_xml: str, re: ReleaseEntity, fe: FileEntity) -> Optional[ScholarFulltext]:
+ obj = teixml2json(tei_xml)
+ ret = ScholarFulltext(
+ lang_code=obj.get('lang'),
+ body=obj.get('body'),
+ acknowledgement=obj.get('acknowledgement'),
+ annex=obj.get('annex'),
+ thumbnail_url=None, # TODO: sandcrawler thumbnails
+ )
+ return _add_file_release_meta(ret, re, fe)
+def es_fulltext_from_pdftotext(pdftotext: Any, re: ReleaseEntity, fe: FileEntity) -> Optional[ScholarFulltext]:
+ ret = ScholarFulltext(
+ lang_code=re.language,
+ body=pdftotext['raw_text'],
+ acknowledgement=None,
+ annex=None,
+ thumbnail_url=None, # TODO: sandcrawler thumbnails
+ )
+ return _add_file_release_meta(ret, re, fe)
+def transform_heavy(heavy: IntermediateBundle) -> Optional[ScholarDoc]:
+ tags: List[str] = []
+ work_ident: Optional[str] = None
+ abstracts: List[ScholarAbstract] = []
+ fulltext: Optional[ScholarFulltext]
+ ia_sim: Optional[ScholarSim] = None
+ if heavy.sim_fulltext is not None:
+ ia_sim = es_sim_from_sim(heavy.sim_fulltext)
+ if heavy.doc_type == DocType.sim_page:
+ assert ia_sim is not None
+ key = f"page_{ia_sim.issue_item}_{ia_sim.first_page}"
+ biblio = es_biblio_from_sim(heavy.sim_fulltext)
+ fulltext = es_fulltext_from_sim(heavy.sim_fulltext)
+ elif heavy.doc_type ==
+ work_ident = heavy.releases[0].work_id
+ key = f"work_{work_ident}"
+ assert heavy.biblio_release_ident
+ primary_release = [r for r in heavy.releases if r.ident == heavy.biblio_release_ident][0]
+ biblio = es_biblio_from_release(primary_release)
+ # TODO: abstracts from releases also? abstracts_dict?
+ abstracts = es_abstracts_from_release(primary_release)
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError(f"doc_type: {heavy.doc_type}")
+ if heavy.grobid_fulltext:
+ fulltext_release = [r for r in heavy.releases if r.ident == heavy.grobid_fulltext['release_ident']][0]
+ fulltext_file = [f for f in fulltext_release.files if f.ident == heavy.grobid_fulltext['file_ident']][0]
+ fulltext = es_fulltext_from_grobid(heavy.grobid_fulltext['tei_xml'], fulltext_release, fulltext_file)
+ # hack to pull through thumbnail from local pdftotext
+ if fulltext and not fulltext.thumbnail_url and heavy.pdftotext_fulltext:
+ fulltext.thumbnail_url = f"{fulltext_file.sha1}" # XXX
+ if not fulltext and heavy.pdftotext_fulltext:
+ fulltext_release = [r for r in heavy.releases if r.ident == heavy.grobid_fulltext['release_ident']][0]
+ fulltext_file = [f for f in fulltext_release.files if f.ident == heavy.grobid_fulltext['file_ident']][0]
+ fulltext = es_fulltext_from_pdftotext(heavy.pdftotext_fulltext, fulltext_release, fulltext_file)
+ # TODO: additional access list
+ access_dict = dict()
+ if fulltext and fulltext.access_type:
+ access_dict[fulltext.access_type] = ScholarAccess(
+ access_type=fulltext.access_type,
+ access_url=fulltext.access_url,
+ mimetype=fulltext.file_mimetype,
+ file_ident=fulltext.file_ident,
+ release_ident=fulltext.release_ident,
+ )
+ if ia_sim and not AccessType.ia_sim in access_dict:
+ access_dict[AccessType.ia_sim] = ScholarAccess(
+ access_type=AccessType.ia_sim,
+ access_url=f"{ia_sim.issue_item}/page/{ia_sim.first_page}",
+ )
+ # TODO: additional abstracts
+ return ScholarDoc(
+ key=key,
+ doc_type=heavy.doc_type.value,
+ doc_index_ts=datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
+ work_ident=work_ident,
+ tags=tags,
+ biblio=biblio,
+ fulltext=fulltext,
+ ia_sim=ia_sim,
+ abstracts=abstracts,
+ releases=[es_release_from_release(r) for r in heavy.releases],
+ access=list(access_dict.values()),
+ )
+def run_transform(infile):
+ for line in infile:
+ obj = json.loads(line)
+ heavy = IntermediateBundle(
+ doc_type=DocType(obj['doc_type']),
+ releases=[entity_from_json(json.dumps(re), ReleaseEntity) for re in obj['releases']],
+ biblio_release_ident=obj.get('biblio_release_ident'),
+ grobid_fulltext=obj.get('grobid_fulltext'),
+ pdftotext_fulltext=obj.get('pdftotext_fulltext'),
+ sim_fulltext=obj.get('sim_fulltext'),
+ )
+ es_doc = transform_heavy(heavy)
+ if not es_doc:
+ continue
+ print(es_doc.json())
+def main():
+ """
+ Run this command like:
+ python -m fatcat_scholar.transform
+ """
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
+ subparsers = parser.add_subparsers()
+ sub = subparsers.add_parser('run_transform',
+ help="iterates through 'heavy' intermediate")
+ sub.set_defaults(func='run_transform')
+ sub.add_argument("json_file",
+ help="intermediate globs as JSON-lines",
+ nargs='?', default=sys.stdin, type=argparse.FileType('r'))
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ if not args.__dict__.get("func"):
+ print("tell me what to do! (try --help)")
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ if args.func == 'run_transform':
+ run_transform(infile=args.json_file)
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError(args.func)
+if __name__=="__main__":
+ main()