diff options
authorBryan Newbold <>2020-05-16 19:52:17 -0700
committerBryan Newbold <>2020-05-16 19:55:17 -0700
commit0abb779be2cd6fc913f3c57d891b040b40baf6c3 (patch)
parent0d9c230bd74a94006a6ff9e9e32be7ea8a6b51ac (diff)
initial progress on work pipeline
3 files changed, 338 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/fatcat_scholar/ b/fatcat_scholar/
index 0d33e17..5278750 100644
--- a/fatcat_scholar/
+++ b/fatcat_scholar/
@@ -44,6 +44,19 @@ class SimIssueRow:
def tuple(self):
return (self.issue_item, self.sim_pubid, self.year, self.volume, self.issue, self.first_page, self.last_page, self.release_count)
+ @classmethod
+ def from_tuple(self, row: Any):
+ return SimIssueRow(
+ issue_item=row[0],
+ sim_pubid=row[1],
+ year=row[2],
+ volume=row[3],
+ issue=row[4],
+ first_page=row[5],
+ last_page=row[6],
+ release_count=row[7],
+ )
class ReleaseCountsRow:
sim_pubid: str
@@ -95,6 +108,7 @@ class IssueDB():
self.db = sqlite3.connect(db_file, isolation_level='EXCLUSIVE')
self._pubid2container_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = dict()
+ self._container2pubid_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = dict()
def init_db(self):
@@ -135,6 +149,23 @@ class IssueDB():
self._pubid2container_map[sim_pubid] = None
return None
+ def container2pubid(self, container_ident: str) -> Optional[str]:
+ if container_ident in self._container2pubid_map:
+ return self._container2pubid_map[container_ident]
+ row = list(self.db.execute("SELECT sim_pubid FROM sim_pub WHERE container_ident = ?;", [container_ident]))
+ if row:
+ self._container2pubid_map[container_ident] = row[0][0]
+ return row[0][0]
+ else:
+ self._pubid2container_map[container_ident] = None
+ return None
+ def lookup_issue(self, sim_pubid: str, volume: str, issue: str) -> Optional[SimIssueRow]:
+ row = list(self.db.execute("SELECT * FROM sim_issue WHERE sim_pubid = ? AND volume = ? AND issue = ?;", [sim_pubid, volume, issue]))
+ if not row:
+ return None
+ return SimIssueRow.from_tuple(row[0])
def load_pubs(self, json_lines: Sequence[str], api: Any):
Reads a file (or some other iterator) of JSON lines, parses them into a
diff --git a/fatcat_scholar/ b/fatcat_scholar/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ed0eac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fatcat_scholar/
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+import io
+import sys
+import argparse
+from pydantic import BaseModel, validator
+from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Optional, Any, Sequence
+from fatcat_openapi_client import ReleaseEntity, FileEntity
+import internetarchive
+from fatcat_scholar.api_entities import *
+from fatcat_scholar.djvu import djvu_extract_leaf_texts
+from fatcat_scholar.issue_db import IssueDB, SimIssueRow
+from fatcat_scholar.es_transform import es_biblio_from_release, es_release_from_release, DocType
+def parse_pages(raw: str) -> Tuple[Optional[int], Optional[int]]:
+ first_raw = raw.split("-")[0]
+ if not first_raw.isdigit():
+ return (None, None)
+ first = int(first_raw)
+ if not "-" in raw:
+ return (first, first)
+ last_raw = raw.split('-')[-1]
+ if not last_raw.isdigit():
+ return (first, first)
+ last = int(last_raw)
+ if last < first:
+ last_munge = first_raw[0:(len(first_raw)-len(last_raw))] + last_raw
+ last = int(last_munge)
+ if last < first:
+ return (first, first)
+ return (first, last)
+def test_parse_pages():
+ assert parse_pages("479-89") == (479, 489)
+ assert parse_pages("466-7") == (466, 467)
+ assert parse_pages("466-501") == (466, 501)
+ assert parse_pages("466-401") == (466, 466)
+ # TODO: or should it be (1, 1)?
+ assert parse_pages("1") == (1, 1)
+ # TODO: should we be doing strings instead of ints?
+ assert parse_pages("iiv") == (None, None)
+class IntermediateBundle(BaseModel):
+ doc_type: DocType
+ releases: List[ReleaseEntity]
+ biblio_release_ident: Optional[str]
+ grobid_fulltext: Optional[Any]
+ pdftotext_fulltext: Optional[Any]
+ sim_fulltext: Optional[Any]
+ class Config:
+ arbitrary_types_allowed = True
+ json_encoders = {
+ ReleaseEntity: lambda re: entity_to_dict(re),
+ }
+def fulltext_pref_list(releases: List[ReleaseEntity]) -> List[str]:
+ """
+ Returns a list of release idents in preference order (best first) to
+ try and find fulltext for.
+ """
+ releases_sorted = sorted(releases, reverse=True, key=lambda r: (
+ r.release_stage=="updated",
+ r.release_stage=="published",
+ r.volume is not None,
+ r.container_id is not None,
+ r.ext_ids.pmid is not None,
+ r.release_stage=="submitted",
+ r.release_type is not None,
+ r.release_year,
+ r.release_date,
+ r.version,
+ ))
+ return [r.ident for r in releases_sorted]
+class WorkPipeline():
+ def __init__(self, issue_db: IssueDB):
+ self.issue_db: IssueDB = issue_db
+ self.ia_client = internetarchive.get_session()
+ # TODO: postgrest client
+ # TODO: minio client
+ def fetch_file_grobid(self, fe: FileEntity) -> Optional[Any]:
+ """
+ tei_xml: str
+ release_ident: Optional[str]
+ file_ident: Optional[str]
+ """
+ return None
+ def fetch_file_pdftotext(self, fe: FileEntity) -> Optional[Any]:
+ """
+ raw_text: str
+ release_ident: Optional[str]
+ file_ident: Optional[str]
+ """
+ return None
+ def lookup_sim(self, release: ReleaseEntity) -> Optional[SimIssueRow]:
+ """
+ Checks in IssueDB to see if this release is likely to have a copy in a
+ SIM issue item.
+ volume
+ issue
+ """
+ if not (release.container_id and release.volume and release.issue):
+ return None
+ sim_pubid = self.issue_db.container2pubid(release.container_id)
+ if not sim_pubid:
+ return None
+ return self.issue_db.lookup_issue(sim_pubid=sim_pubid, volume=release.volume, issue=release.issue)
+ def fetch_sim(self, issue_db_row: SimIssueRow, pages: str, release_ident: str) -> Optional[Any]:
+ """
+ issue_item
+ pages: str
+ page_texts: list
+ page_number
+ raw_text
+ release_ident: Optional[str]
+ pub_item_metadata
+ issue_item_metadata
+ """
+ first_page, last_page = parse_pages(pages)
+ if first_page is None:
+ return None
+ # fetch full metadata from API
+ issue_meta = self.ia_client.get_metadata(issue_db_row.issue_item)
+ # XXX: pub_meta = self.ia_client.get_metadata(issue_db_row.pub_collection)
+ pub_meta = None
+ leaf_list = []
+ assert 'page_numbers' in issue_meta
+ for entry in issue_meta['page_numbers'].get('pages', []):
+ page_num = entry['pageNumber']
+ if not (page_num and page_num.isdigit()):
+ continue
+ page_num = int(page_num)
+ if page_num >= first_page and page_num <= last_page:
+ leaf_list.append(entry['leafNum'])
+ if not leaf_list:
+ return None
+ page_texts: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
+ issue_item = self.ia_client.get_item(issue_db_row.issue_item)
+ issue_item_djvu = issue_item.get_file(issue_db_row.issue_item + "_djvu.xml")
+ # override 'close()' method so we can still read out contents
+ djvu_bytes = io.BytesIO()
+ djvu_bytes.close = lambda: None # type: ignore
+ assert == True
+ djvu_xml = io.StringIO("UTF-8"))
+ del(djvu_bytes)
+ leaf_dict = djvu_extract_leaf_texts(djvu_xml, only_leaves=leaf_list)
+ for leaf, raw_text in leaf_dict.items():
+ page_texts.append(dict(page_number=leaf, raw_text=raw_text))
+ return dict(
+ issue_item=issue_db_row.issue_item,
+ pages=pages,
+ page_texts=page_texts,
+ release_ident=release_ident,
+ pub_item_metadata=pub_meta,
+ issue_item_metadata=issue_item.metadata,
+ )
+ def process_release_list(self, releases: List[ReleaseEntity]) -> IntermediateBundle:
+ """
+ 1. find best accessible fatcat file
+ => fetch GROBID XML if available, else pdftotext if available
+ => link to thumbnail if available
+ 2. find best SIM microfilm copy available
+ """
+ pref_idents = fulltext_pref_list(releases)
+ release_dict = dict([(r.ident, r) for r in releases])
+ #print(f"pref_idents={pref_idents}", file=sys.stderr)
+ # find best accessible fatcat file
+ grobid_fulltext: Optional[Any]
+ pdftotext_fulltext: Optional[Any]
+ for ident in pref_idents:
+ release = release_dict[ident]
+ if not release.files:
+ continue
+ for fe in release.files:
+ if not fe.sha1 or fe.mimetype not in (None, "application/pdf"):
+ continue
+ grobid_fulltext = self.fetch_file_grobid(fe)
+ pdftotext_fulltext = self.fetch_file_pdftotext(fe)
+ if grobid_fulltext or pdftotext_fulltext:
+ break
+ if grobid_fulltext or pdftotext_fulltext:
+ break
+ # find best accessible SIM metadata and fulltext
+ sim_fulltext: Optional[Any] = None
+ sim_issue: Optional[Any] = None
+ for ident in pref_idents:
+ release = release_dict[ident]
+ #print(f"{release.extra}\n{release.pages}", file=sys.stderr)
+ if not release.pages:
+ continue
+ # TODO: in the future, will use release.extra.ia.sim.sim_pubid for lookup
+ sim_issue = self.lookup_sim(release)
+ #print(f"release_{release.ident}: sim_issue={sim_issue}", file=sys.stderr)
+ if not sim_issue:
+ continue
+ # XXX: control flow tweak?
+ sim_fulltext = self.fetch_sim(sim_issue, release.pages, release.ident)
+ if sim_fulltext:
+ break
+ return IntermediateBundle(
+ releases=releases,
+ biblio_release_ident=pref_idents[0],
+ grobid_fulltext=grobid_fulltext,
+ pdftotext_fulltext=pdftotext_fulltext,
+ sim_fulltext=sim_fulltext,
+ )
+ def run_releases(self, release_stream: Sequence[str]):
+ """
+ Iterates over the stream of releases, which are expected to be grouped
+ (sorted) by work_ident.
+ Collects releases under same work_ident into a batch and processes a
+ work from that.
+ TODO: what is the right API here? stream iterator? how should
+ parallelism work?
+ """
+ batch = []
+ batch_work_id = None
+ for line in release_stream:
+ if not line:
+ continue
+ release = entity_from_json(line, ReleaseEntity)
+ if release.work_id == batch_work_id:
+ batch.append(release)
+ continue
+ if batch:
+ ib = self.process_release_list(batch)
+ print(ib.json())
+ batch_work_id = None
+ batch = [release,]
+ batch_work_id = release.work_id
+ if batch:
+ ib = self.process_release_list(batch)
+ print(ib.json())
+def main():
+ """
+ Run this command like:
+ python -m fatcat_scholar.release_pipeline
+ """
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
+ subparsers = parser.add_subparsers()
+ parser.add_argument("--issue-db-file",
+ help="sqlite3 database file to open",
+ default='data/issue_db.sqlite',
+ type=str)
+ sub = subparsers.add_parser('run_releases',
+ help="takes expanded release entity JSON, sorted by work_ident")
+ sub.set_defaults(func='run_releases')
+ sub.add_argument("json_file",
+ help="release entities, as JSON-lines",
+ nargs='?', default=sys.stdin, type=argparse.FileType('r'))
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ if not args.__dict__.get("func"):
+ print("tell me what to do! (try --help)")
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ idb = IssueDB(args.issue_db_file)
+ wp = WorkPipeline(issue_db=idb)
+ if args.func == 'run_releases':
+ wp.run_releases(args.json_file)
+ else:
+ func = getattr(wp, args.func)
+ func()
+if __name__=="__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 66c2804..abf5a4c 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-from io import StringIO
+import io
from fatcat_scholar.djvu import djvu_extract_leaf_texts
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ def test_djvu_extract_leaf_texts():
with open('tests/files/ERIC_ED441501_djvu.xml', 'r') as f:
blob =
- leaves = djvu_extract_leaf_texts(StringIO(blob), [3,6])
+ leaves = djvu_extract_leaf_texts(io.StringIO(blob), [3,6])
assert 3 in leaves
assert 6 in leaves
assert "2. Original cataloging tools" in leaves[3]