#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Tool for downloading fatcat release PDFs to disk (assuming there is at least one accessible PDF file entity for each release). Behavior: - if no file, or not accessible, skip release - filter files, then iterate through: - if already exists locally on disk, skip - try downloading from any archive.org or web.archive.org URLs - verify SHA-1 - write out to disk """ # XXX: some broken MRO thing going on in here due to python3 object wrangling # in `wayback` library. Means we can't run pylint. # pylint: skip-file import os import sys import json import magic import hashlib import argparse import requests from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter from requests.packages.urllib3.util.retry import Retry # pylint: disable=import-error from collections import Counter def gen_file_metadata(blob): """ Takes a file blob (bytestream) and returns hashes and other metadata. Returns a dict: size_bytes, md5hex, sha1hex, sha256hex, mimetype """ assert blob mimetype = magic.Magic(mime=True).from_buffer(blob) hashes = [ hashlib.sha1(), hashlib.sha256(), hashlib.md5(), ] for h in hashes: h.update(blob) return dict( size_bytes=len(blob), sha1hex=hashes[0].hexdigest(), sha256hex=hashes[1].hexdigest(), md5hex=hashes[2].hexdigest(), mimetype=mimetype, ) def requests_retry_session(retries=2, backoff_factor=3, status_forcelist=(500, 502, 504), session=None): """ From: https://www.peterbe.com/plog/best-practice-with-retries-with-requests """ session = session or requests.Session() retry = Retry( total=retries, read=retries, connect=retries, backoff_factor=backoff_factor, status_forcelist=status_forcelist, ) adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry) session.mount('http://', adapter) session.mount('https://', adapter) return session class DeliverFatcatDisk: def __init__(self, disk_dir, **kwargs): self.count = Counter() self.disk_dir = disk_dir self.disk_prefix = kwargs.get('disk_prefix', 'pdf/') self.disk_suffix = kwargs.get('disk_suffix', '.pdf') self.session = requests_retry_session() def run(self, release_json_file): sys.stderr.write("Ensuring all 256 base directories exist...\n") for i in range(256): fpath = "{}/{}{:02x}".format( self.disk_dir, self.disk_prefix, i) os.makedirs(fpath, exist_ok=True) sys.stderr.write("Starting...\n") for line in release_json_file: self.count['total'] += 1 if not line.startswith('{'): self.count['skip-no-release'] += 1 continue #print(line) release = json.loads(line) assert 'ident' in release self.fetch_release(release) sys.stderr.write("{}\n".format(self.count)) def blob_path(self, sha1hex): fpath = "{}/{}{}/{}{}".format( self.disk_dir, self.disk_prefix, sha1hex[0:2], sha1hex, self.disk_suffix) return fpath def does_file_already_exist(self, sha1hex): return os.path.isfile(self.blob_path(sha1hex)) def filter_files(self, files): """ Takes a list of file entities and only returns the ones which are PDFs we can download. """ good = [] for f in files: if f['mimetype'] and not 'pdf' in f['mimetype'].lower(): continue for url in f['urls']: if 'archive.org/' in url['url']: good.append(f) break return good def fetch_content(self, url): """ Returns tuple: (str:status, content) Content contains bytes only if status is "success", otherwise None """ if '://web.archive.org/' in url: # add id_ to URL to avoid wayback re-writing l = url.split('/') if l[2] == 'web.archive.org' and l[3] == 'web' and not '_' in l[4]: l[4] = l[4] + 'id_' url = '/'.join(l) try: resp = self.session.get(url) except requests.exceptions.RetryError: return ('wayback-error', None) except requests.exceptions.TooManyRedirects: return ('too-many-redirects', None) if resp.status_code != 200: return ('fetch:{}'.format(resp.status_code), None) else: return ('success', resp.content) def fetch_file(self, f): """ Returns tuple: (status, sha1hex, file_meta) file_meta is a dict on success, or None otherwise """ sha1hex = f['sha1'] if self.does_file_already_exist(sha1hex): return ('exists', sha1hex, None) status = None for url in f['urls']: url = url['url'] if not 'archive.org' in url: continue status, content = self.fetch_content(url) if status == 'success': # TODO: verify sha1hex file_meta = gen_file_metadata(content) if file_meta['sha1hex'] != sha1hex: status = 'sha1-mismatch' continue with open(self.blob_path(sha1hex), 'wb') as outf: outf.write(content) return ('success', sha1hex, file_meta) if status: return (status, sha1hex, None) else: return ('no-urls', sha1hex, None) def fetch_release(self, release): good_files = self.filter_files(release['files']) status = 'no-file' sha1hex = None for f in good_files: status, sha1hex, file_meta = self.fetch_file(f) if status in ('success', 'exists'): break else: continue if sha1hex: print("{}\t{}".format(status, sha1hex)) else: print(status) self.count[status] += 1 def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--disk-dir', required=True, type=str, help='local base directory to save into') parser.add_argument('--disk-prefix', type=str, default="pdf/", help='directory prefix for items created in bucket') parser.add_argument('--disk-suffix', type=str, default=".pdf", help='file suffix for created files') parser.add_argument('release_json_file', help="JSON manifest of fatcat release entities", default=sys.stdin, type=argparse.FileType('r')) args = parser.parse_args() worker = DeliverFatcatDisk(**args.__dict__) worker.run(args.release_json_file) if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover main()