## CNKI List Base URL: 2020-03-29: "Found 1914 articles" Uses JS to fetch tables, URLs look like: http://en.gzbd.cnki.net/gzbt/request/otherhandler.ashx?action=gzbdFlag&contentID=0&orderStr=1&page=1&grouptype=undefined&groupvalue=undefined Fetch a bunch: seq 0 64 | parallel http get "http://en.gzbd.cnki.net/gzbt/request/otherhandler.ashx?action=gzbdFlag\&contentID=0\&orderStr=1\&page={}\&grouptype=undefined\&groupvalue=undefined" > cnki_tables.html Parse HTML snippets to JSON: ./parse_cnki_tables.py > cnki_metadata.json The `info_url` seems to work, but the direct PDF download links don't naively. Maybe need to set a referer, something like that? ## Wanfang Data mark=32 指南与共识 Guidelines and consensus mark=34 文献速递 Literature Express mark=38 中医药防治 Prevention and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine wget 'http://subject.med.wanfangdata.com.cn/Channel/7?mark=32' -O wanfang_guidance.2020-03-29.html wget 'http://subject.med.wanfangdata.com.cn/Channel/7?mark=34' -O wanfang_papers.2020-03-29.html ./parse_wanfang_html.py wanfang_papers.2020-03-29.html > wanfang_papers.2020-03-29.json ./parse_wanfang_html.py wanfang_guidance.2020-03-29.html > wanfang_guidance.2020-03-29.json Download PDFs (without clobbering existing): cat wanfang_papers.2020-03-29.json wanfang_guidance.2020-03-29.json | jq .url -r | parallel wget -P fulltext_wanfang --no-clobber {} file fulltext_wanfang/* | cut -f2 -d' ' | sort | uniq -c 144 HTML 609 PDF