Research index and searchable discovery tool of papers and datasets related to COVID-19. Features: - fulltext search over papers - direct download PDFs - find content by search queries + lists of identifiers ## Design Web interface build on elasticsearch. Guessing on the order of 100k entities. Batch back-end system aggregates papers of interest, fetches metadata from fatcat, fetches fulltext+GROBID, indexes into elasticsearch. Run periodically (eg, daily, hourly) Some light quality tooling to find bad metadata; do cleanups in fatcat itself. ## Thoughts / Brainstorm Tagging? Eg, by type of flu, why paper included Clearly indicate publication status (pre-prints). Auto-translation to multiple languages. Translation/i18n of user interface. Dashboards/graphs of stats? Faceted search. ## Also Find historical papers of interest, eg the Spanish Flu, feature in blog posts. Manually add interesting/valuable greylit like notable blog posts, WHO reports.