Dependencies: sudo apt install poppler-utils pip install requests python-magic Context: export TODAY="`TZ=UTC date --iso-8601=date`" export CORDDATE="2020-04-03" Fetch and transform CORD-19 metadata: mkdir -p metadata fulltext_web wget$CORDDATE.csv -O metadata/cord19.$CORDDATE.csv metadata ./ parse-cord19 metadata/cord19.$CORDDATE.csv > metadata/cord19.$CORDDATE.json cat metadata/cord19.$CORDDATE.json | parallel -j10 --linebuffer --round-robin --pipe ./ enrich-fatcat - | pv -l > metadata/cord19.$CORDDATE.enrich.json cat metadata/cord19.$CORDDATE.enrich.json | jq 'select(.release_id == null) | .cord19_paper' -c > metadata/cord19.$CORDDATE.missing.json Fetch fatcat query metadata: ./ query-fatcat | pv -l > metadata/fatcat_hits.$TODAY.enrich.json Combine and de-dupe: cat metadata/fatcat_hits.$TODAY.enrich.json metadata/cord19.$CORDDATE.enrich.json | ./ dedupe | pv -l > metadata/combined.$TODAY.enrich.json Download fulltext from wayback: cat metadata/combined.$TODAY.enrich.json | jq .fatcat_release -c | parallel -j20 --linebuffer --round-robin --pipe ./bin/ --disk-dir fulltext_web - | pv -l > fatcat_web_$TODAY.log cut -f1 fatcat_web_$TODAY.log | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr Update PDF derivative files (pdftotext and PNG thumbnail): ./bin/ fulltext_web Fetch GROBID: # TODO Convert GROBID XML to JSON: ls fulltext_web/pdf/ | parallel mkdir -p fulltext_web/grobid/{} fd -I .xml fulltext_web/grobid/ | cut -c18-60 | parallel -j10 "bin/ fulltext_web/grobid/{}.xml > fulltext_web/grobid/{}.json" Create large derivatives file (including extracted fulltext): ./ enrich-derivatives metadata/combined.$TODAY.enrich.json --base-dir fulltext_web/ | pv -l > metadata/combined.$TODAY.fulltext.json cat metadata/combined.$TODAY.fulltext.json | jq .fulltext_status -r | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr ## ES Indices Create fulltext index, transform to ES schema and index: # if existing, first: http delete :9200/covid19_fatcat_fulltext http put :9200/covid19_fatcat_fulltext < schema/fulltext_schema.v00.json # in fatcat_covid19, pipenv shell ./ transform-es metadata/combined.$TODAY.fulltext.json | pv -l | esbulk -verbose -size 1000 -id fatcat_ident -w 8 -index covid19_fatcat_fulltext -type release Create and index existing `fatcat_release` schema: http put :9200/covid19_fatcat_release < schema/release_schema_v03b.json # in fatcat python directory, pipenv shell export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 cat /srv/fatcat_covid19/src/metadata/combined.$TODAY.enrich.json | jq .fatcat_release -c | rg -v '^null$' | pv -l | ./ elasticsearch-releases - - | esbulk -verbose -size 1000 -id ident -w 8 -index covid19_fatcat_release -type release ## GROBID Processing zip -r fulltext_web # on GROBID worker, in sandcrawler repo and pipenv ./ --grobid-host http://localhost:8070 -j 24 extract-zipfile /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ | pv -l > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/fulltext_web.grobid.json