{% extends "base.html" %} {# no special title for now #} {# {% block title %}Perpetual Access to the Scholarly Record{% endblock %} #} {% block extra_head %} {% endblock %} {% block fullmain %}

{{ _("Search tens of thousands of COVID-19 research papers and documents") }}

{{ _("Project Status") }}: {{ _("Prototype") }}   {{ _("These resources are not qualified medical advice!") }}
confused paper man

Fatcat is a versioned, user-editable catalog of research publications including journal articles, conference proceedings, and datasets

Features include archival file-level metadata (verified digests and long-term copies), an open, documented API, and work/release indexing (eg, distinguishing between and linking pre-prints, manuscripts, and version-of-record).  Read more...


This service is hosted at The Internet Archive, a US non-profit dedicated to providing Universal Access to All Knowledge. {# Donations welcome!

Development funding comes from The Andrew Mellon Foundation to improve preservation and access to "long-tail" open access works on the public web which might otherwise be lost. #}

IA logo
{% endblock %}