#!/usr/bin/env bash #### # Save as openapi-generator-cli on your PATH. chmod u+x. Enjoy. # # This script will query github on every invocation to pull the latest released version # of openapi-generator. # # If you want repeatable executions, you can explicitly set a version via # OPENAPI_GENERATOR_VERSION # e.g. (in Bash) # export OPENAPI_GENERATOR_VERSION=3.1.0 # openapi-generator-cli.sh # or # OPENAPI_GENERATOR_VERSION=3.1.0 openapi-generator-cli.sh # # This is also helpful, for example, if you want want to evaluate a SNAPSHOT version. # # NOTE: Jars are downloaded on demand from maven into the same directory as this script # for every 'latest' version pulled from github. Consider putting this under its own directory. #### set -o pipefail for cmd in {mvn,jq,curl}; do if ! command -v ${cmd} > /dev/null; then >&2 echo "This script requires '${cmd}' to be installed." exit 1 fi done function latest.tag { local uri="https://api.github.com/repos/${1}/releases" local ver=$(curl -s ${uri} | jq -r 'first(.[]|select(.prerelease==false)).tag_name') if [[ $ver == v* ]]; then ver=${ver:1} fi echo $ver } ghrepo=openapitools/openapi-generator groupid=org.openapitools artifactid=openapi-generator-cli ver=${OPENAPI_GENERATOR_VERSION:-$(latest.tag $ghrepo)} jar=${artifactid}-${ver}.jar cachedir=${OPENAPI_GENERATOR_DOWNLOAD_CACHE_DIR} DIR=${cachedir:-"$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"} if [ ! -d "${DIR}" ]; then mkdir -p "${DIR}" fi if [ ! -f ${DIR}/${jar} ]; then repo="central::default::https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/" if [[ ${ver} =~ ^.*-SNAPSHOT$ ]]; then repo="central::default::https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots" fi mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.9:get \ -DremoteRepositories=${repo} \ -Dartifact=${groupid}:${artifactid}:${ver} \ -Dtransitive=false \ -Ddest=${DIR}/${jar} fi java -ea \ ${JAVA_OPTS} \ -Xms512M \ -Xmx1024M \ -server \ -jar ${DIR}/${jar} "$@"