Quick reminder of how to do a versioned release: - update documentation of any changes (manpage, README, etc) - re-generate manpage, shell completions - push to remote and verify that tests are passing in CI - create a local commit that updates version number in all metadata/documentation => Cargo.toml and Cargo.lock (run a build/check) => CHANGELOG (include current date) - build debian package and linux binary (`--release`) - tag version number commit and push commit and tag to remote - on a macOS machine, pull tagged version and run a `--release` build, then create homebrew tarball - upload `.deb`, linux binary, and homebrew tarball to binary distribution archive.org item - update homebrew repository for homebrew version - create a new commit which increments the version metadata and adds `-dev`; push to remote => Cargo.toml and Cargo.lock (run a build/check)