path: root/rust/fatcat-openapi/examples
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rust/fatcat-openapi/examples')
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 2972 deletions
diff --git a/rust/fatcat-openapi/examples/ca.pem b/rust/fatcat-openapi/examples/ca.pem
deleted file mode 100644
index d2317fb..0000000
--- a/rust/fatcat-openapi/examples/ca.pem
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/rust/fatcat-openapi/examples/client/ b/rust/fatcat-openapi/examples/client/
deleted file mode 100644
index 14a1bdf..0000000
--- a/rust/fatcat-openapi/examples/client/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1148 +0,0 @@
-#![allow(missing_docs, unused_variables, trivial_casts)]
-use clap::{App, Arg};
-use fatcat_openapi::{
- models, AcceptEditgroupResponse, Api, ApiNoContext, AuthCheckResponse, AuthOidcResponse,
- Client, ContextWrapperExt, CreateAuthTokenResponse, CreateContainerAutoBatchResponse,
- CreateContainerResponse, CreateCreatorAutoBatchResponse, CreateCreatorResponse,
- CreateEditgroupAnnotationResponse, CreateEditgroupResponse, CreateFileAutoBatchResponse,
- CreateFileResponse, CreateFilesetAutoBatchResponse, CreateFilesetResponse,
- CreateReleaseAutoBatchResponse, CreateReleaseResponse, CreateWebcaptureAutoBatchResponse,
- CreateWebcaptureResponse, CreateWorkAutoBatchResponse, CreateWorkResponse,
- DeleteContainerEditResponse, DeleteContainerResponse, DeleteCreatorEditResponse,
- DeleteCreatorResponse, DeleteFileEditResponse, DeleteFileResponse, DeleteFilesetEditResponse,
- DeleteFilesetResponse, DeleteReleaseEditResponse, DeleteReleaseResponse,
- DeleteWebcaptureEditResponse, DeleteWebcaptureResponse, DeleteWorkEditResponse,
- DeleteWorkResponse, GetChangelogEntryResponse, GetChangelogResponse, GetContainerEditResponse,
- GetContainerHistoryResponse, GetContainerRedirectsResponse, GetContainerResponse,
- GetContainerRevisionResponse, GetCreatorEditResponse, GetCreatorHistoryResponse,
- GetCreatorRedirectsResponse, GetCreatorReleasesResponse, GetCreatorResponse,
- GetCreatorRevisionResponse, GetEditgroupAnnotationsResponse, GetEditgroupResponse,
- GetEditgroupsReviewableResponse, GetEditorAnnotationsResponse, GetEditorEditgroupsResponse,
- GetEditorResponse, GetFileEditResponse, GetFileHistoryResponse, GetFileRedirectsResponse,
- GetFileResponse, GetFileRevisionResponse, GetFilesetEditResponse, GetFilesetHistoryResponse,
- GetFilesetRedirectsResponse, GetFilesetResponse, GetFilesetRevisionResponse,
- GetReleaseEditResponse, GetReleaseFilesResponse, GetReleaseFilesetsResponse,
- GetReleaseHistoryResponse, GetReleaseRedirectsResponse, GetReleaseResponse,
- GetReleaseRevisionResponse, GetReleaseWebcapturesResponse, GetWebcaptureEditResponse,
- GetWebcaptureHistoryResponse, GetWebcaptureRedirectsResponse, GetWebcaptureResponse,
- GetWebcaptureRevisionResponse, GetWorkEditResponse, GetWorkHistoryResponse,
- GetWorkRedirectsResponse, GetWorkReleasesResponse, GetWorkResponse, GetWorkRevisionResponse,
- LookupContainerResponse, LookupCreatorResponse, LookupFileResponse, LookupReleaseResponse,
- UpdateContainerResponse, UpdateCreatorResponse, UpdateEditgroupResponse, UpdateEditorResponse,
- UpdateFileResponse, UpdateFilesetResponse, UpdateReleaseResponse, UpdateWebcaptureResponse,
- UpdateWorkResponse,
-use futures::{future, stream, Stream};
-use log::info;
-// swagger::Has may be unused if there are no examples
-use swagger::{AuthData, ContextBuilder, EmptyContext, Has, Push, XSpanIdString};
-type ClientContext = swagger::make_context_ty!(
- ContextBuilder,
- EmptyContext,
- Option<AuthData>,
- XSpanIdString
-// rt may be unused if there are no examples
-fn main() {
- env_logger::init();
- let matches = App::new("client")
- .arg(
- Arg::with_name("operation")
- .help("Sets the operation to run")
- .possible_values(&[
- "AcceptEditgroup",
- "AuthCheck",
- "CreateAuthToken",
- "DeleteContainer",
- "DeleteContainerEdit",
- "DeleteCreator",
- "DeleteCreatorEdit",
- "DeleteFile",
- "DeleteFileEdit",
- "DeleteFileset",
- "DeleteFilesetEdit",
- "DeleteRelease",
- "DeleteReleaseEdit",
- "DeleteWebcapture",
- "DeleteWebcaptureEdit",
- "DeleteWork",
- "DeleteWorkEdit",
- "GetChangelog",
- "GetChangelogEntry",
- "GetContainer",
- "GetContainerEdit",
- "GetContainerHistory",
- "GetContainerRedirects",
- "GetContainerRevision",
- "GetCreator",
- "GetCreatorEdit",
- "GetCreatorHistory",
- "GetCreatorRedirects",
- "GetCreatorReleases",
- "GetCreatorRevision",
- "GetEditgroup",
- "GetEditgroupAnnotations",
- "GetEditgroupsReviewable",
- "GetEditor",
- "GetEditorAnnotations",
- "GetEditorEditgroups",
- "GetFile",
- "GetFileEdit",
- "GetFileHistory",
- "GetFileRedirects",
- "GetFileRevision",
- "GetFileset",
- "GetFilesetEdit",
- "GetFilesetHistory",
- "GetFilesetRedirects",
- "GetFilesetRevision",
- "GetRelease",
- "GetReleaseEdit",
- "GetReleaseFiles",
- "GetReleaseFilesets",
- "GetReleaseHistory",
- "GetReleaseRedirects",
- "GetReleaseRevision",
- "GetReleaseWebcaptures",
- "GetWebcapture",
- "GetWebcaptureEdit",
- "GetWebcaptureHistory",
- "GetWebcaptureRedirects",
- "GetWebcaptureRevision",
- "GetWork",
- "GetWorkEdit",
- "GetWorkHistory",
- "GetWorkRedirects",
- "GetWorkReleases",
- "GetWorkRevision",
- "LookupContainer",
- "LookupCreator",
- "LookupFile",
- "LookupRelease",
- ])
- .required(true)
- .index(1),
- )
- .arg(
- Arg::with_name("https")
- .long("https")
- .help("Whether to use HTTPS or not"),
- )
- .arg(
- Arg::with_name("host")
- .long("host")
- .takes_value(true)
- .default_value("")
- .help("Hostname to contact"),
- )
- .arg(
- Arg::with_name("port")
- .long("port")
- .takes_value(true)
- .default_value("8080")
- .help("Port to contact"),
- )
- .get_matches();
- let is_https = matches.is_present("https");
- let base_url = format!(
- "{}://{}:{}",
- if is_https { "https" } else { "http" },
- matches.value_of("host").unwrap(),
- matches.value_of("port").unwrap()
- );
- let context: ClientContext = swagger::make_context!(
- ContextBuilder,
- EmptyContext,
- None as Option<AuthData>,
- XSpanIdString::default()
- );
- let mut client: Box<dyn ApiNoContext<ClientContext>> = if matches.is_present("https") {
- // Using Simple HTTPS
- let client =
- Box::new(Client::try_new_https(&base_url).expect("Failed to create HTTPS client"));
- Box::new(client.with_context(context))
- } else {
- // Using HTTP
- let client =
- Box::new(Client::try_new_http(&base_url).expect("Failed to create HTTP client"));
- Box::new(client.with_context(context))
- };
- let mut rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap();
- match matches.value_of("operation") {
- Some("AcceptEditgroup") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.accept_editgroup("editgroup_id_example".to_string()));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("AuthCheck") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.auth_check(Some("role_example".to_string())));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- /* Disabled because there's no example.
- Some("AuthOidc") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.auth_oidc(
- ???
- ));
- info!("{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})", result, (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone());
- },
- */
- Some("CreateAuthToken") => {
- let result =
- rt.block_on(client.create_auth_token("editor_id_example".to_string(), Some(56)));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- /* Disabled because there's no example.
- Some("CreateContainer") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.create_container(
- "editgroup_id_example".to_string(),
- ???
- ));
- info!("{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})", result, (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone());
- },
- */
- /* Disabled because there's no example.
- Some("CreateContainerAutoBatch") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.create_container_auto_batch(
- ???
- ));
- info!("{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})", result, (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone());
- },
- */
- /* Disabled because there's no example.
- Some("CreateCreator") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.create_creator(
- "editgroup_id_example".to_string(),
- ???
- ));
- info!("{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})", result, (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone());
- },
- */
- /* Disabled because there's no example.
- Some("CreateCreatorAutoBatch") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.create_creator_auto_batch(
- ???
- ));
- info!("{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})", result, (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone());
- },
- */
- /* Disabled because there's no example.
- Some("CreateEditgroup") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.create_editgroup(
- ???
- ));
- info!("{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})", result, (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone());
- },
- */
- /* Disabled because there's no example.
- Some("CreateEditgroupAnnotation") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.create_editgroup_annotation(
- "editgroup_id_example".to_string(),
- ???
- ));
- info!("{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})", result, (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone());
- },
- */
- /* Disabled because there's no example.
- Some("CreateFile") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.create_file(
- "editgroup_id_example".to_string(),
- ???
- ));
- info!("{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})", result, (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone());
- },
- */
- /* Disabled because there's no example.
- Some("CreateFileAutoBatch") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.create_file_auto_batch(
- ???
- ));
- info!("{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})", result, (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone());
- },
- */
- /* Disabled because there's no example.
- Some("CreateFileset") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.create_fileset(
- "editgroup_id_example".to_string(),
- ???
- ));
- info!("{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})", result, (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone());
- },
- */
- /* Disabled because there's no example.
- Some("CreateFilesetAutoBatch") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.create_fileset_auto_batch(
- ???
- ));
- info!("{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})", result, (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone());
- },
- */
- /* Disabled because there's no example.
- Some("CreateRelease") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.create_release(
- "editgroup_id_example".to_string(),
- ???
- ));
- info!("{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})", result, (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone());
- },
- */
- /* Disabled because there's no example.
- Some("CreateReleaseAutoBatch") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.create_release_auto_batch(
- ???
- ));
- info!("{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})", result, (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone());
- },
- */
- /* Disabled because there's no example.
- Some("CreateWebcapture") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.create_webcapture(
- "editgroup_id_example".to_string(),
- ???
- ));
- info!("{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})", result, (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone());
- },
- */
- /* Disabled because there's no example.
- Some("CreateWebcaptureAutoBatch") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.create_webcapture_auto_batch(
- ???
- ));
- info!("{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})", result, (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone());
- },
- */
- /* Disabled because there's no example.
- Some("CreateWork") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.create_work(
- "editgroup_id_example".to_string(),
- ???
- ));
- info!("{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})", result, (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone());
- },
- */
- /* Disabled because there's no example.
- Some("CreateWorkAutoBatch") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.create_work_auto_batch(
- ???
- ));
- info!("{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})", result, (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone());
- },
- */
- Some("DeleteContainer") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.delete_container(
- "editgroup_id_example".to_string(),
- "ident_example".to_string(),
- ));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("DeleteContainerEdit") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.delete_container_edit(
- "editgroup_id_example".to_string(),
- "edit_id_example".to_string(),
- ));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("DeleteCreator") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.delete_creator(
- "editgroup_id_example".to_string(),
- "ident_example".to_string(),
- ));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("DeleteCreatorEdit") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.delete_creator_edit(
- "editgroup_id_example".to_string(),
- "edit_id_example".to_string(),
- ));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("DeleteFile") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.delete_file(
- "editgroup_id_example".to_string(),
- "ident_example".to_string(),
- ));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("DeleteFileEdit") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.delete_file_edit(
- "editgroup_id_example".to_string(),
- "edit_id_example".to_string(),
- ));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("DeleteFileset") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.delete_fileset(
- "editgroup_id_example".to_string(),
- "ident_example".to_string(),
- ));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("DeleteFilesetEdit") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.delete_fileset_edit(
- "editgroup_id_example".to_string(),
- "edit_id_example".to_string(),
- ));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("DeleteRelease") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.delete_release(
- "editgroup_id_example".to_string(),
- "ident_example".to_string(),
- ));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("DeleteReleaseEdit") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.delete_release_edit(
- "editgroup_id_example".to_string(),
- "edit_id_example".to_string(),
- ));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("DeleteWebcapture") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.delete_webcapture(
- "editgroup_id_example".to_string(),
- "ident_example".to_string(),
- ));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("DeleteWebcaptureEdit") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.delete_webcapture_edit(
- "editgroup_id_example".to_string(),
- "edit_id_example".to_string(),
- ));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("DeleteWork") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.delete_work(
- "editgroup_id_example".to_string(),
- "ident_example".to_string(),
- ));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("DeleteWorkEdit") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.delete_work_edit(
- "editgroup_id_example".to_string(),
- "edit_id_example".to_string(),
- ));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetChangelog") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.get_changelog(Some(789)));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetChangelogEntry") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.get_changelog_entry(789));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetContainer") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.get_container(
- "ident_example".to_string(),
- Some("expand_example".to_string()),
- Some("hide_example".to_string()),
- ));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetContainerEdit") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.get_container_edit("edit_id_example".to_string()));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetContainerHistory") => {
- let result =
- rt.block_on(client.get_container_history("ident_example".to_string(), Some(789)));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetContainerRedirects") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.get_container_redirects("ident_example".to_string()));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetContainerRevision") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.get_container_revision(
- "rev_id_example".to_string(),
- Some("expand_example".to_string()),
- Some("hide_example".to_string()),
- ));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetCreator") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.get_creator(
- "ident_example".to_string(),
- Some("expand_example".to_string()),
- Some("hide_example".to_string()),
- ));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetCreatorEdit") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.get_creator_edit("edit_id_example".to_string()));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetCreatorHistory") => {
- let result =
- rt.block_on(client.get_creator_history("ident_example".to_string(), Some(789)));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetCreatorRedirects") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.get_creator_redirects("ident_example".to_string()));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetCreatorReleases") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.get_creator_releases(
- "ident_example".to_string(),
- Some("hide_example".to_string()),
- ));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetCreatorRevision") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.get_creator_revision(
- "rev_id_example".to_string(),
- Some("expand_example".to_string()),
- Some("hide_example".to_string()),
- ));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetEditgroup") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.get_editgroup("editgroup_id_example".to_string()));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetEditgroupAnnotations") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.get_editgroup_annotations(
- "editgroup_id_example".to_string(),
- Some("expand_example".to_string()),
- ));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetEditgroupsReviewable") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.get_editgroups_reviewable(
- Some("expand_example".to_string()),
- Some(789),
- None,
- None,
- ));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetEditor") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.get_editor("editor_id_example".to_string()));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetEditorAnnotations") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.get_editor_annotations(
- "editor_id_example".to_string(),
- Some(789),
- None,
- None,
- ));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetEditorEditgroups") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.get_editor_editgroups(
- "editor_id_example".to_string(),
- Some(789),
- None,
- None,
- ));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetFile") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.get_file(
- "ident_example".to_string(),
- Some("expand_example".to_string()),
- Some("hide_example".to_string()),
- ));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetFileEdit") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.get_file_edit("edit_id_example".to_string()));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetFileHistory") => {
- let result =
- rt.block_on(client.get_file_history("ident_example".to_string(), Some(789)));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetFileRedirects") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.get_file_redirects("ident_example".to_string()));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetFileRevision") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.get_file_revision(
- "rev_id_example".to_string(),
- Some("expand_example".to_string()),
- Some("hide_example".to_string()),
- ));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetFileset") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.get_fileset(
- "ident_example".to_string(),
- Some("expand_example".to_string()),
- Some("hide_example".to_string()),
- ));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetFilesetEdit") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.get_fileset_edit("edit_id_example".to_string()));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetFilesetHistory") => {
- let result =
- rt.block_on(client.get_fileset_history("ident_example".to_string(), Some(789)));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetFilesetRedirects") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.get_fileset_redirects("ident_example".to_string()));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetFilesetRevision") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.get_fileset_revision(
- "rev_id_example".to_string(),
- Some("expand_example".to_string()),
- Some("hide_example".to_string()),
- ));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetRelease") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.get_release(
- "ident_example".to_string(),
- Some("expand_example".to_string()),
- Some("hide_example".to_string()),
- ));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetReleaseEdit") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.get_release_edit("edit_id_example".to_string()));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetReleaseFiles") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.get_release_files(
- "ident_example".to_string(),
- Some("hide_example".to_string()),
- ));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetReleaseFilesets") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.get_release_filesets(
- "ident_example".to_string(),
- Some("hide_example".to_string()),
- ));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetReleaseHistory") => {
- let result =
- rt.block_on(client.get_release_history("ident_example".to_string(), Some(789)));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetReleaseRedirects") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.get_release_redirects("ident_example".to_string()));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetReleaseRevision") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.get_release_revision(
- "rev_id_example".to_string(),
- Some("expand_example".to_string()),
- Some("hide_example".to_string()),
- ));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetReleaseWebcaptures") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.get_release_webcaptures(
- "ident_example".to_string(),
- Some("hide_example".to_string()),
- ));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetWebcapture") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.get_webcapture(
- "ident_example".to_string(),
- Some("expand_example".to_string()),
- Some("hide_example".to_string()),
- ));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetWebcaptureEdit") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.get_webcapture_edit("edit_id_example".to_string()));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetWebcaptureHistory") => {
- let result =
- rt.block_on(client.get_webcapture_history("ident_example".to_string(), Some(789)));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetWebcaptureRedirects") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.get_webcapture_redirects("ident_example".to_string()));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetWebcaptureRevision") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.get_webcapture_revision(
- "rev_id_example".to_string(),
- Some("expand_example".to_string()),
- Some("hide_example".to_string()),
- ));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetWork") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.get_work(
- "ident_example".to_string(),
- Some("expand_example".to_string()),
- Some("hide_example".to_string()),
- ));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetWorkEdit") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.get_work_edit("edit_id_example".to_string()));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetWorkHistory") => {
- let result =
- rt.block_on(client.get_work_history("ident_example".to_string(), Some(789)));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetWorkRedirects") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.get_work_redirects("ident_example".to_string()));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetWorkReleases") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.get_work_releases(
- "ident_example".to_string(),
- Some("hide_example".to_string()),
- ));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("GetWorkRevision") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.get_work_revision(
- "rev_id_example".to_string(),
- Some("expand_example".to_string()),
- Some("hide_example".to_string()),
- ));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("LookupContainer") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.lookup_container(
- Some("issnl_example".to_string()),
- Some("wikidata_qid_example".to_string()),
- Some("expand_example".to_string()),
- Some("hide_example".to_string()),
- ));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("LookupCreator") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.lookup_creator(
- Some("orcid_example".to_string()),
- Some("wikidata_qid_example".to_string()),
- Some("expand_example".to_string()),
- Some("hide_example".to_string()),
- ));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("LookupFile") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.lookup_file(
- Some("md5_example".to_string()),
- Some("sha1_example".to_string()),
- Some("sha256_example".to_string()),
- Some("expand_example".to_string()),
- Some("hide_example".to_string()),
- ));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- Some("LookupRelease") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.lookup_release(
- Some("doi_example".to_string()),
- Some("wikidata_qid_example".to_string()),
- Some("isbn13_example".to_string()),
- Some("pmid_example".to_string()),
- Some("pmcid_example".to_string()),
- Some("core_example".to_string()),
- Some("arxiv_example".to_string()),
- Some("jstor_example".to_string()),
- Some("ark_example".to_string()),
- Some("mag_example".to_string()),
- Some("doaj_example".to_string()),
- Some("dblp_example".to_string()),
- Some("oai_example".to_string()),
- Some("expand_example".to_string()),
- Some("hide_example".to_string()),
- ));
- info!(
- "{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})",
- result,
- (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone()
- );
- }
- /* Disabled because there's no example.
- Some("UpdateContainer") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.update_container(
- "editgroup_id_example".to_string(),
- "ident_example".to_string(),
- ???
- ));
- info!("{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})", result, (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone());
- },
- */
- /* Disabled because there's no example.
- Some("UpdateCreator") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.update_creator(
- "editgroup_id_example".to_string(),
- "ident_example".to_string(),
- ???
- ));
- info!("{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})", result, (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone());
- },
- */
- /* Disabled because there's no example.
- Some("UpdateEditgroup") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.update_editgroup(
- "editgroup_id_example".to_string(),
- ???,
- Some(true)
- ));
- info!("{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})", result, (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone());
- },
- */
- /* Disabled because there's no example.
- Some("UpdateEditor") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.update_editor(
- "editor_id_example".to_string(),
- ???
- ));
- info!("{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})", result, (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone());
- },
- */
- /* Disabled because there's no example.
- Some("UpdateFile") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.update_file(
- "editgroup_id_example".to_string(),
- "ident_example".to_string(),
- ???
- ));
- info!("{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})", result, (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone());
- },
- */
- /* Disabled because there's no example.
- Some("UpdateFileset") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.update_fileset(
- "editgroup_id_example".to_string(),
- "ident_example".to_string(),
- ???
- ));
- info!("{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})", result, (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone());
- },
- */
- /* Disabled because there's no example.
- Some("UpdateRelease") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.update_release(
- "editgroup_id_example".to_string(),
- "ident_example".to_string(),
- ???
- ));
- info!("{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})", result, (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone());
- },
- */
- /* Disabled because there's no example.
- Some("UpdateWebcapture") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.update_webcapture(
- "editgroup_id_example".to_string(),
- "ident_example".to_string(),
- ???
- ));
- info!("{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})", result, (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone());
- },
- */
- /* Disabled because there's no example.
- Some("UpdateWork") => {
- let result = rt.block_on(client.update_work(
- "editgroup_id_example".to_string(),
- "ident_example".to_string(),
- ???
- ));
- info!("{:?} (X-Span-ID: {:?})", result, (client.context() as &dyn Has<XSpanIdString>).get().clone());
- },
- */
- _ => {
- panic!("Invalid operation provided")
- }
- }
diff --git a/rust/fatcat-openapi/examples/server-chain.pem b/rust/fatcat-openapi/examples/server-chain.pem
deleted file mode 100644
index 47d7e20..0000000
--- a/rust/fatcat-openapi/examples/server-chain.pem
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
- Data:
- Version: 1 (0x0)
- Serial Number: 4096 (0x1000)
- Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
- Issuer: C=US, CN=My CA
- Validity
- Not Before: May 23 16:00:23 2017 GMT
- Not After : Apr 29 16:00:23 2117 GMT
- Subject: CN=localhost, C=US
- Subject Public Key Info:
- Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
- Public-Key: (2048 bit)
- Modulus:
- 00:c9:d4:43:60:50:fc:d6:0f:38:4d:5d:5e:aa:7c:
- c0:5e:a9:ec:d9:93:78:d3:93:72:28:41:f5:08:a5:
- ea:ac:67:07:d7:1f:f7:7d:74:69:7e:46:89:20:4b:
- 7a:2d:9b:02:08:e7:6f:0f:1d:0c:0f:c7:60:69:19:
- 4b:df:7e:ca:75:94:0b:49:71:e3:6d:f2:e8:79:fd:
- ed:0a:94:67:55:f3:ca:6b:61:ba:58:b7:2e:dd:7b:
- ca:b9:02:9f:24:36:ac:26:8f:04:8f:81:c8:35:10:
- f4:aa:33:b2:24:16:f8:f7:1e:ea:f7:16:fe:fa:34:
- c3:dd:bb:2c:ba:7a:df:4d:e2:da:1e:e5:d2:28:44:
- 6e:c8:96:e0:fd:09:0c:14:0c:31:dc:e0:ca:c1:a7:
- 9b:bf:16:8c:f7:36:3f:1b:2e:dd:90:eb:45:78:51:
- bf:59:22:1e:c6:8c:0a:69:88:e5:03:5e:73:b7:fc:
- 93:7f:1b:46:1b:97:68:c5:c0:8b:35:1f:bb:1e:67:
- 7f:55:b7:3b:55:3f:ea:f2:ca:db:cc:52:cd:16:89:
- db:15:47:bd:f2:cd:6c:7a:d7:b4:1a:ac:c8:15:6c:
- 6a:fb:77:c4:e9:f2:30:e0:14:24:66:65:6f:2a:e5:
- 2d:cc:f6:81:ae:57:c8:d1:9b:38:90:dc:60:93:02:
- 5e:cb
- Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
- Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
- 1c:7c:39:e8:3d:49:b2:09:1e:68:5a:2f:74:18:f4:63:b5:8c:
- f6:e6:a1:e3:4d:95:90:99:ef:32:5c:34:40:e8:55:13:0e:e0:
- 1c:be:cd:ab:3f:64:38:99:5e:2b:c1:81:53:a0:18:a8:f6:ee:
- 6a:33:73:6c:9a:73:9d:86:08:5d:c7:11:38:46:4c:cd:a0:47:
- 37:8f:fe:a6:50:a9:02:21:99:42:86:5e:47:fe:65:56:60:1d:
- 16:53:86:bd:e4:63:c5:69:cf:fa:30:51:ab:a1:c3:50:53:cc:
- 66:1c:4c:ff:3f:2a:39:4d:a2:8f:9d:d1:a7:8b:22:e4:78:69:
- 24:06:83:4d:cc:0a:c0:87:69:9b:bc:80:a9:d2:b7:a5:23:84:
- 7e:a2:32:26:7c:78:0e:bd:db:cd:3b:69:18:33:b8:44:ef:96:
- b4:99:86:ee:06:bd:51:1c:c7:a1:a4:0c:c4:4c:51:a0:df:ac:
- 14:07:88:8e:d7:39:45:fe:52:e0:a3:4c:db:5d:7a:ab:4d:e4:
- ca:06:e8:bd:74:6f:46:e7:93:4a:4f:1b:67:e7:a5:9f:ef:9c:
- 02:49:d1:f2:d5:e9:53:ee:09:21:ac:08:c8:15:f7:af:35:b9:
- 4f:11:0f:43:ae:46:8e:fd:5b:8d:a3:4e:a7:2c:b7:25:ed:e4:
- e5:94:1d:e3
diff --git a/rust/fatcat-openapi/examples/server-key.pem b/rust/fatcat-openapi/examples/server-key.pem
deleted file mode 100644
index 29c0068..0000000
--- a/rust/fatcat-openapi/examples/server-key.pem
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
------END PRIVATE KEY-----
diff --git a/rust/fatcat-openapi/examples/server/ b/rust/fatcat-openapi/examples/server/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5488dc6..0000000
--- a/rust/fatcat-openapi/examples/server/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-//! Main binary entry point for fatcat_openapi implementation.
-use clap::{App, Arg};
-mod server;
-/// Create custom server, wire it to the autogenerated router,
-/// and pass it to the web server.
-async fn main() {
- env_logger::init();
- let matches = App::new("server")
- .arg(
- Arg::with_name("https")
- .long("https")
- .help("Whether to use HTTPS or not"),
- )
- .get_matches();
- let addr = "";
- server::create(addr, matches.is_present("https")).await;
diff --git a/rust/fatcat-openapi/examples/server/ b/rust/fatcat-openapi/examples/server/
deleted file mode 100644
index 981487e..0000000
--- a/rust/fatcat-openapi/examples/server/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1687 +0,0 @@
-//! Main library entry point for fatcat_openapi implementation.
-use async_trait::async_trait;
-use futures::{future, Stream, StreamExt, TryFutureExt, TryStreamExt};
-use hyper::server::conn::Http;
-use hyper::service::Service;
-use log::info;
-#[cfg(not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "windows", target_os = "ios")))]
-use openssl::ssl::SslAcceptorBuilder;
-use std::future::Future;
-use std::marker::PhantomData;
-use std::net::SocketAddr;
-use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
-use std::task::{Context, Poll};
-use swagger::auth::MakeAllowAllAuthenticator;
-use swagger::EmptyContext;
-use swagger::{Has, XSpanIdString};
-use tokio::net::TcpListener;
-#[cfg(not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "windows", target_os = "ios")))]
-use openssl::ssl::{SslAcceptor, SslFiletype, SslMethod};
-use fatcat_openapi::models;
-/// Builds an SSL implementation for Simple HTTPS from some hard-coded file names
-pub async fn create(addr: &str, https: bool) {
- let addr = addr.parse().expect("Failed to parse bind address");
- let server = Server::new();
- let service = MakeService::new(server);
- let service = MakeAllowAllAuthenticator::new(service, "cosmo");
- let mut service =
- fatcat_openapi::server::context::MakeAddContext::<_, EmptyContext>::new(service);
- if https {
- #[cfg(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "windows", target_os = "ios"))]
- {
- unimplemented!("SSL is not implemented for the examples on MacOS, Windows or iOS");
- }
- #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "windows", target_os = "ios")))]
- {
- let mut ssl = SslAcceptor::mozilla_intermediate_v5(SslMethod::tls())
- .expect("Failed to create SSL Acceptor");
- // Server authentication
- ssl.set_private_key_file("examples/server-key.pem", SslFiletype::PEM)
- .expect("Failed to set private key");
- ssl.set_certificate_chain_file("examples/server-chain.pem")
- .expect("Failed to set cerificate chain");
- ssl.check_private_key()
- .expect("Failed to check private key");
- let tls_acceptor = Arc::new(;
- let mut tcp_listener = TcpListener::bind(&addr).await.unwrap();
- let mut incoming = tcp_listener.incoming();
- while let (Some(tcp), rest) = incoming.into_future().await {
- if let Ok(tcp) = tcp {
- let addr = tcp.peer_addr().expect("Unable to get remote address");
- let service =;
- let tls_acceptor = Arc::clone(&tls_acceptor);
- tokio::spawn(async move {
- let tls = tokio_openssl::accept(&*tls_acceptor, tcp)
- .await
- .map_err(|_| ())?;
- let service = service.await.map_err(|_| ())?;
- Http::new()
- .serve_connection(tls, service)
- .await
- .map_err(|_| ())
- });
- }
- incoming = rest;
- }
- }
- } else {
- // Using HTTP
- hyper::server::Server::bind(&addr)
- .serve(service)
- .await
- .unwrap()
- }
-#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
-pub struct Server<C> {
- marker: PhantomData<C>,
-impl<C> Server<C> {
- pub fn new() -> Self {
- Server {
- marker: PhantomData,
- }
- }
-use fatcat_openapi::server::MakeService;
-use fatcat_openapi::{
- AcceptEditgroupResponse, Api, AuthCheckResponse, AuthOidcResponse, CreateAuthTokenResponse,
- CreateContainerAutoBatchResponse, CreateContainerResponse, CreateCreatorAutoBatchResponse,
- CreateCreatorResponse, CreateEditgroupAnnotationResponse, CreateEditgroupResponse,
- CreateFileAutoBatchResponse, CreateFileResponse, CreateFilesetAutoBatchResponse,
- CreateFilesetResponse, CreateReleaseAutoBatchResponse, CreateReleaseResponse,
- CreateWebcaptureAutoBatchResponse, CreateWebcaptureResponse, CreateWorkAutoBatchResponse,
- CreateWorkResponse, DeleteContainerEditResponse, DeleteContainerResponse,
- DeleteCreatorEditResponse, DeleteCreatorResponse, DeleteFileEditResponse, DeleteFileResponse,
- DeleteFilesetEditResponse, DeleteFilesetResponse, DeleteReleaseEditResponse,
- DeleteReleaseResponse, DeleteWebcaptureEditResponse, DeleteWebcaptureResponse,
- DeleteWorkEditResponse, DeleteWorkResponse, GetChangelogEntryResponse, GetChangelogResponse,
- GetContainerEditResponse, GetContainerHistoryResponse, GetContainerRedirectsResponse,
- GetContainerResponse, GetContainerRevisionResponse, GetCreatorEditResponse,
- GetCreatorHistoryResponse, GetCreatorRedirectsResponse, GetCreatorReleasesResponse,
- GetCreatorResponse, GetCreatorRevisionResponse, GetEditgroupAnnotationsResponse,
- GetEditgroupResponse, GetEditgroupsReviewableResponse, GetEditorAnnotationsResponse,
- GetEditorEditgroupsResponse, GetEditorResponse, GetFileEditResponse, GetFileHistoryResponse,
- GetFileRedirectsResponse, GetFileResponse, GetFileRevisionResponse, GetFilesetEditResponse,
- GetFilesetHistoryResponse, GetFilesetRedirectsResponse, GetFilesetResponse,
- GetFilesetRevisionResponse, GetReleaseEditResponse, GetReleaseFilesResponse,
- GetReleaseFilesetsResponse, GetReleaseHistoryResponse, GetReleaseRedirectsResponse,
- GetReleaseResponse, GetReleaseRevisionResponse, GetReleaseWebcapturesResponse,
- GetWebcaptureEditResponse, GetWebcaptureHistoryResponse, GetWebcaptureRedirectsResponse,
- GetWebcaptureResponse, GetWebcaptureRevisionResponse, GetWorkEditResponse,
- GetWorkHistoryResponse, GetWorkRedirectsResponse, GetWorkReleasesResponse, GetWorkResponse,
- GetWorkRevisionResponse, LookupContainerResponse, LookupCreatorResponse, LookupFileResponse,
- LookupReleaseResponse, UpdateContainerResponse, UpdateCreatorResponse, UpdateEditgroupResponse,
- UpdateEditorResponse, UpdateFileResponse, UpdateFilesetResponse, UpdateReleaseResponse,
- UpdateWebcaptureResponse, UpdateWorkResponse,
-use std::error::Error;
-use swagger::ApiError;
-impl<C> Api<C> for Server<C>
- C: Has<XSpanIdString> + Send + Sync,
- async fn accept_editgroup(
- &self,
- editgroup_id: String,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<AcceptEditgroupResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "accept_editgroup(\"{}\") - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- editgroup_id,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn auth_check(
- &self,
- role: Option<String>,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<AuthCheckResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "auth_check({:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- role,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn auth_oidc(
- &self,
- auth_oidc: models::AuthOidc,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<AuthOidcResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "auth_oidc({:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- auth_oidc,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn create_auth_token(
- &self,
- editor_id: String,
- duration_seconds: Option<i32>,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<CreateAuthTokenResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "create_auth_token(\"{}\", {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- editor_id,
- duration_seconds,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn create_container(
- &self,
- editgroup_id: String,
- container_entity: models::ContainerEntity,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<CreateContainerResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "create_container(\"{}\", {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- editgroup_id,
- container_entity,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn create_container_auto_batch(
- &self,
- container_auto_batch: models::ContainerAutoBatch,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<CreateContainerAutoBatchResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "create_container_auto_batch({:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- container_auto_batch,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn create_creator(
- &self,
- editgroup_id: String,
- creator_entity: models::CreatorEntity,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<CreateCreatorResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "create_creator(\"{}\", {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- editgroup_id,
- creator_entity,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn create_creator_auto_batch(
- &self,
- creator_auto_batch: models::CreatorAutoBatch,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<CreateCreatorAutoBatchResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "create_creator_auto_batch({:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- creator_auto_batch,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn create_editgroup(
- &self,
- editgroup: models::Editgroup,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<CreateEditgroupResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "create_editgroup({:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- editgroup,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn create_editgroup_annotation(
- &self,
- editgroup_id: String,
- editgroup_annotation: models::EditgroupAnnotation,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<CreateEditgroupAnnotationResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "create_editgroup_annotation(\"{}\", {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- editgroup_id,
- editgroup_annotation,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn create_file(
- &self,
- editgroup_id: String,
- file_entity: models::FileEntity,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<CreateFileResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "create_file(\"{}\", {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- editgroup_id,
- file_entity,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn create_file_auto_batch(
- &self,
- file_auto_batch: models::FileAutoBatch,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<CreateFileAutoBatchResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "create_file_auto_batch({:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- file_auto_batch,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn create_fileset(
- &self,
- editgroup_id: String,
- fileset_entity: models::FilesetEntity,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<CreateFilesetResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "create_fileset(\"{}\", {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- editgroup_id,
- fileset_entity,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn create_fileset_auto_batch(
- &self,
- fileset_auto_batch: models::FilesetAutoBatch,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<CreateFilesetAutoBatchResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "create_fileset_auto_batch({:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- fileset_auto_batch,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn create_release(
- &self,
- editgroup_id: String,
- release_entity: models::ReleaseEntity,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<CreateReleaseResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "create_release(\"{}\", {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- editgroup_id,
- release_entity,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn create_release_auto_batch(
- &self,
- release_auto_batch: models::ReleaseAutoBatch,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<CreateReleaseAutoBatchResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "create_release_auto_batch({:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- release_auto_batch,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn create_webcapture(
- &self,
- editgroup_id: String,
- webcapture_entity: models::WebcaptureEntity,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<CreateWebcaptureResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "create_webcapture(\"{}\", {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- editgroup_id,
- webcapture_entity,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn create_webcapture_auto_batch(
- &self,
- webcapture_auto_batch: models::WebcaptureAutoBatch,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<CreateWebcaptureAutoBatchResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "create_webcapture_auto_batch({:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- webcapture_auto_batch,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn create_work(
- &self,
- editgroup_id: String,
- work_entity: models::WorkEntity,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<CreateWorkResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "create_work(\"{}\", {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- editgroup_id,
- work_entity,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn create_work_auto_batch(
- &self,
- work_auto_batch: models::WorkAutoBatch,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<CreateWorkAutoBatchResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "create_work_auto_batch({:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- work_auto_batch,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn delete_container(
- &self,
- editgroup_id: String,
- ident: String,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<DeleteContainerResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "delete_container(\"{}\", \"{}\") - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- editgroup_id,
- ident,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn delete_container_edit(
- &self,
- editgroup_id: String,
- edit_id: String,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<DeleteContainerEditResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "delete_container_edit(\"{}\", \"{}\") - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- editgroup_id,
- edit_id,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn delete_creator(
- &self,
- editgroup_id: String,
- ident: String,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<DeleteCreatorResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "delete_creator(\"{}\", \"{}\") - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- editgroup_id,
- ident,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn delete_creator_edit(
- &self,
- editgroup_id: String,
- edit_id: String,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<DeleteCreatorEditResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "delete_creator_edit(\"{}\", \"{}\") - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- editgroup_id,
- edit_id,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn delete_file(
- &self,
- editgroup_id: String,
- ident: String,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<DeleteFileResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "delete_file(\"{}\", \"{}\") - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- editgroup_id,
- ident,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn delete_file_edit(
- &self,
- editgroup_id: String,
- edit_id: String,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<DeleteFileEditResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "delete_file_edit(\"{}\", \"{}\") - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- editgroup_id,
- edit_id,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn delete_fileset(
- &self,
- editgroup_id: String,
- ident: String,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<DeleteFilesetResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "delete_fileset(\"{}\", \"{}\") - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- editgroup_id,
- ident,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn delete_fileset_edit(
- &self,
- editgroup_id: String,
- edit_id: String,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<DeleteFilesetEditResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "delete_fileset_edit(\"{}\", \"{}\") - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- editgroup_id,
- edit_id,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn delete_release(
- &self,
- editgroup_id: String,
- ident: String,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<DeleteReleaseResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "delete_release(\"{}\", \"{}\") - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- editgroup_id,
- ident,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn delete_release_edit(
- &self,
- editgroup_id: String,
- edit_id: String,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<DeleteReleaseEditResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "delete_release_edit(\"{}\", \"{}\") - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- editgroup_id,
- edit_id,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn delete_webcapture(
- &self,
- editgroup_id: String,
- ident: String,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<DeleteWebcaptureResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "delete_webcapture(\"{}\", \"{}\") - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- editgroup_id,
- ident,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn delete_webcapture_edit(
- &self,
- editgroup_id: String,
- edit_id: String,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<DeleteWebcaptureEditResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "delete_webcapture_edit(\"{}\", \"{}\") - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- editgroup_id,
- edit_id,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn delete_work(
- &self,
- editgroup_id: String,
- ident: String,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<DeleteWorkResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "delete_work(\"{}\", \"{}\") - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- editgroup_id,
- ident,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn delete_work_edit(
- &self,
- editgroup_id: String,
- edit_id: String,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<DeleteWorkEditResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "delete_work_edit(\"{}\", \"{}\") - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- editgroup_id,
- edit_id,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_changelog(
- &self,
- limit: Option<i64>,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetChangelogResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_changelog({:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- limit,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_changelog_entry(
- &self,
- index: i64,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetChangelogEntryResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_changelog_entry({}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- index,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_container(
- &self,
- ident: String,
- expand: Option<String>,
- hide: Option<String>,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetContainerResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_container(\"{}\", {:?}, {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- ident,
- expand,
- hide,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_container_edit(
- &self,
- edit_id: String,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetContainerEditResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_container_edit(\"{}\") - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- edit_id,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_container_history(
- &self,
- ident: String,
- limit: Option<i64>,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetContainerHistoryResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_container_history(\"{}\", {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- ident,
- limit,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_container_redirects(
- &self,
- ident: String,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetContainerRedirectsResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_container_redirects(\"{}\") - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- ident,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_container_revision(
- &self,
- rev_id: String,
- expand: Option<String>,
- hide: Option<String>,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetContainerRevisionResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_container_revision(\"{}\", {:?}, {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- rev_id,
- expand,
- hide,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_creator(
- &self,
- ident: String,
- expand: Option<String>,
- hide: Option<String>,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetCreatorResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_creator(\"{}\", {:?}, {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- ident,
- expand,
- hide,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_creator_edit(
- &self,
- edit_id: String,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetCreatorEditResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_creator_edit(\"{}\") - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- edit_id,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_creator_history(
- &self,
- ident: String,
- limit: Option<i64>,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetCreatorHistoryResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_creator_history(\"{}\", {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- ident,
- limit,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_creator_redirects(
- &self,
- ident: String,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetCreatorRedirectsResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_creator_redirects(\"{}\") - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- ident,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_creator_releases(
- &self,
- ident: String,
- hide: Option<String>,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetCreatorReleasesResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_creator_releases(\"{}\", {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- ident,
- hide,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_creator_revision(
- &self,
- rev_id: String,
- expand: Option<String>,
- hide: Option<String>,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetCreatorRevisionResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_creator_revision(\"{}\", {:?}, {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- rev_id,
- expand,
- hide,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_editgroup(
- &self,
- editgroup_id: String,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetEditgroupResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_editgroup(\"{}\") - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- editgroup_id,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_editgroup_annotations(
- &self,
- editgroup_id: String,
- expand: Option<String>,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetEditgroupAnnotationsResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_editgroup_annotations(\"{}\", {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- editgroup_id,
- expand,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_editgroups_reviewable(
- &self,
- expand: Option<String>,
- limit: Option<i64>,
- before: Option<chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>>,
- since: Option<chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>>,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetEditgroupsReviewableResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_editgroups_reviewable({:?}, {:?}, {:?}, {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- expand,
- limit,
- before,
- since,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_editor(
- &self,
- editor_id: String,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetEditorResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_editor(\"{}\") - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- editor_id,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_editor_annotations(
- &self,
- editor_id: String,
- limit: Option<i64>,
- before: Option<chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>>,
- since: Option<chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>>,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetEditorAnnotationsResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_editor_annotations(\"{}\", {:?}, {:?}, {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- editor_id,
- limit,
- before,
- since,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_editor_editgroups(
- &self,
- editor_id: String,
- limit: Option<i64>,
- before: Option<chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>>,
- since: Option<chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>>,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetEditorEditgroupsResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_editor_editgroups(\"{}\", {:?}, {:?}, {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- editor_id,
- limit,
- before,
- since,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_file(
- &self,
- ident: String,
- expand: Option<String>,
- hide: Option<String>,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetFileResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_file(\"{}\", {:?}, {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- ident,
- expand,
- hide,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_file_edit(
- &self,
- edit_id: String,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetFileEditResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_file_edit(\"{}\") - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- edit_id,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_file_history(
- &self,
- ident: String,
- limit: Option<i64>,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetFileHistoryResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_file_history(\"{}\", {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- ident,
- limit,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_file_redirects(
- &self,
- ident: String,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetFileRedirectsResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_file_redirects(\"{}\") - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- ident,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_file_revision(
- &self,
- rev_id: String,
- expand: Option<String>,
- hide: Option<String>,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetFileRevisionResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_file_revision(\"{}\", {:?}, {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- rev_id,
- expand,
- hide,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_fileset(
- &self,
- ident: String,
- expand: Option<String>,
- hide: Option<String>,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetFilesetResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_fileset(\"{}\", {:?}, {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- ident,
- expand,
- hide,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_fileset_edit(
- &self,
- edit_id: String,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetFilesetEditResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_fileset_edit(\"{}\") - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- edit_id,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_fileset_history(
- &self,
- ident: String,
- limit: Option<i64>,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetFilesetHistoryResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_fileset_history(\"{}\", {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- ident,
- limit,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_fileset_redirects(
- &self,
- ident: String,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetFilesetRedirectsResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_fileset_redirects(\"{}\") - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- ident,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_fileset_revision(
- &self,
- rev_id: String,
- expand: Option<String>,
- hide: Option<String>,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetFilesetRevisionResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_fileset_revision(\"{}\", {:?}, {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- rev_id,
- expand,
- hide,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_release(
- &self,
- ident: String,
- expand: Option<String>,
- hide: Option<String>,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetReleaseResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_release(\"{}\", {:?}, {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- ident,
- expand,
- hide,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_release_edit(
- &self,
- edit_id: String,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetReleaseEditResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_release_edit(\"{}\") - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- edit_id,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_release_files(
- &self,
- ident: String,
- hide: Option<String>,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetReleaseFilesResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_release_files(\"{}\", {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- ident,
- hide,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_release_filesets(
- &self,
- ident: String,
- hide: Option<String>,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetReleaseFilesetsResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_release_filesets(\"{}\", {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- ident,
- hide,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_release_history(
- &self,
- ident: String,
- limit: Option<i64>,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetReleaseHistoryResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_release_history(\"{}\", {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- ident,
- limit,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_release_redirects(
- &self,
- ident: String,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetReleaseRedirectsResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_release_redirects(\"{}\") - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- ident,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_release_revision(
- &self,
- rev_id: String,
- expand: Option<String>,
- hide: Option<String>,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetReleaseRevisionResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_release_revision(\"{}\", {:?}, {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- rev_id,
- expand,
- hide,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_release_webcaptures(
- &self,
- ident: String,
- hide: Option<String>,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetReleaseWebcapturesResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_release_webcaptures(\"{}\", {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- ident,
- hide,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_webcapture(
- &self,
- ident: String,
- expand: Option<String>,
- hide: Option<String>,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetWebcaptureResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_webcapture(\"{}\", {:?}, {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- ident,
- expand,
- hide,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_webcapture_edit(
- &self,
- edit_id: String,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetWebcaptureEditResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_webcapture_edit(\"{}\") - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- edit_id,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_webcapture_history(
- &self,
- ident: String,
- limit: Option<i64>,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetWebcaptureHistoryResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_webcapture_history(\"{}\", {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- ident,
- limit,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_webcapture_redirects(
- &self,
- ident: String,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetWebcaptureRedirectsResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_webcapture_redirects(\"{}\") - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- ident,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_webcapture_revision(
- &self,
- rev_id: String,
- expand: Option<String>,
- hide: Option<String>,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetWebcaptureRevisionResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_webcapture_revision(\"{}\", {:?}, {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- rev_id,
- expand,
- hide,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_work(
- &self,
- ident: String,
- expand: Option<String>,
- hide: Option<String>,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetWorkResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_work(\"{}\", {:?}, {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- ident,
- expand,
- hide,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_work_edit(
- &self,
- edit_id: String,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetWorkEditResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_work_edit(\"{}\") - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- edit_id,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_work_history(
- &self,
- ident: String,
- limit: Option<i64>,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetWorkHistoryResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_work_history(\"{}\", {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- ident,
- limit,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_work_redirects(
- &self,
- ident: String,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetWorkRedirectsResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_work_redirects(\"{}\") - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- ident,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_work_releases(
- &self,
- ident: String,
- hide: Option<String>,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetWorkReleasesResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_work_releases(\"{}\", {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- ident,
- hide,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn get_work_revision(
- &self,
- rev_id: String,
- expand: Option<String>,
- hide: Option<String>,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<GetWorkRevisionResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "get_work_revision(\"{}\", {:?}, {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- rev_id,
- expand,
- hide,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn lookup_container(
- &self,
- issnl: Option<String>,
- wikidata_qid: Option<String>,
- expand: Option<String>,
- hide: Option<String>,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<LookupContainerResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "lookup_container({:?}, {:?}, {:?}, {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- issnl,
- wikidata_qid,
- expand,
- hide,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn lookup_creator(
- &self,
- orcid: Option<String>,
- wikidata_qid: Option<String>,
- expand: Option<String>,
- hide: Option<String>,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<LookupCreatorResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "lookup_creator({:?}, {:?}, {:?}, {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- orcid,
- wikidata_qid,
- expand,
- hide,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn lookup_file(
- &self,
- md5: Option<String>,
- sha1: Option<String>,
- sha256: Option<String>,
- expand: Option<String>,
- hide: Option<String>,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<LookupFileResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "lookup_file({:?}, {:?}, {:?}, {:?}, {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- md5,
- sha1,
- sha256,
- expand,
- hide,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn lookup_release(
- &self,
- doi: Option<String>,
- wikidata_qid: Option<String>,
- isbn13: Option<String>,
- pmid: Option<String>,
- pmcid: Option<String>,
- core: Option<String>,
- arxiv: Option<String>,
- jstor: Option<String>,
- ark: Option<String>,
- mag: Option<String>,
- doaj: Option<String>,
- dblp: Option<String>,
- oai: Option<String>,
- expand: Option<String>,
- hide: Option<String>,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<LookupReleaseResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!("lookup_release({:?}, {:?}, {:?}, {:?}, {:?}, {:?}, {:?}, {:?}, {:?}, {:?}, {:?}, {:?}, {:?}, {:?}, {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}", doi, wikidata_qid, isbn13, pmid, pmcid, core, arxiv, jstor, ark, mag, doaj, dblp, oai, expand, hide, context.get().0.clone());
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn update_container(
- &self,
- editgroup_id: String,
- ident: String,
- container_entity: models::ContainerEntity,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<UpdateContainerResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "update_container(\"{}\", \"{}\", {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- editgroup_id,
- ident,
- container_entity,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn update_creator(
- &self,
- editgroup_id: String,
- ident: String,
- creator_entity: models::CreatorEntity,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<UpdateCreatorResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "update_creator(\"{}\", \"{}\", {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- editgroup_id,
- ident,
- creator_entity,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn update_editgroup(
- &self,
- editgroup_id: String,
- editgroup: models::Editgroup,
- submit: Option<bool>,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<UpdateEditgroupResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "update_editgroup(\"{}\", {:?}, {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- editgroup_id,
- editgroup,
- submit,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn update_editor(
- &self,
- editor_id: String,
- editor: models::Editor,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<UpdateEditorResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "update_editor(\"{}\", {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- editor_id,
- editor,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn update_file(
- &self,
- editgroup_id: String,
- ident: String,
- file_entity: models::FileEntity,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<UpdateFileResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "update_file(\"{}\", \"{}\", {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- editgroup_id,
- ident,
- file_entity,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn update_fileset(
- &self,
- editgroup_id: String,
- ident: String,
- fileset_entity: models::FilesetEntity,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<UpdateFilesetResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "update_fileset(\"{}\", \"{}\", {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- editgroup_id,
- ident,
- fileset_entity,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn update_release(
- &self,
- editgroup_id: String,
- ident: String,
- release_entity: models::ReleaseEntity,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<UpdateReleaseResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "update_release(\"{}\", \"{}\", {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- editgroup_id,
- ident,
- release_entity,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn update_webcapture(
- &self,
- editgroup_id: String,
- ident: String,
- webcapture_entity: models::WebcaptureEntity,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<UpdateWebcaptureResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "update_webcapture(\"{}\", \"{}\", {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- editgroup_id,
- ident,
- webcapture_entity,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }
- async fn update_work(
- &self,
- editgroup_id: String,
- ident: String,
- work_entity: models::WorkEntity,
- context: &C,
- ) -> Result<UpdateWorkResponse, ApiError> {
- let context = context.clone();
- info!(
- "update_work(\"{}\", \"{}\", {:?}) - X-Span-ID: {:?}",
- editgroup_id,
- ident,
- work_entity,
- context.get().0.clone()
- );
- Err("Generic failuare".into())
- }