#[macro_use] extern crate glium; extern crate image; extern crate getopts; extern crate time; use std::env; use std::process::exit; use getopts::{Options, Matches}; use glium::glutin::os::unix::WindowBuilderExt; use glium::{DisplayBuild, Display}; pub mod util; pub trait ExuberantHack { fn draw_frame(&mut self, t: f64) -> Result<(), String>; fn get_display(&self) -> &Display; } /// Prints usage/help info for an individual hack pub fn print_usage(opts: &Options) { let args: Vec = env::args().collect(); let program = args[0].clone(); let brief = format!("Usage: {} [options]", program); print!("{}", opts.usage(&brief)); } /// Executes a hack pub fn run(hack: &mut ExuberantHack, conf: &Matches) { loop { hack.draw_frame(time::precise_time_s()).ok(); for ev in hack.get_display().poll_events() { match ev { glium::glutin::Event::Closed => return, _ => () } } // XXX: sleep here for 10ms } } /// Adds and parses most command-line options. /// This function handles all the generic stuff, like --window-id and --help. pub fn main_helper(mut opts: Options) -> Matches { let args: Vec = env::args().collect(); // Turn, eg, "-root" into "--root" let args = util::convert_xscreensaver_args(args); // Common Args (all screensavers) opts.optflag("h", "help", "print this help menu"); opts.optflag("", "window", "run in a window (IGNORED)"); opts.optflag("", "root", "run in root window (IGNORED)"); opts.optopt("", "window-id", "X window id number", "NUM"); opts.optflag("", "fps", "show frames per second (IGNORED)"); opts.optopt("", "delay", "inter-frame delay (0 to 100000) (IGNORED)", "NUM"); let matches = match opts.parse(&args[1..]) { Ok(m) => { m } Err(f) => { print_usage(&opts); println!(""); println!("{}", f.to_string()); exit(-1); } }; if matches.opt_present("help") { print_usage(&opts); exit(0); } matches } pub fn make_display(conf: &Matches) -> glium::Display { // if no "--window-id", try environment variable (arg has priority though) let window_id_string: Option = conf.opt_str("window-id") .or(env::var("XSCREENSAVER_WINDOW").ok()); let window_id = window_id_string.map(|id| match util::dechex2u64(&id) { Ok(y) => y, Err(e) => { println!("Couldn't parse numerical argument: {}", e); exit(-1); }, }); if window_id.is_some() { println!("Drawing on existing X window: 0x{:07X}", window_id.unwrap()); } let win_builder: glium::glutin::WindowBuilder = match window_id { Some(id) => glium::glutin::WindowBuilder::new() .from_existing_window(id), None => glium::glutin::WindowBuilder::new() .with_title(format!("Exuberant Cow!")) .with_depth_buffer(24), }; let display = win_builder.build_glium().unwrap(); display }