x filter requests by method and endpoint x parse query parameters (typed) x re-serialize query parameters into upstream request URL x method/body for denied requests x create full request objects in tests x "completeness" over all the below query types and parameters x real fatcat+scholar request tests x minimize tokio feature flags x package/release x generate .deb file x Makefile x manpage x example config x README x push git repo x version flag ("--version") x deb: include systemd unit file, and register it (?) x Dockerfile x systemd unit file x add config (/etc/) to debian package config file list x more methods/endpoints x CORS headers on many more responses x OPTIONS, HEAD for ping x HEAD eg, for ping x _mapping x index bare x headers x enable CORS headers in the proxy itself? x HEAD requests x 'Via' header - tests - parse example_config.toml - "get", "_doc", "_source" - parse error - unsupported query type - play with https://search.qa.fatcat.wiki and observable (javascript) - error handling => refactor error categories => return correct status code => pretty-print errors better => return a proper error when upstream is down - update README => summary => installation + configuration => development - nginx: relaxed CORS methods, types - histogram agg interval 0.0 (?) - suggestions in search queries https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.9/search-suggesters.html - IPv6? - more config: options, etc => all indices as "unsafe_mode" - refactor unwrap() into error handling - put ProxyConfig in Box? less cloning? parse method+path (index) -> which validation method method+path+params+body -> status, upstream request ## general endpoints - ping (?) x basic info GET / x scroll POST /_search/scroll x clear scroll DELETE /_search/scroll ## per-index endpoints - basic info; mapping GET / GET //_mapping x count GET //_count x get document GET //_doc/<_id> GET //_source/<_id> x search GET //_search POST //_search later: - multi-get (`_mget`) - multi-search (`_msearch`) ## query types compound: x bool x boosting x constant_score filter (query) boost (float, optional) fulltext: x match (bare str allowed) query (str) x match_phrase (bare str allowed) value (str) x multi_match x query_string - simple_query_string term-level: x exists field (str) x ids values (array of str) x prefix x range gt, gte, lt, lte: str or number - NOT regex (?) x term value: str or number x terms does not support "lookup" from other indices (array of str or number) x wildcard value (str) boost (float, optional) rewrite (str, optional) x match_all boost (float, optional) x match_none boost (float, optional) TODO: - terms_set - span queries - fuzzy (configurable) ## additional stuff - headers - HTTP content-encoding: gzip x content-type header; always JSON? - set "Via" header in responses (indicating proxy version/context) - https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/common-options.html - logging - switch from 'url' to 'percent-encoding' (?) - https://github.com/elastic/search-ui