/* * einhyrningsins: graceful restarts for socket-based daemons * Copyright (C) 2016 Bryan Newbold * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #[macro_use] extern crate chan; extern crate json; extern crate getopts; extern crate log; extern crate env_logger; extern crate nix; extern crate timer; extern crate time; extern crate chan_signal; extern crate url; use std::io::prelude::*; use std::io::{BufReader, BufWriter}; use std::env; use std::fs; use std::u64; use std::str::FromStr; use std::path::Path; use std::process::exit; use std::process::Command; use std::process::Child; use std::net::SocketAddr; use std::net::TcpListener; use std::net::ToSocketAddrs; use std::os::unix::net::{UnixStream, UnixListener}; use std::thread; use time::Duration; use std::collections::HashMap; use getopts::Options; use chan_signal::Signal; use chan::{Sender, Receiver}; use std::os::unix::io::{RawFd, IntoRawFd}; // TODO: split this into read-only config and mutable state struct EinConfig { childhood: Duration, graceperiod: Duration, manual_ack: bool, retries: u64, count: u64, bind_fds: Vec, cmd: Command, ipv4_only: bool, ipv6_only: bool, ctrl_req_rx: Receiver, } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] enum OffspringState { Infancy, // just started, waiting for ACK Healthy, Notified, // shutting down gracefully Dead, } struct Offspring { state: OffspringState, process: Child, attempts: u64, timer_guard: Option, replaces: Option, } impl Offspring { pub fn spawn(cfg: &mut EinConfig, timer: &mut timer::Timer, t_tx: Sender) -> Result { let mut o = Offspring { state: OffspringState::Infancy, process: cfg.cmd.spawn().expect("error spawning"), attempts: 0, timer_guard: None, replaces: None, }; let pid = o.process.id(); o.timer_guard = Some(timer.schedule_with_delay(cfg.childhood, move || { t_tx.send(TimerAction::CheckAlive(pid)); })); Ok(o) } pub fn respawn(&mut self, cfg: &mut EinConfig, timer: &mut timer::Timer, t_tx: Sender) -> Result { let mut successor = try!(Offspring::spawn(cfg, timer, t_tx)); successor.replaces = Some(self.process.id()); Ok(successor) } pub fn is_active(&self) -> bool { match self.state { OffspringState::Infancy => true, OffspringState::Healthy => true, OffspringState::Notified => true, OffspringState::Dead => false, } } pub fn kill(&mut self) { if !self.is_active() { return; } self.signal(Signal::KILL); self.state = OffspringState::Dead; } pub fn terminate(&mut self, cfg: &mut EinConfig, timer: &mut timer::Timer, t_tx: Sender) { if !self.is_active() { return; } self.signal(Signal::TERM); self.state = OffspringState::Notified; let pid = self.process.id(); self.timer_guard = Some(timer.schedule_with_delay(cfg.graceperiod, move || { t_tx.send(TimerAction::CheckTerminated(pid)); })); } pub fn shutdown(&mut self, cfg: &mut EinConfig, timer: &mut timer::Timer, t_tx: Sender) { if !self.is_active() { return; } self.signal(Signal::USR2); self.state = OffspringState::Notified; let pid = self.process.id(); self.timer_guard = Some(timer.schedule_with_delay(cfg.graceperiod , move || { t_tx.send(TimerAction::CheckShutdown(pid)); })); } pub fn signal(&mut self, sig: Signal) { if self.state == OffspringState::Dead { return; } let nix_sig = match sig { Signal::HUP => nix::sys::signal::Signal::SIGHUP, Signal::INT => nix::sys::signal::Signal::SIGINT, Signal::QUIT => nix::sys::signal::Signal::SIGQUIT, Signal::TERM => nix::sys::signal::Signal::SIGTERM, Signal::KILL => nix::sys::signal::Signal::SIGKILL, Signal::TTIN => nix::sys::signal::Signal::SIGTTIN, Signal::TTOU => nix::sys::signal::Signal::SIGTTOU, Signal::USR1 => nix::sys::signal::Signal::SIGUSR1, Signal::USR2 => nix::sys::signal::Signal::SIGUSR2, Signal::STOP => nix::sys::signal::Signal::SIGSTOP, Signal::CONT => nix::sys::signal::Signal::SIGCONT, _ => { println!("Unexpected signal: {:?}", sig); return; }, }; nix::sys::signal::kill(self.process.id() as i32, nix_sig).unwrap(); } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] enum TimerAction { CheckAlive(u32), CheckTerminated(u32), CheckShutdown(u32), } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] enum CtrlAction { Increment, Decrement, ManualAck(u32), SigAll(Signal), ShutdownAll, UpgradeAll, Status, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] struct CtrlRequest { action: CtrlAction, tx: Sender, } // This is the main event loop fn shepard(mut cfg: EinConfig, signal_rx: Receiver) { //// create timer let mut timer = timer::Timer::new(); let (timer_tx, timer_rx): (Sender, Receiver) = chan::async(); //// birth the initial set of offspring let mut brood: HashMap = HashMap::new(); for _ in 0..cfg.count { let o = Offspring::spawn(&mut cfg, &mut timer, timer_tx.clone()).unwrap(); let pid = o.process.id(); brood.insert(pid, o); println!("Spawned: {}", pid); } // Ugh, see: http://burntsushi.net/rustdoc/chan/macro.chan_select.html#failure-modes let ctrl_req_rx = cfg.ctrl_req_rx.clone(); //// infinite select() loop over timers, signals let mut run = true; loop { chan_select! { timer_rx.recv() -> action => match action.expect("Error with timer thread") { TimerAction::CheckAlive(pid) => { // Need to move 'o' out of HashMap here so we can mutate // the map in other ways if let Some(mut o) = brood.remove(&pid) { if !cfg.manual_ack && o.state == OffspringState::Infancy { if o.is_active() { println!("{} found to be alive", pid); o.state = OffspringState::Healthy; if let Some(old_pid) = o.replaces { if let Some(old) = brood.get_mut(&old_pid) { old.shutdown(&mut cfg, &mut timer, timer_tx.clone()); } } } } else if cfg.manual_ack && o.state == OffspringState::Infancy { println!("{} didn't check in", pid); if o.attempts + 1 >= cfg.retries { println!("Ran out of retries..."); } else { let mut successor = o.respawn(&mut cfg, &mut timer, timer_tx.clone()).unwrap(); successor.attempts = o.attempts + 1; brood.insert(successor.process.id(), successor); } o.terminate(&mut cfg, &mut timer, timer_tx.clone()); } else { println!("Unexpected CheckAlive state! pid={} state={:?}", o.process.id(), o.state); } brood.insert(pid, o); }; }, TimerAction::CheckShutdown(pid) => { if let Some(o) = brood.get_mut(&pid) { if o.is_active() { o.terminate(&mut cfg, &mut timer, timer_tx.clone()); } } }, TimerAction::CheckTerminated(pid) => { if let Some(o) = brood.get_mut(&pid) { if o.is_active() { o.kill(); } } }, }, ctrl_req_rx.recv() -> maybe_req => if let Some(req) = maybe_req { match req.action { CtrlAction::Increment => { let o = Offspring::spawn(&mut cfg, &mut timer, timer_tx.clone()).unwrap(); let pid = o.process.id(); brood.insert(pid, o); req.tx.send(format!("Spawned! Went from {} to {}", cfg.count, cfg.count+1)); cfg.count = cfg.count+1; }, CtrlAction::Decrement => { if cfg.count <= 0 { req.tx.send(format!("Already at count=0, no-op")); continue; } let mut done = false; for (_, o) in brood.iter_mut() { if o.is_active() { o.shutdown(&mut cfg, &mut timer, timer_tx.clone()); req.tx.send(format!("Notified! Went from {} to {}", cfg.count, cfg.count-1)); cfg.count = cfg.count-1; done = true; } } if !done { req.tx.send(format!("No live workers to shutdown! :(")); } }, CtrlAction::SigAll(sig) => { for (_, o) in brood.iter_mut() { o.signal(sig); } req.tx.send(format!("Signalled all children!")); }, CtrlAction::ShutdownAll => { let mut pid_list = vec![]; for (pid, o) in brood.iter_mut() { if o.is_active() { o.shutdown(&mut cfg, &mut timer, timer_tx.clone()); pid_list.push(pid); } } req.tx.send(format!("Sent shutdown to all children!")); }, CtrlAction::UpgradeAll => { let keys: Vec = brood.keys().map(|x| *x).collect(); for pid in keys { let mut successor = { let o = brood.get_mut(&pid).unwrap(); if !o.is_active() { continue; } o.respawn(&mut cfg, &mut timer, timer_tx.clone()).unwrap() }; successor.attempts = 0; brood.insert(successor.process.id(), successor); } req.tx.send(format!("Upgrading all children!")); }, CtrlAction::Status => { req.tx.send(format!("UNIMPLEMENTED")); }, CtrlAction::ManualAck(pid) => { if let Some(o) = brood.get_mut(&pid) { if o.is_active() { o.state = OffspringState::Healthy; } } req.tx.send(format!("Acknowledged!")); }, } }, signal_rx.recv() -> sig => match sig.expect("Error with signal handler") { Signal::CHLD => { loop { let res = nix::sys::wait::waitpid(-1, Some(nix::sys::wait::WNOHANG)); match res { Ok(nix::sys::wait::WaitStatus::Exited(pid, _)) | Ok(nix::sys::wait::WaitStatus::Signaled(pid, _, _)) => { println!("PID {} exited", pid); if let Some(mut o) = brood.remove(&(pid as u32)) { match o.state { OffspringState::Infancy => { if o.attempts + 1 >= cfg.retries { println!("Ran out of retries..."); } else { let mut successor = o.respawn(&mut cfg, &mut timer, timer_tx.clone()).unwrap(); successor.attempts = o.attempts + 1; brood.insert(successor.process.id(), successor); } }, OffspringState::Healthy => { let mut successor = o.respawn(&mut cfg, &mut timer, timer_tx.clone()).unwrap(); successor.replaces = Some(pid as u32); brood.insert(successor.process.id(), successor); }, OffspringState::Notified => (), OffspringState::Dead => { println!("ERR: double-notified death on {}", pid); } } }; }, Ok(nix::sys::wait::WaitStatus::StillAlive) => break, Ok(_) => { println!("Some other thing we don't care about happened: {:?}", res); }, Err(nix::Error::Sys(nix::Errno::ECHILD)) => { println!("all children are dead, bailing"); run = false; break; }, Err(e) => { println!("waitpid err: {}", e); break; }, } }; }, Signal::HUP => { let keys: Vec = brood.keys().map(|x| *x).collect(); for pid in keys { let mut successor = { let o = brood.get_mut(&pid).unwrap(); if !o.is_active() { continue; } o.respawn(&mut cfg, &mut timer, timer_tx.clone()).unwrap() }; successor.attempts = 0; brood.insert(successor.process.id(), successor); } }, Signal::TTIN | Signal::TTOU | Signal::USR1 | Signal::STOP | Signal::CONT => { println!("Passing signal to children: {:?}", sig.unwrap()); for (_, o) in brood.iter_mut() { o.signal(sig.unwrap()); } }, Signal::INT | Signal::USR2 => { println!("Exiting! Gracefully shutting down children first, but won't wait."); for (_, o) in brood.iter_mut() { o.shutdown(&mut cfg, &mut timer, timer_tx.clone()); } run = false; }, Signal::TERM | Signal::QUIT => { println!("Exiting! Killing children first, but won't wait."); for (_, o) in brood.iter_mut() { o.terminate(&mut cfg, &mut timer, timer_tx.clone()); } run = false; }, default => { println!("Unexpected signal: {:?} (ignoring)", default); }, }, } if !run { break; } } println!("Reaping children... (count={})", brood.len()); for (_, o) in brood.iter_mut() { o.process.wait().ok(); } println!("Done."); } fn print_usage(opts: Options) { let brief = "usage:\teinhyrningsins [options] program"; println!(""); print!("{}", opts.usage(&brief)); } fn main() { let args: Vec = env::args().collect(); let mut opts = Options::new(); opts.parsing_style(getopts::ParsingStyle::StopAtFirstFree); opts.optflag("h", "help", "print this help menu"); opts.optflag("", "version", "print the version"); opts.optflag("v", "verbose", "more debugging messages"); opts.optflag("4", "ipv4-only", "only accept IPv4 connections"); opts.optflag("6", "ipv6-only", "only accept IPv6 connections"); opts.optflag("m", "manual", "manual (explicit) acknowledge mode"); opts.optopt("n", "number", "how many program copies to spawn", "COUNT"); opts.optmulti("b", "bind", "socket(s) to bind to", "ADDR"); let matches = match opts.parse(&args[1..]) { Ok(m) => { m } Err(f) => { println!("{}", f.to_string()); print_usage(opts); exit(-1); } }; if matches.opt_present("help") { print_usage(opts); return; } if matches.opt_present("version") { println!("einhyrningsins {}", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")); return; } if matches.opt_present("4") && matches.opt_present("6") { println!("Can't be both IPv4-only and IPv6-only"); exit(-1); } //// Parse Configuration let (ctrl_req_tx, ctrl_req_rx): (Sender, Receiver) = chan::async(); let mut cfg = EinConfig{ count: 1, childhood: Duration::seconds(3), graceperiod: Duration::seconds(3), retries: 3, bind_fds: vec![], ipv4_only: matches.opt_present("4"), ipv6_only: matches.opt_present("6"), manual_ack: matches.opt_present("m"), cmd: Command::new(""), ctrl_req_rx: ctrl_req_rx, }; if let Some(n) = matches.opt_str("number") { cfg.count = u64::from_str(&n).expect("number arg should be an integer"); } //// Bind Sockets // Control socket first let ctrl_path = Path::new("/tmp/einhorn.sock"); // XXX: handle this more gracefully (per-process) if ctrl_path.exists() { fs::remove_file(&ctrl_path).unwrap(); } println!("Binding control socket to: {:?}", ctrl_path); let ctrl_listener = UnixListener::bind(ctrl_path).unwrap(); // XXX: set mode/permissions/owner? // These will be tuples: (SocketAddr, SO_REUSEADDR, O_NONBLOCK) let sock_confs: Vec<(SocketAddr, bool, bool)> = matches.opt_strs("bind").iter().map(|b| { let mut r = false; let mut n = false; let mut addr_chunks = b.split(','); let sock_str = addr_chunks.next().unwrap(); let mut sock_addrs = sock_str.to_socket_addrs().unwrap(); // ugly let sock = if cfg.ipv4_only { let mut sock_addrs = sock_addrs.filter( |sa| if let SocketAddr::V4(_) = *sa { true } else { false }); sock_addrs.next().expect("Couldn't bind as IPv4") } else if cfg.ipv6_only { let mut sock_addrs = sock_addrs.filter( |sa| if let SocketAddr::V6(_) = *sa { true } else { false }); sock_addrs.next().expect("Couldn't bind as IPv6") } else { sock_addrs.next().expect("Couldn't bind socket") }; for subarg in addr_chunks { match subarg { "r" => r = true, "n" => n = true, "" => (), _ => { println!("Unknown socket arg '{}', I only know about 'n' and 'r'. Try --help", subarg); exit(-1); }, }} (sock, r, n) }).collect(); let program_and_args = if !matches.free.is_empty() { matches.free } else { print_usage(opts); exit(-1); }; let mut builder = env_logger::LogBuilder::new(); builder.parse("INFO"); if env::var("RUST_LOG").is_ok() { builder.parse(&env::var("RUST_LOG").unwrap()); } builder.init().unwrap(); let binds: Vec<(TcpListener, bool, bool)> = sock_confs.iter().map(|t| { let sa = t.0; let r = t.1; let n = t.2; // ugly (TcpListener::bind(sa).unwrap(), r, n) }).collect(); let mut cmd = Command::new(&program_and_args[0]); cmd.args(&program_and_args[1..]); cfg.bind_fds = binds.into_iter().map(|t| { let b = t.0; let r = t.1; let n = t.2; // ugly let orig_fd = b.into_raw_fd(); // Duplicate, which also clears the CLOEXEC flag let fd = nix::unistd::dup(orig_fd).unwrap(); if r { nix::sys::socket::setsockopt(fd, nix::sys::socket::sockopt::ReuseAddr, &true).unwrap(); } if n { nix::fcntl::fcntl(fd, nix::fcntl::FcntlArg::F_SETFL(nix::fcntl::O_NONBLOCK)).unwrap(); } println!("fd={} FD_CLOEXEC={}", fd, nix::fcntl::fcntl(fd, nix::fcntl::FcntlArg::F_GETFD).unwrap()); fd }).collect(); cmd.env("EINHORN_FD_COUNT", cfg.bind_fds.len().to_string()); // This iterator destroys the TcpListeners for (i, fd) in cfg.bind_fds.iter().enumerate() { cmd.env(format!("EINHORN_FD_{}", i), fd.to_string()); } cfg.cmd = cmd; //// Listen for signals (before any fork()) println!("Registering signal handlers..."); let signal_rx = chan_signal::notify(&[Signal::HUP, Signal::INT, Signal::QUIT, Signal::TERM, Signal::PIPE, Signal::ALRM, Signal::CHLD, // NB: PR has been submitted Signal::TTIN, Signal::TTOU, Signal::USR1, Signal::USR2, Signal::STOP, Signal::CONT]); //// Start Constrol Socket Thread thread::spawn(move || ctrl_socket_serve(ctrl_listener, ctrl_req_tx)); shepard(cfg, signal_rx); exit(0); } const CTRL_SHELL_USAGE: &'static str = r#"\"Command Listing: inc increments number of children dec decrements number of children upgrade replaces all children with new spawns, gracefully die kills all children gracefully, then exits shutdown kills all children gracefully, then exits signal SIG sends signal SIG to all children status shows summary state of children help prints this help message version prints (master) version \"\n"#; fn ctrl_socket_handle(stream: UnixStream, ctrl_req_tx: Sender) { let reader = BufReader::new(&stream); let mut writer = BufWriter::new(&stream); for rawline in reader.lines() { let rawline = rawline.unwrap(); println!("Got line: {}", rawline); if rawline.len() == 0 { continue; } // Parse message let req_action = if let Ok(msg) = json::parse(&rawline) { match msg["command"].as_str() { Some("worker:ack") => { CtrlAction::ManualAck(msg["pid"].as_u32().unwrap()) }, Some("signal") => { CtrlAction::SigAll(match msg["args"][0].as_str() { Some("SIGHUP") | Some("HUP") | Some("hup") => Signal::HUP, Some("SIGINT") | Some("INT") | Some("int") => Signal::INT, Some("SIGTERM") | Some("TERM") | Some("term") => Signal::TERM, Some("SIGTTIN") | Some("TTIN") | Some("ttin") => Signal::TTIN, Some("SIGTTOU") | Some("TTOU") | Some("ttou") => Signal::TTOU, Some("SIGKILL") | Some("KILL") | Some("kill") => Signal::KILL, Some("SIGUSR1") | Some("USR1") | Some("usr1") => Signal::USR1, Some("SIGUSR2") | Some("USR2") | Some("usr2") => Signal::USR2, Some("SIGSTOP") | Some("STOP") | Some("stop") => Signal::STOP, Some("SIGCONT") | Some("CONT") | Some("cont") => Signal::CONT, Some(_) | None => { writer.write_all("\"Missing or unhandled 'signal'\"\n".as_bytes()).unwrap(); writer.flush().unwrap(); continue; }, }) }, Some("inc") => CtrlAction::Increment, Some("dec") => CtrlAction::Decrement, Some("status") => CtrlAction::Status, Some("die") => CtrlAction::ShutdownAll, Some("upgrade") => CtrlAction::UpgradeAll, Some("ehlo") => { writer.write_all("\"Hi there!\"\n\r".as_bytes()).unwrap(); writer.flush().unwrap(); continue; }, Some("help") => { writer.write_all(CTRL_SHELL_USAGE.as_bytes()).unwrap(); // TODO writer.flush().unwrap(); continue; }, Some("version") => { let ver = format!("\"einhyrningsinsctl {}\"\n", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")); writer.write_all(ver.as_bytes()).unwrap(); writer.flush().unwrap(); continue; }, Some(_) | None => { writer.write_all("\"Missing or unhandled 'command'\"\n".as_bytes()).unwrap(); writer.flush().unwrap(); continue; }, } } else { writer.write_all("\"Expected valid JSON!\"\n".as_bytes()).unwrap(); writer.flush().unwrap(); continue; }; // Send request let (tx, rx): (Sender, Receiver) = chan::async(); let req = CtrlRequest{ action: req_action, tx: tx }; ctrl_req_tx.send(req); // Send reply let resp = rx.recv().unwrap(); writer.write_all("\"".as_bytes()).unwrap(); writer.write_all(resp.as_bytes()).unwrap(); writer.write_all("\"\n".as_bytes()).unwrap(); writer.flush().unwrap(); } stream.shutdown(std::net::Shutdown::Both).unwrap(); } fn ctrl_socket_serve(listener: UnixListener, ctrl_req_tx: Sender) { for conn in listener.incoming() { match conn{ Ok(conn) => { let tx = ctrl_req_tx.clone(); thread::spawn(move || ctrl_socket_handle(conn, tx)); }, Err(err) => { // TODO println!("control socket err: {}", err); break; }, } } drop(listener); }