rustup run nightly cargo install clippy rustup run nightly cargo clippy startup: x bind sockets - [optional] bind rpc server+client x register signal handlers x populate config - [optional] spawn rpc thread x spawn initial set of children x enter main event loop select! rpc mechanism: use JSON-RPC: worker side receives client request, creates a new reply channel, sends request+channel to event loop, blocks on reply channel. this all happens in per-client thread? event loop selects() on rpc requests. when one is received, processes, sends reply down channel, closes channel ## Process Lifetime process table is pid_t -> offspring entries are only removed by SIGCHILD handler, which calls pidwait and thus has reap'd entries hold a timer guard, so after they are destroyed the timer shouldn't fire spawn: init checkin childhood (seconds) later shutdown: notified, send USR2 checkin shutdown later: if not dead term it, either way reap term: notified, send TERM checking shutdown later; if not dead kill it kill: dead, send KILL upgrade: spawn new generation; keep 'replaces' linkage when each new generation is health, notify the 'replace-ee' to shut down timer: check_alive: healthy; or kill and re-spawn (based on ack mode) signal: child died: find which child it was (by pid) if was infancy or health and attempts ok, try to respawn, possibly with backoff otherwise, just reap from brood ## Most Basic x bind to any supplied socket(s) x set up environment variables x register signal handlers x fork() for each child, with some delay in between x in each forked copy, execve() to the supplied program x in the parent, wait on children, waiting for failures. restart on failure - reset signal mask in child processes then, probably want to shift to an event-driven (single threaded?) setup (including signal handling) (event-driven seems like it might not work well, so threads+channels instead) - timers - signals: chan_signal - child termination - RPC commands threads: - shepard: holds sub-process state machines; chan_select!{} on other threads - chan_signal (internal to library) ? timers ? - rpc: workers spawned on socket connects -> line-based? JSON-RPC? gRPC? sub-process states (TODO: look at daemontools): - healthy - dead - starting ## Socket Passing fcntl F_GETFD: to get fd flags FD_CLOEXEC: flag of whether to keep open ("close on exec", true means it isn't passed) EINHORN_FD_COUNT EINHORN_FD_0 -4 and -6 flags (forces IPv4 or IPv6, respectively) ## Command Socket EINHORN_SOCK_PATH ## Child API listen for USR2 (graceful shutdown) parse environment variables ## Rust child impl ---- Using chan instead of std::sync::mspc because Select/select! is unstable.