; "math-real.scm": mathematical functions restricted to real numbers
; Copyright (C) 2006 Aubrey Jaffer
;Permission to copy this software, to modify it, to redistribute it,
;to distribute modified versions, and to use it for any purpose is
;granted, subject to the following restrictions and understandings.
;1.  Any copy made of this software must include this copyright notice
;in full.
;2.  I have made no warranty or representation that the operation of
;this software will be error-free, and I am under no obligation to
;provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or otherwise.
;3.  In conjunction with products arising from the use of this
;material, there shall be no use of my name in any advertising,
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;each case.

(define (quo x1 x2) (truncate (/ x1 x2)))
(define (rem x1 x2) (- x1 (* x2 (quo x1 x2))))
(define (mod x1 x2) (- x1 (* x2 (floor (/ x1 x2)))))

(define (must-be-real name proc)
  (and proc
       (lambda (x1)
	 (if (real? x1) (proc x1) (slib:error name x1)))))
(define (must-be-real+ name proc)
  (and proc
       (lambda (x1)
	 (if (and (real? x1) (>= x1 0))
	     (proc x1)
	     (slib:error name x1)))))
(define (must-be-real-1+1 name proc)
  (and proc
       (lambda (x1)
	 (if (and (real? x1) (<= -1 x1 1))
	     (proc x1)
	     (slib:error name x1)))))
(define ln (and (provided? 'real) log))
(define abs       (must-be-real 'abs abs))
(define real-sin  (must-be-real 'real-sin (and (provided? 'real) sin)))
(define real-cos  (must-be-real 'real-cos (and (provided? 'real) cos)))
(define real-tan  (must-be-real 'real-tan (and (provided? 'real) tan)))
(define real-exp  (must-be-real 'real-exp (and (provided? 'real) exp)))
(define real-ln   (must-be-real+ 'ln ln))
(define real-sqrt (must-be-real+ 'real-sqrt (and (provided? 'real) sqrt)))
(define real-asin (must-be-real-1+1 'real-asin (and (provided? 'real) asin)))
(define real-acos (must-be-real-1+1 'real-acos (and (provided? 'real) acos)))

(define (must-be-real2 name proc)
  (and proc
       (lambda (x1 x2)
	 (if (and (real? x1) (real? x2))
	     (proc x1 x2)
	     (slib:error name x1 x2)))))
(define make-rectangular
  (must-be-real2 'make-rectangular
		 (and (provided? 'complex) make-rectangular)))
(define make-polar
  (must-be-real2 'make-polar (and (provided? 'complex) make-polar)))

(define real-log
  (and ln
       (lambda (base x)
	 (if (and (real? x) (positive? x) (real? base) (positive? base))
	     (/ (ln x) (ln base))
	     (slib:error 'real-log base x)))))

(define (real-expt x1 x2)
  (cond ((and (real? x1)
	      (real? x2)
	      (or (not (negative? x1)) (integer? x2)))
	 (expt x1 x2))
	(else (slib:error 'real-expt x1 x2))))

(define real-atan
  (and (provided? 'real)
       (lambda (y . x)
	 (if (and (real? y)
		  (or (null? x)
		      (and (= 1 (length x))
			   (real? (car x)))))
	     (apply atan y x)
	     (apply slib:error 'real-atan y x)))))