path: root/synclo.scm
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authorBryan Newbold <>2017-02-20 00:05:25 -0800
committerBryan Newbold <>2017-02-20 00:05:25 -0800
commit8ffbc2df0fde83082610149d24e594c1cd879f4a (patch)
treea2be9aad5101c5e450ad141d15c514bc9c2a2963 /synclo.scm
Import Upstream version 2a6upstream/2a6
Diffstat (limited to 'synclo.scm')
1 files changed, 748 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/synclo.scm b/synclo.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c61de3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/synclo.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,748 @@
+;;; "synclo.scm" Syntactic Closures -*-Scheme-*-
+;;; Copyright (c) 1989-91 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
+;;; This material was developed by the Scheme project at the
+;;; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical
+;;; Engineering and Computer Science. Permission to copy this
+;;; software, to redistribute it, and to use it for any purpose is
+;;; granted, subject to the following restrictions and understandings.
+;;; 1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright
+;;; notice in full.
+;;; 2. Users of this software agree to make their best efforts (a) to
+;;; return to the MIT Scheme project any improvements or extensions
+;;; that they make, so that these may be included in future releases;
+;;; and (b) to inform MIT of noteworthy uses of this software.
+;;; 3. All materials developed as a consequence of the use of this
+;;; software shall duly acknowledge such use, in accordance with the
+;;; usual standards of acknowledging credit in academic research.
+;;; 4. MIT has made no warrantee or representation that the operation
+;;; of this software will be error-free, and MIT is under no
+;;; obligation to provide any services, by way of maintenance, update,
+;;; or otherwise.
+;;; 5. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this
+;;; material, there shall be no use of the name of the Massachusetts
+;;; Institute of Technology nor of any adaptation thereof in any
+;;; advertising, promotional, or sales literature without prior
+;;; written consent from MIT in each case.
+;;;; Syntactic Closures
+;;; written by Alan Bawden
+;;; extensively modified by Chris Hanson
+;;; See "Syntactic Closures", by Alan Bawden and Jonathan Rees, in
+;;; Proceedings of the 1988 ACM Conference on Lisp and Functional
+;;; Programming, page 86.
+;;;; Classifier
+;;; The classifier maps forms into items. In addition to locating
+;;; definitions so that they can be properly processed, it also
+;;; identifies keywords and variables, which allows a powerful form
+;;; of syntactic binding to be implemented.
+(define (classify/form form environment definition-environment)
+ (cond ((identifier? form)
+ (syntactic-environment/lookup environment form))
+ ((syntactic-closure? form)
+ (let ((form (syntactic-closure/form form))
+ (environment
+ (filter-syntactic-environment
+ (syntactic-closure/free-names form)
+ environment
+ (syntactic-closure/environment form))))
+ (classify/form form
+ environment
+ definition-environment)))
+ ((pair? form)
+ (let ((item
+ (classify/subexpression (car form) environment)))
+ (cond ((keyword-item? item)
+ ((keyword-item/classifier item) form
+ environment
+ definition-environment))
+ ((list? (cdr form))
+ (let ((items
+ (classify/subexpressions (cdr form)
+ environment)))
+ (make-expression-item
+ (lambda ()
+ (output/combination
+ (compile-item/expression item)
+ (map compile-item/expression items)))
+ form)))
+ (else
+ (syntax-error "combination must be a proper list"
+ form)))))
+ (else
+ (make-expression-item ;don't quote literals evaluating to themselves
+ (if (or (boolean? form) (char? form) (number? form) (string? form))
+ (lambda () (output/literal-unquoted form))
+ (lambda () (output/literal-quoted form))) form))))
+(define (classify/subform form environment definition-environment)
+ (classify/form form
+ environment
+ definition-environment))
+(define (classify/subforms forms environment definition-environment)
+ (map (lambda (form)
+ (classify/subform form environment definition-environment))
+ forms))
+(define (classify/subexpression expression environment)
+ (classify/subform expression environment environment))
+(define (classify/subexpressions expressions environment)
+ (classify/subforms expressions environment environment))
+;;;; Compiler
+;;; The compiler maps items into the output language.
+(define (compile-item/expression item)
+ (let ((illegal
+ (lambda (item name)
+ (let ((decompiled (decompile-item item))) (newline)
+ (slib:error (string-append name
+ " may not be used as an expression")
+ decompiled)))))
+ (cond ((variable-item? item)
+ (output/variable (variable-item/name item)))
+ ((expression-item? item)
+ ((expression-item/compiler item)))
+ ((body-item? item)
+ (let ((items (flatten-body-items (body-item/components item))))
+ (if (null? items)
+ (illegal item "empty sequence")
+ (output/sequence (map compile-item/expression items)))))
+ ((definition-item? item)
+ (let ((binding ;allows later scheme errors, but allows top-level
+ (bind-definition-item! ;(if (not (defined? x)) define it)
+ scheme-syntactic-environment item))) ;as in Init.scm
+ (output/top-level-definition
+ (car binding)
+ (compile-item/expression (cdr binding)))))
+ ((keyword-item? item)
+ (illegal item "keyword"))
+ (else
+ (impl-error "unknown item" item)))))
+(define (compile/subexpression expression environment)
+ (compile-item/expression
+ (classify/subexpression expression environment)))
+(define (compile/top-level forms environment)
+ ;; Top-level syntactic definitions affect all forms that appear
+ ;; after them.
+ (output/top-level-sequence
+ (let forms-loop ((forms forms))
+ (if (null? forms)
+ '()
+ (let items-loop
+ ((items
+ (item->list
+ (classify/subform (car forms)
+ environment
+ environment))))
+ (cond ((null? items)
+ (forms-loop (cdr forms)))
+ ((definition-item? (car items))
+ (let ((binding
+ (bind-definition-item! environment (car items))))
+ (if binding
+ (cons (output/top-level-definition
+ (car binding)
+ (compile-item/expression (cdr binding)))
+ (items-loop (cdr items)))
+ (items-loop (cdr items)))))
+ (else
+ (cons (compile-item/expression (car items))
+ (items-loop (cdr items))))))))))
+;;;; De-Compiler
+;;; The de-compiler maps partly-compiled things back to the input language,
+;;; as far as possible. Used to display more meaningful macro error messages.
+(define (decompile-item item)
+ (display " ")
+ (cond ((variable-item? item) (variable-item/name item))
+ ((expression-item? item)
+ (decompile-item (expression-item/annotation item)))
+ ((body-item? item)
+ (let ((items (flatten-body-items (body-item/components item))))
+ (display "sequence")
+ (if (null? items)
+ "empty sequence"
+ "non-empty sequence")))
+ ((definition-item? item) "definition")
+ ((keyword-item? item)
+ (decompile-item (keyword-item/name item)));in case expression
+ ((syntactic-closure? item); (display "syntactic-closure;")
+ (decompile-item (syntactic-closure/form item)))
+ ((list? item) (display "(")
+ (map decompile-item item) (display ")") "see list above")
+ ((string? item) item);explicit name-string for keyword-item
+ ((symbol? item) (display item) item) ;symbol for syntactic-closures
+ ((boolean? item) (display item) item) ;symbol for syntactic-closures
+ (else (write item) (impl-error "unknown item" item))))
+;;;; Syntactic Closures
+(define syntactic-closure-type
+ (make-record-type "syntactic-closure" '(ENVIRONMENT FREE-NAMES FORM)))
+(define make-syntactic-closure
+ (record-constructor syntactic-closure-type '(ENVIRONMENT FREE-NAMES FORM)))
+(define syntactic-closure?
+ (record-predicate syntactic-closure-type))
+(define syntactic-closure/environment
+ (record-accessor syntactic-closure-type 'ENVIRONMENT))
+(define syntactic-closure/free-names
+ (record-accessor syntactic-closure-type 'FREE-NAMES))
+(define syntactic-closure/form
+ (record-accessor syntactic-closure-type 'FORM))
+(define (make-syntactic-closure-list environment free-names forms)
+ (map (lambda (form) (make-syntactic-closure environment free-names form))
+ forms))
+(define (strip-syntactic-closures object)
+ (cond ((syntactic-closure? object)
+ (strip-syntactic-closures (syntactic-closure/form object)))
+ ((pair? object)
+ (cons (strip-syntactic-closures (car object))
+ (strip-syntactic-closures (cdr object))))
+ ((vector? object)
+ (let ((length (vector-length object)))
+ (let ((result (make-vector length)))
+ (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
+ ((= i length))
+ (vector-set! result i
+ (strip-syntactic-closures (vector-ref object i))))
+ result)))
+ (else
+ object)))
+(define (identifier? object)
+ (or (symbol? object)
+ (synthetic-identifier? object)))
+(define (synthetic-identifier? object)
+ (and (syntactic-closure? object)
+ (identifier? (syntactic-closure/form object))))
+(define (identifier->symbol identifier)
+ (cond ((symbol? identifier)
+ identifier)
+ ((synthetic-identifier? identifier)
+ (identifier->symbol (syntactic-closure/form identifier)))
+ (else
+ (impl-error "not an identifier" identifier))))
+(define (identifier=? environment-1 identifier-1 environment-2 identifier-2)
+ (let ((item-1 (syntactic-environment/lookup environment-1 identifier-1))
+ (item-2 (syntactic-environment/lookup environment-2 identifier-2)))
+ (or (eq? item-1 item-2)
+ ;; This is necessary because an identifier that is not
+ ;; explicitly bound by an environment is mapped to a variable
+ ;; item, and the variable items are not cached. Therefore
+ ;; two references to the same variable result in two
+ ;; different variable items.
+ (and (variable-item? item-1)
+ (variable-item? item-2)
+ (eq? (variable-item/name item-1)
+ (variable-item/name item-2))))))
+;;;; Syntactic Environments
+(define syntactic-environment-type
+ (make-record-type
+ "syntactic-environment"
+(define make-syntactic-environment
+ (record-constructor syntactic-environment-type
+(define syntactic-environment?
+ (record-predicate syntactic-environment-type))
+(define syntactic-environment/parent
+ (record-accessor syntactic-environment-type 'PARENT))
+(define syntactic-environment/lookup-operation
+ (record-accessor syntactic-environment-type 'LOOKUP-OPERATION))
+(define (syntactic-environment/assign! environment name item)
+ (let ((binding
+ ((syntactic-environment/lookup-operation environment) name)))
+ (if binding
+ (set-cdr! binding item)
+ (impl-error "can't assign unbound identifier" name))))
+(define syntactic-environment/rename-operation
+ (record-accessor syntactic-environment-type 'RENAME-OPERATION))
+(define (syntactic-environment/rename environment name)
+ ((syntactic-environment/rename-operation environment) name))
+(define syntactic-environment/define!
+ (let ((accessor
+ (record-accessor syntactic-environment-type 'DEFINE-OPERATION)))
+ (lambda (environment name item)
+ ((accessor environment) name item))))
+(define syntactic-environment/bindings
+ (let ((accessor
+ (record-accessor syntactic-environment-type 'BINDINGS-OPERATION)))
+ (lambda (environment)
+ ((accessor environment)))))
+(define (syntactic-environment/lookup environment name)
+ (let ((binding
+ ((syntactic-environment/lookup-operation environment) name)))
+ (cond (binding
+ (let ((item (cdr binding)))
+ (if (reserved-name-item? item)
+ (syntax-error "premature reference to reserved name"
+ name)
+ item)))
+ ((symbol? name)
+ (make-variable-item name))
+ ((synthetic-identifier? name)
+ (syntactic-environment/lookup (syntactic-closure/environment name)
+ (syntactic-closure/form name)))
+ (else
+ (impl-error "not an identifier" name)))))
+(define root-syntactic-environment
+ (make-syntactic-environment
+ #f
+ (lambda (name)
+ name
+ #f)
+ (lambda (name)
+ name)
+ (lambda (name item)
+ (impl-error "can't bind name in root syntactic environment" name item))
+ (lambda ()
+ '())))
+(define null-syntactic-environment
+ (make-syntactic-environment
+ #f
+ (lambda (name)
+ (impl-error "can't lookup name in null syntactic environment" name))
+ (lambda (name)
+ (impl-error "can't rename name in null syntactic environment" name))
+ (lambda (name item)
+ (impl-error "can't bind name in null syntactic environment" name item))
+ (lambda ()
+ '())))
+(define (top-level-syntactic-environment parent)
+ (let ((bound '()))
+ (make-syntactic-environment
+ parent
+ (let ((parent-lookup (syntactic-environment/lookup-operation parent)))
+ (lambda (name)
+ (or (assq name bound)
+ (parent-lookup name))))
+ (lambda (name)
+ name)
+ (lambda (name item)
+ (let ((binding (assq name bound)))
+ (if binding
+ (set-cdr! binding item)
+ (set! bound (cons (cons name item) bound)))))
+ (lambda ()
+ (map (lambda (pair) (cons (car pair) (cdr pair))) bound)))))
+(define (internal-syntactic-environment parent)
+ (let ((bound '())
+ (free '()))
+ (make-syntactic-environment
+ parent
+ (let ((parent-lookup (syntactic-environment/lookup-operation parent)))
+ (lambda (name)
+ (or (assq name bound)
+ (assq name free)
+ (let ((binding (parent-lookup name)))
+ (if binding (set! free (cons binding free)))
+ binding))))
+ (make-name-generator)
+ (lambda (name item)
+ (cond ((assq name bound)
+ =>
+ (lambda (association)
+ (if (and (reserved-name-item? (cdr association))
+ (not (reserved-name-item? item)))
+ (set-cdr! association item)
+ (impl-error "can't redefine name; already bound" name))))
+ ((assq name free)
+ (if (reserved-name-item? item)
+ (syntax-error "premature reference to reserved name"
+ name)
+ (impl-error "can't define name; already free" name)))
+ (else
+ (set! bound (cons (cons name item) bound)))))
+ (lambda ()
+ (map (lambda (pair) (cons (car pair) (cdr pair))) bound)))))
+(define (filter-syntactic-environment names names-env else-env)
+ (if (or (null? names)
+ (eq? names-env else-env))
+ else-env
+ (let ((make-operation
+ (lambda (get-operation)
+ (let ((names-operation (get-operation names-env))
+ (else-operation (get-operation else-env)))
+ (lambda (name)
+ ((if (memq name names) names-operation else-operation)
+ name))))))
+ (make-syntactic-environment
+ else-env
+ (make-operation syntactic-environment/lookup-operation)
+ (make-operation syntactic-environment/rename-operation)
+ (lambda (name item)
+ (impl-error "can't bind name in filtered syntactic environment"
+ name item))
+ (lambda ()
+ (map (lambda (name)
+ (cons name
+ (syntactic-environment/lookup names-env name)))
+ names))))))
+;;;; Items
+;;; Reserved name items do not represent any form, but instead are
+;;; used to reserve a particular name in a syntactic environment. If
+;;; the classifier refers to a reserved name, a syntax error is
+;;; signalled. This is used in the implementation of LETREC-SYNTAX
+;;; to signal a meaningful error when one of the <init>s refers to
+;;; one of the names being bound.
+(define reserved-name-item-type
+ (make-record-type "reserved-name-item" '()))
+(define make-reserved-name-item
+ (record-constructor reserved-name-item-type)) ; '()
+(define reserved-name-item?
+ (record-predicate reserved-name-item-type))
+;;; Keyword items represent macro keywords.
+(define keyword-item-type
+ (make-record-type "keyword-item" '(CLASSIFIER NAME)))
+; (make-record-type "keyword-item" '(CLASSIFIER)))
+(define make-keyword-item
+; (lambda (cl) (display "make-keyword-item:") (write cl) (newline)
+; ((record-constructor keyword-item-type '(CLASSIFIER)) cl)))
+ (record-constructor keyword-item-type '(CLASSIFIER NAME)))
+; (record-constructor keyword-item-type '(CLASSIFIER)))
+(define keyword-item?
+ (record-predicate keyword-item-type))
+(define keyword-item/classifier
+ (record-accessor keyword-item-type 'CLASSIFIER))
+(define keyword-item/name
+ (record-accessor keyword-item-type 'NAME))
+;;; Variable items represent run-time variables.
+(define variable-item-type
+ (make-record-type "variable-item" '(NAME)))
+(define make-variable-item
+ (record-constructor variable-item-type '(NAME)))
+(define variable-item?
+ (record-predicate variable-item-type))
+(define variable-item/name
+ (record-accessor variable-item-type 'NAME))
+;;; Expression items represent any kind of expression other than a
+;;; run-time variable or a sequence. The ANNOTATION field is used to
+;;; make expression items that can appear in non-expression contexts
+;;; (for example, this could be used in the implementation of SETF).
+(define expression-item-type
+ (make-record-type "expression-item" '(COMPILER ANNOTATION)))
+(define make-expression-item
+ (record-constructor expression-item-type '(COMPILER ANNOTATION)))
+(define expression-item?
+ (record-predicate expression-item-type))
+(define expression-item/compiler
+ (record-accessor expression-item-type 'COMPILER))
+(define expression-item/annotation
+ (record-accessor expression-item-type 'ANNOTATION))
+;;; Body items represent sequences (e.g. BEGIN).
+(define body-item-type
+ (make-record-type "body-item" '(COMPONENTS)))
+(define make-body-item
+ (record-constructor body-item-type '(COMPONENTS)))
+(define body-item?
+ (record-predicate body-item-type))
+(define body-item/components
+ (record-accessor body-item-type 'COMPONENTS))
+;;; Definition items represent definitions, whether top-level or
+;;; internal, keyword or variable.
+(define definition-item-type
+ (make-record-type "definition-item" '(BINDING-THEORY NAME VALUE)))
+(define make-definition-item
+ (record-constructor definition-item-type '(BINDING-THEORY NAME VALUE)))
+(define definition-item?
+ (record-predicate definition-item-type))
+(define definition-item/binding-theory
+ (record-accessor definition-item-type 'BINDING-THEORY))
+(define definition-item/name
+ (record-accessor definition-item-type 'NAME))
+(define definition-item/value
+ (record-accessor definition-item-type 'VALUE))
+(define (bind-definition-item! environment item)
+ ((definition-item/binding-theory item)
+ environment
+ (definition-item/name item)
+ (promise:force (definition-item/value item))))
+(define (syntactic-binding-theory environment name item)
+ (if (or (keyword-item? item)
+ (variable-item? item))
+ (begin
+ (syntactic-environment/define! environment name item)
+ #f)
+ (syntax-error "syntactic binding value must be a keyword or a variable"
+ item)))
+(define (variable-binding-theory environment name item)
+ ;; If ITEM isn't a valid expression, an error will be signalled by
+ (cons (bind-variable! environment name) item))
+(define (overloaded-binding-theory environment name item)
+ (if (keyword-item? item)
+ (begin
+ (syntactic-environment/define! environment name item)
+ #f)
+ (cons (bind-variable! environment name) item)))
+;;;; Classifiers, Compilers, Expanders
+(define (sc-expander->classifier expander keyword-environment)
+ (lambda (form environment definition-environment)
+ (classify/form (expander form environment)
+ keyword-environment
+ definition-environment)))
+(define (er-expander->classifier expander keyword-environment)
+ (sc-expander->classifier (er->sc-expander expander) keyword-environment))
+(define (er->sc-expander expander)
+ (lambda (form environment)
+ (capture-syntactic-environment
+ (lambda (keyword-environment)
+ (make-syntactic-closure
+ environment '()
+ (expander form
+ (let ((renames '()))
+ (lambda (identifier)
+ (let ((association (assq identifier renames)))
+ (if association
+ (cdr association)
+ (let ((rename
+ (make-syntactic-closure
+ keyword-environment
+ '()
+ identifier)))
+ (set! renames
+ (cons (cons identifier rename)
+ renames))
+ rename)))))
+ (lambda (x y)
+ (identifier=? environment x
+ environment y))))))))
+(define (classifier->keyword classifier)
+ (make-syntactic-closure
+ (let ((environment
+ (internal-syntactic-environment null-syntactic-environment)))
+ (syntactic-environment/define! environment
+ (make-keyword-item classifier "c->k"))
+ environment)
+ '()
+(define (compiler->keyword compiler)
+ (classifier->keyword (compiler->classifier compiler)))
+(define (classifier->form classifier)
+ `(,(classifier->keyword classifier)))
+(define (compiler->form compiler)
+ (classifier->form (compiler->classifier compiler)))
+(define (compiler->classifier compiler)
+ (lambda (form environment definition-environment)
+ definition-environment ;ignore
+ (make-expression-item
+ (lambda () (compiler form environment)) form)))
+;;;; Macrologies
+;;; A macrology is a procedure that accepts a syntactic environment
+;;; as an argument, producing a new syntactic environment that is an
+;;; extension of the argument.
+(define (make-primitive-macrology generate-definitions)
+ (lambda (base-environment)
+ (let ((environment (top-level-syntactic-environment base-environment)))
+ (let ((define-classifier
+ (lambda (keyword classifier)
+ (syntactic-environment/define!
+ environment
+ keyword
+ (make-keyword-item classifier keyword)))))
+ (generate-definitions
+ define-classifier
+ (lambda (keyword compiler)
+ (define-classifier keyword (compiler->classifier compiler)))))
+ environment)))
+(define (make-expander-macrology object->classifier generate-definitions)
+ (lambda (base-environment)
+ (let ((environment (top-level-syntactic-environment base-environment)))
+ (generate-definitions
+ (lambda (keyword object)
+ (syntactic-environment/define!
+ environment
+ keyword
+ (make-keyword-item (object->classifier object environment) keyword)))
+ base-environment)
+ environment)))
+(define (make-sc-expander-macrology generate-definitions)
+ (make-expander-macrology sc-expander->classifier generate-definitions))
+(define (make-er-expander-macrology generate-definitions)
+ (make-expander-macrology er-expander->classifier generate-definitions))
+(define (compose-macrologies . macrologies)
+ (lambda (environment)
+ (do ((macrologies macrologies (cdr macrologies))
+ (environment environment ((car macrologies) environment)))
+ ((null? macrologies) environment))))
+;;;; Utilities
+(define (bind-variable! environment name)
+ (let ((rename (syntactic-environment/rename environment name)))
+ (syntactic-environment/define! environment
+ name
+ (make-variable-item rename))
+ rename))
+(define (reserve-names! names environment)
+ (let ((item (make-reserved-name-item)))
+ (for-each (lambda (name)
+ (syntactic-environment/define! environment name item))
+ names)))
+(define (capture-syntactic-environment expander)
+ (classifier->form
+ (lambda (form environment definition-environment)
+ form ;ignore
+ (classify/form (expander environment)
+ environment
+ definition-environment))))
+(define (unspecific-expression)
+ (compiler->form
+ (lambda (form environment)
+ form environment ;ignore
+ (output/unspecific))))
+(define (unassigned-expression)
+ (compiler->form
+ (lambda (form environment)
+ form environment ;ignore
+ (output/unassigned))))
+(define (syntax-quote expression)
+ `(,(compiler->keyword
+ (lambda (form environment)
+ environment ;ignore
+ (syntax-check '(KEYWORD DATUM) form)
+ (output/literal-quoted (cadr form))))
+ ,expression))
+(define (flatten-body-items items)
+ (append-map item->list items))
+(define (item->list item)
+ (if (body-item? item)
+ (flatten-body-items (body-item/components item))
+ (list item)))
+(define (output/let names values body)
+ (if (null? names)
+ body
+ (output/combination (output/lambda names body) values)))
+(define (output/letrec names values body)
+ (if (null? names)
+ body
+ (output/let
+ names
+ (map (lambda (name) name (output/unassigned)) names)
+ (output/sequence
+ (list (if (null? (cdr names))
+ (output/assignment (car names) (car values))
+ (let ((temps (map (make-name-generator) names)))
+ (output/let
+ temps
+ values
+ (output/sequence
+ (map output/assignment names temps)))))
+ body)))))
+(define (output/top-level-sequence expressions)
+ (if (null? expressions)
+ (output/unspecific)
+ (output/sequence expressions)))