path: root/sisc.init
diff options
authorThomas Bushnell, BSG <>2007-12-28 16:25:32 -0800
committerBryan Newbold <>2017-02-20 00:05:39 -0800
commitd8ae23691ed6392b7f320f5fa7d4dd78ae52c10e (patch)
treeb20b8bc02e854c4c86d39ee22a0638a8b06e01af /sisc.init
parentedd1ebef3ad774e7cbcc2f5918d555bfb0b44091 (diff)
parent64f037d91e0c9296dcaef9a0ff3eb33b19a2ed34 (diff)
Import Debian changes 3a5-1debian/3a5-1
slib (3a5-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. * slib.texi (Library Catalogs): Repeat change from 3a3-3. * Makefile: Repeat $(htmldir)slib_toc.html changes from 3a2-1. * guile.init: (library-vicinity): Repeat change from 3a4-2. * debian/rules (binary-indep): Don't hide .init files in a separate subdirectory, thus conforming better to the usual slib practice. Put a symlink in place to ease transitions. (Closes: #407370).
Diffstat (limited to 'sisc.init')
1 files changed, 348 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sisc.init b/sisc.init
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a042bb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sisc.init
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+;;; "sisc.init" Initialization for SLIB for SISC-1.16.6 -*-scheme-*-
+;;; Author: (Matthias Radestock)
+;;; Based on:
+;;; "Template.scm" configuration template of *features* for Scheme
+;;; Author: Aubrey Jaffer
+;;; This code is in the public domain.
+;;; * implement |system|
+;;;;import vicinity support
+;;(require-extension (srfi 59))
+;;; srfi-59
+(define (program-vicinity)
+ (current-directory))
+(define (library-vicinity)
+ (string-append
+ (or (getenv "sisc.slib")
+ (getenv "sisc.lib")
+ (error "You must define the sisc.slib or sisc.lib property"))
+ "/"))
+(define (implementation-vicinity)
+ (string-append
+ (or (getenv "sisc.home")
+ (error "You must define the sisc.home property"))
+ "/"))
+(define (user-vicinity) "")
+(define (home-vicinity)
+ (string-append
+ (or (getenv "user.home")
+ (error "You must define the user.home property"))
+ "/"))
+(define in-vicinity normalize-url)
+(define (sub-vicinity vicinity name)
+ (string-append vicinity name "/"))
+(define (make-vicinity pathname) pathname)
+(define (pathname->vicinity pathname)
+ (let loop ((i (- (string-length pathname) 1)))
+ (cond ((negative? i) "")
+ ((vicinity:suffix? (string-ref pathname i))
+ (substring pathname 0 (+ i 1)))
+ (else (loop (- i 1))))))
+(define (vicinity:suffix? chr)
+ (eqv? chr #\/))
+;;; end srfi-59
+;;@ (software-type) should be set to the generic operating system type.
+;;; UNIX, VMS, MACOS, AMIGA and MS-DOS are supported.
+(define (software-type)
+ (define (string-starts-with-ci? s1 s2)
+ (let ([l (string-length s2)])
+ (and (not (< (string-length s1) l))
+ (string-ci=? (substring s1 0 l) s2))))
+ (let ([osn (getenv "")])
+ (cond [(string-starts-with-ci? osn "win") 'ms-dos]
+ [(string-starts-with-ci? osn "mac") 'macos]
+ [(string-starts-with-ci? osn "os/2") 'os2]
+ [(string-starts-with-ci? osn "openvms") 'vms]
+ [(string-starts-with-ci? osn "vax") 'vax]
+ [else 'unix])))
+;;@ (scheme-implementation-type) should return the name of the scheme
+;;; implementation loading this file.
+(define (scheme-implementation-type) 'sisc)
+;;@ (scheme-implementation-home-page) should return a (string) URI
+;;; (Uniform Resource Identifier) for this scheme implementation's home
+;;; page; or false if there isn't one.
+(define (scheme-implementation-home-page)
+ "")
+;;@ (scheme-implementation-version) should return a string describing
+;;; the version the scheme implementation loading this file.
+(define (scheme-implementation-version)
+ (getprop 'version (get-symbolic-environment '*sisc*)))
+(define (with-load-pathname path thunk)
+ (parameterize
+ ([current-url path])
+ (thunk)))
+;;@ SLIB:FEATURES is a list of symbols naming the (SLIB) features
+;;; initially supported by this implementation.
+(define slib:features
+ '(
+ source ;can load scheme source files
+ ;(SLIB:LOAD-SOURCE "filename")
+;;; compiled ;can load compiled files
+ ;(SLIB:LOAD-COMPILED "filename")
+ vicinity
+ srfi-59
+ ;;; Scheme report features
+ ;; R5RS-compliant implementations should provide all 9 features.
+ r5rs ;conforms to
+ eval ;R5RS two-argument eval
+ values ;R5RS multiple values
+ dynamic-wind ;R5RS dynamic-wind
+ macro ;R5RS high level macros
+ delay ;has DELAY and FORCE
+ multiarg-apply ;APPLY can take more than 2 args.
+ char-ready?
+ rev4-optional-procedures ;LIST-TAIL, STRING-COPY,
+ ;; These four features are optional in both R4RS and R5RS
+ multiarg/and- ;/ and - can take more than 2 args.
+ rationalize
+ with-file ;has WITH-INPUT-FROM-FILE and
+ r4rs ;conforms to
+ ieee-p1178 ;conforms to
+ r3rs ;conforms to
+;;; rev2-procedures ;SUBSTRING-MOVE-LEFT!,
+ ;-1+, <?, <=?, =?, >?, >=?
+ object-hash ;has OBJECT-HASH
+ full-continuation ;can return multiple times
+ ieee-floating-point ;conforms to IEEE Standard 754-1985
+ ;IEEE Standard for Binary
+ ;Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+ ;;; Other common features
+ srfi ;srfi-0, COND-EXPAND finds all srfi-*
+;;; sicp ;runs code from Structure and
+ ;Interpretation of Computer
+ ;Programs by Abelson and Sussman.
+ defmacro ;has Common Lisp DEFMACRO
+ record ;has user defined data structures
+ string-port ;has CALL-WITH-INPUT-STRING and
+;;; sort
+ pretty-print
+;;; object->string
+;;; format ;Common-lisp output formatting
+;;; trace ;has macros: TRACE and UNTRACE
+;;; compiler ;has (COMPILER)
+;;; ed ;(ED) is editor
+;;; system ;posix (system <string>)
+;;; getenv ;posix (getenv <string>)
+;;; program-arguments ;returns list of strings (argv)
+ current-time ;returns time in seconds since 1/1/1970
+ ;;; Implementation Specific features
+ ))
+;;; import SISC record support, to stop SLIB using its own
+(import record)
+(import string-io)
+(define (current-time) (quotient (system-time) 1000))
+(define object-hash hash-code)
+;;@ (FILE-POSITION <port> . <k>)
+(define (file-position . args) #f)
+;;@ (OUTPUT-PORT-WIDTH <port>)
+(define (output-port-width . arg)
+ (let ((env-width-string (getenv "COLUMNS")))
+ (if (and env-width-string
+ (let loop ((remaining (string-length env-width-string)))
+ (or (zero? remaining)
+ (let ((next (- remaining 1)))
+ (and (char-numeric? (string-ref env-width-string
+ next))
+ (loop next))))))
+ (- (string->number env-width-string) 1)
+ 79)))
+;;@ (OUTPUT-PORT-HEIGHT <port>)
+(define (output-port-height . arg)
+ (let ((env-height-string (getenv "LINES")))
+ (if (and env-height-string
+ (let loop ((remaining (string-length env-height-string)))
+ (or (zero? remaining)
+ (let ((next (- remaining 1)))
+ (and (char-numeric? (string-ref env-height-string
+ next))
+ (loop next))))))
+ (string->number env-height-string)
+ 24)))
+(define current-error-port
+ (let ((port (current-output-port)))
+ (lambda () port)))
+;;@ (TMPNAM) makes a temporary file name.
+(define tmpnam
+ (let ((cntr 100))
+ (lambda ()
+ (set! cntr (+ 1 cntr))
+ (let ((tmp (string-append "slib_" (number->string cntr))))
+ (if (file-exists? tmp) (tmpnam) tmp)))))
+;;@ (FILE-EXISTS? <string>)
+;;(define (file-exists? f) #f)
+;;@ (DELETE-FILE <string>)
+(define (delete-file f) #f)
+;;@ FORCE-OUTPUT flushes any pending output on optional arg output port
+;;; use this definition if your system doesn't have such a procedure.
+(define force-output flush-output-port)
+;;; port versions of CALL-WITH-*PUT-FILE.
+;;@ "rationalize" adjunct procedures.
+;;(define (find-ratio x e)
+;; (let ((rat (rationalize x e)))
+;; (list (numerator rat) (denominator rat))))
+;;(define (find-ratio-between x y)
+;; (find-ratio (/ (+ x y) 2) (/ (- x y) 2)))
+;;@ CHAR-CODE-LIMIT is one greater than the largest integer which can
+;;; be returned by CHAR->INTEGER.
+(define char-code-limit 65536)
+;;@ MOST-POSITIVE-FIXNUM is used in modular.scm
+(define most-positive-fixnum (- (ashl 1 31) 1))
+;;@ Return argument
+(define (identity x) x)
+;;@ SLIB:EVAL is single argument eval using the top-level (user) environment.
+(define slib:eval eval)
+(define slib:warn
+ (lambda args
+ (let ((cep (current-error-port)))
+ (if (provided? 'trace) (print-call-stack cep))
+ (display "Warn: " cep)
+ (for-each (lambda (x) (display #\ cep) (write x cep)) args))))
+;;@ define an error procedure for the library
+(define (slib:error . args)
+ (if (provided? 'trace) (print-call-stack (current-error-port)))
+ (let loop ([l args]
+ [f ""])
+ (if (null? l)
+ (apply error f args)
+ (loop (cdr l) (string-append f " ~a")))))
+(define (make-exchanger obj)
+ (lambda (rep) (let ((old obj)) (set! obj rep) old)))
+(define (open-file filename modes)
+ (case modes
+ ((r rb) (open-input-file filename))
+ ((w wb) (open-output-file filename))
+ (else (slib:error 'open-file 'mode? modes))))
+;;;(define (port? obj) (or (input-port? port) (output-port? port)))
+(define (call-with-open-ports . ports)
+ (define proc (car ports))
+ (cond ((procedure? proc) (set! ports (cdr ports)))
+ (else (set! ports (reverse ports))
+ (set! proc (car ports))
+ (set! ports (reverse (cdr ports)))))
+ (let ((ans (apply proc ports)))
+ (for-each close-port ports)
+ ans))
+(define (close-port port)
+ (cond ((input-port? port)
+ (close-input-port port)
+ (if (output-port? port) (close-output-port port)))
+ ((output-port? port) (close-output-port port))
+ (else (slib:error 'close-port 'port? port))))
+(define (browse-url url)
+ (define (try cmd end) (zero? (system (string-append cmd url end))))
+ (or (try "netscape-remote -remote 'openURL(" ")'")
+ (try "netscape -remote 'openURL(" ")'")
+ (try "netscape '" "'&")
+ (try "netscape '" "'")))
+;;@ define these as appropriate for your system.
+(define slib:tab #\tab)
+(define slib:form-feed #\page)
+;;@ Support for older versions of Scheme. Not enough code for its own file.
+(define (last-pair l) (if (pair? (cdr l)) (last-pair (cdr l)) l))
+(define t #t)
+(define nil #f)
+;;@ Define these if your implementation's syntax can support it and if
+;;; they are not already defined.
+(define (1+ n) (+ n 1))
+(define (-1+ n) (+ n -1))
+(define 1- -1+)
+;;@ Define SLIB:EXIT to be the implementation procedure to exit or
+;;; return if exiting not supported.
+(define slib:exit exit)
+;;@ Here for backward compatability
+(define scheme-file-suffix
+ (let ((suffix (case (software-type)
+ ((NOSVE) "_scm")
+ (else ".scm"))))
+ (lambda () suffix)))
+;;@ (SLIB:LOAD-SOURCE "foo") should load "foo.scm" or with whatever
+;;; suffix all the module files in SLIB have. See feature 'SOURCE.
+(define (slib:load-source f) (load (string-append f (scheme-file-suffix))))
+;;@ (SLIB:LOAD-COMPILED "foo") should load the file that was produced
+;;; by compiling "foo.scm" if this implementation can compile files.
+;;; See feature 'COMPILED.
+(define slib:load-compiled load)
+;;@ At this point SLIB:LOAD must be able to load SLIB files.
+(define slib:load slib:load-source)
+;; If your implementation provides R4RS macros:
+(define macro:eval slib:eval)
+(define macro:load load)
+(define gentemp gensym)
+(define defmacro:load slib:load-source)
+(slib:load (in-vicinity (library-vicinity) "require"))