path: root/rmdsff.scm
diff options
authorBryan Newbold <>2017-02-20 00:06:40 -0800
committerBryan Newbold <>2017-02-20 00:06:40 -0800
commita69c9fb665459e2bfdbda1bf80741a0af31a7faf (patch)
treef0bc974f8805049e6b9a4e6864886298fbaa05a4 /rmdsff.scm
parent4684239efa63dc1b2c1cbe37ef7d3062029f5532 (diff)
New upstream version 3b5upstream/3b5upstream
Diffstat (limited to 'rmdsff.scm')
1 files changed, 317 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rmdsff.scm b/rmdsff.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9ee7eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rmdsff.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+;;;; "rmdsff.scm" Space-filling functions and their inverses.
+;;; Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 Aubrey Jaffer
+;Permission to copy this software, to modify it, to redistribute it,
+;to distribute modified versions, and to use it for any purpose is
+;granted, subject to the following restrictions and understandings.
+;1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright notice
+;in full.
+;2. I have made no warranty or representation that the operation of
+;this software will be error-free, and I am under no obligation to
+;provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or otherwise.
+;3. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this
+;material, there shall be no use of my name in any advertising,
+;promotional, or sales literature without prior written consent in
+;each case.
+(require 'array)
+;;@code{(require 'space-filling)}
+;;@ftindex space-filling
+;;@ The algorithms and cell properties are described in
+;;; A cell is an object encapsulating the information about a
+;;; Hamiltonian path on a rectangular grid of side^rank nodes.
+;;; Here are the accessors for a cell:
+(define cell-type caar)
+(define cell-side cadar)
+(define cell-rank caddar)
+(define (cell-index cell crds) (apply array-ref (cadadr cell) crds))
+(define (cell-coords cell t) (vector-ref (caadr cell) t))
+(define (cell-entry cell t) (vector-ref (caddr cell) t))
+(define (cell-exit cell t) (vector-ref (cadddr cell) t))
+(define (cell-rotation cell t) (vector-ref (cadddr (cdr cell)) t))
+;;@args type rank side precession
+;;@args type rank side
+;;@args type rank
+;;@1 must be the symbol @code{diagonal}, @code{adjacent}, or
+;;@code{centered}. @2 must be an integer larger than 1. @3, if
+;;present, must be an even integer larger than 1 if @1 is
+;;@code{adjacent} or an odd integer larger than 2 otherwise; @3
+;;defaults to the smallest value. @4, if present, must be an integer
+;;between 0 and @3^@2-1; it is relevant only when @1 is
+;;@code{diagonal} or @code{centered}.
+;;@args Hamiltonian-path-vector precession
+;;@args Hamiltonian-path-vector
+;;@1 must be a vector of @var{side}^@var{rank} lists of @var{rank} of
+;;integers encoding the coordinate positions of a Hamiltonian path on
+;;the @var{rank}-dimensional grid of points starting and ending on
+;;corners of the grid. The starting corner must be the origin
+;;(all-zero coordinates). If the side-length is even, then the ending
+;;corner must be non-zero in only one coordinate; otherwise, the
+;;ending corner must be the furthest diagonally opposite corner from
+;;the origin.
+;;@code{make-cell} returns a data object suitable for passing as the
+;;first argument to @code{integer->coordinates} or
+(define (make-cell arg1 . args)
+ (define (make-serpentine-path rank s)
+ (let loop ((path '(())) (rnk (+ -1 rank)))
+ (if (negative? rnk) path
+ (loop (let iloop ((seq '()) (sc (+ -1 s)))
+ (if (negative? sc)
+ seq
+ (iloop (append (map (lambda (coords) (cons sc coords))
+ (if (odd? sc) (reverse path) path))
+ seq)
+ (+ -1 sc))))
+ (+ -1 rnk)))))
+ (if (list? arg1) (set! arg1 (list->vector arg1)))
+ (cond
+ ((> (length args) 3)
+ (slib:error 'make-cell 'extra 'arguments 'not 'handled args))
+ ((vector? arg1)
+ (let ((path arg1)
+ (precession (and (not (null? args)) (car args))))
+ (define frst (vector-ref path 0))
+ (define len (vector-length path))
+ (define s-1 (apply max (apply append (vector->list path))))
+ (let* ((len-1 (+ -1 len))
+ (last (vector-ref path len-1))
+ (d (length frst)))
+ ;; returns index of first non-zero in LST
+ (define (first-non-zero lst)
+ (define pos (lambda (n lst)
+ (cond ((zero? (car lst)) (pos (+ 1 n) (cdr lst)))
+ (else n))))
+ (pos 0 lst))
+ ;; returns the traversal direction of the sub-path.
+ (define (U_e N t)
+ (if (= t len-1)
+ (map - (vector-ref path t) (vector-ref path (- t 1)))
+ (let ((dH_i+1 (map - (vector-ref path (+ t 1)) (vector-ref path t))))
+ (define dotpr (apply + (map * N dH_i+1)))
+ (define csum (apply + dH_i+1))
+ (if (or (and (zero? dotpr) (= 1 csum)) (= dotpr csum -1))
+ dH_i+1
+ (map - (vector-ref path t) (vector-ref path (- t 1)))
+ ))))
+ (define (flip-direction dir cdir)
+ (map (lambda (px c) (modulo (+ px c) 2)) dir cdir))
+ (define (path-diag? path)
+ (define prev frst)
+ (for-each (lambda (lst)
+ (if (not (= d (length lst)))
+ (slib:error 'non-uniform 'ranks frst lst)))
+ (vector->list path))
+ (for-each (lambda (cs)
+ (if (not (= 1 (apply + (map abs (map - prev cs)))))
+ (slib:error 'bad 'step prev cs))
+ (set! prev cs))
+ (cdr (vector->list path)))
+ (cond ((not (zero? (apply + frst))) (slib:error 'strange 'start frst))
+ ((not (= d (length last))) (slib:error 'non-uniform 'lengths path))
+ ((apply = s-1 last) #t)
+ ((and (= s-1 (apply + last))) #f)
+ (else (slib:error 'strange 'net-travel frst last))))
+ (define diag? (path-diag? path))
+ (define entries (make-vector len (vector-ref path 0)))
+ (define exits (make-vector
+ len (if diag?
+ (map (lambda (c) (quotient c s-1)) last)
+ (vector-ref path 1))))
+ (define rotations (make-vector len 0))
+ (define ipath (apply make-array
+ (A:fixZ32b -1)
+ (vector->list (make-vector d (+ 1 s-1)))))
+ (define ord 0)
+ (for-each (lambda (coords)
+ (apply array-set! ipath ord coords)
+ (set! ord (+ 1 ord)))
+ (vector->list path))
+ (let lp ((t 1)
+ (prev-X (if diag?
+ (map (lambda (c) 1) (vector-ref entries 0))
+ (vector-ref path 1))))
+ (cond ((> t len-1)
+ (if (not (equal? (vector-ref exits len-1)
+ (map (lambda (c) (quotient c s-1)) last)))
+ (slib:warn (list (if diag? 'diagonal 'adjacent)
+ (+ 1 s-1) d precession)
+ 'bad 'last 'exit
+ (vector-ref exits len-1) 'should 'be
+ (map (lambda (c) (quotient c s-1)) last)))
+ (let ((ord 0)
+ (h (first-non-zero last)))
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (coords)
+ (vector-set! rotations
+ ord
+ (modulo
+ (cond ((not diag?)
+ (- h (first-non-zero
+ (map -
+ (vector-ref exits ord)
+ (vector-ref entries ord)))))
+ (precession (+ precession ord))
+ (else 0))
+ d))
+ (set! ord (+ 1 ord)))
+ (vector->list path)))
+ (list (list (if diag? 'diagonal 'adjacent)
+ (+ 1 s-1)
+ d
+ precession)
+ (list path ipath)
+ entries
+ exits
+ rotations
+ ))
+ (else
+ (let ((N (flip-direction
+ prev-X
+ (map - (vector-ref path t)
+ (vector-ref path (- t 1))))))
+ (define X (if diag?
+ (map (lambda (tn) (- 1 tn)) N)
+ (flip-direction N (U_e N t))))
+ (vector-set! entries t N)
+ (vector-set! exits t X)
+ (lp (+ 1 t) X))))))))
+ ((< (car args) 2)
+ (slib:error 'make-cell 'rank 'too 'small (car args)))
+ (else
+ (case arg1
+ ((center centered)
+ (let ((cell (make-cell (make-serpentine-path
+ (car args)
+ (if (null? (cdr args)) 3 (cadr args)))
+ (if (= 3 (length args)) (caddr args) #f))))
+ (if (not (eq? 'diagonal (cell-type cell)))
+ (slib:error 'make-cell 'centered 'must 'be 'diagonal (car cell)))
+ (set-car! (car cell) 'centered)
+ cell))
+ ((diagonal opposite)
+ (make-cell (make-serpentine-path
+ (car args)
+ (if (null? (cdr args)) 3 (cadr args)))
+ (if (= 3 (length args)) (caddr args) #f)))
+ ((adjacent)
+ (make-cell (make-serpentine-path
+ (car args)
+ (if (null? (cdr args)) 2 (cadr args)))
+ (if (= 3 (length args)) (caddr args) #f)))
+ (else
+ (slib:error 'make-cell 'unknown 'cell 'type arg1))))))
+;;@ Hilbert, Peano, and centered Peano cells are generated
+;;respectively by:
+;;(make-cell 'adjacent @var{rank} 2) ; Hilbert
+;;(make-cell 'diagonal @var{rank} 3) ; Peano
+;;(make-cell 'centered @var{rank} 3) ; centered Peano
+;;@end example
+;; Positive k rotates left
+(define (rotate-list lst k)
+ (define len (length lst))
+ (cond ((<= len 1) lst)
+ (else
+ (set! k (modulo k len))
+ (if (zero? k)
+ lst
+ (let ((ans (list (car lst))))
+ (do ((ls (cdr lst) (cdr ls))
+ (tail ans (cdr tail))
+ (k (+ -1 k) (+ -1 k)))
+ ((<= k 0)
+ (append ls ans))
+ (set-cdr! tail (list (car ls)))))))))
+;;@ In the conversion procedures, if the cell is @code{diagonal} or
+;;@code{adjacent}, then the coordinates and scalar must be nonnegative
+;;integers. If @code{centered}, then the integers can be negative.
+;;@0 converts the integer @2 to a list of coordinates according to @1.
+(define (integer->coordinates cell u)
+ (define umag (case (cell-type cell)
+ ((centered) (* (abs u) 2))
+ (else u)))
+ (define d (cell-rank cell))
+ (define s (cell-side cell))
+ (let* ((s^d (expt s d))
+ (s^d^2 (expt s^d d)))
+ (define (align V t sde)
+ (map (lambda (Vj Nj) (if (zero? Nj) Vj (- sde Vj)))
+ (rotate-list V (cell-rotation cell t))
+ (cell-entry cell t)))
+ (define (rec u m w)
+ (if (positive? w)
+ (let ((t (quotient u m)))
+ (map +
+ (map (lambda (y) (* y w)) (cell-coords cell t))
+ (align (rec (modulo u m) (quotient m s^d) (quotient w s))
+ t
+ (- w 1))))
+ (cell-coords cell 0)))
+ (do ((uscl 1 (* uscl s^d^2))
+ (cscl 1 (* cscl s^d)))
+ ((> uscl umag)
+ (case (cell-type cell)
+ ((centered)
+ (let ((cscl/2 (quotient cscl 2)))
+ (map (lambda (c) (- c cscl/2))
+ (rec (+ u (quotient uscl 2))
+ (quotient uscl s^d)
+ (quotient cscl s)))))
+ (else (rec u (quotient uscl s^d) (quotient cscl s))))))))
+;;@0 converts the list of coordinates @2 to an integer according to @1.
+(define (coordinates->integer cell V)
+ (define maxc (case (cell-type cell)
+ ((centered) (* 2 (apply max (map abs V))))
+ (else (apply max V))))
+ (define d (cell-rank cell))
+ (define s (cell-side cell))
+ (let* ((s^d (expt s d))
+ (s^d^2 (expt s^d d)))
+ (define (align^-1 V t sde)
+ (rotate-list (map (lambda (Vj Nj) (if (zero? Nj) Vj (- sde Vj)))
+ V
+ (cell-entry cell t))
+ (- (cell-rotation cell t))))
+ (define (rec u V w)
+ (if (positive? w)
+ (let ((dig (cell-index cell (map (lambda (c) (quotient c w)) V))))
+ (rec (+ dig (* s^d u))
+ (align^-1 (map (lambda (cx) (modulo cx w)) V)
+ dig
+ (- w 1))
+ (quotient w s)))
+ u))
+ (do ((uscl 1 (* uscl s^d^2))
+ (cscl 1 (* cscl s^d)))
+ ((> cscl maxc)
+ (case (cell-type cell)
+ ((centered)
+ (let ((cscl/2 (quotient cscl 2)))
+ (- (rec 0
+ (map (lambda (c) (+ c cscl/2)) V)
+ (quotient cscl s))
+ (quotient uscl 2))))
+ (else (rec 0 V (quotient cscl s))))))))
+;;@var{coordinates->integer} and @var{integer->coordinates} are
+;;inverse functions when passed the same @var{cell} argument.