path: root/charplot.scm
diff options
authorBryan Newbold <>2017-02-20 00:05:29 -0800
committerBryan Newbold <>2017-02-20 00:05:29 -0800
commit8466d8cfa486fb30d1755c4261b781135083787b (patch)
treec8c12c67246f543c3cc4f64d1c07e003cb1d45ae /charplot.scm
parent87b82b5822ca54228cfa6df29be3ad9d4bc47d16 (diff)
Import Upstream version 3a1upstream/3a1
Diffstat (limited to 'charplot.scm')
1 files changed, 254 insertions, 126 deletions
diff --git a/charplot.scm b/charplot.scm
index 3e0e019..890fca0 100644
--- a/charplot.scm
+++ b/charplot.scm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
;;;; "charplot.scm", plotting on character devices for Scheme
-;;; Copyright (C) 1992, 1993 Aubrey Jaffer
+;;; Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 2001, 2003 Aubrey Jaffer
;Permission to copy this software, to modify it, to redistribute it,
;to distribute modified versions, and to use it for any purpose is
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
;1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright notice
;in full.
-;2. I have made no warrantee or representation that the operation of
+;2. I have made no warranty or representation that the operation of
;this software will be error-free, and I am under no obligation to
;provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or otherwise.
@@ -17,155 +17,283 @@
;promotional, or sales literature without prior written consent in
;each case.
-(require 'sort)
(require 'printf)
(require 'array)
(require 'array-for-each)
+(require 'multiarg/and-)
-(define charplot:rows 24)
-(define charplot:columns (output-port-width (current-output-port)))
+;;;@ These determine final graph size.
+(define charplot:dimensions #f)
-(define charplot:xborder #\_)
-(define charplot:yborder #\|)
-(define charplot:xaxchar #\-)
-(define charplot:yaxchar #\:)
-(define charplot:curve1 #\*)
-(define charplot:xtick #\.)
+;;; The left margin and legends
+(define charplot:left-margin 12)
-(define charplot:height (- charplot:rows 5))
-(define charplot:width (- charplot:columns 15))
+(define char:xborder #\_)
+(define char:yborder #\|)
+(define char:xaxis #\-)
+(define char:yaxis #\:)
+(define char:xtick #\.)
+(define char:bar #\I)
+(define char:curves "*+x@#$%&='")
-(define (charplot:printn! n char)
- (cond ((positive? n)
- (write-char char)
- (charplot:printn! (+ n -1) char))))
+;;;Converts X to a string whose length is at most MWID.
+(define (charplot:number->string x mwid)
+ (define str (sprintf #f "%g" x))
+ (if (> (string-length str) mwid)
+ (substring str 0 mwid)
+ str))
-(define (charplot:center-print! str width)
- (let ((lpad (quotient (- width (string-length str)) 2)))
- (charplot:printn! lpad #\ )
- (display str)
- (charplot:printn! (- width (+ (string-length str) lpad)) #\ )))
-(define (charplot:number->string x)
- (sprintf #f "%g" x))
-(define (charplot:scale-it z scale)
- (if (and (exact? z) (integer? z))
- (quotient (* z (car scale)) (cadr scale))
- (inexact->exact (round (/ (* z (car scale)) (cadr scale))))))
+;;;SCALE is a list of numerator and denominator.
+(define charplot:scale-it
+ (if (provided? 'inexact)
+ (lambda (z scale)
+ (inexact->exact (round (/ (* z (car scale)) (cadr scale)))))
+ (lambda (z scale)
+ (quotient (+ (* z (car scale)) (quotient (cadr scale) 2))
+ (cadr scale)))))
+;;; Given the width or height (in characters) and the data-span,
+;;; returns a list of numerator and denominator (NUM DEN) suitable for
+;;; passing as a second argument to CHARPLOT:SCALE-IT.
+;;; NUM will be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 8 times a power of ten.
+;;; DEN will be a power of ten.
+;;; num isize
+;;; === < =====
+;;; den delta
(define (charplot:find-scale isize delta)
- (define (fs2)
- (cond ((< (* delta 8) isize) 8)
- ((< (* delta 6) isize) 6)
- ((< (* delta 5) isize) 5)
- ((< (* delta 4) isize) 4)
- ((< (* delta 3) isize) 3)
- ((< (* delta 2) isize) 2)
- (else 1)))
(cond ((zero? delta) (set! delta 1))
((inexact? delta) (set! isize (exact->inexact isize))))
- (do ((d 1 (* d 10)))
+ (do ((d 1 (* d 10))
+ (isize isize (* isize 10)))
((<= delta isize)
- (do ((n 1 (* n 10)))
+ (do ((n 1 (* n 10))
+ (delta delta (* delta 10)))
((>= (* delta 10) isize)
- (list (* n (fs2)) d))
- (set! delta (* delta 10))))
- (set! isize (* isize 10))))
+ (list (* n (cond ((<= (* delta 8) isize) 8)
+ ((<= (* delta 6) isize) 6)
+ ((<= (* delta 5) isize) 5)
+ ((<= (* delta 4) isize) 4)
+ ((<= (* delta 3) isize) 3)
+ ((<= (* delta 2) isize) 2)
+ (else 1)))
+ d))))))
+(define (charplot:make-array)
+ (let ((height (or (and charplot:dimensions (car charplot:dimensions))
+ (output-port-height (current-output-port))))
+ (width (or (and charplot:dimensions (cadr charplot:dimensions))
+ (output-port-width (current-output-port)))))
+ (define pra (create-array " " height width))
+ ;;Put newlines on right edge
+ (do ((idx (+ -1 height) (+ -1 idx)))
+ ((negative? idx))
+ (array-set! pra #\newline idx (+ -1 width)))
+ pra))
-(define (charplot:iplot! data xlabel ylabel xmin xscale ymin yscale)
+;;;Creates and initializes character array with axes, scales, and
+(define (charplot:init-array pra xlabel ylabel xmin xscale ymin yscale)
+ (define plot-height (- (car (array-dimensions pra)) 3))
+ (define plot-width (- (cadr (array-dimensions pra)) charplot:left-margin 4))
(define xaxis (- (charplot:scale-it ymin yscale)))
(define yaxis (- (charplot:scale-it xmin xscale)))
- (charplot:center-print! ylabel 11)
- (charplot:printn! (+ charplot:width 1) charplot:xborder)
- (newline)
- (set! data (sort! data (lambda (x y) (if (= (cdr x) (cdr y))
- (< (car x) (car y))
- (> (cdr x) (cdr y))))))
- (do ((ht (- charplot:height 1) (- ht 1)))
+ (define xstep (if (zero? (modulo (car xscale) 3)) 12 10))
+ ;;CL is the left edge of WIDTH field
+ (define (center-field str width ln cl)
+ (define len (string-length str))
+ (if (< width len)
+ (center-field (substring str 0 width) width ln cl)
+ (do ((cnt (+ -1 len) (+ -1 cnt))
+ (adx (+ (quotient (- width len) 2) cl) (+ 1 adx))
+ (idx 0 (+ 1 idx)))
+ ((negative? cnt))
+ (array-set! pra (string-ref str idx) ln adx))))
+ ;;x and y labels
+ (center-field ylabel (+ charplot:left-margin -1) 0 0)
+ (center-field xlabel (+ -1 charplot:left-margin) (+ 2 plot-height) 0)
+ ;;horizontal borders, x-axis, and ticking
+ (let ((xstep/2 (quotient (- xstep 2) 2)))
+ (define faxis (modulo (+ charplot:left-margin yaxis) xstep))
+ (define faxis/2 (modulo (+ charplot:left-margin yaxis xstep/2 1) xstep))
+ (define xfudge (modulo yaxis xstep))
+ (do ((cl (+ charplot:left-margin -1) (+ 1 cl)))
+ ((>= cl (+ plot-width charplot:left-margin)))
+ (array-set! pra char:xborder 0 cl)
+ (array-set! pra
+ (cond ((eqv? faxis (modulo cl xstep)) char:yaxis)
+ ((eqv? faxis/2 (modulo cl xstep)) char:xtick)
+ (else char:xborder))
+ (+ 1 plot-height) cl)
+ (if (<= 0 xaxis plot-height)
+ (array-set! pra char:xaxis (- plot-height xaxis) cl)))
+ ;;horizontal coordinates
+ (do ((i xfudge (+ i xstep))
+ (cl (+ charplot:left-margin xfudge (- xstep/2)) (+ xstep cl)))
+ ((> i plot-width))
+ (center-field (charplot:number->string
+ (/ (* (- i yaxis) (cadr xscale))
+ (car xscale))
+ xstep)
+ xstep (+ 2 plot-height) cl)))
+ ;;vertical borders and y-axis
+ (do ((ht plot-height (- ht 1)))
+ ((negative? ht))
+ (array-set! pra char:yborder (+ 1 ht) (+ charplot:left-margin -2))
+ (array-set! pra char:yborder (+ 1 ht) (+ charplot:left-margin plot-width))
+ (if (< -1 yaxis plot-width)
+ (array-set! pra char:yaxis (+ 1 ht) (+ charplot:left-margin yaxis))))
+ ;;vertical ticking and coordinates
+ (do ((ht (- plot-height 1) (- ht 1))
+ (ln 1 (+ 1 ln)))
((negative? ht))
- (let ((a (make-string (+ charplot:width 1)
- (if (= ht xaxis) charplot:xaxchar #\ )))
- (ystep (if (= 1 (gcd (car yscale) 3)) 2 3)))
- (string-set! a charplot:width charplot:yborder)
- (if (< -1 yaxis charplot:width) (string-set! a yaxis charplot:yaxchar))
- (do ()
- ((or (null? data) (not (>= (cdar data) ht))))
- (string-set! a (caar data) charplot:curve1)
- (set! data (cdr data)))
+ (let ((ystep (if (zero? (modulo (car yscale) 3)) 3 2)))
(if (zero? (modulo (- ht xaxis) ystep))
(let* ((v (charplot:number->string (/ (* (- ht xaxis) (cadr yscale))
- (car yscale))))
- (l (string-length v)))
- (if (> l 10)
- (display (substring v 0 10))
- (begin
- (charplot:printn! (- 10 l) #\ )
- (display v)))
- (display charplot:yborder)
- (display charplot:xaxchar))
- (begin
- (charplot:printn! 10 #\ )
- (display charplot:yborder)
- (display #\ )))
- (display a) (newline)))
- (let* ((xstep (if (= 1 (gcd (car xscale) 3)) 10 12))
- (xstep/2 (quotient (- xstep 2) 2))
- (fudge (modulo yaxis xstep)))
- (charplot:printn! 10 #\ ) (display charplot:yborder)
- (charplot:printn! (+ 1 fudge) charplot:xborder)
- (display charplot:yaxchar)
- (do ((i fudge (+ i xstep)))
- ((> (+ i xstep) charplot:width)
- (charplot:printn! (modulo (- charplot:width (+ i 1)) xstep)
- charplot:xborder))
- (charplot:printn! xstep/2 charplot:xborder)
- (display charplot:xtick)
- (charplot:printn! xstep/2 charplot:xborder)
- (display charplot:yaxchar))
- (display charplot:yborder) (newline)
- (charplot:center-print! xlabel (+ 12 fudge (- xstep/2)))
- (do ((i fudge (+ i xstep)))
- ((>= i charplot:width))
- (charplot:center-print! (charplot:number->string
- (/ (* (- i yaxis) (cadr xscale))
- (car xscale)))
- xstep))
- (newline)))
-(define (charplot:plot! data xlabel ylabel)
+ (car yscale))
+ (+ charplot:left-margin -2)))
+ (len (string-length v)))
+ (center-field v len ln (- charplot:left-margin 2 len)) ;Actually flush right
+ (array-set! pra char:xaxis ln (+ charplot:left-margin -1))))))
+ ;;return initialized array
+ pra)
+(define (charplot:array->list ra)
+ (define dims (array-dimensions ra))
+ (do ((idx (+ -1 (car dims)) (+ -1 idx))
+ (cols '() (cons (do ((jdx (+ -1 (cadr dims)) (+ -1 jdx))
+ (row '() (cons (array-ref ra idx jdx) row)))
+ ((negative? jdx) row))
+ cols)))
+ ((negative? idx) cols)))
+;;;Converts data to list of coordinates (list).
+(define (charplot:data->lists data)
(cond ((array? data)
(case (array-rank data)
- ((1) (set! data (map cons
- (let ((ra (apply make-array #f
+ ((1) (set! data (map list
+ (let ((ra (apply create-array '#()
(array-shape data))))
(array-index-map! ra identity)
- (array->list ra))
- (array->list data))))
- ((2) (set! data (map (lambda (lst) (cons (car lst) (cadr lst)))
- (array->list data)))))))
- (let* ((xmax (apply max (map car data)))
- (xmin (apply min (map car data)))
- (xscale (charplot:find-scale charplot:width (- xmax xmin)))
- (ymax (apply max (map cdr data)))
- (ymin (apply min (map cdr data)))
- (yscale (charplot:find-scale charplot:height (- ymax ymin)))
- (ixmin (charplot:scale-it xmin xscale))
- (iymin (charplot:scale-it ymin yscale)))
- (charplot:iplot! (map (lambda (p)
- (cons (- (charplot:scale-it (car p) xscale) ixmin)
- (- (charplot:scale-it (cdr p) yscale) iymin)))
- data)
- xlabel ylabel xmin xscale ymin yscale)))
-(define (plot-function! func vlo vhi . npts)
- (set! npts (if (null? npts) 100 (car npts)))
- (let ((dats (make-array 0.0 npts 2)))
+ (charplot:array->list ra))
+ (charplot:array->list data))))
+ ((2) (set! data (charplot:array->list data)))))
+ ((and (pair? (car data)) (not (list? (car data))))
+ (set! data (map (lambda (lst) (list (car lst) (cdr lst))) data))))
+ (cond ((list? (cadar data))
+ (set! data (map (lambda (lst) (cons (car lst) (cadr lst))) data))))
+ data)
+;;;An extremum is a list of the maximum and minimum values.
+;;;COORDINATE-EXTREMA returns a rank-length list of these.
+(define (coordinate-extrema data)
+ (define extrema (map (lambda (x) (list x x)) (car data)))
+ (for-each (lambda (lst)
+ (set! extrema (map (lambda (x max-min)
+ (list (max x (car max-min))
+ (min x (cadr max-min))))
+ lst extrema)))
+ data)
+ extrema)
+;;;Count occurrences of numbers within evenly spaced ranges; and return
+;;;lists of coordinates for graph.
+(define (histobins data plot-width)
+ (define datcnt (length data))
+ (define xmax (apply max data))
+ (define xmin (apply min data))
+ (if (null? data)
+ '()
+ (let* ((xscale (charplot:find-scale plot-width (- xmax xmin)))
+ (actual-width (- (charplot:scale-it xmax xscale)
+ (charplot:scale-it xmin xscale)
+ -1)))
+ (define ix-min (charplot:scale-it xmin xscale))
+ (define xinc (/ (- xmax xmin) actual-width))
+ (define bins (make-vector actual-width 0))
+ (for-each (lambda (x)
+ (define idx (- (charplot:scale-it x xscale) ix-min))
+ (if (< -1 idx actual-width)
+ (vector-set! bins idx (+ 1 (vector-ref bins idx)))
+ (slib:error x (/ (* x (car xscale)) (cadr xscale))
+ (+ ix-min idx))))
+ data)
+ (map list
+ (do ((idx (+ -1 (vector-length bins)) (+ -1 idx))
+ (xvl xmax (- xvl xinc))
+ (lst '() (cons xvl lst)))
+ ((negative? idx) lst))
+ (vector->list bins)))))
+;;;@ Plot histogram of DATA.
+(define (histograph data label)
+ (if (vector? data) (set! data (vector->list data)))
+ (charplot:plot (histobins data
+ (- (or (and charplot:dimensions
+ (cadr charplot:dimensions))
+ (output-port-width (current-output-port)))
+ charplot:left-margin 3))
+ label "" #t))
+(define (charplot:plot data xlabel ylabel . histogram?)
+ (define clen (string-length char:curves))
+ (set! histogram? (if (null? histogram?) #f (car histogram?)))
+ (set! data (charplot:data->lists data))
+ (let* ((pra (charplot:make-array))
+ (plot-height (- (car (array-dimensions pra)) 3))
+ (plot-width (- (cadr (array-dimensions pra)) charplot:left-margin 4))
+ (extrema (coordinate-extrema data))
+ (xmax (caar extrema))
+ (xmin (cadar extrema))
+ (ymax (apply max (map car (cdr extrema))))
+ (ymin (apply min (map cadr (cdr extrema))))
+ (xscale (charplot:find-scale plot-width (- xmax xmin)))
+ (yscale (charplot:find-scale plot-height (- ymax ymin)))
+ (ix-min (- (charplot:scale-it xmin xscale) charplot:left-margin))
+ (ybot (charplot:scale-it ymin yscale))
+ (iy-min (+ ybot plot-height)))
+ (charplot:init-array pra xlabel ylabel xmin xscale ymin yscale)
+ (for-each (if histogram?
+ ;;display data bars
+ (lambda (datum)
+ (define x (- (charplot:scale-it (car datum) xscale) ix-min))
+ (do ((y (charplot:scale-it (cadr datum) yscale) (+ -1 y)))
+ ((< y ybot))
+ (array-set! pra char:bar (- iy-min y) x)))
+ ;;display data points
+ (lambda (datum)
+ (define x (- (charplot:scale-it (car datum) xscale) ix-min))
+ (define cdx 0)
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (y)
+ (array-set! pra (string-ref char:curves cdx)
+ (- iy-min (charplot:scale-it y yscale)) x)
+ (set! cdx (modulo (+ 1 cdx) clen)))
+ (cdr datum))))
+ data)
+ (array-for-each write-char pra)
+ (if (not (eqv? #\newline (apply array-ref pra
+ (map cadr (array-shape pra)))))
+ (newline))))
+(define (charplot:plot-function func vlo vhi . npts)
+ (set! npts (if (null? npts) 64 (car npts)))
+ (let ((dats (create-array (Ar64) npts 2)))
(array-index-map! (make-shared-array dats (lambda (idx) (list idx 0)) npts)
- (lambda (idx) (+ vlo (* (- vhi vlo) (/ idx npts)))))
+ (lambda (idx)
+ (+ vlo (* (- vhi vlo) (/ idx (+ -1 npts))))))
(array-map! (make-shared-array dats (lambda (idx) (list idx 1)) npts)
(make-shared-array dats (lambda (idx) (list idx 0)) npts))
- (charplot:plot! dats "" "")))
-(define plot! charplot:plot!)
+ (charplot:plot dats "" "")))
+(define (plot . args)
+ (if (procedure? (car args))
+ (apply charplot:plot-function args)
+ (apply charplot:plot args)))