/* "subr.c" integer and other Scheme procedures
* Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this program. If not, see
* .
/* Author: Aubrey Jaffer */
#include "scm.h"
#define s_length (s_st_length+7)
#define s_append (s_st_append+7)
char s_make_string[] = "make-string";
char s_list[] = "list";
static char s_setcar[] = "set-car!", s_setcdr[] = "set-cdr!",
s_reverse[] = "reverse", s_list_ref[] = "list-ref";
static char s_memq[] = "memq", s_member[] = "member",
s_assq[] = "assq", s_assoc[] = "assoc";
static char s_symbol2string[] = "symbol->string",
s_str2symbol[] = "string->symbol";
extern char s_inexactp[];
#define s_exactp (s_inexactp+2)
static char s_oddp[] = "odd?", s_evenp[] = "even?";
static char s_rquotient[] = "round-quotient",
s_remainder[] = "remainder", s_modulo[] = "modulo";
static char s_gcd[] = "gcd";
#define s_quotient (s_rquotient+6)
static char s_ci_eq[] = "char-ci=?",
s_ch_lessp[] = "char", s_ch_leqp[] = "char<=?",
s_ci_lessp[] = "char-ci", s_ci_leqp[] = "char-ci<=?",
s_ch_grp[] = "char>?", s_ch_geqp[] = "char>=?",
s_ci_grp[] = "char-ci>?", s_ci_geqp[] = "char-ci>=?";
static char s_ch_alphap[] = "char-alphabetic?",
s_ch_nump[] = "char-numeric?",
s_ch_whitep[] = "char-whitespace?",
s_ch_upperp[] = "char-upper-case?",
s_ch_lowerp[] = "char-lower-case?";
static char s_char2int[] = "char->integer", s_int2char[] = "integer->char",
s_ch_upcase[] = "char-upcase", s_ch_downcase[] = "char-downcase";
static char s_st_length[] = "string-length",
s_st_ref[] = "string-ref", s_st_set[] = "string-set!";
static char s_st_equal[] = "string=?", s_stci_equal[] = "string-ci=?",
s_st_lessp[] = "string", s_stci_lessp[] = "string-ci";
static char s_substring[] = "substring", s_st_append[] = "string-append";
static char s_ve_length[] = "vector-length",
s_ve_ref[] = "vector-ref", s_ve_set[] = "vector-set!";
SCM lnot(x)
SCM x;
return FALSEP(x) ? BOOL_T : BOOL_F;
SCM booleanp(obj)
SCM obj;
if (BOOL_F==obj) return BOOL_T;
if (BOOL_T==obj) return BOOL_T;
return BOOL_F;
SCM eq(x, y)
SCM x, y;
if (x==y) return BOOL_T;
else return BOOL_F;
SCM consp(x)
SCM x;
if (IMP(x)) return BOOL_F;
return CONSP(x) ? BOOL_T : BOOL_F;
SCM setcar(pair, value)
SCM pair, value;
ASRTER(NIMP(pair) && CONSP(pair), pair, ARG1, s_setcar);
CAR(pair) = value;
SCM setcdr(pair, value)
SCM pair, value;
ASRTER(NIMP(pair) && CONSP(pair), pair, ARG1, s_setcdr);
CDR(pair) = value;
SCM nullp(x)
SCM x;
return NULLP(x) ? BOOL_T : BOOL_F;
long ilength(sx)
SCM sx;
register long i = 0;
register SCM x = sx;
do {
if (IMP(x)) return NULLP(x) ? i : -1;
if (NCONSP(x)) return -2;
x = CDR(x);
if (IMP(x)) return NULLP(x) ? i : -1;
if (NCONSP(x)) return -2;
x = CDR(x);
sx = CDR(sx);
while (x != sx);
return -1;
SCM listp(x)
SCM x;
if (ilength(x)<0) return BOOL_F;
else return BOOL_T;
SCM list(objs)
SCM objs;
return objs;
SCM length(x)
SCM x;
SCM i = MAKINUM(ilength(x));
ASRTER(i >= INUM0, x, ARG1, s_length);
return i;
SCM append(args)
SCM args;
SCM res = EOL;
SCM *lloc = &res, arg;
if (IMP(args)) {
ASRTER(NULLP(args), args, ARGn, s_append);
return res;
ASRTER(CONSP(args), args, ARGn, s_append);
while (1) {
arg = CAR(args);
args = CDR(args);
if (IMP(args)) {
*lloc = arg;
ASRTER(NULLP(args), args, ARGn, s_append);
return res;
ASRTER(CONSP(args), args, ARGn, s_append);
for (;NIMP(arg);arg = CDR(arg)) {
ASRTER(CONSP(arg), arg, ARGn, s_append);
*lloc = cons(CAR(arg), EOL);
lloc = &CDR(*lloc);
ASRTER(NULLP(arg), arg, ARGn, s_append);
SCM reverse(lst)
SCM lst;
SCM res = EOL;
SCM p = lst;
for (;NIMP(p);p = CDR(p)) {
ASRTER(CONSP(p), lst, ARG1, s_reverse);
res = cons(CAR(p), res);
ASRTER(NULLP(p), lst, ARG1, s_reverse);
return res;
SCM list_ref(lst, k)
SCM lst, k;
register long i;
ASRTER(INUMP(k), k, ARG2, s_list_ref);
i = INUM(k);
ASRTER(i >= 0, k, ARG2, s_list_ref);
while (i-- > 0) {
ASRTGO(NIMP(lst) && CONSP(lst), erout);
lst = CDR(lst);
erout: ASRTER(NIMP(lst) && CONSP(lst),
NULLP(lst)?k:lst, NULLP(lst)?OUTOFRANGE:ARG1, s_list_ref);
return CAR(lst);
SCM memq(x, lst)
SCM x, lst;
for (;NIMP(lst);lst = CDR(lst)) {
ASRTER(CONSP(lst), lst, ARG2, s_memq);
if (CAR(lst)==x) return lst;
ASRTER(NULLP(lst), lst, ARG2, s_memq);
return BOOL_F;
SCM member(x, lst)
SCM x, lst;
for (;NIMP(lst);lst = CDR(lst)) {
ASRTER(CONSP(lst), lst, ARG2, s_member);
if (NFALSEP(equal(CAR(lst), x))) return lst;
ASRTER(NULLP(lst), lst, ARG2, s_member);
return BOOL_F;
SCM assq(x, alist)
SCM x, alist;
SCM tmp;
for (;NIMP(alist);alist = CDR(alist)) {
ASRTER(CONSP(alist), alist, ARG2, s_assq);
tmp = CAR(alist);
ASRTER(NIMP(tmp) && CONSP(tmp), alist, ARG2, s_assq);
if (CAR(tmp)==x) return tmp;
ASRTER(NULLP(alist), alist, ARG2, s_assq);
return BOOL_F;
SCM assoc(x, alist)
SCM x, alist;
SCM tmp;
for (;NIMP(alist);alist = CDR(alist)) {
ASRTER(CONSP(alist), alist, ARG2, s_assoc);
tmp = CAR(alist);
ASRTER(NIMP(tmp) && CONSP(tmp), alist, ARG2, s_assoc);
if (NFALSEP(equal(CAR(tmp), x))) return tmp;
ASRTER(NULLP(alist), alist, ARG2, s_assoc);
return BOOL_F;
extern long tc16_promise;
SCM promisep(x)
SCM x;
return NIMP(x) && (TYP16(x)==tc16_promise) ? BOOL_T : BOOL_F;
SCM symbolp(x)
SCM x;
if (IMP(x)) return BOOL_F;
return SYMBOLP(x) ? BOOL_T : BOOL_F;
SCM symbol2string(s)
SCM s;
ASRTER(NIMP(s) && SYMBOLP(s), s, ARG1, s_symbol2string);
return makfromstr(CHARS(s), (sizet)LENGTH(s));
SCM string2symbol(s)
SCM s;
ASRTER(NIMP(s) && STRINGP(s), s, ARG1, s_str2symbol);
s = intern(CHARS(s), (sizet)LENGTH(s));
return CAR(s);
SCM exactp(x)
SCM x;
if (INUMP(x)) return BOOL_T;
#ifdef BIGDIG
if (NIMP(x) && BIGP(x)) return BOOL_T;
return BOOL_F;
SCM oddp(n)
SCM n;
#ifdef BIGDIG
if (NINUMP(n)) {
ASRTER(NIMP(n) && BIGP(n), n, ARG1, s_oddp);
return (1 & BDIGITS(n)[0]) ? BOOL_T : BOOL_F;
ASRTER(INUMP(n), n, ARG1, s_oddp);
return (4 & (int)n) ? BOOL_T : BOOL_F;
SCM evenp(n)
SCM n;
#ifdef BIGDIG
if (NINUMP(n)) {
ASRTER(NIMP(n) && BIGP(n), n, ARG1, s_evenp);
return (1 & BDIGITS(n)[0]) ? BOOL_F : BOOL_T;
ASRTER(INUMP(n), n, ARG1, s_evenp);
return (4 & (int)n) ? BOOL_F : BOOL_T;
SCM scm_round_quotient(num, den)
SCM num, den;
register long quo, rem;
/* if (scm_verbose > 1) */
/* printf("%s / %s\n", */
/* CHARS(number2string(num, MAKINUM(10))), */
/* CHARS(number2string(den, MAKINUM(10)))); */
#ifdef BIGDIG
if (NINUMP(num)) {
long w;
ASRTER(NIMP(num) && BIGP(num), num, ARG1, s_rquotient);
if (NINUMP(den)) {
ASRTGO(NIMP(den) && BIGP(den), badden);
return divbigbig(BDIGITS(num), NUMDIGS(num), BDIGITS(den), NUMDIGS(den),
BIGSIGN(num) ^ BIGSIGN(den), 3);
if (!(quo = INUM(den))) goto ov;
if (1==quo) return num;
/* divbigdig() hasn't been extended to perform rounding */
/* if (quo < 0) quo = -quo; */
/* if (quo < BIGRAD) { */
/* w = copybig(num, BIGSIGN(num) ? (den>0) : (den<0)); */
/* divbigdig(BDIGITS(w), NUMDIGS(w), (BIGDIG)quo); */
/* return normbig(w); */
/* } */
w = pseudolong(quo);
return divbigbig(BDIGITS(num), NUMDIGS(num), (BIGDIG *)&w, DIGSPERLONG,
BIGSIGN(num) ? (den>0) : (den<0), 3);
# else
longdigs(quo, quodigs);
return divbigbig(BDIGITS(num), NUMDIGS(num), quodigs, DIGSPERLONG,
BIGSIGN(num) ? (den>0) : (den<0), 3);
# endif
if (NINUMP(den)) {
# ifndef RECKLESS
if (!(NIMP(den) && BIGP(den)))
badden: wta(den, (char *)ARG2, s_rquotient);
# endif
return INUM0;
quo = num2long(den, (char *)ARG2, s_rquotient);
rem = INUM(num)%quo;
if (labs(2*rem) > labs(quo))
return MAKINUM(((INUM(num) < 0)==(quo < 0)) ? 1 : -1);
else return INUM0;
ASRTER(INUMP(num), num, ARG1, s_rquotient);
ASRTER(INUMP(den), den, ARG2, s_rquotient);
if ((quo = INUM(den))==0)
ov: wta(den, (char *)OVFLOW, s_rquotient);
quo = INUM(num)/quo;
# if (__TURBOC__==1)
rem = ((den<0) ? -INUM(num) : INUM(num))%INUM(den);
# else
rem = INUM(num)%INUM(den);
# endif
if (rem==0) ;
else if (rem < 0) {
if (num < 0) ;
else quo--;
} else if (num < 0) quo++;
if ((1 & quo)
? labs(2*rem) >= labs(INUM(den))
: labs(2*rem) > labs(INUM(den)))
quo = quo + (((INUM(num) < 0)==(INUM(den) < 0)) ? 1 : -1);
if (!FIXABLE(quo))
#ifdef BIGDIG
return long2big(quo);
wta(num, (char *)OVFLOW, s_rquotient);
return MAKINUM(quo);
/* SCM scm_round_quotient(num, den) */
/* SCM num, den; */
/* { */
/* SCM quo = lquotient(num, den); */
/* SCM rem = lremainder(num, den); */
/* if (BOOL_T==((BOOL_T==evenp(quo) ? greaterp : greqp) */
/* (scm_ash(scm_iabs(rem), MAKINUM(1L)), scm_iabs(den)))) */
/* quo = sum(quo, MAKINUM(negativep(num)==negativep(den) ? 1L : -1L)); */
/* return quo; */
/* } */
SCM lquotient(x, y)
SCM x, y;
register long z;
#ifdef BIGDIG
if (NINUMP(x)) {
long w;
ASRTER(NIMP(x) && BIGP(x), x, ARG1, s_quotient);
if (NINUMP(y)) {
ASRTGO(NIMP(y) && BIGP(y), bady);
return divbigbig(BDIGITS(x), NUMDIGS(x), BDIGITS(y), NUMDIGS(y),
BIGSIGN(x) ^ BIGSIGN(y), 2);
if (!(z = INUM(y))) goto ov;
if (1==z) return x;
if (z < 0) z = -z;
if (z < BIGRAD) {
w = copybig(x, BIGSIGN(x) ? (y>0) : (y<0));
divbigdig(BDIGITS(w), NUMDIGS(w), (BIGDIG)z);
return normbig(w);
w = pseudolong(z);
return divbigbig(BDIGITS(x), NUMDIGS(x), (BIGDIG *)&w, DIGSPERLONG,
BIGSIGN(x) ? (y>0) : (y<0), 2);
# else
longdigs(z, zdigs);
return divbigbig(BDIGITS(x), NUMDIGS(x), zdigs, DIGSPERLONG,
BIGSIGN(x) ? (y>0) : (y<0), 2);
# endif
if (NINUMP(y)) {
# ifndef RECKLESS
if (!(NIMP(y) && BIGP(y)))
bady: wta(y, (char *)ARG2, s_quotient);
# endif
return INUM0;
ASRTER(INUMP(x), x, ARG1, s_quotient);
ASRTER(INUMP(y), y, ARG2, s_quotient);
if ((z = INUM(y))==0)
ov: wta(y, (char *)OVFLOW, s_quotient);
z = INUM(x)/z;
# if (__TURBOC__==1)
long t = ((y<0) ? -INUM(x) : INUM(x))%INUM(y);
# else
long t = INUM(x)%INUM(y);
# endif
if (t==0) ;
else if (t < 0)
if (x < 0) ;
else z--;
else if (x < 0) z++;
if (!FIXABLE(z))
#ifdef BIGDIG
return long2big(z);
wta(x, (char *)OVFLOW, s_quotient);
return MAKINUM(z);
SCM lremainder(x, y)
SCM x, y;
register long z;
#ifdef BIGDIG
if (NINUMP(x)) {
ASRTER(NIMP(x) && BIGP(x), x, ARG1, s_remainder);
if (NINUMP(y)) {
ASRTGO(NIMP(y) && BIGP(y), bady);
return divbigbig(BDIGITS(x), NUMDIGS(x), BDIGITS(y), NUMDIGS(y),
BIGSIGN(x), 0);
if (!(z = INUM(y))) goto ov;
return divbigint(x, z, BIGSIGN(x), 0);
if (NINUMP(y)) {
# ifndef RECKLESS
if (!(NIMP(y) && BIGP(y)))
bady: wta(y, (char *)ARG2, s_remainder);
# endif
return x;
ASRTER(INUMP(x), x, ARG1, s_remainder);
ASRTER(INUMP(y), y, ARG2, s_remainder);
if (!(z = INUM(y)))
ov: wta(y, (char *)OVFLOW, s_remainder);
#if (__TURBOC__==1)
if (z < 0) z = -z;
z = INUM(x)%z;
if (!z) ;
else if (z < 0)
if (x < 0) ;
else z += INUM(y);
else if (x < 0) z -= INUM(y);
return MAKINUM(z);
SCM modulo(x, y)
SCM x, y;
register long yy, z;
#ifdef BIGDIG
if (NINUMP(x)) {
ASRTER(NIMP(x) && BIGP(x), x, ARG1, s_modulo);
if (NINUMP(y)) {
ASRTGO(NIMP(y) && BIGP(y), bady);
return divbigbig(BDIGITS(x), NUMDIGS(x), BDIGITS(y), NUMDIGS(y),
BIGSIGN(y), (BIGSIGN(x) ^ BIGSIGN(y)) ? 1 : 0);
if (!(z = INUM(y))) goto ov;
return divbigint(x, z, z < 0, (BIGSIGN(x) ? (z > 0) : (z < 0)) ? 1 : 0);
if (NINUMP(y)) {
# ifndef RECKLESS
if (!(NIMP(y) && BIGP(y)))
bady: wta(y, (char *)ARG2, s_modulo);
# endif
return (BIGSIGN(y) ? (INUM(x)>0) : (INUM(x)<0)) ? sum(x, y) : x;
ASRTER(INUMP(x), x, ARG1, s_modulo);
ASRTER(INUMP(y), y, ARG2, s_modulo);
if (!(yy = INUM(y)))
ov: wta(y, (char *)OVFLOW, s_modulo);
#if (__TURBOC__==1)
z = INUM(x);
z = ((yy<0) ? -z : z)%yy;
z = INUM(x)%yy;
return MAKINUM(((yy<0) ? (z>0) : (z<0)) ? z+yy : z);
SCM lgcd(x, y)
SCM x, y;
register long u, v, k, t;
if (UNBNDP(y)) return UNBNDP(x) ? INUM0 : x;
#ifdef BIGDIG
if (NINUMP(x)) {
ASRTER(NIMP(x) && BIGP(x), x, ARG1, s_gcd);
if (BIGSIGN(x)) x = copybig(x, 0);
if (NINUMP(y)) {
ASRTER(NIMP(y) && BIGP(y), y, ARG2, s_gcd);
if (BIGSIGN(y)) y = copybig(y, 0);
switch (bigcomp(x, y)) {
case -1:
swaprec: t = lremainder(x, y); x = y; y = t; goto tailrec;
case 0: return x;
case 1: y = lremainder(y, x); goto newy;
/* instead of the switch, we could just return lgcd(y, modulo(x, y)); */
if (INUM0==y) return x; goto swaprec;
if (NINUMP(y)) { t=x; x=y; y=t; goto big_gcd;}
ASRTER(INUMP(x), x, ARG1, s_gcd);
ASRTER(INUMP(y), y, ARG2, s_gcd);
u = INUM(x);
if (u<0) u = -u;
v = INUM(y);
if (v<0) v = -v;
else if (0==v) goto getout;
if (0==u) {u = v; goto getout;}
for (k = 1;!(1 & ((int)u|(int)v));k <<= 1, u >>= 1, v >>= 1);
if (1 & (int)u) t = -v;
else {
t = u;
t = SRS(t, 1);
if (!(1 & (int)t)) goto b3;
if (t>0) u = t;
else v = -t;
t = u-v;
if (t) goto b3;
u = u*k;
#ifdef BIGDIG
return long2big(u);
wta(x, (char *)OVFLOW, s_gcd);
return MAKINUM(u);
SCM llcm(n1, n2)
SCM n1, n2;
SCM d;
if (UNBNDP(n2)) {
n2 = MAKINUM(1L);
if (UNBNDP(n1)) return n2;
d = lgcd(n1, n2);
if (INUM0==d) return d;
return scm_iabs(product(n1, lquotient(n2, d)));
/* Emulating 2's complement bignums with sign magnitude arithmetic:
X Y Result Method:
+ + + x (map digit:logand X Y)
+ - + x (map digit:logand X (lognot (+ -1 Y)))
- + + y (map digit:logand (lognot (+ -1 X)) Y)
- - - (+ 1 (map digit:logior (+ -1 X) (+ -1 Y)))
X Y Result Method:
+ + + (map digit:logior X Y)
+ - - y (+ 1 (map digit:logand (lognot X) (+ -1 Y)))
- + - x (+ 1 (map digit:logand (+ -1 X) (lognot Y)))
- - - x (+ 1 (map digit:logand (+ -1 X) (+ -1 Y)))
X Y Result Method:
+ + + (map digit:logxor X Y)
+ - - (+ 1 (map digit:logxor X (+ -1 Y)))
- + - (+ 1 (map digit:logxor (+ -1 X) Y))
- - + (map digit:logxor (+ -1 X) (+ -1 Y))
X Y Result
+ + (any digit:logand X Y)
+ - (any digit:logand X (lognot (+ -1 Y)))
- + (any digit:logand (lognot (+ -1 X)) Y)
- - #t
#ifdef BIGDIG
SCM scm_big_ior P((BIGDIG *x, sizet nx, int xsgn, SCM bigy));
SCM scm_big_and P((BIGDIG *x, sizet nx, int xsgn, SCM bigy, int zsgn));
SCM scm_big_xor P((BIGDIG *x, sizet nx, int xsgn, SCM bigy));
SCM scm_big_test P((BIGDIG *x, sizet nx, int xsgn, SCM bigy));
SCM scm_big_ash P((SCM x, int cnt));
SCM scm_copy_big_dec(b, sign)
SCM b;
int sign;
long num = -1;
sizet nx = NUMDIGS(b);
sizet i = 0;
SCM ans = mkbig(nx, sign);
BIGDIG *src = BDIGITS(b), *dst = BDIGITS(ans);
if (BIGSIGN(b)) do {
num += src[i];
if (num < 0) {dst[i] = num + BIGRAD; num = -1;}
else {dst[i] = BIGLO(num); num = 0;}
} while (++i < nx);
while (nx--) dst[nx] = src[nx];
return ans;
SCM scm_copy_smaller(x, nx, zsgn)
sizet nx;
int zsgn;
long num = -1;
sizet i = 0;
SCM z = mkbig(nx, zsgn);
if (zsgn) do {
num += x[i];
if (num < 0) {zds[i] = num + BIGRAD; num = -1;}
else {zds[i] = BIGLO(num); num = 0;}
} while (++i < nx);
else do zds[i] = x[i]; while (++i < nx);
return z;
SCM scm_big_ior(x, nx, xsgn, bigy)
SCM bigy;
sizet nx; /* Assumes nx <= NUMDIGS(bigy) */
int xsgn; /* Assumes xsgn equals either 0 or 0x0100 */
long num = -1;
sizet i = 0, ny = NUMDIGS(bigy);
SCM z = scm_copy_big_dec(bigy, xsgn & BIGSIGN(bigy));
if (xsgn) {
do {
num += x[i];
if (num < 0) {zds[i] |= num + BIGRAD; num = -1;}
else {zds[i] |= BIGLO(num); num = 0;}
} while (++i < nx);
/* ========= Need to increment zds now =========== */
i = 0; num = 1;
while (i < ny) {
num += zds[i];
zds[i++] = BIGLO(num);
num = BIGDN(num);
if (!num) return z;
adjbig(z, 1 + ny); /* OOPS, overflowed into next digit. */
BDIGITS(z)[ny] = 1;
return z;
else do zds[i] = zds[i] | x[i]; while (++i < nx);
return z;
SCM scm_big_xor(x, nx, xsgn, bigy)
SCM bigy;
sizet nx; /* Assumes nx <= NUMDIGS(bigy) */
int xsgn; /* Assumes xsgn equals either 0 or 0x0100 */
long num = -1;
sizet i = 0, ny = NUMDIGS(bigy);
SCM z = scm_copy_big_dec(bigy, xsgn ^ BIGSIGN(bigy));
if (xsgn) do {
num += x[i];
if (num < 0) {zds[i] ^= num + BIGRAD; num = -1;}
else {zds[i] ^= BIGLO(num); num = 0;}
} while (++i < nx);
else do {
zds[i] = zds[i] ^ x[i];
} while (++i < nx);
if (xsgn ^ BIGSIGN(bigy)) {
/* ========= Need to increment zds now =========== */
i = 0; num = 1;
while (i < ny) {
num += zds[i];
zds[i++] = BIGLO(num);
num = BIGDN(num);
if (!num) return normbig(z);
return normbig(z);
SCM scm_big_and(x, nx, xsgn, bigy, zsgn)
SCM bigy;
sizet nx; /* Assumes nx <= NUMDIGS(bigy) */
int xsgn; /* Assumes xsgn equals either 0 or 0x0100 */
int zsgn; /* return sign equals either 0 or 0x0100 */
long num = -1;
sizet i = 0;
SCM z;
BIGDIG *zds;
if (xsgn==zsgn) {
z = scm_copy_smaller(x, nx, zsgn);
x = BDIGITS(bigy);
xsgn = BIGSIGN(bigy);
else z = scm_copy_big_dec(bigy, zsgn);
zds = BDIGITS(z);
if (zsgn) {
if (xsgn) do {
num += x[i];
if (num < 0) {zds[i] &= num + BIGRAD; num = -1;}
else {zds[i] &= BIGLO(num); num = 0;}
} while (++i < nx);
else do zds[i] = zds[i] & ~x[i]; while (++i < nx);
/* ========= need to increment zds now =========== */
i = 0; num = 1;
while (i < nx) {
num += zds[i];
zds[i++] = BIGLO(num);
num = BIGDN(num);
if (!num) return normbig(z);
else if (xsgn) do {
num += x[i];
if (num < 0) {zds[i] &= ~(num + BIGRAD); num = -1;}
else {zds[i] &= ~BIGLO(num); num = 0;}
} while (++i < nx);
else do zds[i] = zds[i] & x[i]; while (++i < nx);
return normbig(z);
SCM scm_big_test(x, nx, xsgn, bigy)
SCM bigy;
sizet nx; /* Assumes nx <= NUMDIGS(bigy) */
int xsgn; /* Assumes xsgn equals either 0 or 0x0100 */
sizet i = 0;
long num = -1;
if (BIGSIGN(bigy) & xsgn) return BOOL_T;
if (NUMDIGS(bigy) != nx && xsgn) return BOOL_T;
y = BDIGITS(bigy);
if (xsgn)
do {
num += x[i];
if (num < 0) {
if (y[i] & ~(num + BIGRAD)) return BOOL_T;
num = -1;
else {
if (y[i] & ~BIGLO(num)) return BOOL_T;
num = 0;
} while (++i < nx);
else if (BIGSIGN(bigy))
do {
num += y[i];
if (num < 0) {
if (x[i] & ~(num + BIGRAD)) return BOOL_T;
num = -1;
else {
if (x[i] & ~BIGLO(num)) return BOOL_T;
num = 0;
} while (++i < nx);
do if (x[i] & y[i]) return BOOL_T;
while (++i < nx);
return BOOL_F;
static SCM scm_copy_big_2scomp P((SCM x, sizet blen, int sign));
static void scm_2scomp1 P((SCM b));
static SCM scm_copy_big_2scomp(x, blen, sign)
SCM x;
sizet blen;
int sign;
sizet nres = (blen + BITSPERDIG - 1)/BITSPERDIG;
SCM res;
BIGDIG *rds;
long num = 0;
sizet i;
if (INUMP(x)) {
long lx = INUM(x);
res = mkbig(nres, sign);
rds = BDIGITS(res);
if (lx < 0) {
lx = -lx;
for (i = 0; i < nres; i++) {
num -= BIGLO(lx);
lx = BIGDN(lx);
if (num < 0) {
rds[i] = num + BIGRAD;
num = -1;
else {
rds[i] = num;
num = 0;
else {
for (i = 0; i < nres; i++) {
rds[i] = BIGLO(lx);
lx = BIGDN(lx);
else {
sizet nx = NUMDIGS(x);
if (nres < nx)
nres = nx;
res = mkbig(nres, sign);
rds = BDIGITS(res);
if (BIGSIGN(x)) {
for (i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
num -= xds[i];
if (num < 0) {
rds[i] = num + BIGRAD;
num = -1;
else {
rds[i] = num;
num = 0;
for (; i < nres; i++)
rds[i] = BIGRAD - 1;
else {
for (i = 0; i < nx; i++)
rds[i] = xds[i];
for (; i < nres; i++)
rds[i] = 0;
return res;
static void scm_2scomp1(b)
SCM b;
long num = 0;
sizet i, n = NUMDIGS(b);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
num -= bds[i];
if (num < 0) {
bds[i] = num + BIGRAD;
num = -1;
else {
bds[i] = num;
num = 0;
SCM scm_big_ash(x, cnt)
SCM x;
int cnt;
SCM res;
BIGDIG *resds, d;
int sign, i, ishf, fshf, blen, n;
if (INUMP(x)) {
blen = INUM(scm_intlength(x));
sign = INUM(x) < 0 ? 0x0100 : 0;
else {
sign = BIGSIGN(x);
if (cnt < 0) {
if (blen <= -cnt) return sign ? MAKINUM(-1) : INUM0;
ishf = (-cnt) / BITSPERDIG;
fshf = (-cnt) % BITSPERDIG;
res = scm_copy_big_2scomp(x, blen, sign);
resds = BDIGITS(res);
n = NUMDIGS(res) - ishf - 1;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
d = (resds[i + ishf]>>fshf);
if (fshf)
d |= ((resds[i + ishf + 1])<<(BITSPERDIG - fshf) & (BIGRAD - 1));
resds[i] = d;
d = (resds[i + ishf]>>fshf);
if (sign && fshf) d |= ((BIGRAD - 1)<<(BITSPERDIG - fshf) & (BIGRAD - 1));
resds[i] = d;
n = NUMDIGS(res);
d = sign ? BIGRAD - 1 : 0;
for (i++; i < n; i++)
resds[i] = d;
else {
ishf = cnt / BITSPERDIG;
fshf = cnt % BITSPERDIG;
res = scm_copy_big_2scomp(x, blen + cnt, sign);
resds = BDIGITS(res);
/* if (scm_verbose>1){for (i=NUMDIGS(res); i--;) printf(" %08x",resds[i]); printf("\n");} */
for (i = NUMDIGS(res) - 1; i > ishf; i--)
if (fshf) {
d = (((resds[i - ishf])<>(BITSPERDIG - fshf));
resds[i] = d;
} else resds[i] = resds[i - ishf];
d = fshf ? (((resds[i - ishf])<= 0; i--) resds[i] = 0;
/* if (scm_verbose>1){for (i=NUMDIGS(res); i--;) printf(" %08x",resds[i]); printf("\n");} */
if (sign) scm_2scomp1(res);
return normbig(res);
static char s_logand[] = "logand", s_lognot[] = "lognot",
s_logior[] = "logior", s_logxor[] = "logxor",
s_logtest[] = "logtest", s_logbitp[] = "logbit?",
s_copybit[] = "copy-bit",
s_copybitfield[] = "copy-bit-field",
s_ash[] = "ash", s_logcount[] = "logcount",
s_bitwise_bit_count[] = "bitwise-bit-count",
s_intlength[] = "integer-length",
s_bitfield[] = "bit-field",
s_bitif[] = "bitwise-if";
SCM scm_logior(x, y)
SCM x, y;
if (UNBNDP(y)) {
if (UNBNDP(x)) return INUM0;
#ifndef RECKLESS
if (!(NUMBERP(x)))
badx: wta(x, (char *)ARG1, s_logior);
return x;
#ifdef BIGDIG
if (NINUMP(x)) {
SCM t;
ASRTGO(NIMP(x) && BIGP(x), badx);
if (INUMP(y)) {t = x; x = y; y = t; goto intbig;}
ASRTGO(NIMP(y) && BIGP(y), bady);
if (NUMDIGS(x) > NUMDIGS(y)) {t = x; x = y; y = t;}
if ((!BIGSIGN(x)) && !BIGSIGN(y))
return scm_big_ior(BDIGITS(x), NUMDIGS(x), BIGSIGN(x), y);
return scm_big_and(BDIGITS(x), NUMDIGS(x), BIGSIGN(x), y, 0x0100);
if (NINUMP(y)) {
# ifndef RECKLESS
if (!(NIMP(y) && BIGP(y)))
bady: wta(y, (char *)ARG2, s_logior);
# endif
intbig: {
long z = pseudolong(INUM(x));
if ((!(x < 0)) && !BIGSIGN(y))
return scm_big_ior((BIGDIG *)&z, DIGSPERLONG, (x < 0) ? 0x0100 : 0, y);
return scm_big_and((BIGDIG *)&z, DIGSPERLONG, (x < 0) ? 0x0100 : 0, y,
# else
longdigs(INUM(x), zdigs);
if ((!(x < 0)) && !BIGSIGN(y))
return scm_big_ior(zdigs, DIGSPERLONG, (x < 0) ? 0x0100 : 0, y);
return scm_big_and(zdigs, DIGSPERLONG, (x < 0) ? 0x0100 : 0, y, 0x0100);
# endif
ASRTGO(INUMP(x), badx);
ASRTER(INUMP(y), y, ARG2, s_logior);
return MAKINUM(INUM(x) | INUM(y));
SCM scm_logand(x, y)
SCM x, y;
if (UNBNDP(y)) {
if (UNBNDP(x)) return MAKINUM(-1);
#ifndef RECKLESS
if (!(NUMBERP(x)))
badx: wta(x, (char *)ARG1, s_logand);
return x;
#ifdef BIGDIG
if (NINUMP(x)) {
SCM t;
ASRTGO(NIMP(x) && BIGP(x), badx);
if (INUMP(y)) {t = x; x = y; y = t; goto intbig;}
ASRTGO(NIMP(y) && BIGP(y), bady);
if (NUMDIGS(x) > NUMDIGS(y)) {t = x; x = y; y = t;}
if ((BIGSIGN(x)) && BIGSIGN(y))
return scm_big_ior(BDIGITS(x), NUMDIGS(x), 0x0100, y);
return scm_big_and(BDIGITS(x), NUMDIGS(x), BIGSIGN(x), y, 0);
if (NINUMP(y)) {
# ifndef RECKLESS
if (!(NIMP(y) && BIGP(y)))
bady: wta(y, (char *)ARG2, s_logand);
# endif
intbig: {
long z = pseudolong(INUM(x));
if ((x < 0) && BIGSIGN(y))
return scm_big_ior((BIGDIG *)&z, DIGSPERLONG, 0x0100, y);
return scm_big_and((BIGDIG *)&z, DIGSPERLONG, (x < 0) ? 0x0100 : 0, y,
# else
longdigs(INUM(x), zdigs);
if ((x < 0) && BIGSIGN(y))
return scm_big_ior(zdigs, DIGSPERLONG, 0x0100, y);
return scm_big_and(zdigs, DIGSPERLONG, (x < 0) ? 0x0100 : 0, y, 0);
# endif
ASRTGO(INUMP(x), badx);
ASRTER(INUMP(y), y, ARG2, s_logand);
return MAKINUM(INUM(x) & INUM(y));
SCM scm_logxor(x, y)
SCM x, y;
if (UNBNDP(y)) {
if (UNBNDP(x)) return INUM0;
#ifndef RECKLESS
if (!(NUMBERP(x)))
badx: wta(x, (char *)ARG1, s_logxor);
return x;
#ifdef BIGDIG
if (NINUMP(x)) {
SCM t;
ASRTGO(NIMP(x) && BIGP(x), badx);
if (INUMP(y)) {t = x; x = y; y = t; goto intbig;}
ASRTGO(NIMP(y) && BIGP(y), bady);
if (NUMDIGS(x) > NUMDIGS(y)) {t = x; x = y; y = t;}
return scm_big_xor(BDIGITS(x), NUMDIGS(x), BIGSIGN(x), y);
if (NINUMP(y)) {
# ifndef RECKLESS
if (!(NIMP(y) && BIGP(y)))
bady: wta(y, (char *)ARG2, s_logxor);
# endif
intbig: {
long z = pseudolong(INUM(x));
return scm_big_xor((BIGDIG *)&z, DIGSPERLONG, (x < 0) ? 0x0100 : 0, y);
# else
longdigs(INUM(x), zdigs);
return scm_big_xor(zdigs, DIGSPERLONG, (x < 0) ? 0x0100 : 0, y);
# endif
ASRTGO(INUMP(x), badx);
ASRTER(INUMP(y), y, ARG2, s_logxor);
return (x ^ y) + INUM0;
SCM scm_logtest(x, y)
SCM x, y;
#ifndef RECKLESS
if (!(NUMBERP(x)))
badx: wta(x, (char *)ARG1, s_logtest);
#ifdef BIGDIG
if (NINUMP(x)) {
SCM t;
ASRTGO(NIMP(x) && BIGP(x), badx);
if (INUMP(y)) {t = x; x = y; y = t; goto intbig;}
ASRTGO(NIMP(y) && BIGP(y), bady);
if (NUMDIGS(x) > NUMDIGS(y)) {t = x; x = y; y = t;}
return scm_big_test(BDIGITS(x), NUMDIGS(x), BIGSIGN(x), y);
if (NINUMP(y)) {
# ifndef RECKLESS
if (!(NIMP(y) && BIGP(y)))
bady: wta(y, (char *)ARG2, s_logtest);
# endif
intbig: {
long z = pseudolong(INUM(x));
return scm_big_test((BIGDIG *)&z, DIGSPERLONG, (x < 0) ? 0x0100 : 0, y);
# else
longdigs(INUM(x), zdigs);
return scm_big_test(zdigs, DIGSPERLONG, (x < 0) ? 0x0100 : 0, y);
# endif
ASRTGO(INUMP(x), badx);
ASRTER(INUMP(y), y, ARG2, s_logtest);
return (INUM(x) & INUM(y)) ? BOOL_T : BOOL_F;
SCM scm_logbitp(index, j1)
SCM index, j1;
ASRTER(INUMP(index) && INUM(index) >= 0, index, ARG1, s_logbitp);
#ifdef BIGDIG
if (NINUMP(j1)) {
ASRTER(NIMP(j1) && BIGP(j1), j1, ARG2, s_logbitp);
if (NUMDIGS(j1) * BITSPERDIG < INUM(index)) return BOOL_F;
else if (BIGSIGN(j1)) {
long num = -1;
sizet i = 0;
sizet nx = INUM(index)/BITSPERDIG;
while (!0) {
num += x[i];
if (nx==i++)
return ((1L << (INUM(index)%BITSPERDIG)) & num) ? BOOL_F : BOOL_T;
if (num < 0) num = -1;
else num = 0;
else return (BDIGITS(j1)[INUM(index)/BITSPERDIG] &
(1L << (INUM(index)%BITSPERDIG))) ? BOOL_T : BOOL_F;
ASRTER(INUMP(j1), j1, ARG2, s_logbitp);
if (INUM(index) >= LONG_BIT) return j1 < 0 ? BOOL_T : BOOL_F;
return ((1L << INUM(index)) & INUM(j1)) ? BOOL_T : BOOL_F;
SCM scm_copybit(index, j1, bit)
SCM index, j1, bit;
ASRTER(INUMP(index) && INUM(index) >= 0, index, ARG1, s_copybit);
#ifdef BIGDIG
SCM res;
BIGDIG *rds;
sizet i = INUM(index);
int sign;
if (!INUMP(j1)) {
ASRTER(NIMP(j1) && BIGP(j1), j1, ARG2, s_copybit);
sign = BIGSIGN(j1);
res = scm_copy_big_2scomp(j1, i + 1, sign);
rds = BDIGITS(res);
if (NFALSEP(bit))
rds[i / BITSPERDIG] |= 1 << (i % BITSPERDIG);
rds[i / BITSPERDIG] &= ~(1 << (i % BITSPERDIG));
if (sign) scm_2scomp1(res);
return normbig(res);
if (i >= LONG_BIT - 3) {
sign = INUM(j1) < 0 ? 0x0100 : 0;
goto ovflow;
ASRTER(INUMP(j1), j1, ARG2, s_copybit);
ASRTER(INUM(index) < LONG_BIT - 3, index, OUTOFRANGE, s_copybit);
if (NFALSEP(bit))
return MAKINUM(INUM(j1) | (1L << INUM(index)));
return MAKINUM(INUM(j1) & (~(1L << INUM(index))));
SCM scm_lognot(n)
SCM n;
return difference(MAKINUM(-1L), n);
SCM scm_ash(n, cnt)
SCM n, cnt;
SCM res;
long ni = INUM(n);
int icnt = INUM(cnt);
ASRTER(INUMP(cnt), cnt, ARG2, s_ash);
if (INUMP(n)) {
if (icnt < 0) {
if (-icnt >= LONG_BIT) return INUM0;
return MAKINUM(SRS(ni, -icnt));
if (icnt >= LONG_BIT) goto ovflow;
res = MAKINUM(ni<>icnt != INUM(n))
goto ovflow;
return res;
#ifdef BIGDIG
ASRTER(NIMP(n) && BIGP(n), n, ARG1, s_ash);
if (0==icnt) return n;
return scm_big_ash(n, icnt);
wta(n, INUMP(n) ? (char *)OVFLOW : (char *)ARG1, s_ash);
return UNSPECIFIED; /* kill warning */
SCM scm_bitfield(n, start, end)
SCM n, start, end;
int sign;
int istart = INUM(start);
int iend = INUM(end);
ASRTER(INUMP(start), start, ARG2, s_bitfield);
ASRTER(INUMP(end), end, ARG3, s_bitfield);
ASRTER(iend >= istart, MAKINUM(iend), OUTOFRANGE, s_bitfield);
#ifdef BIGDIG
if (NINUMP(n)) {
sizet i, nd;
ASRTER(NIMP(n) && BIGP(n), n, ARG1, s_bitfield);
sign = BIGSIGN(n);
if (sign) n = scm_copy_big_2scomp(n, (sizet)iend, 0);
n = scm_big_ash(n, -istart);
if (INUMP(n)) {
if (iend - istart >= LONG_BIT - 2) return n;
return MAKINUM(INUM(n) & ((1L<<(iend - istart)) - 1));
nd = NUMDIGS(n);
ds = BDIGITS(n);
i = (iend - istart) / BITSPERDIG;
if (i >= nd) return n;
ds[i] &= ((1 << ((iend - istart) % BITSPERDIG)) - 1);
for (++i; i < nd; i++) ds[i] = 0;
return normbig(n);
if (iend >= LONG_BIT - 2) {
sign = INUM(n) < 0;
goto big;
ASRTER(INUMP(n), n, ARG1, s_bitfield);
ASRTER(iend < LONG_BIT - 2, MAKINUM(iend), OUTOFRANGE, s_bitfield);
return MAKINUM((INUM(n)>>istart) & ((1L<<(iend - istart)) - 1));
SCM scm_bitif(mask, n0, n1)
SCM mask, n0, n1;
#ifdef BIGDIG
if (NINUMP(mask) || NINUMP(n0) || NINUMP(n1))
return scm_logior(scm_logand(mask, n0),
scm_logand(scm_lognot(mask), n1));
ASRTER(INUMP(mask), mask, ARG1, s_bitif);
ASRTER(INUMP(n0), n0, ARG2, s_bitif);
ASRTER(INUMP(n1), n1, ARG3, s_bitif);
return MAKINUM((INUM(mask) & INUM(n0)) | (~(INUM(mask)) & INUM(n1)));
SCM scm_copybitfield(to, from, rest)
SCM to, from, rest;
long len;
SCM start, end;
#ifndef RECKLESS
if (!(NIMP(rest) && CONSP(rest)))
wna: wta(UNDEFINED, (char *)WNA, s_copybitfield);
start = CAR(rest);
rest = CDR(rest);
ASRTGO(NIMP(rest) && CONSP(rest), wna);
end = CAR(rest);
ASRTGO(NULLP(CDR(rest)), wna);
ASRTER(INUMP(start) && INUM(start)>=0, start, ARG2, s_copybitfield);
len = INUM(end) - INUM(start);
ASRTER(INUMP(end), end, ARG3, s_copybitfield);
ASRTER(len >= 0, MAKINUM(len), OUTOFRANGE, s_copybitfield);
#ifdef BIGDIG
if (NINUMP(from) || NINUMP(to) || (INUM(end) >= LONG_BIT - 2)) {
SCM mask = difference(scm_ash(MAKINUM(1L), MAKINUM(len)), MAKINUM(1L));
mask = scm_ash(mask, start);
return scm_logior(scm_logand(mask, scm_ash(from, start)),
scm_logand(scm_lognot(mask), to));
ASRTER(INUMP(to), to, ARG1, s_copybitfield);
ASRTER(INUMP(from), from, ARG4, s_copybitfield);
ASRTER(INUM(end) < LONG_BIT - 2, end, OUTOFRANGE, s_copybitfield);
long mask = ((1L<>= 4) c += logtab[15 & d];
if (BIGSIGN(n))
return MAKINUM(-1 - c);
return MAKINUM(c);
ASRTER(INUMP(n), n, ARG1, s_bitwise_bit_count);
if ((nn = INUM(n)) < 0) nn = -1 - nn;
for (; nn; nn >>= 4) c += logtab[15 & nn];
if (n < 0)
return MAKINUM(-1 - c);
return MAKINUM(c);
SCM scm_logcount(n)
SCM n;
register unsigned long c = 0;
register long nn;
#ifdef BIGDIG
if (NINUMP(n)) {
ASRTER(NIMP(n) && BIGP(n), n, ARG1, s_logcount);
if (BIGSIGN(n)) {
SCM df = difference(MAKINUM(-1L), n);
SCM bc = scm_bitwise_bit_count(df);
return bc;
return scm_bitwise_bit_count(n);
ASRTER(INUMP(n), n, ARG1, s_logcount);
if ((nn = INUM(n)) < 0) nn = -1 - nn;
for (; nn; nn >>= 4) c += logtab[15 & nn];
return MAKINUM(c);
char ilentab[] = {0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4};
SCM scm_intlength(n)
SCM n;
register unsigned long c = 0;
register long nn;
unsigned int l = 4;
#ifdef BIGDIG
if (NINUMP(n)) {
BIGDIG *ds, d;
ASRTER(NIMP(n) && BIGP(n), n, ARG1, s_intlength);
if (BIGSIGN(n)) {
SCM df = difference(MAKINUM(-1L), n);
SCM si = scm_intlength(df);
return si;
ds = BDIGITS(n);
d = ds[c = NUMDIGS(n)-1];
for (c *= BITSPERDIG; d; d >>= 4) {c += 4; l = ilentab[15 & d];}
return MAKINUM(c - 4 + l);
ASRTER(INUMP(n), n, ARG1, s_intlength);
if ((nn = INUM(n)) < 0) nn = -1 - nn;
for (;nn; nn >>= 4) {c += 4; l = ilentab[15 & nn];}
return MAKINUM(c - 4 + l);
SCM charp(x)
SCM x;
return ICHRP(x) ? BOOL_T : BOOL_F;
SCM char_lessp(x, y)
SCM x, y;
ASRTER(ICHRP(x), x, ARG1, s_ch_lessp);
ASRTER(ICHRP(y), y, ARG2, s_ch_lessp);
return (ICHR(x) < ICHR(y)) ? BOOL_T : BOOL_F;
SCM char_leqp(x, y)
SCM x, y;
ASRTER(ICHRP(x), x, ARG1, s_ch_leqp);
ASRTER(ICHRP(y), y, ARG2, s_ch_leqp);
return (ICHR(x) <= ICHR(y)) ? BOOL_T : BOOL_F;
SCM char_grp(x, y)
SCM x, y;
ASRTER(ICHRP(x), x, ARG1, s_ch_grp);
ASRTER(ICHRP(y), y, ARG2, s_ch_grp);
return (ICHR(x) > ICHR(y)) ? BOOL_T : BOOL_F;
SCM char_geqp(x, y)
SCM x, y;
ASRTER(ICHRP(x), x, ARG1, s_ch_geqp);
ASRTER(ICHRP(y), y, ARG2, s_ch_geqp);
return (ICHR(x) >= ICHR(y)) ? BOOL_T : BOOL_F;
SCM chci_eq(x, y)
SCM x, y;
ASRTER(ICHRP(x), x, ARG1, s_ci_eq);
ASRTER(ICHRP(y), y, ARG2, s_ci_eq);
return (upcase[ICHR(x)]==upcase[ICHR(y)]) ? BOOL_T : BOOL_F;
SCM chci_lessp(x, y)
SCM x, y;
ASRTER(ICHRP(x), x, ARG1, s_ci_lessp);
ASRTER(ICHRP(y), y, ARG2, s_ci_lessp);
return (upcase[ICHR(x)] < upcase[ICHR(y)]) ? BOOL_T : BOOL_F;
SCM chci_leqp(x, y)
SCM x, y;
ASRTER(ICHRP(x), x, ARG1, s_ci_leqp);
ASRTER(ICHRP(y), y, ARG2, s_ci_leqp);
return (upcase[ICHR(x)] <= upcase[ICHR(y)]) ? BOOL_T : BOOL_F;
SCM chci_grp(x, y)
SCM x, y;
ASRTER(ICHRP(x), x, ARG1, s_ci_grp);
ASRTER(ICHRP(y), y, ARG2, s_ci_grp);
return (upcase[ICHR(x)] > upcase[ICHR(y)]) ? BOOL_T : BOOL_F;
SCM chci_geqp(x, y)
SCM x, y;
ASRTER(ICHRP(x), x, ARG1, s_ci_geqp);
ASRTER(ICHRP(y), y, ARG2, s_ci_geqp);
return (upcase[ICHR(x)] >= upcase[ICHR(y)]) ? BOOL_T : BOOL_F;
SCM char_alphap(chr)
SCM chr;
ASRTER(ICHRP(chr), chr, ARG1, s_ch_alphap);
return (isascii(ICHR(chr)) && isalpha(ICHR(chr))) ? BOOL_T : BOOL_F;
SCM char_nump(chr)
SCM chr;
ASRTER(ICHRP(chr), chr, ARG1, s_ch_nump);
return (isascii(ICHR(chr)) && isdigit(ICHR(chr))) ? BOOL_T : BOOL_F;
SCM char_whitep(chr)
SCM chr;
ASRTER(ICHRP(chr), chr, ARG1, s_ch_whitep);
return (isascii(ICHR(chr)) && isspace(ICHR(chr))) ? BOOL_T : BOOL_F;
SCM char_upperp(chr)
SCM chr;
ASRTER(ICHRP(chr), chr, ARG1, s_ch_upperp);
return (isascii(ICHR(chr)) && isupper(ICHR(chr))) ? BOOL_T : BOOL_F;
SCM char_lowerp(chr)
SCM chr;
ASRTER(ICHRP(chr), chr, ARG1, s_ch_lowerp);
return (isascii(ICHR(chr)) && islower(ICHR(chr))) ? BOOL_T : BOOL_F;
SCM char2int(chr)
SCM chr;
ASRTER(ICHRP(chr), chr, ARG1, s_char2int);
return MAKINUM(ICHR(chr));
SCM int2char(n)
SCM n;
ASRTER(INUMP(n), n, ARG1, s_int2char);
n, OUTOFRANGE, s_int2char);
return MAKICHR(INUM(n));
SCM char_upcase(chr)
SCM chr;
ASRTER(ICHRP(chr), chr, ARG1, s_ch_upcase);
return MAKICHR(upcase[ICHR(chr)]);
SCM char_downcase(chr)
SCM chr;
ASRTER(ICHRP(chr), chr, ARG1, s_ch_downcase);
return MAKICHR(downcase[ICHR(chr)]);
SCM stringp(x)
SCM x;
if (IMP(x)) return BOOL_F;
return STRINGP(x) ? BOOL_T : BOOL_F;
SCM string(chrs)
SCM chrs;
SCM res;
register unsigned char *data;
long i = ilength(chrs);
ASRTER(i >= 0, chrs, ARG1, s_string);
res = makstr(i);
data = UCHARS(res);
for (;NNULLP(chrs);chrs = CDR(chrs)) {
ASRTER(ICHRP(CAR(chrs)), chrs, ARG1, s_string);
*data++ = ICHR(CAR(chrs));
return res;
SCM make_string(k, chr)
SCM k, chr;
SCM res;
register unsigned char *dst;
register long i;
ASRTER(INUMP(k) && (k >= 0), k, ARG1, s_make_string);
i = INUM(k);
res = makstr(i);
dst = UCHARS(res);
if (!UNBNDP(chr)) {
ASRTER(ICHRP(chr), chr, ARG2, s_make_string);
for (i--;i >= 0;i--) dst[i] = ICHR(chr);
return res;
SCM st_length(str)
SCM str;
ASRTER(NIMP(str) && STRINGP(str), str, ARG1, s_st_length);
return MAKINUM(LENGTH(str));
SCM st_ref(str, k)
SCM str, k;
ASRTER(NIMP(str) && STRINGP(str), str, ARG1, s_st_ref);
ASRTER(INUMP(k), k, ARG2, s_st_ref);
ASRTER(INUM(k) < LENGTH(str) && INUM(k) >= 0, k, OUTOFRANGE, s_st_ref);
return MAKICHR(UCHARS(str)[INUM(k)]);
SCM st_set(str, k, chr)
SCM str, k, chr;
ASRTER(NIMP(str) && STRINGP(str), str, ARG1, s_st_set);
ASRTER(INUMP(k), k, ARG2, s_st_set);
ASRTER(ICHRP(chr), chr, ARG3, s_st_set);
ASRTER(INUM(k) < LENGTH(str) && INUM(k) >= 0, k, OUTOFRANGE, s_st_set);
UCHARS(str)[INUM(k)] = ICHR(chr);
SCM st_equal(s1, s2)
SCM s1, s2;
register sizet i;
register unsigned char *c1, *c2;
ASRTER(NIMP(s1) && STRINGP(s1), s1, ARG1, s_st_equal);
ASRTER(NIMP(s2) && STRINGP(s2), s2, ARG2, s_st_equal);
i = LENGTH(s2);
if (LENGTH(s1) != i) return BOOL_F;
c1 = UCHARS(s1);
c2 = UCHARS(s2);
while(0 != i--) if (*c1++ != *c2++) return BOOL_F;
return BOOL_T;
SCM stci_equal(s1, s2)
SCM s1, s2;
register sizet i;
register unsigned char *c1, *c2;
ASRTER(NIMP(s1) && STRINGP(s1), s1, ARG1, s_stci_equal);
ASRTER(NIMP(s2) && STRINGP(s2), s2, ARG2, s_stci_equal);
i = LENGTH(s2);
if (LENGTH(s1) != i) return BOOL_F;
c1 = UCHARS(s1);
c2 = UCHARS(s2);
while(0 != i--) if (upcase[*c1++] != upcase[*c2++]) return BOOL_F;
return BOOL_T;
SCM st_lessp(s1, s2)
SCM s1, s2;
register sizet i, len;
register unsigned char *c1, *c2;
register int c;
ASRTER(NIMP(s1) && STRINGP(s1), s1, ARG1, s_st_lessp);
ASRTER(NIMP(s2) && STRINGP(s2), s2, ARG2, s_st_lessp);
len = LENGTH(s1);
i = LENGTH(s2);
if (len>i) i = len;
c1 = UCHARS(s1);
c2 = UCHARS(s2);
for (i = 0;i0) return BOOL_F;
if (c<0) return BOOL_T;
return (LENGTH(s2) != len) ? BOOL_T : BOOL_F;
SCM st_leqp(s1, s2)
SCM s1, s2;
return BOOL_NOT(st_lessp(s2, s1));
SCM st_grp(s1, s2)
SCM s1, s2;
return st_lessp(s2, s1);
SCM st_geqp(s1, s2)
SCM s1, s2;
return BOOL_NOT(st_lessp(s1, s2));
SCM stci_lessp(s1, s2)
SCM s1, s2;
register sizet i, len;
register unsigned char *c1, *c2;
register int c;
ASRTER(NIMP(s1) && STRINGP(s1), s1, ARG1, s_stci_lessp);
ASRTER(NIMP(s2) && STRINGP(s2), s2, ARG2, s_stci_lessp);
len = LENGTH(s1);
i = LENGTH(s2);
if (len>i) i=len;
c1 = UCHARS(s1);
c2 = UCHARS(s2);
for (i = 0;i0) return BOOL_F;
if (c<0) return BOOL_T;
return (LENGTH(s2) != len) ? BOOL_T : BOOL_F;
SCM stci_leqp(s1, s2)
SCM s1, s2;
return BOOL_NOT(stci_lessp(s2, s1));
SCM stci_grp(s1, s2)
SCM s1, s2;
return stci_lessp(s2, s1);
SCM stci_geqp(s1, s2)
SCM s1, s2;
return BOOL_NOT(stci_lessp(s1, s2));
SCM substring(str, start, end)
SCM str, start, end;
long l;
ASRTER(NIMP(str) && STRINGP(str), str, ARG1, s_substring);
ASRTER(INUMP(start), start, ARG2, s_substring);
ASRTER(INUMP(end), end, ARG3, s_substring);
ASRTER(INUM(start) <= LENGTH(str), start, OUTOFRANGE, s_substring);
ASRTER(INUM(end) <= LENGTH(str), end, OUTOFRANGE, s_substring);
l = INUM(end)-INUM(start);
ASRTER(l >= 0, MAKINUM(l), OUTOFRANGE, s_substring);
return makfromstr(&CHARS(str)[INUM(start)], (sizet)l);
SCM st_append(args)
SCM args;
SCM res;
register long i = 0;
register SCM l, s;
register unsigned char *data;
for (l = args;NIMP(l);) {
ASRTER(CONSP(l), l, ARGn, s_st_append);
s = CAR(l);
ASRTER(NIMP(s) && STRINGP(s), s, ARGn, s_st_append);
i += LENGTH(s);
l = CDR(l);
ASRTER(NULLP(l), args, ARGn, s_st_append);
res = makstr(i);
data = UCHARS(res);
for (l = args;NIMP(l);l = CDR(l)) {
s = CAR(l);
for (i = 0;i= 0, l, ARG1, s_vector);
res = make_vector(MAKINUM(i), UNSPECIFIED);
data = VELTS(res);
for (;NIMP(l);l = CDR(l)) *data++ = CAR(l);
return res;
SCM vector_ref(v, k)
SCM v, k;
ASRTER(NIMP(v) && VECTORP(v), v, ARG1, s_ve_ref);
ASRTER(INUMP(k), k, ARG2, s_ve_ref);
ASRTER((INUM(k) < LENGTH(v)) && (INUM(k) >= 0), k, OUTOFRANGE, s_ve_ref);
return VELTS(v)[((long) INUM(k))];
SCM vector_set(v, k, obj)
SCM v, k, obj;
ASRTER(NIMP(v) && VECTORP(v), v, ARG1, s_ve_set);
ASRTER(INUMP(k), k, ARG2, s_ve_set);
ASRTER((INUM(k) < LENGTH(v)) && (INUM(k) >= 0), k, OUTOFRANGE, s_ve_set);
VELTS(v)[((long) INUM(k))] = obj;
char s_make_vector[] = "make-vector";
SCM make_vector(k, fill)
SCM k, fill;
SCM v;
register long i;
register SCM *velts;
ASRTER(INUMP(k), k, ARG1, s_make_vector);
ASRTER(INUMP(k) && (!(~LENGTH_MAX & INUM(k))), k, ARG1, s_make_vector);
if (UNBNDP(fill)) fill = UNSPECIFIED;
i = INUM(k);
v = must_malloc_cell(i ? i*sizeof(SCM) : 1L,
MAKE_LENGTH(i, tc7_vector), s_vector);
velts = VELTS(v);
while(--i >= 0) (velts)[i] = fill;
return v;
#ifdef BIGDIG
char s_big_OVFLOW[] = "numerical overflow; NUMDIGS_MAX <";
char s_bignum[] = "bignum";
SCM mkbig(nlen, sign)
sizet nlen;
int sign;
SCM v;
if (NUMDIGS_MAX <= nlen) wta(MAKINUM(nlen), s_big_OVFLOW, s_bignum);
v = must_malloc_cell((0L+nlen)*sizeof(BIGDIG),
MAKE_NUMDIGS(nlen, sign ? tc16_bigneg : tc16_bigpos),
return v;
/* big2inum() frees bignum b when it returns an INUM */
SCM big2inum(b, l)
SCM b;
sizet l;
unsigned long num = 0;
while (l--) num = BIGUP(num) + tmp[l];
if (TYP16(b)==tc16_bigpos) {
if (POSFIXABLE(num)) {
return MAKINUM(num);
else if (UNEGFIXABLE(num)) {
return MAKINUM(-(long)num);
return b;
char s_adjbig[] = "adjbig";
SCM adjbig(b, nlen)
SCM b;
sizet nlen;
long nsiz = nlen;
if (((nsiz << 16) >> 16) != nlen)
wta(MAKINUM(nsiz), s_big_OVFLOW, s_adjbig);
must_realloc_cell(b, (long)(NUMDIGS(b)*sizeof(BIGDIG)),
(long)(nsiz*sizeof(BIGDIG)), s_adjbig);
SETNUMDIGS(b, nsiz, TYP16(b));
return b;
SCM normbig(b)
SCM b;
# ifndef _UNICOS
sizet nlen = NUMDIGS(b);
# else
int nlen = NUMDIGS(b); /* unsigned nlen breaks on Cray when nlen => 0 */
# endif
while (nlen-- && !zds[nlen]); nlen++;
if (nlen * BITSPERDIG/CHAR_BIT <= sizeof(SCM))
if (INUMP(b = big2inum(b, (sizet)nlen))) return b;
if (NUMDIGS(b)==nlen) return b;
return adjbig(b, (sizet)nlen);
SCM copybig(b, sign)
SCM b;
int sign;
sizet i = NUMDIGS(b);
SCM ans = mkbig(i, sign);
BIGDIG *src = BDIGITS(b), *dst = BDIGITS(ans);
while (i--) dst[i] = src[i];
return ans;
SCM long2big(n)
long n;
sizet i = 0;
BIGDIG *digits;
SCM ans = mkbig(DIGSPERLONG, n<0);
digits = BDIGITS(ans);
if (n < 0) n = -n;
while (i < DIGSPERLONG) {
digits[i++] = BIGLO(n);
n = BIGDN(n);
return ans;
SCM ulong2big(n)
unsigned long n;
sizet i = 0;
BIGDIG *digits;
SCM ans = mkbig(DIGSPERLONG, 0);
digits = BDIGITS(ans);
while (i < DIGSPERLONG) {
digits[i++] = BIGLO(n);
n = BIGDN(n);
return ans;
int bigcomp(x, y)
SCM x, y;
int xsign = BIGSIGN(x);
int ysign = BIGSIGN(y);
long xlen;
sizet ylen;
if (ysign < xsign) return 1;
if (ysign > xsign) return -1;
if ((ylen = NUMDIGS(y)) > (xlen = NUMDIGS(x))) return (xsign) ? -1 : 1;
if (ylen < xlen) return (xsign) ? 1 : -1;
while (xlen-- && (BDIGITS(y)[xlen]==BDIGITS(x)[xlen]));
if (-1==xlen) return 0;
return (BDIGITS(y)[xlen] > BDIGITS(x)[xlen]) ?
(xsign ? -1 : 1) : (xsign ? 1 : -1);
long pseudolong(x)
long x;
union {
long l;
} p;
sizet i = 0;
if (x < 0) x = -x;
while (i < DIGSPERLONG) {p.bd[i++] = BIGLO(x); x = BIGDN(x);}
/* p.bd[0] = BIGLO(x); p.bd[1] = BIGDN(x); */
return p.l;
# else
void longdigs(x, digs)
long x;
sizet i = 0;
if (x < 0) x = -x;
while (i < DIGSPERLONG) {digs[i++] = BIGLO(x); x = BIGDN(x);}
# endif
SCM addbig(x, nx, xsgn, bigy, sgny)
SCM bigy;
sizet nx; /* Assumes nx <= NUMDIGS(bigy) */
int xsgn, sgny; /* Assumes xsgn and sgny equal either 0 or 0x0100 */
SBIGLONG num = 0;
sizet i = 0, ny = NUMDIGS(bigy);
SCM z = copybig(bigy, BIGSIGN(bigy) ^ sgny);
if (xsgn ^ BIGSIGN(z)) {
do {
num += (long) zds[i] - x[i];
if (num < 0) {zds[i] = num + BIGRAD; num = -1;}
else {zds[i] = BIGLO(num); num = 0;}
} while (++i < nx);
if (num && nx==ny) {
num = 1; i = 0;
CAR(z) ^= 0x0100;
do {
num += (BIGRAD-1) - zds[i];
zds[i++] = BIGLO(num);
num = BIGDN(num);
} while (i < ny);
else while (i < ny) {
num += zds[i];
if (num < 0) {zds[i++] = num + BIGRAD; num = -1;}
else {zds[i++] = BIGLO(num); num = 0;}
} else {
do {
num += (long) zds[i] + x[i];
zds[i++] = BIGLO(num);
num = BIGDN(num);
} while (i < nx);
if (!num) return z;
while (i < ny) {
num += zds[i];
zds[i++] = BIGLO(num);
num = BIGDN(num);
if (!num) return z;
if (num) {z = adjbig(z, ny+1); BDIGITS(z)[ny] = num; return z;}
return normbig(z);
SCM mulbig(x, nx, y, ny, sgn)
BIGDIG *x, *y;
sizet nx, ny;
int sgn;
sizet i = 0, j = nx + ny;
SCM z = mkbig(j, sgn);
while (j--) zds[j] = 0;
do {
j = 0;
if (x[i]) {
do {
n += zds[i + j] + ((UBIGLONG) x[i] * y[j]);
zds[i + j++] = BIGLO(n);
n = BIGDN(n);
} while (j < ny);
if (n) {zds[i + j] = n; n = 0;}
} while (++i < nx);
return normbig(z);
UBIGLONG divbigdig(ds, h, div)
sizet h;
register UBIGLONG t2 = 0L;
while(h--) {
t2 = BIGUP(t2) + ds[h];
ds[h] = t2 / div;
t2 %= div;
return t2;
SCM divbigint(x, z, sgn, mode)
SCM x;
long z;
int sgn, mode;
if (z < 0) z = -z;
if (z < BIGRAD) {
register UBIGLONG t2 = 0;
register BIGDIG *ds = BDIGITS(x);
sizet nd = NUMDIGS(x);
while(nd--) t2 = (BIGUP(t2) + ds[nd]) % z;
if (mode && t2) t2 = z - t2;
return MAKINUM(sgn ? -(long)t2 : t2);
UBIGLONG t2 = pseudolong(z);
return divbigbig(BDIGITS(x), NUMDIGS(x), (BIGDIG *)&t2,
DIGSPERLONG, sgn, mode);
# else
longdigs(z, t2);
return divbigbig(BDIGITS(x), NUMDIGS(x), t2, DIGSPERLONG, sgn, mode);
# endif
static SCM scm_copy_big_ash1 P((BIGDIG *xds, sizet xlen, BIGDIG dscl));
/* Make a copy of 2*xds and divide by dscl if dscl > 0 */
SCM scm_copy_big_ash1 (xds, xlen, dscl)
BIGDIG *xds;
sizet xlen;
BIGDIG dscl;
sizet rlen = xlen + 1, i;
SCM dencell = mkbig(rlen, 0);
BIGDIG *dends = BDIGITS(dencell);
dends[xlen] = xds[xlen-1]>>(BITSPERDIG - 1);
for (i = xlen - 1; i > 0; i--)
dends[i] = (((xds[i])<<1) & (BIGRAD - 1))
| ((xds[i-1])>>(BITSPERDIG - 1));
dends[0] = (((xds[0])<<1) & (BIGRAD - 1));
while(rlen && !dends[rlen-1]) rlen--;
if (dscl) {
divbigdig(dends, rlen, dscl);
while(rlen && !dends[rlen-1]) rlen--;
SETNUMDIGS(dencell, rlen, TYP16(dencell));
return dencell;
SCM divbigbig(x, xlen, y, ylen, sgn, mode)
BIGDIG *x, *y;
sizet xlen, ylen;
int sgn, mode;
/* mode description
0 remainder
1 modulo
2 quotient
3 quotient with round-toward-even
4 quotient but returns NULL if division is not exact. */
int roundup = 0; /* used for round-quotient */
sizet i = 0, j = 0; /* loop indexes */
SBIGLONG dds = 0; /* double-digit signed */
UBIGLONG ddu = 0; /* double-digit unsigned */
SCM quocell, dencell;
sizet rlen;
BIGDIG *quods, /* quotient digits */
*dends, /* scaled denominator digits */
dscl = 0, /* unscale quotient from scaled divisor */
while(!y[ylen-1]) ylen--; /* in case y came in as a psuedolong */
if (xlen < ylen)
switch (mode) {
case 0: /* remainder -- just return x */
quocell = mkbig(xlen, sgn); quods = BDIGITS(quocell);
do {quods[i] = x[i];} while (++i < xlen);
return quocell;
case 1: /* modulo -- return y-x */
quocell = mkbig(ylen, sgn); quods = BDIGITS(quocell);
do {
dds += (long) y[i] - x[i];
if (dds < 0) {quods[i] = dds + BIGRAD; dds = -1;}
else {quods[i] = dds; dds = 0;}
} while (++i < xlen);
while (i < ylen) {
dds += y[i];
if (dds < 0) {quods[i++] = dds + BIGRAD; dds = -1;}
else {quods[i++] = dds; dds = 0;}
goto doadj;
case 2: return INUM0; /* quotient is zero */
case 3: /* round-toward-even */
/* Use dencell and dends variables to double the numerator */
dencell = scm_copy_big_ash1(x, xlen, dscl);
dends = BDIGITS(dencell);
rlen = NUMDIGS(dencell);
if (rlen < ylen) return INUM0;;
if (rlen > ylen) goto retone;
i = rlen;
while (i-- && (y[i]==dends[i]));
if (-1==i || (y[i] > dends[i])) return INUM0;
return MAKINUM(sgn ? -1 : 1);
case 4: return 0; /* the division is not exact */
/* main algorithm requires xlen >= ylen */
quocell = mkbig(xlen==ylen ? xlen+2 : xlen+1, sgn); quods = BDIGITS(quocell);
if (xlen==ylen) quods[xlen+1] = 0;
if (y[ylen-1] < (BIGRAD>>1)) { /* normalize operands */
dscl = BIGRAD/(y[ylen-1]+1);
dencell = mkbig(ylen, 0); dends = BDIGITS(dencell);
while(j < ylen) {
ddu += (UBIGLONG) y[j]*dscl;
dends[j++] = BIGLO(ddu); ddu = BIGDN(ddu);
j = 0; ddu = 0; /* y = dends; */
while(j < xlen) {
ddu += (UBIGLONG) x[j]*dscl;
quods[j++] = BIGLO(ddu); ddu = BIGDN(ddu);
quods[j] = ddu;
} else {
dends = y;
quods[j = xlen] = 0;
while (j--) quods[j] = x[j];
j = xlen==ylen ? xlen+1 : xlen; /* dividend needs more digits than divisor */
do { /* loop over digits of quotient */
if (quods[j]==dends[ylen-1]) qhat = BIGRAD-1;
else qhat = (BIGUP(quods[j]) + quods[j-1])/dends[ylen-1];
if (!qhat) continue;
i = 0; dds = 0; ddu = 0;
do { /* multiply and subtract */
ddu += (UBIGLONG) dends[i] * qhat;
dds += quods[j - ylen + i] - BIGLO(ddu);
if (dds < 0) {quods[j - ylen + i] = dds + BIGRAD; dds = -1;}
else {quods[j - ylen + i] = dds; dds = 0;}
ddu = BIGDN(ddu);
} while (++i < ylen);
dds += quods[j - ylen + i] - ddu; /* borrow from high digit; don't update */
while (dds) { /* "add back" required */
i = 0; dds = 0; qhat--;
do {
dds += (long) quods[j - ylen + i] + dends[i];
quods[j - ylen + i] = BIGLO(dds);
dds = BIGDN(dds);
} while (++i < ylen);
if (mode >= 2) quods[j] = qhat; /* returning quotient */
} while (--j >= ylen);
switch (mode) {
case 4: /* check that remainder==0 */
for (j = ylen;j && !quods[j-1];--j) ; if (j) return 0;
case 3: /* round toward even */
/* Reuse dencell and dends variables to double the remainder */
dencell = scm_copy_big_ash1(quods, ylen, dscl);
dends = BDIGITS(dencell);
rlen = NUMDIGS(dencell);
if (rlen > ylen) roundup = 1;
else if (rlen < ylen) ;
else {
i = rlen;
while (i-- && (y[i]==dends[i]));
if (-1==i) {
if (0==roundup && quods[ylen] & 1) roundup = 1;
} else if (y[i] < dends[i]) roundup = 1;
case 2: /* move quotient down in quocell */
j = (xlen==ylen ? xlen+2 : xlen+1) - ylen;
for (i = 0;i < j;i++) quods[i] = quods[i+ylen];
ylen = i;
if (roundup) {
i = 0; dds = 1;
while (i < ylen) {
dds += quods[i];
quods[i++] = BIGLO(dds);
dds = BIGDN(dds);
if (!dds) break;
case 1: /* subtract for modulo */
i = 0; dds = 0; j = 0;
do {dds += dends[i] - quods[i];
j = j | quods[i];
if (dds < 0) {quods[i] = dds + BIGRAD; dds = -1;}
else {quods[i] = dds; dds = 0;}
} while (++i < ylen);
if (!j) return INUM0;
case 0: /* just normalize remainder */
if (dscl) divbigdig(quods, ylen, dscl);
for (j = ylen;j && !quods[j-1];--j) ;
if (j * BITSPERDIG <= sizeof(SCM)*CHAR_BIT)
if (INUMP(quocell = big2inum(quocell, j))) return quocell;
return adjbig(quocell, j);
static iproc cxrs[] = {
{"cr", 0},
{"car", 0}, {"cdr", 0},
{"caar", 0}, {"cadr", 0}, {"cdar", 0}, {"cddr", 0},
{"caaar", 0}, {"caadr", 0}, {"cadar", 0}, {"caddr", 0},
{"cdaar", 0}, {"cdadr", 0}, {"cddar", 0}, {"cdddr", 0},
{"caaaar", 0}, {"caaadr", 0}, {"caadar", 0}, {"caaddr", 0},
{"cadaar", 0}, {"cadadr", 0}, {"caddar", 0}, {"cadddr", 0},
{"cdaaar", 0}, {"cdaadr", 0}, {"cdadar", 0}, {"cdaddr", 0},
{"cddaar", 0}, {"cddadr", 0}, {"cdddar", 0}, {"cddddr", 0},
{0, 0}};
static iproc subr1s[] = {
{"not", lnot},
{"boolean?", booleanp},
{"pair?", consp},
{"null?", nullp},
{"list?", listp},
{s_length, length},
{s_reverse, reverse},
{"symbol?", symbolp},
{s_symbol2string, symbol2string},
{s_str2symbol, string2symbol},
{s_exactp, exactp},
{s_oddp, oddp},
{s_evenp, evenp},
{s_lognot, scm_lognot},
{s_logcount, scm_logcount},
{s_bitwise_bit_count, scm_bitwise_bit_count},
{s_intlength, scm_intlength},
{"char?", charp},
{s_ch_alphap, char_alphap},
{s_ch_nump, char_nump},
{s_ch_whitep, char_whitep},
{s_ch_upperp, char_upperp},
{s_ch_lowerp, char_lowerp},
{s_char2int, char2int},
{s_int2char, int2char},
{s_ch_upcase, char_upcase},
{s_ch_downcase, char_downcase},
{"string?", stringp},
{s_st_length, st_length},
{"vector?", vectorp},
{s_ve_length, vector_length},
{"procedure?", procedurep},
{"promise?", promisep},
{0, 0}};
static char s_acons[] = "acons";
static iproc subr2s[] = {
{&s_acons[1], cons},
{s_setcar, setcar},
{s_setcdr, setcdr},
{s_list_ref, list_ref},
{s_memq, memq},
{s_member, member},
{s_assq, assq},
{s_assoc, assoc},
{s_quotient, lquotient},
/* {"rq", rq}, */
{s_rquotient, scm_round_quotient},
{s_remainder, lremainder},
{s_modulo, modulo},
{s_logtest, scm_logtest},
{s_logbitp, scm_logbitp},
{s_ash, scm_ash},
{s_st_ref, st_ref},
{"string<=?", st_leqp},
{"string-ci<=?", stci_leqp},
{s_ve_ref, vector_ref},
{0, 0}};
static iproc lsubrs[] = {
{s_list, list},
{s_append, append},
{s_string, string},
{s_st_append, st_append},
{s_vector, vector},
{0, 0}};
static iproc subr2os[] = {
{s_make_string, make_string},
{s_make_vector, make_vector},
{0, 0}};
static iproc asubrs[] = {
{s_gcd, lgcd},
{"lcm", llcm},
{s_logand, scm_logand},
{s_logior, scm_logior},
{s_logxor, scm_logxor},
{0, 0}};
static iproc rpsubrs[] = {
{"eq?", eq},
{"equal?", equal},
{"char=?", eq},
{s_ch_lessp, char_lessp},
{s_ci_eq, chci_eq},
{s_ci_lessp, chci_lessp},
{s_ch_leqp, char_leqp},
{s_ci_leqp, chci_leqp},
{s_ch_grp, char_grp},
{s_ci_grp, chci_grp},
{s_ch_geqp, char_geqp},
{s_ci_geqp, chci_geqp},
{s_st_equal, st_equal},
{s_stci_equal, stci_equal},
{s_st_lessp, st_lessp},
{s_stci_lessp, stci_lessp},
{"string>?", st_grp},
{"string-ci>?", stci_grp},
{"string>=?", st_geqp},
{"string-ci>=?", stci_geqp},
{0, 0}};
static iproc subr3s[] = {
{s_bitfield, scm_bitfield},
{s_bitif, scm_bitif},
{s_copybit, scm_copybit},
{s_substring, substring},
{s_acons, acons},
{s_st_set, st_set},
{s_ve_set, vector_set},
{0, 0}};
void init_iprocs(subra, type)
iproc *subra;
int type;
for (;subra->string; subra++)
void init_subrs()
init_iprocs(cxrs, tc7_cxr);
init_iprocs(subr1s, tc7_subr_1);
init_iprocs(subr2s, tc7_subr_2);
init_iprocs(subr2os, tc7_subr_2o);
init_iprocs(rpsubrs, tc7_rpsubr);
init_iprocs(lsubrs, tc7_lsubr);
init_iprocs(asubrs, tc7_asubr);
init_iprocs(subr3s, tc7_subr_3);
make_subr(s_copybitfield, tc7_lsubr_2, scm_copybitfield);