path: root/Init5d9.scm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Init5d9.scm')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1394 deletions
diff --git a/Init5d9.scm b/Init5d9.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index a95fada..0000000
--- a/Init5d9.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1394 +0,0 @@
-;; Copyright (C) 1991-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-;; any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-;; the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA.
-;; As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives permission
-;; for additional uses of the text contained in its release of SCM.
-;; The exception is that, if you link the SCM library with other files
-;; to produce an executable, this does not by itself cause the
-;; resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-;; Your use of that executable is in no way restricted on account of
-;; linking the SCM library code into it.
-;; This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-;; the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-;; This exception applies only to the code released by the
-;; Free Software Foundation under the name SCM. If you copy
-;; code from other Free Software Foundation releases into a copy of
-;; SCM, as the General Public License permits, the exception does
-;; not apply to the code that you add in this way. To avoid misleading
-;; anyone as to the status of such modified files, you must delete
-;; this exception notice from them.
-;; If you write modifications of your own for SCM, it is your choice
-;; whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications.
-;; If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice.
-;;;; "Init.scm", Scheme initialization code for SCM.
-;;; Author: Aubrey Jaffer.
-(define (scheme-implementation-type) 'SCM)
-(define (scheme-implementation-version) "5d9")
-(define (scheme-implementation-home-page)
- "")
-(define in-vicinity string-append)
-(set! *features*
- (append '(ed getenv tmpnam abort transcript with-file
- ieee-p1178 rev4-report rev4-optional-procedures
- hash object-hash delay dynamic-wind fluid-let
- multiarg-apply multiarg/and- logical defmacro
- string-port source current-time sharp:semi)
- *features*))
-(define eval
- (let ((@eval @eval)
- (@copy-tree @copy-tree))
- (lambda (x) (@eval (@copy-tree x)))))
-(define (exec-self)
- (require 'i/o-extensions)
- (execv (execpath) (if *script*
- (cons (car (program-arguments))
- (cons "\\"
- (member *script* (program-arguments))))
- (program-arguments))))
-(define (display-file file . port)
- (call-with-input-file file
- (lambda (inport)
- (do ((c (read-char inport) (read-char inport)))
- ((eof-object? c))
- (apply write-char c port)))))
-(define (terms)
- (display-file (in-vicinity (implementation-vicinity) "COPYING")))
-(define (read:try-number port . ic)
- (define chr0 (char->integer #\0))
- (let loop ((arg (and (not (null? ic)) (- (char->integer (car ic)) chr0))))
- (let ((c (peek-char port)))
- (cond ((eof-object? c) #f)
- ((char-numeric? c)
- (loop (+ (* 10 (or arg 0))
- (- (char->integer (read-char port)) chr0))))
- (else arg)))))
-(define (read:array rank port read)
- (define (bomb pc wid)
- (error (string-append "array syntax? #"
- (number->string rank)
- "A" (string pc)
- (if wid (number->string wid) ""))))
- (list->uniform-array
- rank
- (case (char-downcase (peek-char port))
- ((#\\) (read-char port) #\a)
- ((#\t) (read-char port) #t)
- ((#\c #\r)
- (let* ((pc (read-char port))
- (wid (read:try-number port)))
- (case wid
- ((64 32) (case pc
- ((#\c) (* +i wid))
- (else (exact->inexact wid))))
- (else (bomb pc wid)))))
- ((#\s #\u)
- (let* ((pc (read-char port))
- (wid (read:try-number port)))
- (case (or wid (peek-char port))
- ((32 16 8) (case pc
- ((#\s) (- wid))
- (else wid)))
- ((#\s #\f #\d #\l) (read-char port) 32)
- ((#\() 32) ;legacy
- (else (bomb pc wid)))))
- ((#\e) ;legacy
- (read-char port)
- (case (char-downcase (peek-char port))
- ((#\s) (read-char port) -16)
- ((#\f #\d #\l) (read-char port) -32)
- (else -32)))
- ((#\i) ;legacy
- (read-char port)
- (case (char-downcase (peek-char port))
- ((#\c)
- (read-char port)
- (case (char-downcase (peek-char port))
- ((#\s #\f #\d #\l) (read-char port)))
- +64i)
- ((#\s #\f) (read-char port) 32.0)
- ((#\d #\l) (read-char port) 64.0)
- (else (bomb (read-char port) #f))))
- (else #f))
- (read port)))
-;;; read-macros valid only in LOAD.
-(define (load:sharp c port read)
- (case c
- ((#\') (read port))
- ((#\.) (eval (read port)))
- ((#\!) (let skip ((metarg? #f))
- (let ((c (read-char port)))
- (case c
- ((#\newline) (if metarg? (skip #t)))
- ((#\\) (skip #t))
- ((#\!) (cond ((eqv? #\# (peek-char port))
- (read-char port)
- (if #f #f))
- (else (skip metarg?))))
- (else (if (char? c) (skip metarg?) c))))))
- ;; Make #; convert the rest of the line to a (comment ...) form.
- ;; "build.scm" uses this.
- ((#\;) (let skip-semi ()
- (cond ((eqv? #\; (peek-char port))
- (read-char port)
- (skip-semi))
- (else (require 'line-i/o)
- `(comment ,(read-line port))))))
- ((#\?) (case (read port)
- ((line) (port-line port))
- ((column) (port-column port))
- ((file) (port-filename port))
- (else #f)))
- (else (read:sharp c port read))))
-;;; read-macros valid for LOAD and READ.
-(define (read:sharp c port read)
- (case c
- ;; Used in "implcat" and "slibcat"
- ((#\+) (if (slib:provided? (read port))
- (read port)
- (begin (read port) (if #f #f))))
- ;; Used in "implcat" and "slibcat"
- ((#\-) (if (slib:provided? (read port))
- (begin (read port) (if #f #f))
- (read port)))
- ((#\a #\A) (read:array 1 port read))
- ((#\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9)
- (let* ((num (read:try-number port c))
- (c (peek-char port)))
- (cond ((memv c '(#\a #\A)) (read-char port) (read:array num port read))
- (else (error "syntax? #" num c)))))
- (else (error "unknown # object" c))))
-;;; We can assume TOK has at least 2 characters.
-(define char:sharp
- (letrec ((numeric-1
- (lambda (tok radix)
- (numeric (substring tok 1 (string-length tok)) radix)))
- (numeric
- (lambda (tok radix)
- (cond ((string->number tok radix) => integer->char))))
- (compose
- (lambda (modifier tok)
- (and (char=? #\- (string-ref tok 1))
- (if (= 3 (string-length tok))
- (modifier (string-ref tok 2))
- (let ((c (char:sharp
- (substring tok 2 (string-length tok)))))
- (and c (modifier c)))))))
- (control
- (lambda (c)
- (and (char? c)
- (if (eqv? c #\?)
- (integer->char 127)
- (integer->char (logand #o237 (char->integer c)))))))
- (meta
- (lambda (c)
- (and (char? c)
- (integer->char (logior 128 (char->integer c)))))))
- (lambda (tok)
- (case (string-ref tok 0)
- ((#\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7) (numeric tok 8))
- ((#\O #\o) (numeric-1 tok 8))
- ((#\D #\d) (numeric-1 tok 10))
- ((#\X #\x) (numeric-1 tok 16))
- ((#\C #\c) (compose control tok))
- ((#\^) (and (= 2 (string-length tok)) (control (string-ref tok 1))))
- ((#\M #\m) (compose meta tok))))))
-;;;; Function used to accumulate comments before a definition.
-(define comment
- (let ((*accumulated-comments* '()))
- (lambda args
- (cond ((null? args)
- (let ((ans
- (apply string-append
- (map (lambda (comment)
- (string-append (or comment "") "\n"))
- (reverse *accumulated-comments*)))))
- (set! *accumulated-comments* '())
- (if (equal? "" ans)
- "no-comment" ;#f
- (substring ans 0 (+ -1 (string-length ans))))))
- (else (set! *accumulated-comments*
- (append (reverse args) *accumulated-comments*)))))))
-(define : ':) ;for /bin/sh hack.
-(define !#(if #f #f)) ;for scsh hack.
-;;;; Here are some Revised^2 Scheme functions:
-(define 1+ (let ((+ +)) (lambda (n) (+ n 1))))
-(define -1+ (let ((+ +)) (lambda (n) (+ n -1))))
-(define 1- -1+)
-(define <? <)
-(define <=? <=)
-(define =? =)
-(define >? >)
-(define >=? >=)
-(define t #t)
-(define nil #f)
-(define identity cr)
-(cond ((defined? defsyntax)
-(defsyntax define-syntax (the-macro defsyntax)))
- (else
-(define defsyntax define)
-(define the-macro identity)))
-(defsyntax sequence (the-macro begin))
-(define copy-tree @copy-tree)
-;;; VMS does something strange when output is sent to both
-(case (software-type) ((VMS) (set-current-error-port (current-output-port))))
-;;; OPEN_READ, OPEN_WRITE, and OPEN_BOTH are used to request the proper
-;;; mode to open files in. MS-DOS does carriage return - newline
-;;; translation if not opened in `b' mode.
-(define OPEN_READ (case (software-type)
- (else 'r)))
-(define OPEN_WRITE (case (software-type)
- ((MS-DOS WINDOWS) 'wbc)
- ((ATARIST) 'wb)
- (else 'w)))
-(define OPEN_BOTH (case (software-type)
- ((MS-DOS WINDOWS) 'r+bc)
- ((ATARIST) 'r+b)
- (else 'r+)))
-(define ((make-moder str) mode)
- (if (symbol? mode)
- (string->symbol (string-append (symbol->string mode) str))
- (string-append mode str)))
-(define _IONBF (make-moder "0"))
-(define _TRACKED (make-moder "?"))
-(define _EXCLUSIVE (make-moder "x"))
-(define could-not-open #f)
-(define (open-output-file str)
- (or (open-file str OPEN_WRITE)
- (and (procedure? could-not-open) (could-not-open) #f)
- (error "OPEN-OUTPUT-FILE couldn't open file " str)))
-(define (open-input-file str)
- (or (open-file str OPEN_READ)
- (and (procedure? could-not-open) (could-not-open) #f)
- (error "OPEN-INPUT-FILE couldn't open file " str)))
-(define (string-index str chr)
- (define len (string-length str))
- (do ((pos 0 (+ 1 pos)))
- ((or (>= pos len) (char=? chr (string-ref str pos)))
- (and (< pos len) pos))))
-(if (not (defined? try-create-file))
-(define (try-create-file str modes . perms)
- (if (symbol? modes) (set! modes (symbol->string modes)))
- (let ((idx (string-index modes #\x)))
- (cond ((slib:in-catalog? 'i/o-extensions)
- (require 'i/o-extensions)
- (apply try-create-file str modes perms))
- ((not idx)
- (warn "not exclusive modes?" modes str)
- (try-open-file str modes))
- (else (set! modes (string-append (substring modes 0 idx)
- (substring modes (+ 1 idx)
- (string-length modes))))
- (cond ((not (string-index modes #\w))
- (warn 'try-create-file "not writing?" modes str)
- (try-open-file str modes))
- (else
- (cond ((and (not (null? perms))
- (not (eqv? #o666 (car perms))))
- (warn "perms?" (car perms) str)))
- (cond ((file-exists? str) #f)
- (else (try-open-file str modes))))))))))
-(define close-input-port close-port)
-(define close-output-port close-port)
-(define (call-with-open-ports . ports)
- (define proc (car ports))
- (cond ((procedure? proc) (set! ports (cdr ports)))
- (else (set! ports (reverse ports))
- (set! proc (car ports))
- (set! ports (reverse (cdr ports)))))
- (let ((ans (apply proc ports)))
- (for-each close-port ports)
- ans))
-(define (call-with-input-file str proc)
- (call-with-open-ports (open-input-file str) proc))
-(define (call-with-output-file str proc)
- (call-with-open-ports (open-output-file str) proc))
-(define (with-input-from-port port thunk)
- (dynamic-wind (lambda () (set! port (set-current-input-port port)))
- thunk
- (lambda () (set! port (set-current-input-port port)))))
-(define (with-output-to-port port thunk)
- (dynamic-wind (lambda () (set! port (set-current-output-port port)))
- thunk
- (lambda () (set! port (set-current-output-port port)))))
-(define (with-error-to-port port thunk)
- (dynamic-wind (lambda () (set! port (set-current-error-port port)))
- thunk
- (lambda () (set! port (set-current-error-port port)))))
-(define (with-input-from-file file thunk)
- (let* ((nport (open-input-file file))
- (ans (with-input-from-port nport thunk)))
- (close-port nport)
- ans))
-(define (with-output-to-file file thunk)
- (let* ((nport (open-output-file file))
- (ans (with-output-to-port nport thunk)))
- (close-port nport)
- ans))
-(define (with-error-to-file file thunk)
- (let* ((nport (open-output-file file))
- (ans (with-error-to-port nport thunk)))
- (close-port nport)
- ans))
-(define (call-with-outputs thunk proc)
- (define stdout #f)
- (define stderr #f)
- (define status #f)
- (set! stdout
- (call-with-output-string
- (lambda (stdout)
- (set! stderr
- (call-with-output-string
- (lambda (stderr)
- (call-with-current-continuation
- (lambda (escape)
- (dynamic-wind
- (lambda ()
- (set! status #f)
- (set! stdout (set-current-output-port stdout))
- (set! stderr (set-current-error-port stderr)))
- (lambda () (set! status (list (thunk))))
- (lambda ()
- (set! stdout (set-current-output-port stdout))
- (set! stderr (set-current-error-port stderr))
- (if (not status) (escape #f))))))))))))
- (apply proc stdout stderr (or status '())))
-(define browse-url
- (case (software-type)
- (lambda (url)
- (define (try cmd end) (zero? (system (string-append cmd url end))))
- (or (try "netscape-remote -remote 'openURL(" ")'")
- (try "netscape -remote 'openURL(" ")'")
- (try "netscape '" "'&")
- (try "netscape '" "'"))))
- (else
- (lambda (url)
- (slib:warn 'define (software-type) 'case 'of 'browse-url 'in
- *load-pathname*)))))
-(define (warn . args)
- (define cep (current-error-port))
- (if (defined? print-call-stack) (print-call-stack cep))
- (perror "WARN")
- (errno 0)
- (display "WARN:" cep)
- (for-each (lambda (x) (display #\ cep) (write x cep)) args)
- (newline cep)
- (force-output cep))
-(define (error . args)
- (define cep (current-error-port))
- (if (defined? print-call-stack) (print-call-stack cep))
- (perror "ERROR")
- (errno 0)
- (display "ERROR:" cep)
- (for-each (lambda (x) (display #\ cep) (write x cep)) args)
- (newline cep)
- (force-output cep)
- (abort))
-(define set-errno errno)
-(define slib:exit quit)
-(define exit quit)
-(define (print . args)
- (define result #f)
- (for-each (lambda (x) (set! result x) (write x) (display #\ )) args)
- (newline)
- result)
-(define (pprint . args)
- (define result #f)
- (for-each (lambda (x) (set! result x) (pretty-print x)) args)
- result)
-(define (pp . args)
- (for-each pretty-print args)
- (if #f #f))
-(if (not (defined? file-exists?))
-(define (file-exists? str)
- (let ((port (open-file str OPEN_READ)))
- (errno 0)
- (and port (close-port port) #t))))
-(define (file-readable? str)
- (let ((port (open-file str OPEN_READ)))
- (errno 0)
- (and port
- (char-ready? port)
- (do ((c (read-char port)
- (and (char-ready? port) (read-char port)))
- (i 0 (+ 1 i))
- (l '() (cons c l)))
- ((or (not c) (eof-object? c) (<= 2 i))
- (if (null? l) #f (list->string (reverse l))))))))
-(define difftime -)
-(define offset-time +)
-(if (not (defined? ed))
-(define (ed . args)
- (system (apply string-append
- (or (getenv "EDITOR") "ed")
- (map (lambda (s) (string-append " " s)) args)))))
-(if (not (defined? output-port-width))
-(define (output-port-width . arg) 80))
-(if (not (defined? output-port-height))
-(define (output-port-height . arg) 24))
-(if (not (defined? last-pair))
-(define (last-pair l) (if (pair? (cdr l)) (last-pair (cdr l)) l)))
-(define slib:error error)
-(define slib:warn warn)
-(define slib:tab #\tab)
-(define slib:form-feed #\page)
-(define slib:eval eval)
-(define (make-exchanger . pair) (lambda (rep) (swap-car! pair rep)))
-;;;; Load.
-(define load:indent 0)
-(define (load:pre file)
- (define cep (current-error-port))
- (cond ((> (verbose) 1)
- (display
- (string-append ";" (make-string load:indent #\ ) "loading " file)
- cep)
- (set! load:indent (modulo (+ 2 load:indent) 16))
- (newline cep)))
- (force-output cep))
-(define (load:post filesuf)
- (define cep (current-error-port))
- (errno 0)
- (cond ((> (verbose) 1)
- (set! load:indent (modulo (+ -2 load:indent) 16))
- (display (string-append ";" (make-string load:indent #\ )
- "done loading " filesuf)
- cep)
- (newline cep)
- (force-output cep))))
-;;; Here for backward compatibility
-(define scheme-file-suffix
- (case (software-type)
- ((NOSVE) (lambda () "_scm"))
- (else (lambda () ".scm"))))
-(define (has-suffix? str suffix)
- (let ((sufl (string-length suffix))
- (sl (string-length str)))
- (and (> sl sufl)
- (string=? (substring str (- sl sufl) sl) suffix))))
-(define *load-reader* #f)
-(define (scm:load file . libs)
- (define filesuf file)
- (define hss (has-suffix? file (scheme-file-suffix)))
- (load:pre file)
- (or (and (defined? link:link) (not hss)
- (or (let ((s2 (file-readable? file)))
- (and s2 (not (equal? "#!" s2)) (apply link:link file libs)))
- (and link:able-suffix
- (let* ((fs (string-append file link:able-suffix))
- (fs2 (file-readable? fs)))
- (and fs2 (apply link:link fs libs) (set! filesuf fs) #t)
- ))))
- (and (null? libs) (try-load file *load-reader*))
- ;;HERE is where the suffix gets specified
- (and (not hss) (errno 0) ; clean up error from TRY-LOAD above
- (set! filesuf (string-append file (scheme-file-suffix)))
- (try-load filesuf *load-reader*))
- (and (procedure? could-not-open) (could-not-open) #f)
- (begin (set! load:indent 0)
- (error "LOAD couldn't find file " file)))
- (load:post filesuf))
-(define load scm:load)
-(define slib:load load)
-(define (scm:load-source file)
- (define sfs (scheme-file-suffix))
- (define filesuf file)
- (load:pre file)
- (or (and (or (try-load file *load-reader*)
- ;;HERE is where the suffix gets specified
- (and (not (has-suffix? file sfs))
- (begin (set! filesuf (string-append file sfs))
- (try-load filesuf *load-reader*)))))
- (and (procedure? could-not-open) (could-not-open) #f)
- (error "LOAD couldn't find file " file))
- (load:post filesuf))
-(define slib:load-source scm:load-source)
-;;; This is the vicinity where this file resides.
-(define implementation-vicinity #f)
-;;; (library-vicinity) should be defined to be the pathname of the
-;;; directory where files of Scheme library functions reside.
-(define library-vicinity #f)
-;;; (home-vicinity) should return the vicinity of the user's HOME
-;;; directory, the directory which typically contains files which
-;;; customize a computer environment for a user.
-(define home-vicinity #f)
-(define (login->home-directory login)
- (cond ((defined? getpw)
- (let ((pwvect (getpw login)))
- (and pwvect (vector-ref pwvect 5))))
- ((not (file-exists? "/etc/passwd")) #f)
- (else
- (call-with-input-file "/etc/passwd"
- (lambda (iprt)
- (require 'string-search)
- (require 'line-i/o)
- (let tryline ()
- (define line (read-line iprt))
- (define (get-field)
- (define idx (string-index line #\:))
- (and idx
- (let ((fld (substring line 0 idx)))
- (set! line (substring line (+ 1 idx)
- (string-length line)))
- fld)))
- (cond ((eof-object? line) #f)
- ((string-index line #\:)
- => (lambda (idx)
- (define name (substring line 0 idx))
- (cond ((equal? login name)
- (do ((ans (get-field) (get-field))
- (cnt 4 (+ -1 cnt)))
- ((or (negative? cnt) (not ans)) ans)))
- (else (tryline))))))))))))
-(define (getlogin) (or (getenv "USER") (getenv "LOGNAME")))
-;;; If the environment variable SCHEME_LIBRARY_PATH is undefined, use
-;;; (implementation-vicinity) as (library-vicinity). "require.scm",
-;;; the first file loaded from (library-vicinity), can redirect it.
-(define (set-vicinities! init-file)
- (set! implementation-vicinity
- (let ((vic (substring
- init-file
- 0
- (- (string-length init-file)
- (string-length "Init.scm")
- (string-length (scheme-implementation-version))))))
- (lambda () vic)))
- (let ((library-path (getenv "SCHEME_LIBRARY_PATH")))
- (if library-path
- (set! library-vicinity (lambda () library-path))
- (let ((filename (in-vicinity (implementation-vicinity) "require.scm")))
- (or (try-load filename)
- (try-load (in-vicinity (implementation-vicinity) "requires.scm"))
- (error "Can't load" filename))
- (if (not library-vicinity) (error "Can't find library-vicinity")))))
- (set! home-vicinity
- (let ((home (getenv "HOME")))
- (and (not home) login->home-directory
- (let ((login (getlogin)))
- (and login (set! home (login->home-directory login)))))
- (and home
- (case (software-type)
- ((UNIX COHERENT PLAN9 MS-DOS) ;V7 unix has a / on HOME
- (if (not
- (eqv? #\/ (string-ref home (+ -1 (string-length home)))))
- (set! home (string-append home "/"))))))
- (lambda () home))))
-;;; SET-VICINITIES! is also called from BOOT-TAIL
-(set-vicinities! *load-pathname*)
-;;;; Initialize SLIB
-(load (in-vicinity (library-vicinity) "require"))
-;;; This enables line-numbering for SLIB loads.
-(define *slib-load-reader* (and (defined? read-numbered) read-numbered))
-;;; DO NOT MOVE! SLIB:LOAD-SOURCE and SLIB:LOAD must be defined after
-;;; "require.scm" is loaded.
-(define (slib:load-source file . libs)
- (fluid-let ((*load-reader* *slib-load-reader*))
- (apply scm:load file libs)))
-(define slib:load slib:load-source)
-;;; Legacy grease
-(if (not (defined? slib:in-catalog?))
- (define slib:in-catalog? require:feature->path))
-;;; Dynamic link-loading
-(cond ((or (defined? dyn:link)
- (defined? vms:dynamic-link-call))
- (load (in-vicinity (implementation-vicinity) "Link"))))
-(cond ((defined? link:link)
-(define (slib:load-compiled . args)
- (cond ((symbol? (car args))
- (require (car args))
- (apply slib:load-compiled (cdr args)))
- ((apply link:link args))
- (else (error "Couldn't link files " args))))
-(provide 'compiled)))
-;;; Complete the function set for feature STRING-CASE.
- ((defined? string-upcase!)
-(define (string-upcase str) (string-upcase! (string-copy str)))
-(define (string-downcase str) (string-downcase! (string-copy str)))
-(define (string-capitalize str) (string-capitalize! (string-copy str)))
-(define string-ci->symbol
- (let ((s2cis (if (equal? "x" (symbol->string 'x))
- string-downcase string-upcase)))
- (lambda (str) (string->symbol (s2cis str)))))
-(define symbol-append
- (let ((s2cis (if (equal? "x" (symbol->string 'x))
- string-downcase string-upcase)))
- (lambda args
- (string->symbol
- (apply string-append
- (map
- (lambda (obj)
- (cond ((string? obj) (s2cis obj))
- ((number? obj) (s2cis (number->string obj)))
- ((symbol? obj) (symbol->string obj))
- ((not obj) "")
- (else (slib:error 'wrong-type-to 'symbol-append obj))))
- args))))))
-(define (StudlyCapsExpand nstr . delimitr)
- (set! delimitr
- (cond ((null? delimitr) "-")
- ((char? (car delimitr)) (string (car delimitr)))
- (else (car delimitr))))
- (do ((idx (+ -1 (string-length nstr)) (+ -1 idx)))
- ((> 1 idx) nstr)
- (cond ((and (> idx 1)
- (char-upper-case? (string-ref nstr (+ -1 idx)))
- (char-lower-case? (string-ref nstr idx)))
- (set! nstr
- (string-append (substring nstr 0 (+ -1 idx))
- delimitr
- (substring nstr (+ -1 idx)
- (string-length nstr)))))
- ((and (char-lower-case? (string-ref nstr (+ -1 idx)))
- (char-upper-case? (string-ref nstr idx)))
- (set! nstr
- (string-append (substring nstr 0 idx)
- delimitr
- (substring nstr idx
- (string-length nstr))))))))
-(provide 'string-case)))
-;;;; Bit order and lamination
-(define (logical:ones deg)
- (if (zero? deg) 0 (+ (* 2 (+ -1 (integer-expt 2 (- deg 1)))) 1)))
-(define (rotate k count len)
- (set! count (modulo count len))
- (logior (logand (ash k count) (logical:ones len))
- (ash k (- count len))))
-(define logical:rotate rotate)
-(define (bit-reverse k n)
- (do ((m (if (negative? n) (lognot n) n) (ash m -1))
- (k (+ -1 k) (+ -1 k))
- (rvs 0 (logior (ash rvs 1) (logand 1 m))))
- ((negative? k) (if (negative? n) (lognot rvs) rvs))))
-(define (integer->list k . len)
- (if (null? len)
- (do ((k k (ash k -1))
- (lst '() (cons (odd? k) lst)))
- ((<= k 0) lst))
- (do ((idx (+ -1 (car len)) (+ -1 idx))
- (k k (ash k -1))
- (lst '() (cons (odd? k) lst)))
- ((negative? idx) lst))))
-(define (list->integer bools)
- (do ((bs bools (cdr bs))
- (acc 0 (+ acc acc (if (car bs) 1 0))))
- ((null? bs) acc)))
-(define (booleans->integer . bools)
- (list->integer bools))
-(define (bitwise:laminate . ks)
- (define nks (length ks))
- (define nbs (apply max (map integer-length ks)))
- (do ((kdx (+ -1 nbs) (+ -1 kdx))
- (ibs 0 (+ (list->integer (map (lambda (k) (logbit? kdx k)) ks))
- (ash ibs nks))))
- ((negative? kdx) ibs)))
-(define (bitwise:delaminate count k)
- (define nbs (* count (+ 1 (quotient (integer-length k) count))))
- (do ((kdx (- nbs count) (- kdx count))
- (lst (vector->list (make-vector count 0))
- (map (lambda (k bool) (+ (if bool 1 0) (ash k 1)))
- lst
- (integer->list (ash k (- kdx)) count))))
- ((negative? kdx) lst)))
-;;;; Gray-code
-(define (integer->gray-code k)
- (logxor k (ash k -1)))
-(define (gray-code->integer k)
- (if (negative? k)
- (error 'gray-code->integer 'negative? k)
- (let ((kln (integer-length k)))
- (do ((d 1 (* d 2))
- (ans (logxor k (ash k -1)) ; == (integer->gray-code k)
- (logxor ans (ash ans (* d -2)))))
- ((>= (* 2 d) kln) ans)))))
-(define (grayter k1 k2)
- (define kl1 (integer-length k1))
- (define kl2 (integer-length k2))
- (if (eqv? kl1 kl2)
- (> (gray-code->integer k1) (gray-code->integer k2))
- (> kl1 kl2)))
-(define (gray-code<? k1 k2)
- (not (or (eqv? k1 k2) (grayter k1 k2))))
-(define (gray-code<=? k1 k2)
- (or (eqv? k1 k2) (not (grayter k1 k2))))
-(define (gray-code>? k1 k2)
- (and (not (eqv? k1 k2)) (grayter k1 k2)))
-(define (gray-code>=? k1 k2)
- (or (eqv? k1 k2) (grayter k1 k2)))
-(define @case-aux
- (let ((integer-jump-table 1)
- (char-jump-table 2))
- (lambda (keys actions else-action)
- (let ((n (length keys)))
- (define (every-key pred)
- (let test ((keys keys))
- (or (null? keys)
- (and (pred (car keys)) (test (cdr keys))))))
- (define (jump-table keys)
- (let ((minkey (apply min keys))
- (maxkey (apply max keys)))
- (and (< (- maxkey minkey) (* 4 n))
- (let ((actv (make-vector
- (+ 2 (- maxkey minkey)) else-action)))
- (for-each
- (lambda (key action)
- (vector-set! actv (+ 1 (- key minkey)) action))
- keys actions)
- (list integer-jump-table minkey actv)))))
- (cond ((< n 5) #f)
- ((every-key integer?)
- (jump-table keys))
- ((every-key char?)
- (let* ((int-keys (map char->integer keys)))
- (cond ((jump-table int-keys) =>
- (lambda (x)
- (cons char-jump-table
- (cons (integer->char (cadr x))
- (cddr x)))))
- (else #f)))))))))
-;;;defmacro from (heavily hacked by jaffer):
-(define *defmacros* '())
-(define (defmacro? m) (and (assq m *defmacros*) #t))
-(define defmacro:transformer
- (lambda (f)
- (procedure->memoizing-macro
- (lambda (exp env)
- (@copy-tree (apply f (remove-line-numbers! (cdr exp))))))))
-(define defmacro:get-destructuring-bind-pairs
- (lambda (s e)
- (let loop ((s s) (e e) (r '()))
- (cond ((pair? s)
- (loop (car s) `(car ,e)
- (loop (cdr s) `(cdr ,e) r)))
- ((null? s) r)
- ((symbol? s) (cons `(,s ,e) r))
- (else (error 'destructuring-bind "illegal syntax"))))))
-(defsyntax destructuring-bind
- (let ((destructuring-bind-transformer
- (lambda (s x . ff)
- (let ((tmp (gentemp)))
- `(let ((,tmp ,x))
- (let ,(defmacro:get-destructuring-bind-pairs s tmp)
- ,@ff))))))
- (set! *defmacros*
- (acons 'destructuring-bind
- destructuring-bind-transformer *defmacros*))
- (defmacro:transformer destructuring-bind-transformer)))
-(defsyntax defmacro:simple-defmacro
- (let ((defmacro-transformer
- (lambda (name parms . body)
- `(defsyntax ,name
- (let ((transformer (lambda ,parms ,@body)))
- (set! *defmacros* (acons ',name transformer *defmacros*))
- (defmacro:transformer transformer))))))
- (set! *defmacros* (acons 'defmacro defmacro-transformer *defmacros*))
- (defmacro:transformer defmacro-transformer)))
-(defmacro:simple-defmacro defmacro (name . body)
- (define (expn name pattern body)
- (let ((args (gentemp)))
- `(defmacro:simple-defmacro ,name ,args
- (destructuring-bind ,pattern ,args ,@body))))
- (if (pair? name)
- (expn (car name) (cdr name) body)
- (expn name (car body) (cdr body))))
-(define (macroexpand-1 e)
- (if (pair? e) (let ((a (car e)))
- (cond ((symbol? a) (set! a (assq a *defmacros*))
- (if a (apply (cdr a) (cdr e)) e))
- (else e)))
- e))
-(define (macroexpand e)
- (if (pair? e) (let ((a (car e)))
- (cond ((symbol? a)
- (set! a (assq a *defmacros*))
- (if a (macroexpand (apply (cdr a) (cdr e))) e))
- (else e)))
- e))
-(define gentemp
- (let ((*gensym-counter* -1))
- (lambda ()
- (set! *gensym-counter* (+ *gensym-counter* 1))
- (string->symbol
- (string-append "scm:G" (number->string *gensym-counter*))))))
-(define defmacro:eval slib:eval)
-(define defmacro:load load)
-(define (slib:eval-load <filename> evl)
- (if (not (file-exists? <filename>))
- (set! <filename> (string-append <filename> (scheme-file-suffix))))
- (call-with-input-file <filename>
- (lambda (port)
- (let ((old-load-pathname *load-pathname*))
- (set! *load-pathname* <filename>)
- (do ((o (*load-reader* port) (*load-reader* port)))
- ((eof-object? o))
- (evl o))
- (set! *load-pathname* old-load-pathname)))))
-;;;; Autoloads for SLIB procedures.
-(define (trace-all . args) (require 'debug) (apply trace-all args))
-(define (track-all . args) (require 'debug) (apply track-all args))
-(define (stack-all . args) (require 'debug) (apply stack-all args))
-(define (break-all . args) (require 'debug) (apply break-all args))
-(define (pretty-print . args) (require 'pretty-print) (apply pretty-print args))
-;;; (require 'transcript) would get us SLIB transcript -- not what we want.
-(define (transcript-on arg)
- (load (in-vicinity (implementation-vicinity)
- (string-append "Tscript" (scheme-file-suffix))))
- (transcript-on arg))
-(define (transcript-off)
- (error "No transcript active"))
-;;;; Macros.
-;;; Trace gets re-defmacroed when tracef autoloads.
-(defmacro trace x (cond ((null? x) '()) (else (require 'trace) `(trace ,@x))))
-(defmacro track x (cond ((null? x) '()) (else (require 'track) `(track ,@x))))
-(defmacro stack x (cond ((null? x) '()) (else (require 'stack) `(stack ,@x))))
-(defmacro break x (cond ((null? x) '()) (else (require 'break) `(break ,@x))))
-(defmacro defvar (var val)
- `(if (not (defined? ,var)) (define ,var ,val)))
-(defmacro defconst (name value)
- (cond ((list? name) `(defconst ,(car name) (lambda ,(cdr name) ,value)))
- (else (cond ((not (slib:eval `(defined? ,name))))
- ((and (symbol? name) (equal? (slib:eval value)
- (slib:eval name))))
- (else (slib:error 'trying-to-defconst name
- 'to-different-value value)))
- `(define ,name ,value))))
-(defmacro qase (key . clauses)
- `(case ,key
- ,@(map (lambda (clause)
- (if (list? (car clause))
- (cons (apply
- append
- (map (lambda (elt)
- (case elt
- ((unquote) '(unquote))
- ((unquote-splicing) '(unquote-splicing))
- (else
- (eval (list 'quasiquote (list elt))))))
- (car clause)))
- (cdr clause))
- clause))
- clauses)))
-(defmacro (casev . args) `(qase ,@args))
-(defmacro fluid-let (clauses . body)
- (let ((ids (map car clauses))
- (temp (gentemp))
- (swap (gentemp)))
- `(let* ((,temp (list ,@(map cadr clauses)))
- (,swap (lambda () (set! ,temp (set! ,ids ,temp)))))
- (dynamic-wind
- ,swap
- (lambda () ,@body)
- ,swap))))
-(define print-args
- (procedure->syntax
- (lambda (sexp env)
- (set! env (environment->tree env))
- (let ((frame (and (not (null? env)) (car env))))
- (cond ((not (null? (cdr sexp)))
- (display "In")
- (for-each (lambda (exp) (display #\ ) (display exp)) (cdr sexp))
- (display ": ")))
- (do ((vars (car frame) (cdr vars))
- (vals (cdr frame) (cdr vals)))
- ((not (pair? vars))
- (cond ((not (null? vars))
- (write vars)
- (display " := ")
- (write vals)))
- (newline))
- (write (car vars))
- (display " = ")
- (write (car vals))
- (display "; "))))))
- ((defined? stack-trace)
-;;#+breakpoint-error;; remove line to enable breakpointing on calls to ERROR
-(define error
- (letrec ((oerror error)
- (nerror
- (lambda args
- (dynamic-wind
- (lambda () (set! error oerror))
- (lambda ()
- (define cep (current-error-port))
- (if (defined? print-call-stack)
- (print-call-stack cep))
- (perror "ERROR")
- (errno 0)
- (display "ERROR: " cep)
- (if (not (null? args))
- (begin (display (car args) cep)
- (for-each (lambda (x) (display #\ cep) (write x cep))
- (cdr args))))
- (newline cep)
- (cond ((stack-trace) (newline cep)))
- (display " * Breakpoint established: (continue <val>) to return." cep)
- (newline cep) (force-output cep)
- (require 'debug) (apply breakpoint args))
- (lambda () (set! error nerror))))))
- nerror))
-(define (user-interrupt . args)
- (define cep (current-error-port))
- (newline cep)
- (if (defined? print-call-stack)
- (print-call-stack cep))
- (display "ERROR: user interrupt" cep)
- (newline cep)
- (cond ((stack-trace) (newline cep)))
- (display " * Breakpoint established: (continue <val>) to return." cep)
- (newline cep) (force-output cep)
- (require 'debug) (apply breakpoint args))
- ))
-;;; ABS and MAGNITUDE can be the same.
-(cond ((and (inexact? (string->number "0.0")) (not (defined? exp)))
- (or (and (defined? usr:lib)
- (usr:lib "m")
- (load (in-vicinity (implementation-vicinity) "Transcen")
- (usr:lib "m")))
- (load (in-vicinity (implementation-vicinity) "Transcen")))
- (set! abs magnitude)))
-(if (defined? array?)
-(define (array-null? array)
- (zero? (apply * (map (lambda (bnd) (- 1 (apply - bnd)))
- (array-shape array)))))
-(define (create-array prot . args)
- (if (array-null? prot)
- (dimensions->uniform-array args (array-prototype prot))
- (dimensions->uniform-array args (array-prototype prot)
- (apply array-ref prot
- (map car (array-shape prot))))))
-(define make-array create-array)
-(define (make-uniform-wrapper prot)
- (if (string? prot) (set! prot (string->number prot)))
- (if prot
- (lambda opt (if (null? opt)
- (list->uniform-array 1 prot '())
- (list->uniform-array 0 prot (car opt))))
- vector))
-(define Ac64 (make-uniform-wrapper "+64i"))
-(define Ac32 (make-uniform-wrapper "+32i"))
-(define Ar64 (make-uniform-wrapper "64."))
-(define Ar32 (make-uniform-wrapper "32."))
-(define As64 (make-uniform-wrapper -64))
-(define As32 (make-uniform-wrapper -32))
-(define As16 (make-uniform-wrapper -16))
-(define As8 (make-uniform-wrapper -8))
-(define Au64 (make-uniform-wrapper 64))
-(define Au32 (make-uniform-wrapper 32))
-(define Au16 (make-uniform-wrapper 16))
-(define Au8 (make-uniform-wrapper 8))
-(define At1 (make-uniform-wrapper #t))
-(define (array-shape a)
- (let ((dims (array-dimensions a)))
- (if (pair? dims)
- (map (lambda (ind) (if (number? ind) (list 0 (+ -1 ind)) ind))
- dims)
- dims)))
-(define array=? equal?)
-(define (alarm-interrupt) (alarm 0))
-(if (defined? setitimer)
- (begin
- (define profile-alarm #f)
- (define (profile-alarm-interrupt) (profile-alarm 0))
- (define virtual-alarm #f)
- (define (virtual-alarm-interrupt) (virtual-alarm 0))
- (define milli-alarm #f)
- (let ((make-alarm
- (lambda (sym)
- (and (setitimer sym 0 0) ;DJGPP supports only REAL and PROFILE
- (lambda (value . interval)
- (cadr
- (setitimer sym value
- (if (pair? interval) (car interval) 0))))))))
- (set! profile-alarm (make-alarm 'profile))
- (set! virtual-alarm (make-alarm 'virtual))
- (set! milli-alarm (make-alarm 'real)))))
-;;;; Initialize statically linked add-ons
-(cond ((defined? scm_init_extensions)
- (scm_init_extensions)
- (set! scm_init_extensions #f)))
-;;; Use *argv* instead of (program-arguments), to allow option
-;;; processing to be done on it. "ScmInit.scm" must
-;;; (set! *argv* (program-arguments))
-;;; if it wants to alter the arguments which BOOT-TAIL processes.
-(define *argv* #f)
-(if (not (defined? *syntax-rules*))
- (define *syntax-rules* #f))
-(if (not (defined? *interactive*))
- (define *interactive* #f))
-(define (boot-tail dumped?)
- (cond ((not *argv*)
- (set! *argv* (program-arguments))
- (cond (dumped?
- (set-vicinities! dumped?)
- (verbose (if (and (isatty? (current-input-port))
- (isatty? (current-output-port)))
- (if (<= (length *argv*) 1) 2 1)
- 0))))
- (cond ((provided? 'getopt)
- (set! *optind* 1)
- (set! *optarg* #f)))))
-;;; This loads the user's initialization file, or files named in
-;;; program arguments.
- (or (eq? (software-type) 'THINKC)
- (member "-no-init-file" (program-arguments))
- (member "--no-init-file" (program-arguments))
- (try-load (in-vicinity (or (home-vicinity) (user-vicinity))
- (string-append "ScmInit") (scheme-file-suffix))
- *load-reader*)
- (errno 0))
- ;; Include line numbers in loaded code.
- (if (defined? read-numbered)
- (set! *load-reader* read-numbered))
- (cond
- ((and (> (length *argv*) 1) (char=? #\- (string-ref (cadr *argv*) 0)))
- (require 'getopt)
-;;; (else
-;;; (define *optind* 1)
-;;; (define getopt:opt #f)
-;;; (define (getopt optstring) #f))
- (let* ((simple-opts "muvqibs")
- (arg-opts '("a kbytes" "-version" "-help"
- "no-init-file" "-no-init-file" "p number"
- "h feature" "r feature" "d filename"
- "f filename" "l filename"
- "c string" "e string" "o filename"))
- (opts (apply string-append ":" simple-opts
- (map (lambda (o)
- (string-append (string (string-ref o 0)) ":"))
- arg-opts)))
- (didsomething #f)
- (moreopts #t)
- (exe-name (symbol->string (scheme-implementation-type)))
- (up-name (apply string (map char-upcase (string->list exe-name)))))
- (define (do-thunk thunk)
- (if *interactive*
- (thunk)
- (let ((complete #f))
- (dynamic-wind
- (lambda () #f)
- (lambda ()
- (thunk)
- (set! complete #t))
- (lambda ()
- (if (not complete) (close-port (current-input-port))))))))
- (define (do-string-arg)
- (require 'string-port)
- (do-thunk
- (lambda ()
- ((if *syntax-rules* macro:eval eval)
- (call-with-input-string
- (string-append "(begin " *optarg* ")")
- read))))
- (set! didsomething #t))
- (define (do-load file)
- (do-thunk
- (lambda ()
- (cond (*syntax-rules* (require 'macro) (macro:load file))
- (else (load file)))))
- (set! didsomething #t))
- (define (usage preopt opt postopt success?)
- (define cep (if success? (current-output-port) (current-error-port)))
- (define indent (make-string 6 #\ ))
- (define i 3)
- (cond ((char? opt) (set! opt (string opt)))
- ;;((symbol? opt) (set! opt (symbol->string opt)))
- )
- (display (string-append preopt opt postopt) cep)
- (newline cep)
- (display (string-append "Usage: "
- exe-name
- " [-a kbytes] [-" simple-opts "]") cep)
- (for-each
- (lambda (o)
- (display (string-append " [-" o "]") cep)
- (set! i (+ 1 i))
- (cond ((zero? (modulo i 5)) (newline cep) (display indent cep))))
- (cdr arg-opts))
- (display " [-- | -s | -] [file] [args...]" cep) (newline cep)
- (if success? (display success? cep) (quit #f)))
- ;; -a int => ignore (handled by scm_init_from_argv)
- ;; -c str => (eval str)
- ;; -e str => (eval str)
- ;; -d str => (require 'databases) (open-database str)
- ;; -f str => (load str)
- ;; -l str => (load str)
- ;; -r sym => (require sym)
- ;; -h sym => (provide sym)
- ;; -o str => (dump str)
- ;; -p int => (verbose int)
- ;; -m => (set! *syntax-rules* #t)
- ;; -u => (set! *syntax-rules* #f)
- ;; -v => (verbose 3)
- ;; -q => (verbose 0)
- ;; -i => (set! *interactive* #t)
- ;; -b => (set! *interactive* #f)
- ;; -s => set argv, don't execute first one
- ;; -no-init-file => don't load init file
- ;; --no-init-file => don't load init file
- ;; --help => print and exit
- ;; --version => print and exit
- ;; -- => last option
- (let loop ((option (getopt-- opts)))
- (case option
- ((#\a)
- (cond ((> *optind* 3)
- (usage "scm: option `-" getopt:opt "' must be first" #f))
- ((or (not (exact? (string->number *optarg*)))
- (not (<= 1 (string->number *optarg*) 10000)))
- ;; This size limit should match scm.c ^^
- (usage "scm: option `-" getopt:opt
- (string-append *optarg* "' unreasonable") #f))))
- ((#\e #\c) (do-string-arg)) ;sh-like
- ((#\f #\l) (do-load *optarg*)) ;(set-car! *argv* *optarg*)
- ((#\d) (require 'databases)
- (open-database *optarg*))
- ((#\o) (require 'dump)
- (if (< *optind* (length *argv*))
- (dump *optarg* #t)
- (dump *optarg*)))
- ((#\r) (do-thunk (lambda ()
- (if (and (= 1 (string-length *optarg*))
- (char-numeric? (string-ref *optarg* 0)))
- (case (string-ref *optarg* 0)
- ((#\2) (require 'r2rs))
- ((#\3) (require 'r3rs))
- ((#\4) (require 'r4rs))
- ((#\5) (require 'r5rs)
- (set! *syntax-rules* #t))
- (else (require (string->symbol *optarg*))))
- (require (string->symbol *optarg*))))))
- ((#\h) (do-thunk (lambda () (provide (string->symbol *optarg*)))))
- ((#\p) (verbose (string->number *optarg*)))
- ((#\q) (verbose 0))
- ((#\v) (verbose 3))
- ((#\i) (set! *interactive* #t) ;sh-like
- (verbose (max 2 (verbose))))
- ((#\b) (set! didsomething #t)
- (set! *interactive* #f))
- ((#\s) (set! moreopts #f) ;sh-like
- (set! didsomething #t)
- (set! *interactive* #t))
- ((#\m) (set! *syntax-rules* #t))
- ((#\u) (set! *syntax-rules* #f))
- ((#\n) (if (not (string=? "o-init-file" *optarg*))
- (usage "scm: unrecognized option `-n" *optarg* "'" #f)))
- ((#\:) (usage "scm: option `-" getopt:opt "' requires an argument" #f))
- ((#\?) (usage "scm: unrecognized option `-" getopt:opt "'" #f))
- ((#f) (set! moreopts #f) ;sh-like
- (cond ((and (< *optind* (length *argv*))
- (string=? "-" (list-ref *argv* *optind*)))
- (set! *optind* (+ 1 *optind*)))))
- (else
- (or (cond ((not (string? option)) #f)
- ((string-ci=? "no-init-file" option))
- ((string-ci=? "version" option)
- (display
- (string-append exe-name " "
- (scheme-implementation-version)
- "
-Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- up-name
- " may be distributed under the terms of"
- " the GNU General Public Licence;
-certain other uses are permitted as well."
- " For details, see the file `COPYING',
-which is included in the "
- up-name " distribution.
-There is no warranty, to the extent permitted by law.
- ))
- (cond ((execpath) =>
- (lambda (path)
- (display " This executable was loaded from ")
- (write path)
- (newline))))
- (quit #t))
- ((string-ci=? "help" option)
- (usage "This is "
- up-name
- ", a Scheme interpreter."
- (let ((sihp (scheme-implementation-home-page)))
- (if sihp
- (string-append "Latest info: " sihp "
- "")))
- (quit #t))
- (else #f))
- (usage "scm: unknown option `--" option "'" #f))))
- (cond ((and moreopts (< *optind* (length *argv*)))
- (loop (getopt-- opts)))
- ((< *optind* (length *argv*)) ;No more opts
- (set! *argv* (list-tail *argv* *optind*))
- (set! *optind* 1)
- (cond ((and (not didsomething) *script*)
- (do-load *script*)
- (set! *optind* (+ 1 *optind*))))
- (cond ((and (> (verbose) 2)
- (not (= (+ -1 *optind*) (length *argv*))))
- (display "scm: extra command arguments unused:"
- (current-error-port))
- (for-each (lambda (x) (display (string-append " " x)
- (current-error-port)))
- (list-tail *argv* (+ -1 *optind*)))
- (newline (current-error-port)))))
- ((and (not didsomething) (= *optind* (length *argv*)))
- (set! *interactive* #t)))))
- (cond ((not *interactive*) (quit))
- ((and *syntax-rules* (not (provided? 'macro)))
- (require 'repl)
- (require 'macro)
- (let* ((oquit quit))
- (set! quit (lambda () (repl:quit)))
- (set! exit quit)
- (repl:top-level macro:eval)
- (oquit))))
- ;;otherwise, fall into natural SCM repl.
- )
- (else (errno 0)
- (set! *interactive* #t)
- (for-each load (cdr (program-arguments))))))