path: root/ioext.c
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authorBryan Newbold <>2017-02-20 00:05:23 -0800
committerBryan Newbold <>2017-02-20 00:05:23 -0800
commit5ca6e8e6a4e5c022a6fb5d28f30219c22c99eda8 (patch)
tree9b744b9dbf39e716e56daa620e2f3041968caf19 /ioext.c
Import Upstream version 4e6upstream/4e6
Diffstat (limited to 'ioext.c')
1 files changed, 703 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ioext.c b/ioext.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e77a29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ioext.c
@@ -0,0 +1,703 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ *
+ * As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives permission
+ * for additional uses of the text contained in its release of GUILE.
+ *
+ * The exception is that, if you link the GUILE library with other files
+ * to produce an executable, this does not by itself cause the
+ * resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
+ * Your use of that executable is in no way restricted on account of
+ * linking the GUILE library code into it.
+ *
+ * This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
+ * the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
+ *
+ * This exception applies only to the code released by the
+ * Free Software Foundation under the name GUILE. If you copy
+ * code from other Free Software Foundation releases into a copy of
+ * GUILE, as the General Public License permits, the exception does
+ * not apply to the code that you add in this way. To avoid misleading
+ * anyone as to the status of such modified files, you must delete
+ * this exception notice from them.
+ *
+ * If you write modifications of your own for GUILE, it is your choice
+ * whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications.
+ * If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice.
+ */
+/* "ioext.c" code for system calls in common between PC compilers and unix.
+ Author: Aubrey Jaffer */
+#include "scm.h"
+#ifdef __EMX__
+# include <sys/types.h>
+#ifndef THINK_C
+# ifdef vms
+# include <stat.h>
+# else
+# include <sys/stat.h>
+# endif
+# ifdef __TURBOC__
+# include <io.h>
+# endif
+SCM stat2scm P((struct stat *stat_temp));
+/* int mkdir P((const char *path, mode_t mode)); */
+#ifdef hpux
+# include <unistd.h>
+#ifdef __sgi__
+# include <unistd.h>
+ int chdir P((const char *path));
+ int unlink P((const char *name));
+ int link P((const char *from, const char *to));
+ char *getcwd P((char *buf, sizet size));
+ int access P((const char *name, int type));
+ int dup P((int fd));
+ int dup2 P((int fd, int fd2));
+ int close P((int fd));
+ int rmdir P((const char *path));
+ int execv P((const char *, char *const *));
+ int execvp P((const char *, char *const *));
+ int putenv P((const char *));
+# ifdef _WIN32
+# include <direct.h>
+# include <io.h>
+# include <process.h>
+# endif
+# ifdef __HIGHC__
+# include <direct.h>
+# include <dirent.h>
+# include <process.h>
+# define mkdir(foo,bar) mkdir(foo)
+# endif
+#endif /* STDC_HEADERS */
+#ifdef __EMX__
+ int execv P((const char *, char *const *));
+ int execvp P((const char *, char *const *));
+ int putenv P((const char *));
+static char s_read_line[] = "read-line";
+SCM read_line(port)
+ SCM port;
+ register int c;
+ register int j = 0;
+ sizet len = 30;
+ SCM tok_buf = makstr((long) len);
+ register char *p = CHARS(tok_buf);
+ if UNBNDP(port) port = cur_inp;
+ else ASSERT(NIMP(port) && OPINPORTP(port), port, ARG1, s_read_line);
+ if (EOF==(c = lgetc(port))) return EOF_VAL;
+ while(1) {
+ switch (c) {
+ case EOF:
+ if (len==j) return tok_buf;
+ return resizuve(tok_buf, (SCM)MAKINUM(j));
+ default:
+ if (j >= len) {
+ p = grow_tok_buf(tok_buf);
+ len = LENGTH(tok_buf);
+ }
+ p[j++] = c;
+ c = lgetc(port);
+ }
+ }
+static char s_read_line1[] = "read-line!";
+SCM read_line1(str, port)
+ SCM str, port;
+ register int c;
+ register int j = 0;
+ register char *p;
+ sizet len;
+ ASSERT(NIMP(str) && STRINGP(str), str, ARG1, s_read_line1);
+ p = CHARS(str);
+ len = LENGTH(str);
+ if UNBNDP(port) port = cur_inp;
+ else ASSERT(NIMP(port) && OPINPORTP(port), port, ARG2, s_read_line1);
+ c = lgetc(port);
+ if (EOF==c) return EOF_VAL;
+ while(1) {
+ switch (c) {
+ case EOF:
+ return MAKINUM(j);
+ default:
+ if (j >= len) {
+ lungetc(c, port);
+ return BOOL_F;
+ }
+ p[j++] = c;
+ c = lgetc(port);
+ }
+ }
+static char s_write_line[] = "write-line";
+SCM l_write_line(obj, port)
+ SCM obj, port;
+ display(obj, port);
+ return newline(port);
+static char s_file_position[] = "file-position",
+ s_file_set_pos[] = "file-set-position";
+SCM file_position(port)
+ SCM port;
+ long ans;
+ ASSERT(NIMP(port) && OPFPORTP(port), port, ARG1, s_file_position);
+ SYSCALL(ans = ftell(STREAM(port)););
+ if CRDYP(port) ans--;
+ return MAKINUM(ans);
+ }
+SCM file_set_position(port, pos)
+ SCM port, pos;
+ SCM ans;
+ ASSERT(NIMP(port) && OPFPORTP(port), port, ARG1, s_file_set_pos);
+ CLRDY(port); /* Clear ungetted char */
+ SYSCALL(ans = (fseek(STREAM(port), INUM(pos), 0)) ? BOOL_F : BOOL_T;);
+#ifdef HAVE_PIPE
+# ifdef ESPIPE
+ if (!OPIOPORTP(port))
+ ASSERT(ESPIPE != errno, port, ARG1, s_file_set_pos);
+# endif
+ return ans;
+static char s_reopen_file[] = "reopen-file";
+SCM reopen_file(filename, modes, port)
+ SCM filename, modes, port;
+ FILE *f;
+ ASSERT(NIMP(filename) && STRINGP(filename), filename, ARG1, s_reopen_file);
+ ASSERT(NIMP(modes) && STRINGP(modes), modes, ARG2, s_reopen_file);
+ ASSERT(NIMP(port) && FPORTP(port) && OPENP(port), port, ARG3, s_reopen_file);
+ SYSCALL(f = freopen(CHARS(filename), CHARS(modes), STREAM(port)););
+ if (!f) port = BOOL_F;
+ else {
+ SETSTREAM(port, f);
+ if (BUF0 & (CAR(port) = tc16_fport | mode_bits(CHARS(modes))))
+ i_setbuf0(port);
+ }
+ return port;
+#ifndef MCH_AMIGA
+static char s_dup[]="duplicate-port";
+SCM l_dup(oldpt, modes)
+ SCM oldpt, modes;
+ int tfd;
+ FILE *f;
+ SCM newpt;
+ ASSERT(NIMP(oldpt) && OPPORTP(oldpt), oldpt, ARG1, s_dup);
+ ASSERT(NIMP(modes) && STRINGP(modes), modes, ARG2, s_dup);
+ NEWCELL(newpt);
+ SYSCALL(tfd = dup(fileno(STREAM(oldpt))););
+ if (-1==tfd) {ALLOW_INTS;return BOOL_F;};
+ SYSCALL(f = fdopen(tfd, CHARS(modes)););
+ if (!f) {
+ close(tfd);
+ wta(MAKINUM(tfd), (char *)NALLOC, s_port_type);
+ }
+ SETSTREAM(newpt, f);
+ if (BUF0 & (CAR(newpt) = tc16_fport | mode_bits(CHARS(modes))))
+ i_setbuf0(newpt);
+ return newpt;
+static char s_dup2[]="redirect-port!";
+SCM l_dup2(into_pt, from_pt)
+ SCM into_pt, from_pt;
+ int ans, oldfd, newfd;
+ ASSERT(NIMP(into_pt) && OPPORTP(into_pt), into_pt, ARG1, s_dup2);
+ ASSERT(NIMP(from_pt) && OPPORTP(from_pt), from_pt, ARG1, s_dup2);
+ oldfd = fileno(STREAM(into_pt));
+ newfd = fileno(STREAM(from_pt));
+ SYSCALL(ans = dup2(oldfd, newfd););
+ if (-1==ans) {ALLOW_INTS;return BOOL_F;};
+ return into_pt;
+# ifndef vms
+# ifndef _WIN32
+# include <dirent.h>
+static char s_opendir[]="opendir";
+SCM l_opendir(dirname)
+ SCM dirname;
+ DIR *ds;
+ SCM dir;
+ ASSERT(NIMP(dirname) && STRINGP(dirname), dirname, ARG1, s_opendir);
+ NEWCELL(dir);
+ SYSCALL(ds = opendir(CHARS(dirname)););
+ if (!ds) {ALLOW_INTS; return BOOL_F;}
+ CAR(dir) = tc16_dir | OPN;
+ SETCDR(dir, ds);
+ return dir;
+static char s_readdir[]="readdir";
+SCM l_readdir(port)
+ SCM port;
+ struct dirent *rdent;
+ ASSERT(OPDIRP(port), port, ARG1, s_readdir);
+ SYSCALL(rdent = readdir((DIR *)CDR(port)););
+ if (!rdent) {ALLOW_INTS; return BOOL_F;}
+ /* rdent could be overwritten by another readdir to the same handle */
+ return makfrom0str(rdent->d_name);
+static char s_rewinddir[]="rewinddir";
+SCM l_rewinddir(port)
+ SCM port;
+ ASSERT(OPDIRP(port), port, ARG1, s_rewinddir);
+ rewinddir((DIR *)CDR(port));
+static char s_closedir[]="closedir";
+SCM l_closedir(port)
+ SCM port;
+ int sts;
+ ASSERT(DIRP(port), port, ARG1, s_closedir);
+ if CLOSEDP(port) {ALLOW_INTS;return BOOL_F;}
+ SYSCALL(sts = closedir((DIR *)CDR(port)););
+ if (sts) {ALLOW_INTS; return BOOL_F;}
+ CAR(port) = tc16_dir;
+ return BOOL_T;
+int dir_print(sexp, port, writing)
+ SCM sexp; SCM port; int writing;
+ prinport(sexp, port, "directory");
+ return !0;
+sizet dir_free(p)
+ if OPENP((SCM)p) closedir((DIR *)CDR((SCM)p));
+ return 0;
+long tc16_dir;
+static smobfuns dir_smob = {mark0, dir_free, dir_print, 0};
+# endif /* _WIN32 */
+# endif /* vms */
+static char s_mkdir[] = "mkdir";
+SCM l_mkdir(path, mode)
+ SCM path, mode;
+ int val;
+ ASSERT(NIMP(path) && STRINGP(path), path, ARG1, s_mkdir);
+ ASSERT(INUMP(mode), mode, ARG2, s_mkdir);
+# ifdef _WIN32
+ SYSCALL(val = mkdir(CHARS(path)););
+# else
+ SYSCALL(val = mkdir(CHARS(path), INUM(mode)););
+ /* (mode_t)INUM(mode) might be needed */
+# endif
+ return val ? BOOL_F : BOOL_T;
+# ifdef vms
+static char s_dot_dir[] = ".DIR";
+# endif
+static char s_rmdir[] = "rmdir";
+SCM l_rmdir(path)
+ SCM path;
+ int val;
+ ASSERT(NIMP(path) && STRINGP(path), path, ARG1, s_rmdir);
+# ifdef vms
+ return del_fil(st_append(cons2(path, s_dot_dir, EOL)));
+# else
+ SYSCALL(val = rmdir(CHARS(path)););
+ return val ? BOOL_F : BOOL_T;
+# endif
+#endif /* MCH_AMIGA */
+#ifndef THINK_C
+static char s_chdir[] = "chdir";
+SCM lchdir(str)
+ SCM str;
+ int ans;
+ ASSERT(NIMP(str) && STRINGP(str), str, ARG1, s_chdir);
+ SYSCALL(ans = chdir(CHARS(str)););
+ return ans ? BOOL_F : BOOL_T;
+# ifndef MCH_AMIGA
+# ifdef __TURBOC__
+# include <dir.h>
+# endif
+SCM l_getcwd()
+ char *ans;
+# ifndef vms
+ char wd[256];
+ SYSCALL(ans = getcwd(wd, 256););
+ return ans ? makfrom0str(wd) : BOOL_F;
+# else
+ SYSCALL(ans = getenv("PATH"););
+ return ans ? makfrom0str(ans) : BOOL_F;
+# endif
+static char s_chmod[] = "chmod";
+SCM l_chmod(pathname, mode)
+ SCM pathname, mode;
+ int val;
+ ASSERT(NIMP(pathname) && STRINGP(pathname), pathname, ARG1, s_chmod);
+ ASSERT(INUMP(mode), mode, ARG2, s_chmod);
+ SYSCALL(val = chmod(CHARS(pathname), INUM(mode)););
+ return val ? BOOL_F : BOOL_T;
+# ifndef vms
+# ifdef __EMX__
+# include <sys/utime.h>
+# else
+# ifdef _WIN32
+# include <sys/utime.h>
+# else
+# include <utime.h>
+# endif
+# endif
+static char s_utime[] = "utime";
+SCM l_utime(pathname, acctime, modtime)
+ SCM pathname, acctime, modtime;
+ int val;
+ struct utimbuf utm_tmp;
+ utm_tmp.actime = num2ulong(acctime, (char *)ARG2, s_utime);
+ utm_tmp.modtime = num2ulong(modtime, (char *)ARG3, s_utime);
+ ASSERT(NIMP(pathname) && STRINGP(pathname), pathname, ARG1, s_utime);
+ SYSCALL(val = utime(CHARS(pathname), &utm_tmp););
+ return val ? BOOL_F : BOOL_T;
+# endif /* vms */
+static char s_umask[] = "umask";
+SCM l_umask(mode)
+ SCM mode;
+ ASSERT(INUMP(mode), mode, ARG1, s_umask);
+ return MAKINUM(umask(INUM(mode)));
+# endif /* MCH_AMIGA */
+#endif /* THINK_C */
+static char s_ren_fil[] = "rename-file";
+SCM ren_fil(oldname, newname)
+ SCM oldname, newname;
+ SCM ans;
+ ASSERT(NIMP(oldname) && STRINGP(oldname), oldname, ARG1, s_ren_fil);
+ ASSERT(NIMP(newname) && STRINGP(newname), newname, ARG2, s_ren_fil);
+ SYSCALL(ans = (rename(CHARS(oldname), CHARS(newname))) ? BOOL_F: BOOL_T;);
+ return ans;
+ SYSCALL(ans = link(CHARS(oldname), CHARS(newname)) ? BOOL_F : BOOL_T;);
+ if (!FALSEP(ans)) {
+ SYSCALL(ans = unlink(CHARS(oldname)) ? BOOL_F : BOOL_T;);
+ if FALSEP(ans)
+ SYSCALL(unlink(CHARS(newname));); /* unlink failed. remove new name */
+ }
+ return ans;
+static char s_fileno[] = "fileno";
+SCM l_fileno(port)
+ SCM port;
+ ASSERT(NIMP(port) && OPPORTP(port), port, ARG1, s_fileno);
+ if (tc16_fport != TYP16(port)) return BOOL_F;
+ return MAKINUM(fileno(STREAM(port)));
+static char s_isatty[] = "isatty?";
+SCM l_isatty(port)
+ SCM port;
+ ASSERT(NIMP(port) && OPPORTP(port), port, ARG1, s_isatty);
+ if (tc16_fport != TYP16(port)) return BOOL_F;
+ return isatty(fileno(STREAM(port)))?BOOL_T:BOOL_F;
+#ifndef F_OK
+# define F_OK 00
+# define X_OK 01
+# define W_OK 02
+# define R_OK 04
+static char s_access[] = "access";
+SCM l_access(pathname, mode)
+ SCM pathname, mode;
+ int val;
+ int imodes;
+ ASSERT(NIMP(pathname) && STRINGP(pathname), pathname, ARG1, s_access);
+ if INUMP(mode) imodes = INUM(mode);
+ else {
+ ASSERT(NIMP(mode) && STRINGP(mode), mode, ARG2, s_access);
+ imodes = F_OK | (strchr(CHARS(mode), 'r') ? R_OK : 0)
+ | (strchr(CHARS(mode), 'w') ? W_OK : 0)
+ | (strchr(CHARS(mode), 'x') ? X_OK : 0);
+ }
+ SYSCALL(val = access(CHARS(pathname), imodes););
+ return val ? BOOL_F : BOOL_T;
+#ifndef THINK_C
+char s_stat[] = "stat";
+SCM l_stat(str)
+ SCM str;
+ int i;
+ struct stat stat_temp;
+ if IMP(str)
+ badarg1: wta(str, (char *)ARG1, s_stat);
+ if STRINGP(str) {SYSCALL(i = stat(CHARS(str), &stat_temp););}
+ else {
+# ifndef MCH_AMIGA
+ if (!OPFPORTP(str)) goto badarg1;
+ SYSCALL(i = fstat(fileno(STREAM(str)), &stat_temp););
+# else
+ goto badarg1;
+# endif
+ }
+ if (i) return BOOL_F;
+ return stat2scm(&stat_temp);
+# ifdef MCH_AMIGA
+SCM stat2scm(stat_temp)
+ struct stat *stat_temp;
+ SCM ans = make_vector(MAKINUM(3), UNSPECIFIED);
+ SCM *ve = VELTS(ans);
+ ve[ 0] = ulong2num((unsigned long)stat_temp->st_attr);
+ ve[ 1] = ulong2num((unsigned long)stat_temp->st_mtime);
+ ve[ 2] = ulong2num((unsigned long)stat_temp->st_size);
+ return ans;
+# else
+SCM stat2scm(stat_temp)
+ struct stat *stat_temp;
+ SCM ans = make_vector(MAKINUM(11), UNSPECIFIED);
+ SCM *ve = VELTS(ans);
+ ve[ 0] = ulong2num((unsigned long)stat_temp->st_dev);
+ ve[ 1] = ulong2num((unsigned long)stat_temp->st_ino);
+ ve[ 2] = ulong2num((unsigned long)stat_temp->st_mode);
+ ve[ 3] = ulong2num((unsigned long)stat_temp->st_nlink);
+ ve[ 4] = ulong2num((unsigned long)stat_temp->st_uid);
+ ve[ 5] = ulong2num((unsigned long)stat_temp->st_gid);
+ ve[ 6] = ulong2num((unsigned long)stat_temp->st_rdev);
+ ve[ 7] = ulong2num((unsigned long)stat_temp->st_size);
+ ve[ 8] = ulong2num((unsigned long)stat_temp->st_atime);
+ ve[ 9] = ulong2num((unsigned long)stat_temp->st_mtime);
+ ve[10] = ulong2num((unsigned long)stat_temp->st_ctime);
+ return ans;
+# ifdef __TURBOC__
+# include <process.h>
+# endif
+SCM l_getpid()
+ return MAKINUM((unsigned long)getpid());
+# endif /* MCH_AMIGA */
+#endif /* THINK_C */
+#ifndef __IBMC__
+# ifndef THINK_C
+# ifndef __WATCOMC__
+# ifndef GO32
+# ifndef _Windows
+# ifdef __TURBOC__
+# include <process.h>
+# endif
+char s_execv[] = "execv";
+char s_execvp[] = "execvp";
+SCM i_execv(modes, path, args)
+ char * modes;
+ SCM path, args;
+ char **execargv;
+ int i = ilength(args);
+ ASSERT(i>0, args, WNA, s_execv);
+ ASSERT(NIMP(path) && STRINGP(path), path, ARG1, s_execv);
+ /* dowinds(EOL, ilength(dynwinds)); */
+ args = cons(path, args);
+ execargv = makargvfrmstrs(args, s_execv);
+ (strchr(modes, 'p') ? execvp : execv)(execargv[0], &execargv[1]);
+ perror(execargv[0]);
+ return MAKINUM(errno);
+SCM lexec(path, arg0, args)
+ SCM path, arg0, args;
+ return i_execv("", path, cons(arg0, args));
+SCM lexecp(path, arg0, args)
+ SCM path, arg0, args;
+ return i_execv("p", path, cons(arg0, args));
+SCM lexecv(path, args)
+ SCM path, args;
+ return i_execv("", path, args);
+SCM lexecvp(path, args)
+ SCM path, args;
+ return i_execv("p", path, args);
+static char s_putenv[] = "putenv";
+SCM l_putenv(str)
+ SCM str;
+ ASSERT(NIMP(str) && STRINGP(str), str, ARG1, s_putenv);
+ return putenv(CHARS(str)) ? BOOL_F : BOOL_T;
+# endif
+# endif
+# endif
+# endif
+static iproc subr1s[] = {
+ {s_file_position, file_position},
+ {s_fileno, l_fileno},
+ {s_isatty, l_isatty},
+#ifndef MCH_AMIGA
+# ifndef vms
+# ifndef _WIN32
+ {s_opendir, l_opendir},
+ {s_readdir, l_readdir},
+ {s_rewinddir, l_rewinddir},
+ {s_closedir, l_closedir},
+# endif
+# endif
+ {s_rmdir, l_rmdir},
+#ifndef THINK_C
+# ifndef MCH_AMIGA
+ {s_umask, l_umask},
+# endif
+ {s_chdir, lchdir},
+ {s_stat, l_stat},
+ {0, 0}};
+static iproc subr1os[] = {
+ {s_read_line, read_line},
+ {0, 0}};
+static iproc subr2s[] = {
+ {s_ren_fil, ren_fil},
+ {s_access, l_access},
+#ifndef MCH_AMIGA
+ {s_dup, l_dup},
+ {s_dup2, l_dup2},
+ {s_mkdir, l_mkdir},
+# ifndef THINK_C
+ {s_chmod, l_chmod},
+# endif
+ {0, 0}};
+static iproc subr2os[] = {
+ {s_file_set_pos, file_set_position},
+ {s_read_line1, read_line1},
+ {s_write_line, l_write_line},
+ {0, 0}};
+void init_ioext()
+ init_iprocs(subr1os, tc7_subr_1o);
+ init_iprocs(subr1s, tc7_subr_1);
+ init_iprocs(subr2os, tc7_subr_2o);
+ init_iprocs(subr2s, tc7_subr_2);
+ make_subr(s_reopen_file, tc7_subr_3, reopen_file);
+#ifndef THINK_C
+# ifndef MCH_AMIGA
+ make_subr("getpid", tc7_subr_0, l_getpid);
+ make_subr("getcwd", tc7_subr_0, l_getcwd);
+# ifndef vms
+# ifndef _WIN32
+ make_subr(s_utime, tc7_subr_3, l_utime);
+ tc16_dir = newsmob(&dir_smob);
+# endif
+# endif
+# endif
+#ifndef __IBMC__
+# ifndef THINK_C
+# ifndef __WATCOMC__
+# ifndef GO32
+# ifndef _Windows
+ make_subr(s_execv, tc7_subr_2, lexecv);
+ make_subr(s_execvp, tc7_subr_2, lexecvp);
+ make_subr("execl", tc7_lsubr_2, lexec);
+ make_subr("execlp", tc7_lsubr_2, lexecp);
+ make_subr(s_putenv, tc7_subr_1, l_putenv);
+# endif
+# endif
+# endif
+# endif
+ add_feature("i/o-extensions");
+ add_feature("line-i/o");