path: root/
diff options
authorJames LewisMoss <>2000-03-12 09:04:17 -0500
committerBryan Newbold <>2017-02-20 00:05:26 -0800
commit8cfce36c6a4fc2e0a0ab6ef2db66a23cbe462693 (patch)
tree17427e4f777ca85990a449fe939fbae29770b346 /
parenta47af30d2f0e96afcd1f14b1984575c359faa3d6 (diff)
parent3278b75942bdbe706f7a0fba87729bb1e935b68b (diff)
Import Debian changes 5d2-3debian/5d2-3
scm (5d2-3) unstable frozen; urgency=low * Fix libncurses4-dev -> libncurses5-dev build depend (Closes: #58435) * Fix libreadline2-dev -> libreadline4-dev build depend. * Fix license location in copyright file (lintian warning) * Add tetex-bin as a build depend (needs makeinfo) (Closes: #53197) * Add -isp option to dpkg-gencontrol (lintian error) * Move scm to section interpreters. scm (5d2-2) unstable; urgency=low * Apply patch from upstream for bug in eval.c. (Picked up from comp.lang.scheme) * Add Build-Depends on slib, librx1g-dev, libncurses4-dev, libreadlineg2-dev. * Up standards version. * Correct description: this is an R5RS implementation now * Make sure no optimizations are done on m68k. (Closes: #52434) scm (5d2-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream. scm (5d1-2) unstable; urgency=low * Remove TAGS on clean (cut the diff back down to reasonable size). scm (5d1-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream. * move stuff to /usr/share. scm (5d0-3) unstable; urgency=low * Change scmlit call to ./scmlit call (missed one) (Fixes bugs #37455 and #35545) * Change man file permissions to 644 (fixes lintian warning) scm (5d0-2) unstable; urgency=low * Removed call to add_final in init_crs. lendwin doesn't do anything and scm was crashing when quit everytime in final_scm. * Changed copyright to reflect new source. scm (5d0-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream. * Changed (terms) to access "/usr/doc/copyright/GPL". * Changed regex to use -lrx scm (5c3-6) unstable; urgency=low * New maintainer.
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1 files changed, 1905 insertions, 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,1905 @@
+This is Info file, produced by Makeinfo version 1.68 from
+the input file Xlibscm.texi.
+INFO-DIR-SECTION The Algorithmic Language Scheme
+* Xlibscm: (Xlibscm). SCM Language X Interface.
+File:, Node: Top, Next: Xlibscm, Prev: (dir), Up: (dir)
+This manual documents the X - SCM Language X Interface. The most recent
+information about SCM can be found on SCM's "WWW" home page:
+ `'
+Copyright (C) 1990-1999 Free Software Foundation
+Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
+manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
+preserved on all copies.
+Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
+manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the
+entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
+permission notice identical to this one.
+Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual
+into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions,
+except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation
+approved by the author.
+* Menu:
+* Xlibscm::
+* Display::
+* Screen::
+* Window::
+* Window Visibility::
+* Graphics Context::
+* Cursor::
+* Colormap::
+* Rendering::
+* Event::
+* Index::
+File:, Node: Xlibscm, Next: Display, Prev: Top, Up: Top
+"Xlibscm" is a SCM interface to "X". The X Window System is a
+network-transparent window system that was designed at MIT. SCM is a
+portable Scheme implementation written in C. The interface can be
+compiled into SCM or, on those platforms supporting dynamic linking,
+compiled separately and loaded with `(require 'Xlib)'.
+Much of this X documentation is dervied from:
+ Xlib - C Language X Interface
+ X Consortium Standard
+ X Version 11, Release 6.3
+The X Window System is a trademark of X Consortium, Inc.
+TekHVC is a trademark of Tektronix, Inc.
+Copyright (C) 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1994, 1996 X
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+Except as contained in this notice, the name of the X Consortium shall
+not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or
+other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from
+the X Consortium.
+Copyright (C) 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 by Digital
+Equipment Corporation
+Portions Copyright (C) 1990, 1991 by Tektronix, Inc.
+Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this documentation for
+any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+copyright notice appears in all copies and that both that copyright
+notice and this permission notice appear in all copies, and that the
+names of Digital and Tektronix not be used in in advertising or
+publicity pertaining to this documentation without specific, written
+prior permission. Digital and Tektronix makes no representations about
+the suitability of this documentation for any purpose. It is provided
+"as is" without express or implied warranty.
+File:, Node: Display, Next: Screen, Prev: Xlibscm, Up: Top
+ - Function: x:open-display DISPLAY-NAME
+ DISPLAY-NAME Specifies the hardware display name, which determines
+ the display and communications domain to be used. On a
+ POSIX-conformant system, if the display-name is #f, it defaults to
+ the value of the DISPLAY environment variable.
+ The encoding and interpretation of DISPLAY-NAME is
+ implementation-dependent. On POSIX-conformant systems, the
+ DISPLAY-NAME or DISPLAY environment variable can be a string in
+ the format:
+ - Special Form: hostname:number.screen-number
+ HOSTNAME specifies the name of the host machine on which the
+ display is physically attached. Follow the HOSTNAME with
+ either a single colon (:) or a double colon (::).
+ NUMBER specifies the number of the display server on that host
+ machine. You may optionally follow this display number with
+ a period (.). A single CPU can have more than one display.
+ Multiple displays are usually numbered starting with zero.
+ SCREEN-NUMBER specifies the screen to be used on that server.
+ Multiple screens can be controlled by a single X server. The
+ SCREEN-NUMBER sets an internal variable that can be accessed
+ by using the x:default-screen procedure.
+ - Function: x:close DISPLAY
+ DISPLAY specifies the connection to the X server.
+ The `x:close' function closes the connection to the X server for
+ the DISPLAY specified and destroys all windows, resource IDs
+ (Window, Font, Pixmap, Colormap, Cursor, and GContext), or other
+ resources that the client has created on this display, unless the
+ close-down mode of the resource has been changed (see
+ `x:set-close-down-mode'). Therefore, these windows, resource IDs,
+ and other resources should not be used again or an error will be
+ generated. Before exiting, you should call X:CLOSE-DISPLAY or
+ X:FLUSH explicitly so that any pending errors are reported.
+ - Function: x:protocol-version DISPLAY
+ Returns cons of the major version number (11) of the X protocol
+ associated with the connected DISPLAY and the minor protocol
+ revision number of the X server.
+ - Function: x:server-vendor DISPLAY
+ Returns a string that provides some identification of the owner of
+ the X server implementation. The contents of the string are
+ implementation-dependent.
+ - Function: x:vendor-release DISPLAY
+ Returns a number related to a vendor's release of the X server.
+File:, Node: Screen, Next: Window, Prev: Display, Up: Top
+A display consists of one or more "Screen"s. Each screen has a
+"root-window", "default-graphics-context", "default-visual", and
+ - Function: x:screen-count DISPLAY
+ Returns the number of available screens.
+ - Function: x:default-screen DISPLAY
+ Returns the default screen number specified by the `x:open-display'
+ function. Use this screen number in applications which will use
+ only a single screen.
+ - Function: x:root-window DISPLAY SCREEN-NUMBER
+ - Function: x:root-window DISPLAY
+ SCREEN-NUMBER, if givien, specifies the appropriate screen number
+ on the host server. Otherwise the default-screen for DISPLAY is
+ used.
+ Returns the root window for the specified SCREEN-NUMBER. Use
+ `x:root-window' for functions that need a drawable of a particular
+ screen or for creating top-level windows.
+ - Function: x:root-window WINDOW
+ Returns the root window for the specified WINDOW's screen.
+ - Function: x:default-colormap DISPLAY SCREEN-NUMBER
+ - Function: x:default-colormap DISPLAY
+ - Function: x:default-colormap WINDOW
+ Returns the default colormap of the specified screen.
+ - Function: x:default-gc DISPLAY SCREEN-NUMBER
+ - Function: x:default-gc DISPLAY
+ - Function: x:default-gc WINDOW
+ Returns the default graphics-context of the specified screen.
+ - Function: x:default-depths DISPLAY SCREEN-NUMBER
+ - Function: x:default-depths DISPLAY
+ - Function: x:default-depths WINDOW
+ Returns a vector of depths supported by the specified screen.
+The "Visual" type describes possible colormap depths and arrangements.
+ - Function: x:default-visual DISPLAY SCREEN-NUMBER
+ - Function: x:default-visual DISPLAY
+ - Function: x:default-visual WINDOW
+ Returns the default Visual type for the specified screen.
+ - Function: x:make-visual DISPLAY DEPTH CLASS
+ - Function: x:make-visual WINDOW DEPTH CLASS
+ The integer DEPTH specifies the number of bits per pixel. The
+ CLASS argument specifies one of the possible visual classes for a
+ screen:
+ * x:Static-Gray
+ * x:Static-Color
+ * x:True-Color
+ * x:Gray-Scale
+ * x:Pseudo-Color
+ * x:Direct-Color
+ `X:make-visual' returns a visual type for the screen specified by
+ DISPLAY or WINDOW if successful; #f if not.
+ - Function: x:screen-cells DISPLAY SCREEN-NUMBER
+ - Function: x:screen-cells DISPLAY
+ - Function: x:screen-cells WINDOW
+ Returns the number of entries in the default colormap.
+ - Function: x:screen-depth DISPLAY SCREEN-NUMBER
+ - Function: x:screen-depth DISPLAY
+ - Function: x:screen-depth WINDOW
+ Returns the depth of the root window of the specified screen.
+ The "depth" of a window or pixmap is the number of bits per pixel
+ it has. The "depth" of a graphics context is the depth of the
+ drawables it can be used in conjunction with graphics output.
+ - Function: x:screen-size DISPLAY SCREEN-NUMBER
+ - Function: x:screen-size DISPLAY
+ - Function: x:screen-size WINDOW
+ Returns a list of integer height and width of the screen in pixels.
+ - Function: x:screen-dimensions DISPLAY SCREEN-NUMBER
+ - Function: x:screen-dimensions DISPLAY
+ - Function: x:screen-dimensions WINDOW
+ Returns a list of integer height and width of the screen in
+ millimeters.
+ - Function: x:screen-white DISPLAY SCREEN-NUMBER
+ - Function: x:screen-white DISPLAY
+ - Function: x:screen-white WINDOW
+ Returns the white pixel value of the specified screen.
+ - Function: x:screen-black DISPLAY SCREEN-NUMBER
+ - Function: x:screen-black DISPLAY
+ - Function: x:screen-black WINDOW
+ Returns the black pixel value of the specified screen.
+File:, Node: Window, Next: Window Visibility, Prev: Screen, Up: Top
+A "Drawable" is either a window or pixmap.
+ Creates and returns an unmapped Input-Output subwindow for a
+ specified parent WINDOW and causes the X server to generate a
+ CreateNotify event. The created window is placed on top in the
+ stacking order with respect to siblings. Any part of the window
+ that extends outside its parent WINDOW is clipped. The
+ BORDER-WIDTH for an x:Input-Only window must be zero.
+ The coordinate system has the X axis horizontal and the Y axis
+ vertical with the origin [0, 0] at the upper-left corner.
+ Coordinates are integral, in terms of pixels, and coincide with
+ pixel centers. Each window and pixmap has its own coordinate
+ system. For a window, the origin is inside the border at the
+ inside, upper-left corner.
+ CLASS can be x:Input-Output, x:Input-Only, or x:Copy-From-Parent.
+ For class x:Input-Output, the VISUAL type and DEPTH must be a
+ combination supported for the screen. The DEPTH need not be the
+ same as the parent, but the parent must not be a window of class
+ x:Input-Only. For an x:Input-Only window, the DEPTH must be zero,
+ and the VISUAL must be one supported by the screen.
+ The returned window will have the attributes specified by
+ The returned window inherits its depth, class, and visual from its
+ parent. All other window attributes, except BACKGROUND and
+ BORDER, have their default values.
+ - Function: x:create-pixmap DRAWABLE SIZE DEPTH
+ - Function: x:create-pixmap DISPLAY SIZE DEPTH
+ SIZE is a list, vector, or pair of nonzero integers specifying the
+ width and height desired in the new pixmap.
+ X:CREATE-PIXMAP returns a new pixmap of the width, height, and
+ DEPTH specified. It is valid to pass an x:Input-Only window to the
+ drawable argument. The DEPTH argument must be one of the depths
+ supported by the screen of the specified DRAWABLE.
+ - Function: x:close WINDOW
+ Destroys the specified WINDOW as well as all of its subwindows and
+ causes the X server to generate a DestroyNotify event for each
+ window. The window should not be used again. If the window
+ specified by the WINDOW argument is mapped, it is unmapped
+ automatically. The ordering of the DestroyNotify events is such
+ that for any given window being destroyed, DestroyNotify is
+ generated on any inferiors of the window before being generated on
+ the window itself. The ordering among siblings and across
+ subhierarchies is not otherwise constrained. If the WINDOW you
+ specified is a root window, an error is signaled. Destroying a
+ mapped WINDOW will generate x:Expose events on other windows that
+ were obscured by the window being destroyed.
+ - Function: x:close PIXMAP
+ Deletes the association between the PIXMAP and its storage. The X
+ server frees the pixmap storage when there are no references to it.
+ - Function: x:window-geometry DRAWABLE
+ Returns a list of:
+ coordinates
+ `cons' of x and y coordinates that define the location of the
+ DRAWABLE. For a window, these coordinates specify the
+ upper-left outer corner relative to its parent's origin. For
+ pixmaps, these coordinates are always zero.
+ size
+ `cons' of the DRAWABLE's dimensions (width and height). For
+ a window, these dimensions specify the inside size, not
+ including the border.
+ border-width
+ The border width in pixels. If the DRAWABLE is a pixmap,
+ this is zero.
+ depth
+ The depth of the DRAWABLE (bits per pixel for the object).
+ - Function: x:window-set! WINDOW FIELD-NAME VALUE ...
+ Changes the components specified by FIELD-NAMEs for the specified
+ WINDOW. The restrictions are the same as for `x:create-window'.
+ The order in which components are verified and altered is server
+ dependent. If an error occurs, a subset of the components may
+ have been altered.
+Window Attributes
+The `x:create-window' and `x:window-set!' procedures take five and one
+argument (respectively) followed by pairs of arguments, where the first
+is one of the property-name symbols (or its top-level value) listed
+below; and the second is the value to associate with that property.
+ - Attribute: x:CW-Back-Pixmap
+ Sets the background pixmap of the WINDOW to the specified pixmap.
+ The background pixmap can immediately be freed if no further
+ explicit references to it are to be made. If x:Parent-Relative is
+ specified, the background pixmap of the window's parent is used,
+ or on the root window, the default background is restored. It is
+ an error to perform this operation on an x:Input-Only window. If
+ the background is set to #f or None, the window has no defined
+ background.
+ - Attribute: x:CW-Back-Pixel
+ Sets the background of the WINDOW to the specified pixel value.
+ Changing the background does not cause the WINDOW contents to be
+ changed. It is an error to perform this operation on an
+ x:Input-Only window.
+ - Attribute: x:CW-Border-Pixmap
+ Sets the border pixmap of the WINDOW to the pixmap you specify.
+ The border pixmap can be freed if no further explicit references
+ to it are to be made. If you specify x:Copy-From-Parent, a copy
+ of the parent window's border pixmap is used. It is an error to
+ perform this operation on an x:Input-Only WINDOW.
+ - Attribute: x:CW-Border-Pixel
+ Sets the border of the WINDOW to the pixel VALUE. It is an error
+ to perform this operation on an x:Input-Only window.
+ - Attribute: x:CW-Bit-Gravity
+ - Attribute: x:CW-Win-Gravity
+ The bit gravity of a window defines which region of the window
+ should be retained when an x:Input-Output window is resized. The
+ default value for the bit-gravity attribute is x:Forget-Gravity.
+ The window gravity of a window allows you to define how the
+ x:Input-Output or x:Input-Only window should be repositioned if
+ its parent is resized. The default value for the win-gravity
+ attribute is x:North-West-Gravity.
+ If the inside width or height of a window is not changed and if the
+ window is moved or its border is changed, then the contents of the
+ window are not lost but move with the window. Changing the inside
+ width or height of the window causes its contents to be moved or
+ lost (depending on the bit-gravity of the window) and causes
+ children to be reconfigured (depending on their win-gravity). For
+ a change of width and height, the (x, y) pairs are defined:
+ Gravity Direction Coordinates
+ x:North-West-Gravity (0, 0)
+ x:North-Gravity (Width/2, 0)
+ x:North-East-Gravity (Width, 0)
+ x:West-Gravity (0, Height/2)
+ x:Center-Gravity (Width/2, Height/2)
+ x:East-Gravity (Width, Height/2)
+ x:South-West-Gravity (0, Height)
+ x:South-Gravity (Width/2, Height)
+ x:South-East-Gravity (Width, Height)
+ When a window with one of these bit-gravity values is resized, the
+ corresponding pair defines the change in position of each pixel in
+ the window. When a window with one of these win-gravities has its
+ parent window resized, the corresponding pair defines the change
+ in position of the window within the parent. When a window is so
+ repositioned, a x:Gravity-Notify event is generated (see section
+ 10.10.5).
+ A bit-gravity of x:Static-Gravity indicates that the contents or
+ origin should not move relative to the origin of the root window.
+ If the change in size of the window is coupled with a change in
+ position (x, y), then for bit-gravity the change in position of
+ each pixel is (-x, -y), and for win-gravity the change in position
+ of a child when its parent is so resized is (-x, -y). Note that
+ x:Static-Gravity still only takes effect when the width or height
+ of the window is changed, not when the window is moved.
+ A bit-gravity of x:Forget-Gravity indicates that the window's
+ contents are always discarded after a size change, even if a
+ backing store or save under has been requested. The window is
+ tiled with its background and zero or more x:Expose events are
+ generated. If no background is defined, the existing screen
+ contents are not altered. Some X servers may also ignore the
+ specified bit-gravity and always generate x:Expose events.
+ The contents and borders of inferiors are not affected by their
+ parent's bit-gravity. A server is permitted to ignore the
+ specified bit-gravity and use x:Forget-Gravity instead.
+ A win-gravity of x:Unmap-Gravity is like x:North-West-Gravity (the
+ window is not moved), except the child is also unmapped when the
+ parent is resized, and an x:Unmap-Notify event is generated.
+ - Attribute: x:CW-Backing-Store
+ Some implementations of the X server may choose to maintain the
+ contents of x:Input-Output windows. If the X server maintains the
+ contents of a window, the off-screen saved pixels are known as
+ backing store. The backing store advises the X server on what to
+ do with the contents of a window. The backing-store attribute can
+ be set to x:Not-Useful (default), x:When-Mapped, or x:Always. A
+ backing-store attribute of x:Not-Useful advises the X server that
+ maintaining contents is unnecessary, although some X
+ implementations may still choose to maintain contents and,
+ therefore, not generate x:Expose events. A backing-store
+ attribute of x:When-Mapped advises the X server that maintaining
+ contents of obscured regions when the window is mapped would be
+ beneficial. In this case, the server may generate an x:Expose
+ event when the window is created. A backing-store attribute of
+ x:Always advises the X server that maintaining contents even when
+ the window is unmapped would be beneficial. Even if the window is
+ larger than its parent, this is a request to the X server to
+ maintain complete contents, not just the region within the parent
+ window boundaries. While the X server maintains the window's
+ contents, x:Expose events normally are not generated, but the X
+ server may stop maintaining contents at any time.
+ When the contents of obscured regions of a window are being
+ maintained, regions obscured by noninferior windows are included
+ in the destination of graphics requests (and source, when the
+ window is the source). However, regions obscured by inferior
+ windows are not included.
+ - Attribute: x:CW-Backing-Planes
+ - Attribute: x:CW-Backing-Pixel
+ You can set backing planes to indicate (with bits set to 1) which
+ bit planes of an x:Input-Output window hold dynamic data that must
+ be preserved in backing store and during save unders. The default
+ value for the backing-planes attribute is all bits set to 1. You
+ can set backing pixel to specify what bits to use in planes not
+ covered by backing planes. The default value for the
+ backing-pixel attribute is all bits set to 0. The X server is
+ free to save only the specified bit planes in the backing store or
+ the save under and is free to regenerate the remaining planes with
+ the specified pixel value. Any extraneous bits in these values
+ (that is, those bits beyond the specified depth of the window) may
+ be simply ignored. If you request backing store or save unders,
+ you should use these members to minimize the amount of off-screen
+ memory required to store your window.
+ - Attribute: x:CW-Override-Redirect
+ To control window placement or to add decoration, a window manager
+ often needs to intercept (redirect) any map or configure request.
+ Pop-up windows, however, often need to be mapped without a window
+ manager getting in the way. To control whether an x:Input-Output
+ or x:Input-Only window is to ignore these structure control
+ facilities, use the override-redirect flag.
+ The override-redirect flag specifies whether map and configure
+ requests on this window should override a
+ x:Substructure-Redirect-Mask on the parent. You can set the
+ override-redirect flag to #t or #f (default). Window managers use
+ this information to avoid tampering with pop-up windows.
+ - Attribute: x:CW-Save-Under
+ Some server implementations may preserve contents of
+ x:Input-Output windows under other x:Input-Output windows. This
+ is not the same as preserving the contents of a window for you.
+ You may get better visual appeal if transient windows (for
+ example, pop-up menus) request that the system preserve the screen
+ contents under them, so the temporarily obscured applications do
+ not have to repaint.
+ You can set the save-under flag to True or False (default). If
+ save-under is True, the X server is advised that, when this window
+ is mapped, saving the contents of windows it obscures would be
+ beneficial.
+ - Attribute: x:CW-Event-Mask
+ The event mask defines which events the client is interested in
+ for this x:Input-Output or x:Input-Only window (or, for some event
+ types, inferiors of this window). The event mask is the bitwise
+ inclusive OR of zero or more of the valid event mask bits. You
+ can specify that no maskable events are reported by setting
+ x:No-Event-Mask (default).
+ The following table lists the event mask constants you can pass to
+ the event-mask argument and the circumstances in which you would
+ want to specify the event mask:
+ Event Mask Circumstances
+ x:No-Event-Mask No events wanted
+ x:Key-Press-Mask Keyboard down events wanted
+ x:Key-Release-Mask Keyboard up events wanted
+ x:Button-Press-Mask Pointer button down events wanted
+ x:Button-Release-Mask Pointer button up events wanted
+ x:Enter-Window-Mask Pointer window entry events wanted
+ x:Leave-Window-Mask Pointer window leave events wanted
+ x:Pointer-Motion-Mask Pointer motion events wanted
+ x:Pointer-Motion-Hint-Mask If x:Pointer-Motion-Hint-Mask is
+ selected in combination with one or
+ more motion-masks, the X server is
+ free to send only one x:Motion-Notify
+ event (with the is_hint member of
+ the X:Pointer-Moved-Event structure
+ set to x:Notify-Hint) to the client
+ for the event window, until either
+ the key or button state changes, the
+ pointer leaves the event window, or
+ the client calls X:Query-Pointer or
+ X:Get-Motion-Events. The server
+ still may send x:Motion-Notify
+ events without is_hint set to
+ x:Notify-Hint.
+ x:Button1-Motion-Mask Pointer motion while button 1 down
+ x:Button2-Motion-Mask Pointer motion while button 2 down
+ x:Button3-Motion-Mask Pointer motion while button 3 down
+ x:Button4-Motion-Mask Pointer motion while button 4 down
+ x:Button5-Motion-Mask Pointer motion while button 5 down
+ x:Button-Motion-Mask Pointer motion while any button down
+ x:Keymap-State-Mask Keyboard state wanted at window
+ entry and focus in
+ x:Exposure-Mask Any exposure wanted
+ x:Visibility-Change-Mask Any change in visibility wanted
+ x:Structure-Notify-Mask Any change in window structure wanted
+ x:Resize-Redirect-Mask Redirect resize of this window
+ x:Substructure-Notify-Mask Substructure notification wanted
+ x:Substructure-Redirect-Mask Redirect structure requests on
+ children
+ x:Focus-Change-Mask Any change in input focus wanted
+ x:Property-Change-Mask Any change in property wanted
+ x:Colormap-Change-Mask Any change in colormap wanted
+ x:Owner-Grab-Button-Mask Automatic grabs should activate with
+ owner_events set to True
+ - Attribute: x:CW-Dont-Propagate
+ The do-not-propagate-mask attribute defines which events should
+ not be propagated to ancestor windows when no client has the event
+ type selected in this x:Input-Output or x:Input-Only window. The
+ do-not-propagate-mask is the bitwise inclusive OR of zero or more
+ of the following masks: x:Key-Press, x:Key-Release, x:Button-Press,
+ x:Button-Release, x:Pointer-Motion, x:Button1Motion,
+ x:Button2Motion, x:Button3Motion, x:Button4Motion,
+ x:Button5Motion, and x:Button-Motion. You can specify that all
+ events are propagated by setting x:No-Event-Mask (default).
+ - Attribute: x:CW-Colormap
+ The colormap attribute specifies which colormap best reflects the
+ true colors of the x:Input-Output window. The colormap must have
+ the same visual type as the window. X servers capable of
+ supporting multiple hardware colormaps can use this information,
+ and window managers can use it for calls to X:Install-Colormap.
+ You can set the colormap attribute to a colormap or to
+ x:Copy-From-Parent (default).
+ If you set the colormap to x:Copy-From-Parent, the parent window's
+ colormap is copied and used by its child. However, the child
+ window must have the same visual type as the parent. The parent
+ window must not have a colormap of x:None. The colormap is copied
+ by sharing the colormap object between the child and parent, not
+ by making a complete copy of the colormap contents. Subsequent
+ changes to the parent window's colormap attribute do not affect
+ the child window.
+ - Attribute: x:CW-Cursor
+ The cursor attribute specifies which cursor is to be used when the
+ pointer is in the x:Input-Output or x:Input-Only window. You can
+ set the cursor to a cursor or x:None (default).
+ If you set the cursor to x:None, the parent's cursor is used when
+ the pointer is in the x:Input-Output or x:Input-Only window, and
+ any change in the parent's cursor will cause an immediate change
+ in the displayed cursor. On the root window, the default cursor
+ is restored.
+File:, Node: Window Visibility, Next: Graphics Context, Prev: Window, Up: Top
+Window Visibility
+In X parlance, a window which is hidden even when not obscured by other
+windows is "unmapped"; one which shows is "mapped". It is an
+unfortunate name-collision with Scheme, and is ingrained in the
+attribute names.
+ - Function: x:map-window WINDOW
+ Maps the WINDOW and all of its subwindows that have had map
+ requests. Mapping a window that has an unmapped ancestor does not
+ display the window but marks it as eligible for display when the
+ ancestor becomes mapped. Such a window is called unviewable.
+ When all its ancestors are mapped, the window becomes viewable and
+ will be visible on the screen if it is not obscured by another
+ window. This function has no effect if the WINDOW is already
+ mapped.
+ If the override-redirect of the window is False and if some other
+ client has selected x:Substructure-Redirect-Mask on the parent
+ window, then the X server generates a MapRequest event, and the
+ `x:map-window' function does not map the WINDOW. Otherwise, the
+ WINDOW is mapped, and the X server generates a MapNotify event.
+ If the WINDOW becomes viewable and no earlier contents for it are
+ remembered, the X server tiles the WINDOW with its background. If
+ the window's background is undefined, the existing screen contents
+ are not altered, and the X server generates zero or more x:Expose
+ events. If backing-store was maintained while the WINDOW was
+ unmapped, no x:Expose events are generated. If backing-store will
+ now be maintained, a full-window exposure is always generated.
+ Otherwise, only visible regions may be reported. Similar tiling
+ and exposure take place for any newly viewable inferiors.
+ If the window is an Input-Output window, `x:map-window' generates
+ x:Expose events on each Input-Output window that it causes to be
+ displayed. If the client maps and paints the window and if the
+ client begins processing events, the window is painted twice. To
+ avoid this, first ask for x:Expose events and then map the window,
+ so the client processes input events as usual. The event list
+ will include x:Expose for each window that has appeared on the
+ screen. The client's normal response to an x:Expose event should
+ be to repaint the window. This method usually leads to simpler
+ programs and to proper interaction with window managers.
+ - Function: x:map-raised WINDOW
+ This procedure is similar to `x:map-window' in that it maps the
+ WINDOW and all of its subwindows that have had map requests.
+ However, it also raises the specified WINDOW to the top of the
+ stack.
+ - Function: x:map-subwindows WINDOW
+ Maps all subwindows of a specified WINDOW in top-to-bottom
+ stacking order. The X server generates x:Expose events on each
+ newly displayed window. This may be much more efficient than
+ mapping many windows one at a time because the server needs to
+ perform much of the work only once, for all of the windows, rather
+ than for each window.
+ - Function: x:unmap-window WINDOW
+ Unmaps the specified WINDOW and causes the X server to generate an
+ UnmapNotify event. If the specified WINDOW is already unmapped,
+ `x:unmap-window' has no effect. Normal exposure processing on
+ formerly obscured windows is performed. Any child window will no
+ longer be visible until another map call is made on the parent.
+ In other words, the subwindows are still mapped but are not
+ visible until the parent is mapped. Unmapping a WINDOW will
+ generate x:Expose events on windows that were formerly obscured by
+ it.
+ - Function: x:unmap-subwindows WINDOW
+ Unmaps all subwindows for the specified WINDOW in bottom-to-top
+ stacking order. It causes the X server to generate an UnmapNotify
+ event on each subwindow and x:Expose events on formerly obscured
+ windows. Using this function is much more efficient than
+ unmapping multiple windows one at a time because the server needs
+ to perform much of the work only once, for all of the windows,
+ rather than for each window.
+File:, Node: Graphics Context, Next: Cursor, Prev: Window Visibility, Up: Top
+Graphics Context
+Most attributes of graphics operations are stored in "GC"s. These
+include line width, line style, plane mask, foreground, background,
+tile, stipple, clipping region, end style, join style, and so on.
+Graphics operations (for example, drawing lines) use these values to
+determine the actual drawing operation.
+ - Function: x:create-gc DRAWABLE FIELD-NAME VALUE ...
+ Creates and returns graphics context. The graphics context can be
+ used with any destination drawable having the same root and depth
+ as the specified DRAWABLE.
+ - Function: x:gc-set! GRAPHICS-CONTEXT FIELD-NAME VALUE ...
+ Changes the components specified by FIELD-NAMEs for the specified
+ GRAPHICS-CONTEXT. The restrictions are the same as for
+ `x:create-gc'. The order in which components are verified and
+ altered is server dependent. If an error occurs, a subset of the
+ components may have been altered.
+ - Function: x:copy-gc-fields! GCONTEXT-SRC GCONTEXT-DST FIELD-NAME ...
+ Copies the components specified by FIELD-NAMEs from GCONTEXT-SRC
+ to GCONTEXT-DST. GCONTEXT-SRC and GCONTEXT-DST must have the same
+ root and depth.
+ - Function: x:gc-ref GRAPHICS-CONTEXT FIELD-NAME ...
+ Returns a list of the components specified by FIELD-NAMEs ...
+ from the specified GRAPHICS-CONTEXT.
+GC Attributes
+Both `x:create-gc' and `x:change-gc' take one argument followed by
+pairs of arguments, where the first is one of the property-name symbols
+(or its top-level value) listed below; and the second is the value to
+associate with that property.
+ - Attribute: x:GC-Function
+ The function attributes of a GC are used when you update a section
+ of a drawable (the destination) with bits from somewhere else (the
+ source). The function in a GC defines how the new destination
+ bits are to be computed from the source bits and the old
+ destination bits. x:G-Xcopy is typically the most useful because
+ it will work on a color display, but special applications may use
+ other functions, particularly in concert with particular planes of
+ a color display. The 16 functions are:
+ x:G-Xclear 0
+ x:G-Xand (AND src dst)
+ x:G-Xand-Reverse (AND src (NOT dst))
+ x:G-Xcopy src
+ x:G-Xand-Inverted (AND (NOT src) dst)
+ x:G-Xnoop dst
+ x:G-Xxor (XOR src dst)
+ x:G-Xor (OR src dst)
+ x:G-Xnor (AND (NOT src) (NOT dst))
+ x:G-Xequiv (XOR (NOT src) dst)
+ x:G-Xinvert (NOT dst)
+ x:G-Xor-Reverse (OR src (NOT dst))
+ x:G-Xcopy-Inverted (NOT src)
+ x:G-Xor-Inverted (OR (NOT src) dst)
+ x:G-Xnand (OR (NOT src) (NOT dst))
+ x:G-Xset 1
+ - Attribute: x:GC-Plane-Mask
+ Many graphics operations depend on either pixel values or planes
+ in a GC. The planes attribute is an integer which specifies which
+ planes of the destination are to be modified, one bit per plane.
+ A monochrome display has only one plane and will be the least
+ significant bit of the integer. As planes are added to the
+ display hardware, they will occupy more significant bits in the
+ plane mask.
+ In graphics operations, given a source and destination pixel, the
+ result is computed bitwise on corresponding bits of the pixels.
+ That is, a Boolean operation is performed in each bit plane. The
+ plane-mask restricts the operation to a subset of planes.
+ `x:All-Planes' can be used to refer to all planes of the screen
+ simultaneously. The result is computed by the following:
+ (OR (AND (FUNC src dst) plane-mask) (AND dst (NOT plane-mask)))
+ Range checking is not performed on a plane-mask value. It is
+ simply truncated to the appropriate number of bits.
+ - Attribute: x:GC-Foreground
+ - Attribute: x:GC-Background
+ Range checking is not performed on the values for foreground or
+ background. They are simply truncated to the appropriate number of
+ bits.
+ Note that foreground and background are not initialized to any
+ values likely to be useful in a window.
+ - Attribute: x:GC-Line-Width
+ The line-width is measured in pixels and either can be greater
+ than or equal to one (wide line) or can be the special value zero
+ (thin line).
+ Thin lines (zero line-width) are one-pixel-wide lines drawn using
+ an unspecified, device-dependent algorithm. There are only two
+ constraints on this algorithm.
+ * If a line is drawn unclipped from [x1,y1] to [x2,y2] and if
+ another line is drawn unclipped from [x1+dx,y1+dy] to
+ [x2+dx,y2+dy], a point [x,y] is touched by drawing the first
+ line if and only if the point [x+dx,y+dy] is touched by
+ drawing the second line.
+ * The effective set of points comprising a line cannot be
+ affected by clipping. That is, a point is touched in a
+ clipped line if and only if the point lies inside the
+ clipping region and the point would be touched by the line
+ when drawn unclipped.
+ A wide line drawn from [x1,y1] to [x2,y2] always draws the same
+ pixels as a wide line drawn from [x2,y2] to [x1,y1], not counting
+ cap-style and join-style. It is recommended that this property be
+ true for thin lines, but this is not required. A line-width of
+ zero may differ from a line-width of one in which pixels are
+ drawn. This permits the use of many manufacturers' line drawing
+ hardware, which may run many times faster than the more precisely
+ specified wide lines.
+ In general, drawing a thin line will be faster than drawing a wide
+ line of width one. However, because of their different drawing
+ algorithms, thin lines may not mix well aesthetically with wide
+ lines. If it is desirable to obtain precise and uniform results
+ across all displays, a client should always use a line-width of
+ one rather than a linewidth of zero.
+ - Attribute: x:GC-Line-Style
+ The line-style defines which sections of a line are drawn:
+ x:Line-Solid
+ The full path of the line is drawn.
+ x:Line-Double-Dash
+ The full path of the line is drawn, but the even dashes are
+ filled differently from the odd dashes (see fill-style) with
+ x:Cap-Butt style used where even and odd dashes meet.
+ x:Line-On-Off-Dash
+ Only the even dashes are drawn, and cap-style applies to all
+ internal ends of the individual dashes, except x:Cap-Not-Last
+ is treated as x:Cap-Butt.
+ - Attribute: x:GC-Cap-Style
+ The cap-style defines how the endpoints of a path are drawn:
+ x:Cap-Not-Last
+ This is equivalent to x:Cap-Butt except that for a line-width
+ of zero the final endpoint is not drawn.
+ x:Cap-Butt
+ The line is square at the endpoint (perpendicular to the
+ slope of the line) with no projection beyond.
+ x:Cap-Round
+ The line has a circular arc with the diameter equal to the
+ line-width, centered on the endpoint. (This is equivalent to
+ x:Cap-Butt for line-width of zero).
+ x:Cap-Projecting
+ The line is square at the end, but the path continues beyond
+ the endpoint for a distance equal to half the line-width.
+ (This is equivalent to x:Cap-Butt for line-width of zero).
+ - Attribute: x:GC-Join-Style
+ The join-style defines how corners are drawn for wide lines:
+ x:Join-Miter
+ The outer edges of two lines extend to meet at an angle.
+ However, if the angle is less than 11 degrees, then a
+ x:Join-Bevel join-style is used instead.
+ x:Join-Round
+ The corner is a circular arc with the diameter equal to the
+ line-width, centered on the x:Join-point.
+ x:Join-Bevel
+ The corner has x:Cap-Butt endpoint styles with the triangular
+ notch filled.
+ - Attribute: x:GC-Fill-Style
+ The fill-style defines the contents of the source for line, text,
+ and fill requests. For all text and fill requests (for example,
+ X:Draw-Text, X:Fill-Rectangle, X:Fill-Polygon, and X:Fill-Arc);
+ for line requests with linestyle x:Line-Solid (for example,
+ X:Draw-Line, X:Draw-Segments, X:Draw-Rectangle, X:Draw-Arc); and
+ for the even dashes for line requests with line-style
+ x:Line-On-Off-Dash or x:Line-Double-Dash, the following apply:
+ x:Fill-Solid
+ Foreground
+ x:Fill-Tiled
+ Tile
+ x:Fill-Opaque-Stippled
+ A tile with the same width and height as stipple, but with
+ background everywhere stipple has a zero and with foreground
+ everywhere stipple has a one
+ x:Fill-Stippled
+ Foreground masked by stipple
+ When drawing lines with line-style x:Line-Double-Dash, the odd
+ dashes are controlled by the fill-style in the following manner:
+ x:Fill-Solid
+ Background
+ x:Fill-Tiled
+ Same as for even dashes
+ x:Fill-Opaque-Stippled
+ Same as for even dashes
+ x:Fill-Stippled
+ Background masked by stipple
+ - Attribute: x:GC-Fill-Rule
+ The fill-rule defines what pixels are inside (drawn) for paths
+ given in X:Fill-Polygon requests and can be set to x:Even-Odd-Rule
+ or x:Winding-Rule.
+ x:Even-Odd-Rule
+ A point is inside if an infinite ray with the point as origin
+ crosses the path an odd number of times.
+ x:Winding-Rule
+ A point is inside if an infinite ray with the point as origin
+ crosses an unequal number of clockwise and counterclockwise
+ directed path segments.
+ A clockwise directed path segment is one that crosses the ray from
+ left to right as observed from the point. A counterclockwise
+ segment is one that crosses the ray from right to left as observed
+ from the point. The case where a directed line segment is
+ coincident with the ray is uninteresting because you can simply
+ choose a different ray that is not coincident with a segment.
+ For both x:Even-Odd-Rule and x:Winding-Rule, a point is infinitely
+ small, and the path is an infinitely thin line. A pixel is inside
+ if the center point of the pixel is inside and the center point is
+ not on the boundary. If the center point is on the boundary, the
+ pixel is inside if and only if the polygon interior is immediately
+ to its right (x increasing direction). Pixels with centers on a
+ horizontal edge are a special case and are inside if and only if
+ the polygon interior is immediately below (y increasing direction).
+ - Attribute: x:GC-Tile
+ - Attribute: x:GC-Stipple
+ The tile/stipple represents an infinite two-dimensional plane,
+ with the tile/stipple replicated in all dimensions.
+ The tile pixmap must have the same root and depth as the GC, or an
+ error results. The stipple pixmap must have depth one and must
+ have the same root as the GC, or an error results. For stipple
+ operations where the fill-style is x:Fill-Stippled but not
+ x:Fill-Opaque-Stippled, the stipple pattern is tiled in a single
+ plane and acts as an additional clip mask to be ANDed with the
+ clip-mask. Although some sizes may be faster to use than others,
+ any size pixmap can be used for tiling or stippling.
+ - Attribute: x:GC-Tile-Stip-X-Origin
+ - Attribute: x:GC-Tile-Stip-Y-Origin
+ When the tile/stipple plane is superimposed on a drawable for use
+ in a graphics operation, the upper-left corner of some instance of
+ the tile/stipple is at the coordinates within the drawable
+ specified by the tile/stipple origin. The tile/stipple origin is
+ interpreted relative to the origin of whatever destination
+ drawable is specified in a graphics request.
+ - Attribute: x:GC-Font
+ The font to be used for drawing text.
+ - Attribute: x:GC-Subwindow-Mode
+ You can set the subwindow-mode to x:Clip-By-Children or
+ x:Include-Inferiors.
+ x:Clip-By-Children
+ Both source and destination windows are additionally clipped
+ by all viewable Input-Output children.
+ x:Include-Inferiors
+ Neither source nor destination window is clipped by
+ inferiors. This will result in including subwindow contents
+ in the source and drawing through subwindow boundaries of the
+ destination. The use of `x:Include-Inferiors' on a window of
+ one depth with mapped inferiors of differing depth is not
+ illegal, but the semantics are undefined by the core protocol.
+ - Attribute: x:GC-Graphics-Exposures
+ The graphics-exposure flag controls x:Graphics-Expose event
+ generation for X:Copy-Area and X:Copy-Plane requests (and any
+ similar requests defined by extensions).
+ - Attribute: x:GC-Clip-X-Origin
+ - Attribute: x:GC-Clip-Y-Origin
+ The clip-mask origin is interpreted relative to the origin of
+ whatever destination drawable is specified in a graphics request.
+ - Attribute: x:GC-Clip-Mask
+ The clip-mask restricts writes to the destination drawable. If the
+ clip-mask is set to a pixmap, it must have depth one and have the
+ same root as the GC, or an error results. If clip-mask is set to
+ "x:None", the pixels are always drawn regardless of the clip
+ origin. The clip-mask also can be set by calling `X:Set-Region'.
+ Only pixels where the clip-mask has a bit set to 1 are drawn.
+ Pixels are not drawn outside the area covered by the clip-mask or
+ where the clip-mask has a bit set to 0. The clip-mask affects all
+ graphics requests. The clip-mask does not clip sources. The
+ clip-mask origin is interpreted relative to the origin of whatever
+ destination drawable is specified in a graphics request.
+ - Attribute: x:GC-Dash-Offset
+ Defines the phase of the pattern, specifying how many pixels into
+ the dash-list the pattern should actually begin in any single
+ graphics request. Dashing is continuous through path elements
+ combined with a join-style but is reset to the dash-offset between
+ each sequence of joined lines.
+ The unit of measure for dashes is the same for the ordinary
+ coordinate system. Ideally, a dash length is measured along the
+ slope of the line, but implementations are only required to match
+ this ideal for horizontal and vertical lines. Failing the ideal
+ semantics, it is suggested that the length be measured along the
+ major axis of the line. The major axis is defined as the x axis
+ for lines drawn at an angle of between -45 and +45 degrees or
+ between 135 and 225 degrees from the x axis. For all other lines,
+ the major axis is the y axis.
+ - Attribute: x:GC-Dash-List
+ There must be at least one element in the specified DASH-LIST.
+ The initial and alternating elements (second, fourth, and so on)
+ of the DASH-LIST are the even dashes, and the others are the odd
+ dashes. Each element specifies a dash length in pixels. All of
+ the elements must be nonzero. Specifying an odd-length list is
+ equivalent to specifying the same list concatenated with itself to
+ produce an even-length list.
+ - Attribute: x:GC-Arc-Mode
+ The arc-mode controls filling in the X:Fill-Arcs function and can
+ be set to x:Arc-Pie-Slice or x:Arc-Chord.
+ x:Arc-Pie-Slice
+ The arcs are pie-slice filled.
+ x:Arc-Chord
+ The arcs are chord filled.
+File:, Node: Cursor, Next: Colormap, Prev: Graphics Context, Up: Top
+ - Function: x:create-cursor DISPLAY SHAPE
+ X provides a set of standard cursor shapes in a special font named
+ "cursor". Applications are encouraged to use this interface for
+ their cursors because the font can be customized for the individual
+ display type. The SHAPE argument specifies which glyph of the
+ standard fonts to use.
+ The hotspot comes from the information stored in the cursor font.
+ The initial colors of a cursor are a black foreground and a white
+ background (see X:Recolor-Cursor). The names of all cursor shapes
+ are defined with the prefix XC: in `x11.scm'.
+ - Function: x:create-cursor SOURCE-FONT SOURCE-CHAR MASK-FONT
+ Creates a cursor from the source and mask bitmaps obtained from the
+ specified font glyphs. The integer SOURCE-CHAR must be a defined
+ glyph in SOURCE-FONT. The integer MASK-CHAR must be a defined
+ glyph in MASK-FONT. The origins of the SOURCE-CHAR and MASK-CHAR
+ glyphs are positioned coincidently and define the hotspot. The
+ SOURCE-CHAR and MASK-CHAR need not have the same bounding box
+ metrics, and there is no restriction on the placement of the
+ hotspot relative to the bounding boxes.
+ - Function: x:create-cursor SOURCE-FONT SOURCE-CHAR #F #F FGC BGC
+ If MASK-FONT and MASK-CHAR are #f, all pixels of the source are
+ displayed.
+ - Function: x:create-cursor SOURCE-PIXMAP MASK-PIXMAP FGC BGC ORIGIN
+ MASK-PIXMAP must be the same size as the pixmap defined by the
+ SOURCE-PIXMAP argument. The foreground and background RGB values
+ must be specified using FOREGROUND-COLOR and BACKGROUND-COLOR,
+ even if the X server only has a x:Static-Gray or x:Gray-Scale
+ screen. The hotspot must be a point within the SOURCE-PIXMAP.
+ `X:Create-Cursor' creates and returns a cursor. The
+ FOREGROUND-COLOR is used for the pixels set to 1 in the source,
+ and the BACKGROUND-COLOR is used for the pixels set to 0. Both
+ source and mask must have depth one but can have any root. The
+ MASK-PIXMAP defines the shape of the cursor. The pixels set to 1
+ in MASK-PIXMAP define which source pixels are displayed, and the
+ pixels set to 0 define which pixels are ignored.
+ - Function: x:create-cursor SOURCE-PIXMAP #F FGC BGC ORIGIN
+ If MASK-PIXMAP is #f, all pixels of the source are displayed.
+File:, Node: Colormap, Next: Rendering, Prev: Cursor, Up: Top
+A "colormap" maps pixel values to "RGB" color space values.
+ - Function: x:create-colormap WINDOW VISUAL ALLOC-POLICY
+ WINDOW specifies the window on whose screen you want to create a
+ colormap. VISUAL specifies a visual type supported on the screen.
+ ALLOC-POLICY Specifies the colormap entries to be allocated. You
+ can pass `X:Alloc-None' or `X:Alloc-All'.
+ The `X:Create-Colormap' function creates and returns a colormap of
+ the specified VISUAL type for the screen on which WINDOW resides.
+ Note that WINDOW is used only to determine the screen.
+ `X:Gray-Scale'
+ `X:Pseudo-Color'
+ `X:Direct-Color'
+ The initial values of the colormap entries are undefined.
+ `X:Static-Gray'
+ `X:Static-Color'
+ `X:True-Color'
+ The entries have defined values, but those values are
+ specific to VISUAL and are not defined by X. The
+ ALLOC-POLICY must be `X:Alloc-None'.
+ For the other visual classes, if ALLOC-POLICY is `X:Alloc-None',
+ the colormap initially has no allocated entries, and clients can
+ allocate them.
+ If ALLOC-POLICY is `X:Alloc-All', the entire colormap is allocated
+ writable. The initial values of all allocated entries are
+ undefined.
+ `X:Gray-Scale'
+ `X:Pseudo-Color'
+ The effect is as if an `XAllocColorCells' call returned all
+ pixel values from zero to N - 1, where N is the colormap
+ entries value in VISUAL.
+ `X:Direct-Color'
+ The effect is as if an `XAllocColorPlanes' call returned a
+ pixel value of zero and red_mask, green_mask, and blue_mask
+ values containing the same bits as the corresponding masks in
+ the specified visual.
+To create a new colormap when the allocation out of a previously shared
+colormap has failed because of resource exhaustion, use:
+ - Function: x:copy-colormap-and-free COLORMAP
+ Creates and returns a colormap of the same visual type and for the
+ same screen as the specified COLORMAP. It also moves all of the
+ client's existing allocation from the specified COLORMAP to the
+ new colormap with their color values intact and their read-only or
+ writable characteristics intact and frees those entries in the
+ specified colormap. Color values in other entries in the new
+ colormap are undefined. If the specified colormap was created by
+ the client with alloc set to `X:Alloc-All', the new colormap is
+ also created with `X:Alloc-All', all color values for all entries
+ are copied from the specified COLORMAP, and then all entries in
+ the specified COLORMAP are freed. If the specified COLORMAP was
+ not created by the client with `X:Alloc-All', the allocations to
+ be moved are all those pixels and planes that have been allocated
+ by the client and that have not been freed since they were
+ allocated.
+A "colormap" maps pixel values to elements of the "RGB" datatype. An
+RGB is a list or vector of 3 integers, describing the red, green, and
+blue intensities respectively. The integers are in the range 0 - 65535.
+ - Function: x:alloc-colormap-cells COLORMAP NCOLORS NPLANES
+ - Function: x:alloc-colormap-cells COLORMAP NCOLORS NPLANES CONTIGUOUS?
+ The `X:Alloc-Color-Cells' function allocates read/write color
+ cells. The number of colors, NCOLORS must be positive and the
+ number of planes, NPLANES nonnegative. If NCOLORS and nplanes are
+ requested, then NCOLORS pixels and nplane plane masks are
+ returned. No mask will have any bits set to 1 in common with any
+ other mask or with any of the pixels. By ORing together each
+ pixel with zero or more masks, NCOLORS * 2^NPLANES distinct pixels
+ can be produced. All of these are allocated writable by the
+ request.
+ `x:Gray-Scale'
+ `x:Pseudo-Color'
+ Each mask has exactly one bit set to 1. If CONTIGUOUS? is
+ non-false and if all masks are ORed together, a single
+ contiguous set of bits set to 1 is formed.
+ `x:Direct-Color'
+ Each mask has exactly three bits set to 1. If CONTIGUOUS? is
+ non-false and if all masks are ORed together, three
+ contiguous sets of bits set to 1 (one within each pixel
+ subfield) is formed.
+ The RGB values of the allocated entries are undefined.
+ `X:Alloc-Color-Cells' returns a list of two uniform arrays if it
+ succeeded or #f if it failed. The first array has the pixels
+ allocated and the second has the plane-masks.
+ - Function: x:alloc-colormap-cells COLORMAP NCOLORS RGB
+ - Function: x:alloc-colormap-cells COLORMAP NCOLORS RGB CONTIGUOUS?
+ The specified NCOLORS must be positive; and RGB a list or vector
+ of 3 nonnegative integers. If NCOLORS colors, NREDS reds, NGREENS
+ greens, and NBLUES blues are requested, NCOLORS pixels are
+ returned; and the masks have NREDS, NGREENS, and NBLUES bits set
+ to 1, respectively. If CONTIGUOUS? is non-false, each mask will
+ have a contiguous set of bits set to 1. No mask will have any
+ bits set to 1 in common with any other mask or with any of the
+ pixels.
+ Each mask will lie within the corresponding pixel subfield. By
+ ORing together subsets of masks with each pixel value, NCOLORS *
+ 2(NREDS+NGREENS+NBLUES) distinct pixel values can be produced.
+ All of these are allocated by the request. However, in the
+ colormap, there are only NCOLORS * 2^NREDS independent red
+ entries, NCOLORS * 2^NGREENS independent green entries, and
+ NCOLORS * 2^NBLUES independent blue entries.
+ `X:Alloc-Color-Cells' returns a list if it succeeded or #f if it
+ failed. The first element of the list has an array of the pixels
+ allocated. The second, third, and fourth elements are the red,
+ green, and blue plane-masks.
+ - Function: x:free-colormap-cells COLORMAP PIXELS PLANES
+ - Function: x:free-colormap-cells COLORMAP PIXELS
+ Frees the cells represented by pixels whose values are in the
+ PIXELS unsigned-integer uniform-vector. The PLANES argument
+ should not have any bits set to 1 in common with any of the
+ pixels. The set of all pixels is produced by ORing together
+ subsets of the PLANES argument with the pixels. The request frees
+ all of these pixels that were allocated by the client. Note that
+ freeing an individual pixel obtained from `X:Alloc-Colormap-Cells'
+ with a planes argument may not actually allow it to be reused
+ until all of its related pixels are also freed. Similarly, a
+ read-only entry is not actually freed until it has been freed by
+ all clients, and if a client allocates the same read-only entry
+ multiple times, it must free the entry that many times before the
+ entry is actually freed.
+ All specified pixels that are allocated by the client in the
+ COLORMAP are freed, even if one or more pixels produce an error.
+ It is an error if a specified pixel is not allocated by the client
+ (that is, is unallocated or is only allocated by another client)
+ or if the colormap was created with all entries writable (by
+ passing `x:Alloc-All' to `X:Create-Colormap'). If more than one
+ pixel is in error, the one that gets reported is arbitrary.
+ - Function: x:colormap-find-color COLORMAP RGB
+ RGB is a list or vector of 3 integers, describing the red, green,
+ and blue intensities respectively; or an integer `#xrrggbb',
+ packing red, green and blue intensities in the range 0 - 255.
+ - Function: x:colormap-find-color COLORMAP COLOR-NAME
+ The case-insensitive string COLOR_NAME specifies the name of a
+ color (for example, `red')
+ `X:Colormap-Find-Color' allocates a read-only colormap entry
+ corresponding to the closest RGB value supported by the hardware.
+ `X:Colormap-Find-Color' returns the pixel value of the color
+ closest to the specified RGB or COLOR_NAME elements supported by
+ the hardware, if successful; otherwise `X:Colormap-Find-Color'
+ returns #f.
+ Multiple clients that request the same effective RGB value can be
+ assigned the same read-only entry, thus allowing entries to be
+ shared. When the last client deallocates a shared cell, it is
+ deallocated.
+ - Function: x:color-ref COLORMAP PIXEL
+ Returns a list of 3 integers, describing the red, green, and blue
+ intensities respectively of the COLORMAP entry of the cell indexed
+ by PIXEL.
+ The integer PIXEL must be a valid index into COLORMAP.
+ - Function: X:Color-Set! COLORMAP PIXEL RGB
+ RGB is a list or vector of 3 integers, describing the red, green,
+ and blue intensities respectively; or an integer `#xrrggbb',
+ packing red, green and blue intensities in the range 0 - 255.
+ - Function: X:Color-Set! COLORMAP PIXEL COLOR-NAME
+ The case-insensitive string COLOR_NAME specifies the name of a
+ color (for example, `red')
+ The integer PIXEL must be a valid index into COLORMAP.
+ `X:Color-Set!' changes the COLORMAP entry of the read/write cell
+ indexed by PIXEL. If the COLORMAP is an installed map for its
+ screen, the changes are visible immediately.
+ - Function: x:install-colormap COLORMAP
+ Installs the specified COLORMAP for its associated screen. All
+ windows associated with COLORMAP immediately display with true
+ colors. A colormap is associated with a window when the window is
+ created or its attributes changed.
+ If the specified colormap is not already an installed colormap,
+ the X server generates a ColormapNotify event on each window that
+ has that colormap.
+File:, Node: Rendering, Next: Event, Prev: Colormap, Up: Top
+ - Function: x:flush DISPLAY
+ - Function: x:flush WINDOW
+ Flushes the output buffer. Some client applications need not use
+ this function because the output buffer is automatically flushed
+ as needed by calls to X:Pending, X:Next-Event, and X:Window-Event.
+ Events generated by the server may be enqueued into the library's
+ event queue.
+ - Function: x:flush GC
+ Forces sending of GC component changes.
+ Xlib usually defers sending changes to the components of a GC to
+ the server until a graphics function is actually called with that
+ GC. This permits batching of component changes into a single
+ server request. In some circumstances, however, it may be
+ necessary for the client to explicitly force sending the changes
+ to the server. An example might be when a protocol extension uses
+ the GC indirectly, in such a way that the extension interface
+ cannot know what GC will be used.
+ - Function: x:clear-area WINDOW (X-POS Y-POS) (WIDTH HEIGHT) EXPOSE?
+ Paints a rectangular area in the specified WINDOW according to the
+ specified dimensions with the WINDOW's background pixel or pixmap.
+ The subwindow-mode effectively is `x:Clip-By-Children'. If width
+ is zero, it is replaced with the current width of the WINDOW minus
+ x. If height is zero, it is replaced with the current height of
+ the WINDOW minus y. If the WINDOW has a defined background tile,
+ the rectangle clipped by any children is filled with this tile.
+ If the WINDOW has background x:None, the contents of the WINDOW
+ are not changed. In either case, if EXPOSE? is True, one or more
+ x:Expose events are generated for regions of the rectangle that
+ are either visible or are being retained in a backing store. If
+ you specify a WINDOW whose class is x:Input-Only, an error results.
+ - Function: x:fill-rectangle WINDOW GCONTEXT POSITION SIZE
+Draw Strings
+ - Function: x:draw-string DRAWABLE GC POSITION STRING
+ POSITION specifies coordinates relative to the origin of DRAWABLE
+ of the origin of the first character to be drawn.
+ `x:draw-string' draws the characters of STRING, starting at
+ - Function: x:image-string DRAWABLE GC POSITION STRING
+ POSITION specifies coordinates relative to the origin of DRAWABLE
+ of the origin of the first character to be drawn.
+ `x:image-string' draws the characters *and background* of STRING,
+ starting at POSITION.
+Draw Shapes
+ - Function: x:draw-points DRAWABLE GC POSITION ...
+ POSITION ... specifies coordinates of the point to be drawn.
+ - Function: x:draw-points DRAWABLE GC X Y ...
+ (X, Y) ... specifies coordinates of the point to be drawn.
+ - Function: x:draw-points DRAWABLE GC POINT-ARRAY
+ POINT-ARRAY is a uniform short array of rank 2, whose rightmost
+ index spans a range of 2.
+ The `X:Draw-Points' procedure uses the foreground pixel and
+ function components of the GC to draw points into DRAWABLE at the
+ positions (relative to the origin of DRAWABLE) specified.
+ `X:Draw-Points' uses these GC components: function, planemask,
+ foreground, subwindow-mode, clip-x-origin, clip-y-origin, and
+ clip-mask.
+ - Function: x:draw-segments DRAWABLE GC POS1 POS2 ...
+ POS1, POS2, ... specify coordinates to be connected by segments.
+ - Function: x:draw-segments DRAWABLE GC X1 Y1 X2 Y2 ...
+ (X1, Y1), (X2, Y2) ... specify coordinates to be connected by
+ segments.
+ - Function: x:draw-segments DRAWABLE GC POINT-ARRAY
+ POINT-ARRAY is a uniform short array of rank 2, whose rightmost
+ index spans a range of 2.
+ The `X:Draw-Segments' procedure uses the components of the
+ specified GC to draw multiple unconnected lines between disjoint
+ adjacent pair of points passed as arguments. It draws the
+ segments in order and does not perform joining at coincident
+ endpoints. For any given line, `X:Draw-Segments' does not draw a
+ pixel more than once. If thin (zero line-width) segments
+ intersect, the intersecting pixels are drawn multiple times. If
+ wide segments intersect, the intersecting pixels are drawn only
+ once, as though the entire PolyLine protocol request were a
+ single, filled shape. `X:Draw-Segments' treats all coordinates as
+ relative to the origin of DRAWABLE.
+ `X:Draw-Segments' uses these GC components: function, plane-mask,
+ line-width, line-style, cap-style, fill-style, subwindow-mode,
+ clip-x-origin, clip-y-origin, and clip-mask, join-style. It also
+ use these GC mode-dependent components: foreground, background,
+ tile, stipple, tilestipple-x-origin, tile-stipple-y-origin,
+ dash-offset, and dash-list.
+ - Function: x:draw-lines DRAWABLE GC POS1 POS2 ...
+ POS1, POS2, ... specify coordinates to be connected by lines.
+ - Function: x:draw-lines DRAWABLE GC X1 Y1 X2 Y2 ...
+ (X1, Y1), (X2, Y2) ... specify coordinates to be connected by
+ lines.
+ - Function: x:draw-lines DRAWABLE GC POINT-ARRAY
+ POINT-ARRAY is a uniform short array of rank 2, whose rightmost
+ index spans a range of 2.
+ The `X:Draw-Lines' procedure uses the components of the specified
+ GC to draw lines between each adjacent pair of points passed as
+ arguments. It draws the lines in order. The lines join correctly
+ at all intermediate points, and if the first and last points
+ coincide, the first and last lines also join correctly. For any
+ given line, `X:Draw-Lines' does not draw a pixel more than once.
+ If thin (zero line-width) lines intersect, the intersecting pixels
+ are drawn multiple times. If wide lines intersect, the
+ intersecting pixels are drawn only once, as though the entire
+ PolyLine protocol request were a single, filled shape.
+ `X:Draw-Lines' treats all coordinates as relative to the origin of
+ `X:Draw-Lines' uses these GC components: function, plane-mask,
+ line-width, line-style, cap-style, fill-style, subwindow-mode,
+ clip-x-origin, clip-y-origin, and clip-mask, join-style. It also
+ use these GC mode-dependent components: foreground, background,
+ tile, stipple, tilestipple-x-origin, tile-stipple-y-origin,
+ dash-offset, and dash-list.
+ - Function: x:fill-polygon DRAWABLE GC POS1 POS2 ...
+ POS1, POS2, ... specify coordinates of the border path.
+ - Function: x:fill-polygon DRAWABLE GC X1 Y1 X2 Y2 ...
+ (X1, Y1), (X2, Y2) ... specify coordinates of the border path.
+ - Function: x:fill-polygon DRAWABLE GC POINT-ARRAY
+ POINT-ARRAY is a uniform short array of rank 2, whose rightmost
+ index spans a range of 2.
+ The path is closed automatically if the last point in the list or
+ POINT-ARRAY does not coincide with the first point.
+ The `X:Fill-Polygon' procedure uses the components of the specified
+ GC to fill the region closed by the specified path.
+ `X:Fill-Polygon' does not draw a pixel of the region more than
+ once. `X:Fill-Polygon' treats all coordinates as relative to the
+ origin of DRAWABLE.
+ `X:Fill-Polygon' uses these GC components: function, planemask,
+ fill-style, fill-rule, subwindow-mode, clip-x-origin,
+ clip-y-origin, and clip-mask. It also use these GC mode-dependent
+ components: foreground, background, tile, stipple,
+ tile-stipple-x-origin, and tile-stipple-y-origin.
+File:, Node: Event, Next: Index, Prev: Rendering, Up: Top
+These three status routines always return immediately if there are
+events already in the queue.
+ - Function: x:q-length DISPLAY
+ Returns the length of the event queue for the connected DISPLAY.
+ Note that there may be more events that have not been read into the
+ queue yet (see X:Events-Queued).
+ - Function: x:pending DISPLAY
+ Returns the number of events that have been received from the X
+ server but have not been removed from the event queue.
+ - Function: x:events-queued DISPLAY
+ Returns the number of events already in the queue if the number is
+ nonzero. If there are no events in the queue, `X:Events-Queued'
+ attempts to read more events out of the application's connection
+ without flushing the output buffer and returns the number read.
+Both of these routines return an object of type "event".
+ - Function: x:next-event DISPLAY
+ Removes and returns the first event from the event queue. If the
+ event queue is empty, `X:Next-Event' flushes the output buffer and
+ blocks until an event is received.
+ - Function: x:peek-event DISPLAY
+ Returns the first event from the event queue, but it does not
+ remove the event from the queue. If the queue is empty,
+ `X:Peek-Event' flushes the output buffer and blocks until an event
+ is received.
+Each event object has fields dependent on its sub-type.
+ - Function: x:event-ref EVENT FIELD-NAME
+ window The window on which EVENT was generated
+ and is referred to as the event window.
+ root is the event window's root window.
+ subwindow If the source window is an inferior of
+ the event window, the SUBWINDOW is the
+ child of the event window that is the
+ source window or the child of the event
+ window that is an ancestor of the
+ source window. Otherwise, `None'.
+ X-event:type An integer: X:KEY-PRESS, X:KEY-RELEASE,
+ X-event:serial The serial number of the protocol
+ request that generated the EVENT.
+ X-event:send-event Boolean that indicates whether the
+ event was sent by a different client.
+ X-event:time The time when the EVENT was generated
+ expressed in milliseconds.
+ X-event:x
+ X-event:y For window entry/exit events the X and
+ Y members are set to the coordinates of
+ the pointer position in the event
+ window. This position is always the
+ pointer's final position, not its
+ initial position. If the event window
+ is on the same screen as the root
+ window, X and Y are the pointer
+ coordinates relative to the event
+ window's origin. Otherwise, X and Y
+ are set to zero.
+ For expose events The X and Y members
+ are set to the coordinates relative to
+ the drawable's origin and indicate the
+ upper-left corner of the rectangle.
+ For configure, create, gravity, and
+ reparent events the X and Y members are
+ set to the window's coordinates
+ relative to the parent window's origin
+ and indicate the position of the
+ upper-left outside corner of the
+ created window.
+ X-event:x-root
+ X-event:y-root The pointer's coordinates relative to
+ the root window's origin at the time of
+ the EVENT.
+ X-event:state For keyboard, pointer and window
+ entry/exit events, the state member is
+ set to indicate the logical state of
+ the pointer buttons and modifier keys
+ just prior to the EVENT, which is the
+ bitwise inclusive OR of one or more of
+ the button or modifier key masks:
+ For visibility events, the state of the
+ window's visibility:
+ For colormap events, indicates whether
+ the colormap is installed or
+ uninstalled: x:Colormap-Installed or
+ x:Colormap-Uninstalled.
+ For property events, indicates whether
+ the property was changed to a new value
+ or deleted: x:Property-New-Value or
+ x:Property-Delete.
+ X-event:keycode An integer that represents a physical
+ key on the keyboard.
+ X-event:same-screen Indicates whether the event window is
+ on the same screen as the root window.
+ If #t, the event and root windows are
+ on the same screen. If #f, the event
+ and root windows are not on the same
+ screen.
+ X-event:button The pointer button that changed state;
+ can be the X:BUTTON1, X:BUTTON2,
+ value.
+ X-event:is-hint Detail of motion-notify events:
+ X-event:mode Indicates whether the EVENT is a normal
+ event, pseudo-motion event when a grab
+ activates, or a pseudo-motion event
+ when a grab deactivates:
+ X-event:detail Indicates the notification detail:
+ X-event:focus If the event window is the focus window
+ or an inferior of the focus window, #t;
+ otherwise #f.
+ X-event:width
+ X-event:height The size (extent) of the rectangle.
+ X-event:count For mapping events is the number of
+ keycodes altered.
+ For expose events Is the number of
+ Expose or GraphicsExpose events that
+ are to follow. If count is zero, no
+ more Expose events follow for this
+ window. However, if count is nonzero,
+ at least that number of Expose events
+ (and possibly more) follow for this
+ window. Simple applications that do
+ not want to optimize redisplay by
+ distinguishing between subareas of its
+ window can just ignore all Expose
+ events with nonzero counts and perform
+ full redisplays on events with zero
+ counts.
+ X-event:major-code The major_code member is set to the
+ graphics request initiated by the
+ client and can be either X_CopyArea or
+ X_CopyPlane. If it is X_CopyArea, a
+ call to XCopyArea initiated the
+ request. If it is X_CopyPlane, a call
+ to XCopyPlane initiated the request.
+ X-event:minor-code Not currently used.
+ X-event:border-width For configure events, the width of the
+ window's border, in pixels.
+ X-event:override-redirect The override-redirect attribute of the
+ window. Window manager clients
+ normally should ignore this window if
+ it is #t.
+ X-event:from-configure True if the event was generated as a
+ result of a resizing of the window's
+ parent when the window itself had a
+ win-gravity of x:Unmap-Gravity.
+ X-event:value-mask Indicates which components were
+ specified in the ConfigureWindow
+ protocol request. The corresponding
+ values are reported as given in the
+ request. The remaining values are
+ filled in from the current geometry of
+ the window, except in the case of above
+ (sibling) and detail (stack-mode),
+ which are reported as None and Above,
+ respectively, if they are not given in
+ the request.
+ X-event:place The window's position after the restack
+ occurs and is either x:Place-On-Top or
+ x:Place-On-Bottom. If it is
+ x:Place-On-Top, the window is now on
+ top of all siblings. If it is
+ x:Place-On-Bottom, the window is now
+ below all siblings.
+ X-event:new indicate whether the colormap for the
+ specified window was changed or
+ installed or uninstalled and can be
+ True or False. If it is True, the
+ colormap was changed. If it is False,
+ the colormap was installed or
+ uninstalled.
+ X-event:format Is 8, 16, or 32 and specifies whether
+ the data should be viewed as a list of
+ bytes, shorts, or longs
+ X-event:request Indicates the kind of mapping change
+ that occurred and can be
+ or X:MAPPING-POINTER. If it is
+ X:MAPPING-MODIFIER, the modifier
+ mapping was changed. If it is
+ X:MAPPING-KEYBOARD, the keyboard
+ mapping was changed. If it is
+ X:MAPPING-POINTER, the pointer button
+ mapping was changed.
+ X-event:first-keycode The X-event:first-keycode is set only
+ if the X-event:request was set to
+ X:MAPPING-KEYBOARD. The number in
+ X-event:first-keycode represents the
+ first number in the range of the
+ altered mapping, and X-event:count
+ represents the number of keycodes
+ altered.
+File:, Node: Index, Prev: Event, Up: Top
+Procedure and Macro Index
+This is an alphabetical list of all the procedures and macros in
+* Menu:
+* hostname:number.screen-number: Display.
+* x:alloc-colormap-cells: Colormap.
+* x:clear-area: Rendering.
+* x:close <1>: Window.
+* x:close: Display.
+* x:color-ref: Colormap.
+* X:Color-Set!: Colormap.
+* x:colormap-find-color: Colormap.
+* x:copy-colormap-and-free: Colormap.
+* x:copy-gc-fields!: Graphics Context.
+* x:create-colormap: Colormap.
+* x:create-cursor: Cursor.
+* x:create-gc: Graphics Context.
+* x:create-pixmap: Window.
+* x:create-window: Window.
+* x:default-colormap: Screen.
+* x:default-depths: Screen.
+* x:default-gc: Screen.
+* x:default-screen: Screen.
+* x:default-visual: Screen.
+* x:draw-lines: Rendering.
+* x:draw-points: Rendering.
+* x:draw-segments: Rendering.
+* x:draw-string: Rendering.
+* x:event-ref: Event.
+* x:events-queued: Event.
+* x:fill-polygon: Rendering.
+* x:fill-rectangle: Rendering.
+* x:flush: Rendering.
+* x:free-colormap-cells: Colormap.
+* x:gc-ref: Graphics Context.
+* x:gc-set!: Graphics Context.
+* x:image-string: Rendering.
+* x:install-colormap: Colormap.
+* x:make-visual: Screen.
+* x:map-raised: Window Visibility.
+* x:map-subwindows: Window Visibility.
+* x:map-window: Window Visibility.
+* x:next-event: Event.
+* x:open-display: Display.
+* x:peek-event: Event.
+* x:pending: Event.
+* x:protocol-version: Display.
+* x:q-length: Event.
+* x:root-window: Screen.
+* x:screen-black: Screen.
+* x:screen-cells: Screen.
+* x:screen-count: Screen.
+* x:screen-depth: Screen.
+* x:screen-dimensions: Screen.
+* x:screen-size: Screen.
+* x:screen-white: Screen.
+* x:server-vendor: Display.
+* x:unmap-subwindows: Window Visibility.
+* x:unmap-window: Window Visibility.
+* x:vendor-release: Display.
+* x:window-geometry: Window.
+* x:window-set!: Window.
+Variable Index
+This is an alphabetical list of all the global variables in Xlibscm.
+* Menu:
+* x:CW-Back-Pixel: Window.
+* x:CW-Back-Pixmap: Window.
+* x:CW-Backing-Pixel: Window.
+* x:CW-Backing-Planes: Window.
+* x:CW-Backing-Store: Window.
+* x:CW-Bit-Gravity: Window.
+* x:CW-Border-Pixel: Window.
+* x:CW-Border-Pixmap: Window.
+* x:CW-Colormap: Window.
+* x:CW-Cursor: Window.
+* x:CW-Dont-Propagate: Window.
+* x:CW-Event-Mask: Window.
+* x:CW-Override-Redirect: Window.
+* x:CW-Save-Under: Window.
+* x:CW-Win-Gravity: Window.
+* x:GC-Arc-Mode: Graphics Context.
+* x:GC-Background: Graphics Context.
+* x:GC-Cap-Style: Graphics Context.
+* x:GC-Clip-Mask: Graphics Context.
+* x:GC-Clip-X-Origin: Graphics Context.
+* x:GC-Clip-Y-Origin: Graphics Context.
+* x:GC-Dash-List: Graphics Context.
+* x:GC-Dash-Offset: Graphics Context.
+* x:GC-Fill-Rule: Graphics Context.
+* x:GC-Fill-Style: Graphics Context.
+* x:GC-Font: Graphics Context.
+* x:GC-Foreground: Graphics Context.
+* x:GC-Function: Graphics Context.
+* x:GC-Graphics-Exposures: Graphics Context.
+* x:GC-Join-Style: Graphics Context.
+* x:GC-Line-Style: Graphics Context.
+* x:GC-Line-Width: Graphics Context.
+* x:GC-Plane-Mask: Graphics Context.
+* x:GC-Stipple: Graphics Context.
+* x:GC-Subwindow-Mode: Graphics Context.
+* x:GC-Tile: Graphics Context.
+* x:GC-Tile-Stip-X-Origin: Graphics Context.
+* x:GC-Tile-Stip-Y-Origin: Graphics Context.
+This is an alphabetical list of concepts introduced in this manual.
+Concept Index
+* Menu:
+* colormap: Colormap.
+* cursor: Cursor.
+* depth: Screen.
+* drawable: Window.
+* Drawable: Window.
+* map: Window Visibility.
+* mapped: Window Visibility.
+* none: Graphics Context.
+* RGB: Colormap.
+* unmap: Window Visibility.
+* unmapped: Window Visibility.
+* Visual: Screen.
+* visual: Screen.
+* X: Xlibscm.
+* x:None: Graphics Context.
+* Xlib: Xlibscm.
+Tag Table:
+Node: Top241
+Node: Xlibscm1366
+Node: Display4144
+Node: Screen6776
+Node: Window10533
+Node: Window Visibility30412
+Node: Graphics Context34697
+Node: Cursor50412
+Node: Colormap52915
+Node: Rendering62691
+Node: Event70247
+Node: Index86684
+End Tag Table