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+Title: **DEP-0000: Wire Protocol**
+Short Name: `0000-wire-protocol`
+Type: Standard
+Status: Undefined (as of 2018-02-04)
+Github PR: (add HTTPS link here after PR is opened)
+Authors: [Paul Frazee](https://github.com/pfrazee),
+[Bryan Newbold](https://github.com/bnewbold)
+# Summary
+[summary]: #summary
+This DEP describes the Dat wire protocol: a transport-agnostic message stream
+spoken between nodes in a swarm of hypercore network peers (including Dat
+clients). The wire protocol includes mechanisms for framing, stream encryption,
+and feed key authentication.
+# Motivation
+[motivation]: #motivation
+The protocol described here is already in use as of 2017 (by hypercore, Dat,
+and Beaker Browser users), and was partially described in an earlier
+[whitepaper][whitepaper]. This document fills in some additional details.
+[whitepaper]: https://TODO
+# Stream Connections
+[stream-details]: #stream-details
+The Dat wire protocol depends on a lower binary transport channel which
+provides the following semantics:
+- reliable delivery (no dropped messages, or partial messages)
+- in-order delivery of messages
+Peers wishing to connect need to discover each other using some mechanism or
+another (see forthcoming DEPs on some options; this process is modular and
+swappable), and both need to have the public key for the primary hypercore they
+wish to exchange.
+Messages are framed by the Dat protocol itself (see Messages section for
+## Channels
+[channels]: #channels
+Multiple hypercore registers can be synchronized over the same protocol
+connection. Messages pertaining to the separate registers (aka, "Feeds",
+"channels") are tagged with an id for disambiguation.
+Note that at least one feed is necessary for each connection (for handshaking
+to succeed), and that the first feed is the one used for discovery and
+as an encryption key.
+To initiate a new channel (after the primary is established),
+## Handshake Procedure
+[handshake]: #handshake
+A handshake procedure needs to occur for each feed on a channel; the first part
+of the first handshake happens in cleartext and both validates discovery keys
+and establishes encyption paramters used for the rest of the connection. The
+first (primary) channel has `id=0`.
+The first (cleartext) message is a Feed message, and includes two fields: a
+nonce and a discovery key.
+The **nonce** is generated by each peer as a random 32-byte sequence.
+The **discovery key** is generated from the public encryption key for a
+hypercore register (in this case the first, or "primary" register) by using the
+public key to sign the 9-byte ASCII string "hypercore" (with no trailing NULL
+byte) using the BLAKE2b keyed hashing algorithm (provided by most BLAKE2b hash
+implementations). The discovery key is 32 bytes long.
+The discovery key is used in cleartext instead of the public key to avoid
+leaking the public key to the network; read access to hypercore registers
+(including Dat archives) is controlled by limiting access to public keys.
+When the connection is first opened, the connecting peer sends their Feed
+message. The receiving peer checks that the discovery key was what they were
+expecting (eg, that they know of a public key matching that discovery key and
+are willing to synchronize the register associated with that key). If so, they
+reply with their own Feed. If not, they drop the connection.
+Once Feed messages are exchanged, both peers have all information they need to
+encrypt all further content on the channel, and do so (see below for details).
+The second part of the handshake is to exchange Handshake messages, which set
+some parameters for the channel. Handshakes also include the self-identified
+peer id, which can be used to detect accidental self-connections or redundant
+connections to the same peer (eg, over different transports).
+## Encryption Scheme
+[encryption]: #encryption
+After the first Feed messages are exchanged (one message in each direction, in
+cleartext), all further bytes exchanged over the channel are encrypted.
+Framing metadata (aka, message length and type) is encrypted, but a third party
+could likely infer message lengths (and thus potentially message types) by
+observing packet sizes and timing; no padding is applied at the protocol layer.
+The encryption scheme used is libsodium's stream primative, specifically the
+XSalsa20 cipher. The cipher is fed a shared key (the primary hypercore register
+public key), a nonce (selected by the sender and exchanged during handshake),
+and a block offset (representing all encrypted bytes sent on the connection in
+this direction so far).
+*TODO: the following paragraph gets in to implementation details... some mention
+of the 64 byte chunks is needed, but maybe not this much detail?*
+The specific libsodium function used is usually
+`crypto_stream_xsalsa20_xor_ic()`. Some interfacing code is necessary to
+process messages that don't align with the cipher's 64-byte chunk size; unused
+bytes in any particular chunk can be ignored. For example, if 1000 encrypted
+bytes had been sent on a connection already, and then a new 50 byte message
+needed to be encrypted and sent, then one would offset the message by `1000 %
+64 = 40` bytes and XOR the first 24 bytes against block 15, then XOR the
+remaining 26 bytes against block 16. The bytes would be shifted back and
+recombined before sending, so only 50 bytes would go down the connection; the
+same process would be followed by the receiver.
+# Message Details
+[message-details]: #message-details
+TODO: description of framing
+Wire format is `<len>(<header><message>)`. `header` is a varint, of form
+`channel << 4 | <4-bit-type>`.
+Messages are encoded (serialized) using Google's [profobuf][protobuf] encoding.
+[protobuf]: https://TODO
+ <tr><th>`type` code <th>Name
+ <tr><td> N/A <td>[Keep-Alive][msg-keepalive]
+ <tr><td> 0 <td>[Feed][msg-feed]
+ <tr><td> 1 <td>[Handshake][msg-handshake]
+ <tr><td> 2 <td>[Info][msg-info]
+ <tr><td> 3 <td>[Have][msg-have]
+ <tr><td> 4 <td>[Unhave][msg-unhave]
+ <tr><td> 5 <td>[Want][msg-want]
+ <tr><td> 6 <td>[Unwant][msg-unwant]
+ <tr><td> 7 <td>[Request][msg-request]
+ <tr><td> 8 <td>[Cancel][msg-cancel]
+ <tr><td> 9 <td>[Data][msg-data]
+ <tr><td>15 <td>[Extension][msg-extension]
+#### Keep-Alive
+[msg-keepalive]: #msg-keepalive
+A message of body length 0 (giving a total message size of 1 byte for the `len`
+varint) is a keep-alive. Depending on transport and application needs, peers
+may optionally send keep-alive messages to help detect and prevent channel
+loss. Peers must always handle keep-alive messages correctly (aka, ignore
+them), regardless of transport.
+TODO: what is a good default interval?
+#### Feed
+[msg-feed]: #msg-feed
+ // type=0, should be the first message sent on a channel
+ message Feed {
+ required bytes discoveryKey = 1;
+ optional bytes nonce = 2;
+ }
+#### Handshake
+[msg-handshake]: #msg-handshake
+ // type=1, overall connection handshake. should be send just after the feed message on the first channel only
+ message Handshake {
+ optional bytes id = 1;
+ optional bool live = 2; // keep the connection open forever? both ends have to agree
+ optional bytes userData = 3;
+ repeated string extensions = 4;
+ }
+TODO: What are semantics of 'live' bit? what if there is disagreement?
+#### Info
+[msg-info]: #msg-info
+ // type=2, message indicating state changes etc.
+ // initial state for uploading/downloading is true
+ // if both ends are not downloading and not live it is safe to consider the stream ended
+ message Info {
+ optional bool uploading = 1;
+ optional bool downloading = 2;
+ }
+#### Have
+[msg-have]: #msg-have
+ // type=3, what do we have?
+ message Have {
+ required uint64 start = 1;
+ optional uint64 length = 2 [default = 1]; // defaults to 1
+ optional bytes bitfield = 3;
+ }
+#### Unhave
+[msg-unhave]: #msg-unhave
+ // type=4, what did we lose?
+ message Unhave {
+ required uint64 start = 1;
+ optional uint64 length = 2 [default = 1]; // defaults to 1
+ }
+#### Want
+[msg-want]: #msg-want
+ // type=5, what do we want? remote should start sending have messages in this range
+ message Want {
+ required uint64 start = 1;
+ optional uint64 length = 2; // defaults to Infinity or feed.length (if not live)
+ }
+#### Unwant
+[msg-unwant]: #msg-unwant
+ // type=6, what don't we want anymore?
+ message Unwant {
+ required uint64 start = 1;
+ optional uint64 length = 2; // defaults to Infinity or feed.length (if not live)
+ }
+#### Request
+[msg-request]: #msg-request
+ // type=7, ask for data
+ message Request {
+ required uint64 index = 1;
+ optional uint64 bytes = 2;
+ optional bool hash = 3;
+ optional uint64 nodes = 4;
+ }
+#### Cancel
+[msg-cancel]: #msg-cancel
+ // type=8, cancel a request
+ message Cancel {
+ required uint64 index = 1;
+ optional uint64 bytes = 2;
+ optional bool hash = 3;
+ }
+#### Data
+[msg-data]: #msg-data
+ // type=9, get some data
+ message Data {
+ message Node {
+ required uint64 index = 1;
+ required bytes hash = 2;
+ required uint64 size = 3;
+ }
+ required uint64 index = 1;
+ optional bytes value = 2;
+ repeated Node nodes = 3;
+ optional bytes signature = 4;
+ }
+#### Extension
+[msg-extension]: #msg-extension
+`type=15` is an extension message that is encoded like:
+ <varint user-type><payload>
+# Examples
+## Simple Download
+Alyssa P Hacker and Ben Bitdiddle want to share a book... B connects to A.
+- full public key and discovery key for the connection
+- example nonces (in full)
+- messages in "struct" syntax and raw hex:
+ - B: sends Feed
+ - A: replies Feed
+ - B: Handshake (downloading, not live)
+ - A: Handshake (uploading, not live)
+ - B: Info: downloading only
+ - A: Info: uploading only
+ - B: Have: nothing
+ - A: Have: everything
+ - B: Want: first register entry
+ - A: Data: first entry
+ - (repeat for all other chunks)
+- connection closes
+## Multiple Feeds
+Describe in detail how to "add" a new channel (feed/register) to an existing
+connection, using Feed (and Handshake?) messages.
+## Swarm Synchronization
+TODO: should this more involved example actually live here? or in hypercore
+DEP? It feels pretty message-level, but does involve more hypercore semantics.
+This example wouldn't include actual messages, but would describe an N-way (3+)
+node swarm, with a single (complete) seeder, two peers that both download from
+the seeder and exchange messages, and a fourth peer that downloads from one of
+the non-seeder peers only.
+- Peer A: seeder, writer. Starts with full history and appends to log
+- Peer B: swarm, reader. Starts with full history. Live connection. Connected
+ to A, C, D.
+- Peer C: swarm, reader. Starts with sparse (old) history. Only wants "latest"
+ data. Connected to A and, B.
+- Peer D: like Peer C, but only connected to B.
+# Rationale and alternatives
+[alternatives]: #alternatives
+- Why is this design the best in the space of possible designs?
+- What other designs have been considered and what is the rationale for not choosing them?
+- What is the impact of not doing this?
+# Unresolved questions
+[unresolved]: #unresolved-questions
+What are extension strings? What can 'userData' bytes be used for?
+Encryption might not make sense in some contexts (eg, IPC, or if the transport
+layer is already providing encryption). Should this DEP recognize this
+- What parts of the design do you expect to resolve through the DEP consensus process before this gets merged?
+- What parts of the design do you expect to resolve through implementation and code review, or are left to independent library or application developers?
+- What related issues do you consider out of scope for this DEP that could be addressed in the future independently of the solution that comes out of this DEP?
+# Changelog
+[changelog]: #changelog
+A brief statemnt about current status can go here, follow by a list of dates
+when the status line of this DEP changed (in most-recent-last order).
+- YYYY-MM-DD: First complete draft submitted for review