path: root/proposals
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authorPaul Frazee <pfrazee@gmail.com>2018-02-07 12:29:24 -0600
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2018-02-07 12:29:24 -0600
commit69ac461d3d68d78f7b5a48ae06d06026bc701fd8 (patch)
tree75a310d9a5643f0d81f02f369a799a1425e84128 /proposals
parent9d4953f64a4dad35b7f1317f0c417c4e4269212d (diff)
parentfeea3cb44beaaa013e55b67609a0f96902cf4127 (diff)
Merge pull request #2 from bnewbold/meta-dep
DEP: The Dat Enhancement Proposal Process (for Draft status)
Diffstat (limited to 'proposals')
1 files changed, 354 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/proposals/0001-dep-process.md b/proposals/0001-dep-process.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29b557e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proposals/0001-dep-process.md
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+Title: **DEP-0001: The Dat Enhancement Proposal Process**
+Short Name: `0001-dep-process`
+Type: Process
+Status: Draft (as of 2018-XX-YY)
+Github PR: [Draft](https://github.com/datprotocol/DEPs/pull/2)
+Authors: [Dat Protocol Working Group][wg]:
+[Tara Vancil](https://github.com/taravancil),
+[Paul Frazee](https://github.com/pfrazee),
+[Mathias Buus](https://github.com/mafintosh),
+[Karissa McKelvey](https://github.com/karissa),
+[Joe Hand](https://github.com/joehand),
+[Danielle Robinson](https://github.com/daniellecrobinson),
+[Bryan Newbold](https://github.com/bnewbold)
+[wg]: https://github.com/datprotocol/working-group
+# Summary
+[summary]: #summary
+The Dat Enhancement Proposal ("DEP") process is how the Dat open source
+community comes to (distributed) consensus around technical protocol
+enhancements and organizational process.
+# Motivation
+[motivation]: #motivation
+The Dat protocol is still a living standard. A transparent process is needed
+for community members to understand what changes are in the pipeline and how
+new ideas might come to fruition.
+The core protocol is being used and extended by several projects with differing
+priorities and use cases. At the same time, lead developer time is very scarce.
+There is a need to parallelize design and implementation work between projects,
+which requires better coordination (process) and communication of technical
+details (standards). There is also an increasing need to be legible to and
+accessible to parties outside the existing Dat ecosystem.
+With growing use, the logistics of rolling out protocol changes and
+backwards-incompatible changes becomes more difficult, but at the same time
+more important to coordinate smoothly. Planning requires clear communication of
+change ahead of time.
+A public DEP process is expected to improve coordination and planning by
+setting clear expectations for documentation of protocol changes and
+extensions. The technical quality of the protocol itself should be improved by
+increasing the number of people who can view and understand proposals at each
+step of the process. The barrier to entry for independent implementations
+should be lower, allowing new technical and user communities to adopt the
+protocol. The overall development and decision making process should be more
+transparent, accessible, and scalable to a growing group of application
+developers and end users
+# How To Submit a Proposal
+[submit]: #submit
+As a first step, before drafting a DEP or implementing experimental new
+protocol features, it's helpful to informally pitch your idea to see if others
+in the community are already thinking something similar, or have discussed the
+same idea in the past. This discussion could happen over chat, Github issues,
+blog posts, or other channels. If you can recruit collaborators and work out
+some of the details, all the better. This period could be called **pre-DEP**.
+Once your idea has been flushed out, the process for proposing and debating a
+new DEP is:
+1. Use git to fork the [datprotocol/deps](https://github.com/datprotocol/deps)
+ repository
+1. Copy `0000-template.md` to `proposals/0000-my-proposal.md` (don't chose the
+ "next" number, use zero; `my-proposal` should be a stub identifier for the
+ proposal)
+1. Fill in the DEP template. All proposals should have a Type and Status (see
+ below for details). Feel free to tweak or expand the structure (headers,
+ content) of the document to fit your needs, but your proposal should be
+ "complete" before submission.
+1. You can create an informal WIP (work in progress) PR (pull-request)
+ whenever you like for early feedback and discussion, but there is no
+ expectation that your proposal will be given detailed review until it is
+ complete.
+1. When you are ready, submit your complete proposal for review (this could be
+ opening a PR or removing WIP status from an existing one), with the intent
+ of being accepted with "Draft" status.
+ An editor (somebody who is an owner of the DEPs repository) will look over
+ your proposal for completeness; if acceptable, they will assign one or more
+ reviewers.
+ At this stage, two outcomes are the most likely: your proposal
+ is merged with "Draft" status, or declined. This first stage of the review
+ is expected to take **3 weeks at most** from when reviewers were assigned.
+ It is appropriate to propose specific community members to review your
+ proposal. The submitter can withdraw a proposal at any time. If accepted, a
+ DEP number will be assigned and the PR merged. If declined, reviewers may
+ give feedback and/or invite proposers to "significantly revise and resubmit".
+1. While in draft status, proposals can be experimented with. Small corrections
+ and clarifications can be submitted by PR expect to be merged quickly if
+ they are reasonable and don't change the broad behavior or semantics of the
+ proposal; larger changes should be re-submitted as Superseding proposals.
+1. When it seems appropriate, a PR can be submitted to upgrade the status of a
+ "Draft" to "Active". At this time a final review will take place, with the
+ outcome being that a proposal stays "Draft" or becomes "Active".
+ This review period is shorter (**2 weeks at most**), as everybody is
+ expected to be more familiar with the proposal at this point.
+ Small changes to the DEP can be included, but it's expected that
+ this is in broad strokes the same proposal that was reviewed earlier (if
+ not, a new "Draft" should be proposed that Supersedes).
+1. Small tweaks (grammar, clarifications) to a merged DEP can take place as
+ regular Github PRs; revisiting or significantly revising should take place
+ as a new DEP. Draft, Process, and Informational DEPs have a lower bar for
+ evolution over time via direct PR.
+# Details
+[reference-documentation]: #reference-documentation
+## Types and Statuses
+[types]: #types
+DEPs should have a type:
+* **Standard** for technical changes to the protocol, on-disk formats, or
+ public APIs. These are intended to be *proscriptive*, and to clearly
+ delineate which features and behaviors are mandatory or optional.
+* **Process** for formalizing community processes or other (technical or
+ non-technical) decisions. For example, a security vulnerability reporting
+ policy, a process for handling conflicts of interest, or procedures for
+ mentoring new developers.
+* **Informative** for describing conventions, design patterns, existing norms,
+ special considerations, etc.
+The status of a DEP can be:
+* **Pre-Merge**: a well-formed DEP has been written and a PR opened. The
+ "Status" line can list Draft when in this state.
+* **Draft**: PR has been merged and a number assigned, but additional time is
+ needed for deeper discussion or more implementation before being "normative"
+ and expected for implementation. It is acceptable to have "competing"
+ proposals in this state at the same time.
+* **Active**: adopted or intended for implementation in mainline libraries and
+ clients as appropriate. Again, DEPs should clarify which aspects of
+ themselves are optional or required for well-behaved clients.
+* **Closed**: either consensus was against, a decision was postponed, or the
+ authors withdrew their proposal. This could apply to any of: a proposal PR
+ that was never merged, a merged Draft (which was never Active), or an Active
+ DEP which there is now consensus against without a specific new DEP to
+ replace it.
+* **Superseded**: a formerly Active DEP has been made obsolete by a new
+ Active DEP; the new DEP should specify specific old DEPs that it would
+ supersede.
+## Content and Structure
+[content]: #content
+A changelog should be kept in the DEP itself giving the date of any changes of
+A template file is provided, but sections can be added or removed as
+appropriate for a specific DEP.
+The DEP text itself should be permissively licensed; the convention is to use
+the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY), with attribution to the major
+contributing authors listed.
+For appropriate DEPs (including *all* Standards DEPs), authors should
+explicitly consider and note impacts on:
+* Privacy and User Rights. Consider reading IETF [RFC 6973] ("Privacy
+ Considerations for Internet Protocols") and [RFC 8280] ("Research into Human
+ Rights Protocol Considerations")
+* Backwards compatibility of on-disk archives and older network clients. If a
+ backwards-incompatible change is proposed, a migration plan should be
+ sketched out in the proposal
+* Security
+[RFC-6973]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6973
+[RFC-8280]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8280
+## Acceptance Criteria
+[criteria]: #criteria
+The criteria for a proposal being accepted as a Draft are, at a minimum, that
+the proposal is complete, understandable, unambiguous, and relevant. There is a
+good faith assumption that the submitter believes that the proposal could
+actually be adopted and put to beneficial use. An editor may screen proposals
+before passing on to the group for review.
+For Standards and Process DEPs, Draft proposals should be specific enough that
+they can be prototyped and experimented with (eg, in a pilot program or test
+network), but it isn't expected that all details have been worked out. Working
+code is helpful but not required.
+For a Draft to migrate to Active, there is an expectation that the proposal has
+been demonstrated (eg, in working code, though not necessarily in "official"
+libraries yet), that the proposal will be the "new normal" and expected
+behavior going forward, and that the chance of unforeseen issues arising during
+complete adoption is low.
+## Decision Making Process
+[power]: #power
+There exists a [Protocol Working Group (WG)][wg] (WG) which makes DEP status
+decisions; see the Github repository for a list of current members and the
+governance process.
+By no means should working group members be the only people reviewing or giving
+feedback on proposals.
+When deciding on Draft status, at least one WG member must review the entire
+proposal in detail, give feedback, and give informed approval. If no detailed
+review takes place in the fixed time window, the default is to close (reject)
+until a member is willing to commit to review. Any WG member can request
+revisions or clarifications (blocking acceptance until addressed), and any
+member can block. In other words, consensus requires that at least one member
+actively approve, and any member can block, but it isn't required to have every
+member review and actively given an opinion. This is referred to as the "loose
+consensus" model.
+For Active status, the expectation is that all working group members will
+review the proposal and actively participate in consensus. In the event that
+not all members can participate, the default is again negative. Any member can
+block. This is referred to as the "complete consensus" model.
+For all other status changes, at least one WG member must vouch for or approve
+the change ("loose consensus"). If there is unambiguous consensus (or, eg, a
+DEP is documenting already adopted practice), a DEP can move directly to Active
+status (following the "complete consensus" process).
+In all cases, if there is a deadlock (a block can not be overcome after
+further discussion), there is an option to override the block by a vote. The
+details of this process are left to description in the Working Group
+repository, and are expected to be used only in exceptional cases (eg, are not
+invoked by default if a member blocks).
+Proposals are expected to be open for at least three days (72 hours) for
+comment (and longer to accommodate special circumstances, like holidays). Vetoes
+(blocks) can happen up to a week after initially being submitted for review,
+which might be retroactive if the proposal was accepted (by other WG members)
+very quickly.
+# Rationale
+[rationale]: #rationale
+In the design space of RFC processes, there are two decision points determining
+the formality and maturity of accepted standards. The first is, does draft
+status mean *could* be implemented, or *has* been implemented? We chose
+"could". Secondly, for active (or "final") status, is the proposal *expected*
+to be dominant in the wild, or *is it already* dominant in the wild? We chose
+"expected". In both cases we are emphasizing clarification and stabilization of
+new ideas, as opposed to enforcing interoperability of competing formulations
+of the same idea. In short, we expect DEPs to lead (rather than tail)
+Time limits and default outcomes are used to prevent proposals could get stuck
+in an ambiguous indefinite state anywhere along the process. "Draft" status is
+considered a stable state to linger in.
+Setting expectations for "completeness" of proposals, having an editor quickly
+skim proposals before jumping in to a full review, and acknowledging an explicit
+"revise and re-submit" workflow are all attempts to head off the situation of
+partial proposals being submitted and then significantly revised, which places
+extra (time) burden on reviewers.
+# Drawbacks
+[drawbacks]: #drawbacks
+There are already multiple sources of technical documentation: the Dat
+[protocol website][proto-website], the Dat [whitepaper][whitepaper], Dat
+website [documentation section][docs], the [discussion repo][discussion-repo]
+issues, and the [datprotocol github group][datproto-group] (containing, eg, the
+`dat.json` repo/spec). Without consensus and consolidation, this would be "yet
+another" place to look.
+[proto-website]: https://www.datprotocol.com/
+[whitepaper]: https://github.com/datproject/docs/blob/master/papers/dat-paper.md
+[docs]: https://docs.datproject.org/
+[datproto-group]: https://github.com/datprotocol
+[discussion-repo]: https://github.com/datproject/discussions/issues
+# Background and References
+[references]: #references
+The following standards processes were referenced and considered while
+designing the DEP process:
+* **BitTorrent Enhancement Process** as described in [BEP 1][bep-1]. The
+ Bittorrent protocol has a lot of technical similarities to Dat, and as a
+ single protocol family (not a language or full-stack system) is one of the
+ most similar in scope. The de facto BEP model is that Drafts are very stable
+ and widely adopted; only the most universal core components are Final. The
+ DEP process bases it's type categories on the BEP process. There is a single
+ editor and an explicit BDFL in the BEP process.
+* The **[Rust Language RFC Process][rust-rfc]** is relatively new, but has had
+ a huge volume of proposals, rivaling even the IETF. The process is relatively
+ lightweight and happens entirely on Github; it is the most similar to the DEP
+ process proposed here, in terms of Draft/Active distinction. Rust has strong
+ organizational backing with defined leadership roles; proposals are reviewed
+ by specific sub-teams.
+* **[IETF RFC Process][ietf]**: perhaps the oldest and best known RFC process,
+ under the motto of "rough consensus and working code". The process is very
+ bespoke (involving custom file formats and software) and heavy on process
+ (with working groups and in-person meetings).
+* **[XMPP Standards Process][xmpp]**: has the interesting sub-pattern of
+ regularly updated (annual) standards. XMPP is also a protocol, like
+ Bittorrent. The protocol was designed for easy extension, and at various
+ points has seen adoption, extension, and pressure from powerful entities.
+* **Python Enhancement Process** documented in [PEP 1][pep-1]. PEPs are
+ relatively broad in scope (they often speak to process and organizational
+ dynamics), and are widely cited directly by name. Proposals are usually
+ debated in great detail on mailing lists before being proposed. Python has a
+ BDFL (benevolent dictator for life) who has final say over proposals, though
+ he sometimes delegates to deputies.
+* The **W3C** is a paid membership organization which, like the IETF, is made
+ up of entities large and small, for-profit and altruistic, with decent
+ regional diversity. W3C standards are often rather large and verbose
+ documents, and tend to tail (rather than lead) implementation.
+[bep-1]: http://bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0001.html
+[rust-rfc]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs
+[xmpp]: https://xmpp.org/about/standards-process.html
+[ietf]: https://www.ietf.org/about/process-docs.html
+[pep-1]: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0001/
+# Unresolved questions
+[unresolved]: #unresolved-questions
+How mutable should "Draft" Standards DEPs be over time? What about
+Informational DEPs? Should there be an additional status ("Living"?) for DEPs
+that are expected to evolve, or is this against the whole philosophy of having
+specific stable documents to reference? This is expected to be clarified while
+this DEP itself is in Draft status.
+Does "Active" status mean that implementation is *mandatory*, and that features
+*must* be implemented unless they are explicitly optional? How would this
+expectation be enforced for third-party software? This is expected to be
+clarified when concrete examples arise.
+# Changelog
+[changelog]: #changelog
+- 2018-01-24: DEP process and governance model is discussed by Working Group.
+ First full draft of DEP-0001 submitted for review.