## Goal For many long-tail journals, we have no known homepage. It is likely many of these metadata records were actually never published, or are otherwise bad metadata, but many are legitimate but simply missing metadata. Want to rapidly skim though thousands of such journals and record homepage URLs if they exist. ## Instructions For each row in the spreadsheet, search the web or other sources for a journal homepage. This should be an official, active site where new papers are published, as well as historical papers. The recommended workflow is to search for the ISSN-L and name in google, skim the first page for likely hits, then click through to confirm that any hits are actually journal sites. An easy way to do this is to check for the ISSN (or the alternate "ISSNe" or "ISSNp") in the webpage itself; we will also check for these identifiers in an automated manner to verify homepage matches. If there do not seem to be any hits, mark the row as skipped and move on. You will notice that many journals are published on platforms or using common software like OJS (Open Journal Systems), Wordpress, or SciElo. If you notice this, please tag in the `platform` column. Generally are not interested in URLs to sites that are just indexing or listing metadata about a journal, which often show up in search results. If it seems like a journal has been retired, archived, or mirrored elsewhere, with all the papers available, you can put such a URL in `other_url`. This is relatively rare. If the metadata (journal name) is aggregiously poor or mangled, and you find the corrected canonical title, you can put that in the `corrected_title` column (optional). Recommend running through 25 random rows first without recording results to get a feel for the process and ask any question. Specific platforms we don't want any URLs from (not a complete list): - issn.org - sherpa.ac.uk - any other lists of journal information - wikidata.org - scimago Platforms which are ok to link to in the `other_url` column if no other hits: - web.archive.org Core columns to fill in for each row: - `skipped` (yes or blank) - `homepage_url` - `platform` (eg, OJS, scielo, hypothesis, or blank) Other columns that can be filled in, but aren't expecting them for most: - `other_url` - `corrected_title` - `original_title` (non-English) - `corrected_publisher` - `inactive` (yes/no) - `comment` ## Export Task List Dump to TSV: .headers on .mode tabs .output chocula_missing_hompages_longtail.2020-05-05.tsv SELECT issnl, issnp, issne, name, publisher, country, lang, release_count FROM journal WHERE any_homepage=0 AND has_dois=0 AND is_longtail=1 AND release_count < 10 AND valid_issnl=1; NOTE: this is a partial list, as of 2020-05-05 about 4600 rows,