from typing import Iterable, Optional, Dict, Any import csv from chocula.util import ( clean_str, parse_lang, gaps_to_spans, ) from chocula.common import DirectoryLoader from chocula.database import DirectoryInfo def truthy(raw: Optional[str]) -> Optional[bool]: if not raw: return None if raw.lower() == "y": return True if raw.lower() == "n": return False return None class SimLoader(DirectoryLoader): source_slug = "sim" def open_file(self) -> Iterable: return csv.DictReader(open(self.config.sim.filepath)) def parse_record(self, row) -> Optional[DirectoryInfo]: """ NA Pub Cat ID Title Publisher ISSN Impact Rank Total Cities Journal Impact Factor Eigenfact or Score First Volume Last Volume NA Gaps "Scholarly / Peer-\n Reviewed" "Peer-\n Reviewed" Pub Type Pub Language Subjects """ # TODO: 'Pub Type' extra: Dict[str, Any] = {} first_year = row["First Volume"] if first_year: first_year = int(first_year) extra["first_year"] = int(row["First Volume"]) else: first_year = None last_year = row["Last Volume"] if last_year: last_year = int(last_year) # should be no SIM content after this year if last_year > 2017: last_year = 2017 extra["last_year"] = last_year else: last_year = None gaps = [int(g) for g in row["NA Gaps"].split(";") if g.strip()] if gaps: extra["gaps"] = gaps if first_year and last_year: extra["year_spans"] = gaps_to_spans(first_year, last_year, gaps) extra["scholarly_peer_reviewed"] = truthy( clean_str(row["Scholarly / Peer-\nReviewed"]) ) extra["peer_reviewed"] = truthy(clean_str(row["Peer-\nReviewed"])) extra["pub_type"] = clean_str(row["Pub Type"]) info = DirectoryInfo( directory_slug=self.source_slug, name=clean_str(row["Title"]), publisher=clean_str(row["Publisher"]), raw_issn=row["ISSN"][:9], custom_id=row.get("NA Pub Cat ID").strip() or None, langs=[lang for lang in [parse_lang(row["Pub Language"])] if lang], extra=extra, ) return info