from __future__ import annotations import sys import csv import json import sqlite3 from collections import Counter from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Optional, Any import urlcanon import surt import tldextract import ftfy import stdnum.issn from chocula.config import * from chocula.util import * @dataclass class HomepageUrl: url: str surt: str host: Optional[str] domain: Optional[str] suffix: Optional[str] def to_db_tuple(self, issnl: str) -> Tuple: """ Relevant columns are: issnl TEXT NOT NULL, surt TEXT NOT NULL, url TEXT NOT NULL, host TEXT, domain TEXT, suffix TEXT, Returns a tuple in that order for inserting. """ return (issnl, self.surt, self.url,, self.domain, self.suffix) @classmethod def from_url(cls, url: str) -> Optional[HomepageUrl]: """ Returns None if url is really bad (not a URL). """ if not url or 'mailto:' in url.lower() or url.lower() in ('http://n/a', 'http://na/', 'http://na'): return None if url.startswith('www.'): url = "http://" + url if url.startswith('ttp://') or url.startswith('ttps://'): url = "h" + url url.replace('Http://', 'http://') url = str(urlcanon.semantic_precise(url)) if url == 'http://na/': # sort of redundant with above, but some only match after canonicalization return None url_surt = surt.surt(url) tld = tldextract.extract(url) host = '.'.join(tld) if host.startswith('.'): host = host[1:] return HomepageUrl(url=url, surt=url_surt, host=host, domain=tld.registered_domain, suffix=tld.suffix) def test_from_url(): assert HomepageUrl.from_url("").domain == '' assert HomepageUrl.from_url("").host == '' assert HomepageUrl.from_url("").suffix== '' assert HomepageUrl.from_url("").suffix == 'com' assert HomepageUrl.from_url("").host == '' assert HomepageUrl.from_url("") == None assert HomepageUrl.from_url("").url == '' assert HomepageUrl.from_url("Http://").url == '' @dataclass class UrlCrawlStatus: status_code: Optional[int] crawl_error: Optional[str] terminal_url: Optional[str] terminal_status_code: Optional[int] platform_software: Optional[str] issnl_in_body: Optional[bool] blocked: Optional[bool] gwb_url_success_dt: Optional[str] gwb_terminal_url_success_dt: Optional[str] @dataclass class DirectoryInfo: directory_slug: str raw_issn: Optional[str] = None issnl: Optional[str] = None issne: Optional[str] = None issnp: Optional[str] = None custom_id: Optional[str] = None name: Optional[str] = None original_name: Optional[str] = None publisher: Optional[str] = None abbrev: Optional[str] = None platform: Optional[str] = None country: Optional[str] = None langs: List[str] = field(default_factory=list) homepage_urls: List[HomepageUrl] = field(default_factory=list) extra: dict = field(default_factory=dict) def to_db_tuple(self) -> Tuple: """ Actual database schema is: issnl TEXT NOT NULL, slug TEXT NOT NULL, identifier TEXT, name TEXT, extra TEXT, Returns a tuple in that order. """ if not self.issnl: raise ValueError extra_dict = self.extra for k in ('issne', 'issnp', 'name', 'publisher', 'abbrev', 'platform', 'country', 'langs', 'original_name'): if self.__dict__[k]: extra_dict[k] = self.__dict__[k] extra_str: Optional[str] = None if extra_dict: extra_str = json.dumps(extra_dict, sort_keys=True) return ( self.issnl, self.directory_slug, self.custom_id or None, or None, extra_str, ) @classmethod def from_db(cls): raise NotImplementedError() class IssnDatabase(): """ Holds complete ISSN/ISSN-L table and helps with lookups and munging of raw ISSN strings """ def __init__(self, issn_issnl_file_path: str): self.issn_issnl_map: Dict[str, str] = dict() self.read_issn_map_file(issn_issnl_file_path) def read_issn_map_file(self, issn_map_path: str): print("##### Loading ISSN-L map file...", file=sys.stderr) with open(issn_map_path, 'r') as issn_map_file: for line in issn_map_file: if line.startswith("ISSN") or len(line) == 0: continue (issn, issnl) = line.split()[0:2] self.issn_issnl_map[issn] = issnl # double mapping makes lookups easy if not issnl in self.issn_issnl_map: self.issn_issnl_map[issnl] = issnl count = len(self.issn_issnl_map) print(f"Got {count} ISSN-L mappings", file=sys.stderr) def issn2issnl(self, issn: str) -> Optional[str]: return self.issn_issnl_map.get(issn) def munge_issns(self, info: DirectoryInfo) -> DirectoryInfo: """ Cleans up the ISSN fields of a DirectoryInfo object, and tries to lookup or confirm an ISSN-L mapping. Note that if the passed ISSN-L number is not in the ISSN-L directory, it will be wiped from the returned info object. TODO: check what previous behavior was... passing through raw_issn? """ if info.issnl: info.issnl = clean_issn(info.issnl) if info.raw_issn: info.raw_issn = clean_issn(info.raw_issn) if info.issne: info.issne = clean_issn(info.issne) if info.issnp: info.issnp = clean_issn(info.issnp) issnl = None for lookup in (info.issnl, info.raw_issn, info.issne, info.issnp): if not lookup: continue issnl = self.issn2issnl(lookup) if issnl: break info.issnl = issnl return info class ChoculaDatabase(): """ Wraps a sqlite3 database """ def __init__(self, db_file, issn_db): """ To create a temporary database, pass ":memory:" as db_file """ self.db = sqlite3.connect(db_file, isolation_level='EXCLUSIVE') = dict() self.issn_db = issn_db def insert_directory(self, info: DirectoryInfo, cur: Any = None) -> str: """ This method does some general cleanup on a directory info object (eg, munges ISSNs), then inserts into the database. Also inserts any/all nested homepage URLs. Returns status of insert, which could be: - inserted - duplicate - missing-issn - no-match """ info = self.issn_db.munge_issns(info) if not (info.issnl or info.raw_issn or info.issne or info.issnp): return "missing-issn" if not info.issnl: return "no-match" if not cur: cur = self.db.cursor() try: cur.execute("INSERT INTO directory VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)", info.to_db_tuple()) except sqlite3.IntegrityError as ie: if str(ie).startswith("UNIQUE"): return "duplicate" raise ie for url in info.homepage_urls: self.insert_homepage(info.issnl, url, cur) return "inserted" def insert_homepage(self, issnl: str, homepage: HomepageUrl, cur: Any) -> str: try: cur.execute( "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO homepage (issnl, surt, url, host, domain, suffix) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)", homepage.to_db_tuple(issnl)) except sqlite3.IntegrityError as ie: if str(ie).startswith("UNIQUE"): return "duplicate" raise ie return "inserted" def parse_kbart(self, name, path): """ Transforms a KBART file into a dict of dicts; but basically a list of JSON objects, one per journal. KBART files can have multiple rows per journal (eg, different year spans), which is why this pass is needed. """ print("##### Parsing KBART file for {}...".format(name)) #publication_title print_identifier online_identifier date_first_issue_online num_first_vol_online num_first_issue_online date_last_issue_online num_last_vol_online num_last_issue_online title_url first_author title_id embargo_info coverage_depth coverage_notes publisher_name kbart_dict = dict() raw_file = open(path, 'rb').read().decode(errors='replace') fixed_file = ftfy.fix_text(raw_file) reader = csv.DictReader(fixed_file.split('\n'), delimiter='\t') counts = Counter() for row in reader: if not row['print_identifier'] and not row['online_identifier']: counts['no-issn'] += 1 continue issnl, status = self.lookup_issnl( issnp=row['print_identifier'], issne=row['online_identifier'], ) counts[status] += 1 if not issnl: continue info = dict( title=row['publication_title'] or None, publisher=row['publisher_name'] or None, url=row['title_url'] or None, embargo_info=row['embargo_info'] or None, ) d = kbart_dict.get(issnl, info) old_spans = d.get('year_spans', []) if row['date_first_issue_online'] and row['date_last_issue_online']: start = int(row['date_first_issue_online'][:4]) end = int(row['date_last_issue_online'][:4]) if not start <= end: print("{}: {} not before {}! er, mangling".format( issnl, row['date_first_issue_online'], row['date_last_issue_online'])) new_spans = [[end, start]] else: new_spans = [[start, end]] d['year_spans'] = merge_spans(old_spans, new_spans) print(counts) return kbart_dict def index_sim(self, args): path = args.input_file or SIM_FILE print("##### Loading SIM Metadata...") #NA Pub Cat ID,Title,Publisher,ISSN,Impact Rank,Total Cities,Journal Impact Factor,Eigenfact or Score,First Volume,Last Volume,NA Gaps,"Scholarly / Peer-\n Reviewed","Peer-\n Reviewed",Pub Type,Pub Language,Subjects reader = csv.DictReader(open(path)) counts = Counter() cur = self.db.cursor() for row in reader: if not row['ISSN'] or row['ISSN'] == "NULL": counts['no-issn'] += 1 continue issnl, status = self.add_issn( 'ia_sim', raw_issn=row['ISSN'][:9], name=row['Title'], publisher=row['Publisher'], extra=extra, ) counts[status] += 1 if not issnl: continue d =[issnl] sim = dict() sim['id'] = row['NA Pub Cat ID'] first_year = row['First Volume'] if first_year: first_year = int(first_year) sim['first_year'] = int(row['First Volume']) else: first_year = None last_year = row['Last Volume'] if last_year: last_year = int(last_year) sim['last_year'] = last_year else: last_year = None gaps = [int(g) for g in row['NA Gaps'].split(';') if g.strip()] if gaps: sim['gaps'] = gaps if first_year and last_year: sim['year_spans'] = gaps_to_spans(first_year, last_year, gaps) if row['Pub Language']: self.add_lang(issnl, row['Pub Language']) # TODO: 'Pub Type' all_keys = list(sim.keys()) for k in all_keys: if not sim[k]: sim.pop(k)[issnl]['sim'] = sim cur.close() self.db.commit() print(counts) def update_url_status(self, args): path = args.input_file or IA_CRAWL_FILE print("##### Loading IA Homepage Crawl Results...") counts = Counter() cur = self.db.cursor() for row in open(path, 'r'): if not row.strip(): continue row = json.loads(row) counts['total'] += 1 url = row['url'] assert(url) if row.get('gwb_url_success_dt') == 'error': row['gwb_url_success_dt'] = None if row.get('gwb_terminal_url_success_dt') == 'error': row['gwb_terminal_url_success_dt'] = None cur.execute("UPDATE homepage SET status_code=?, crawl_error=?, terminal_url=?, terminal_status_code=?, platform_software=?, issnl_in_body=?, blocked=?, gwb_url_success_dt=?, gwb_terminal_url_success_dt=? WHERE url=?", (row['status_code'], row.get('crawl_error'), row.get('terminal_url'), row.get('terminal_status_code'), row.get('platform_software'), row.get('issnl_in_body'), row.get('blocked'), row.get('gwb_url_success_dt'), row.get('gwb_terminal_url_success_dt'), url)) counts['updated'] += 1 cur.close() self.db.commit() print(counts) def load_fatcat(self, args): path = args.input_file or FATCAT_CONTAINER_FILE print("##### Loading Fatcat Container Entities...") # JSON json_file = open(path, 'r') counts = Counter() cur = self.db.cursor() for row in json_file: if not row: continue row = json.loads(row) if row['state'] != 'active': continue counts['total'] += 1 extra = row.get('extra', dict()) issne = extra.get('issne') issnp = extra.get('issnp') country = extra.get('country') languages = extra.get('languages', []) lang = None if languages: lang = languages[0] try: cur.execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO fatcat_container (issnl, ident, revision, issne, issnp, wikidata_qid, name, container_type, publisher, country, lang) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", (row.get('issnl'), row['ident'], row['revision'], issne, issnp, row.get('wikidata_qid'), row['name'], row.get('container_type'), extra.get('publisher'), country, lang, )) except sqlite3.IntegrityError as ie: if str(ie).startswith("UNIQUE"): return None, "duplicate-issnl" raise ie counts['inserted'] += 1 if row.get('issnl'): urls = extra.get('urls', []) for url in urls: self.add_url(row['issnl'], url) cur.close() self.db.commit() print(counts) def load_fatcat_stats(self, args): path = args.input_file or FATCAT_STATS_FILE print("##### Loading Fatcat Container Stats...") # JSON json_file = open(path, 'r') counts = Counter() cur = self.db.cursor() for row in json_file: if not row: continue row = json.loads(row) total = int(row['total']) if total > 0: ia_frac = float(row['in_web'])/total preserved_frac = float(row['is_preserved'])/total else: ia_frac = None preserved_frac = None cur.execute("UPDATE fatcat_container SET release_count = ?, ia_count = ?, ia_frac = ?, preserved_count = ?, preserved_frac = ? WHERE issnl = ?", (total, row['in_web'], ia_frac, row['is_preserved'], preserved_frac, row['issnl'])) counts['updated'] += 1 cur.close() self.db.commit() print(counts) def export_urls(self, args): cur = self.db.cursor() self.db.row_factory = sqlite3.Row cur = self.db.execute("SELECT issnl, url FROM homepage;") for hrow in cur: assert(hrow['url']) assert(len(hrow['url'].split()) == 1) print('\t'.join((hrow['issnl'], hrow['url']))) def summarize(self, args): print("##### Summarizing Everything...") counts = Counter() cur = self.db.cursor() self.db.row_factory = sqlite3.Row index_issnls = list(cur.execute('SELECT DISTINCT issnl FROM directory')) fatcat_issnls = list(cur.execute('SELECT DISTINCT issnl FROM fatcat_container WHERE issnl IS NOT null')) all_issnls = set([i[0] for i in index_issnls + fatcat_issnls]) print("{} total ISSN-Ls".format(len(all_issnls))) for issnl in list(all_issnls): #print(issnl) counts['total'] += 1 out = dict() # check if ISSN-L is good. this is here because of fatcat import out['known_issnl'] = (self.issn2issnl(issnl) == issnl) if not out['known_issnl']: counts['unknown-issnl'] += 1 out['valid_issnl'] = stdnum.issn.is_valid(issnl) if not out['valid_issnl']: counts['invalid-issnl'] += 1 fatcat_row = list(self.db.execute("SELECT * FROM fatcat_container WHERE issnl = ?;", [issnl])) if fatcat_row: frow = fatcat_row[0] out['fatcat_ident'] = frow['ident'] for k in ('name', 'publisher', 'issne', 'issnp', 'wikidata_qid', 'lang', 'country', 'release_count', 'ia_count', 'ia_frac', 'kbart_count', 'kbart_frac', 'preserved_count', 'preserved_frac'): if not out.get(k) and frow[k] != None: out[k] = frow[k] cur = self.db.execute("SELECT * FROM directory WHERE issnl = ?;", [issnl]) for irow in cur: if irow['slug'] in ('crossref',): out['has_dois'] = True # TODO: other DOI registrars (japan, datacite) if irow['slug'] == 'wikidata': out['wikidata_qid'] = irow['identifier'] for k in ('name',): if not out.get(k) and irow[k]: out[k] = irow[k] if irow['extra']: extra = json.loads(irow['extra']) for k in ('country', 'lang', 'issne', 'issnp', 'publisher'): if not out.get(k) and extra.get(k): out[k] = extra[k] if irow['slug'] in ('doaj','road','szczepanski', 'gold_oa'): out['is_oa'] = True if irow['slug'] == 'ezb': ezb_extra = json.loads(irow['extra']) if ezb_extra['ezb_color'] == 'green': out['is_oa'] = True if irow['slug'] == 'sherpa_romeo': extra = json.loads(irow['extra']) out['sherpa_color'] = extra['color'] if extra['color'] == 'green': out['is_oa'] = True # filter out "NA" ISSNs for k in ('issne', 'issnp'): if out.get(k) and (len(out[k]) != 9 or out[k][4] != '-'): out.pop(k) cur = self.db.execute("SELECT * FROM homepage WHERE issnl = ?;", [issnl]) for hrow in cur: out['any_homepage'] = True if hrow['terminal_status_code'] == 200 and hrow['host'] != '': out['any_live_homepage'] = True if hrow['gwb_url_success_dt'] or hrow['gwb_terminal_url_success_dt']: out['any_gwb_homepage'] = True if out.get('wikidata_qid'): assert out['wikidata_qid'].startswith('Q') assert out['wikidata_qid'][1].isdigit() assert out['wikidata_qid'][-1].isdigit() # define publisher types publisher = out.get('publisher') pl = out.get('publisher', '').lower().strip() if publisher in BIG5_PUBLISHERS or 'elsevier' in pl or 'springer' in pl or 'wiley' in pl: out['publisher_type'] = 'big5' elif publisher in OA_PUBLISHERS: out['publisher_type'] = 'oa' elif publisher in COMMERCIAL_PUBLISHERS or 'wolters kluwer' in pl or 'wolters-kluwer' in pl: out['publisher_type'] = 'commercial' elif publisher in ARCHIVE_PUBLISHERS: out['publisher_type'] = 'archive' elif publisher in REPOSITORY_PUBLISHERS: out['publisher_type'] = 'repository' elif publisher in OTHER_PUBLISHERS: out['publisher_type'] = 'other' elif publisher in SOCIETY_PUBLISHERS or 'society' in pl or 'association' in pl or 'academy of ' in pl or 'institute of' in pl: out['publisher_type'] = 'society' elif publisher in UNI_PRESS_PUBLISHERS or 'university ' in pl: out['publisher_type'] = 'unipress' elif 'scielo' in pl: out['publisher_type'] = 'scielo' elif out.get('is_oa') and (not out.get('has_dois') or out.get('lang') not in (None, 'en', 'de', 'fr', 'ja') or out.get('country') not in (None, 'us', 'gb', 'nl', 'cn', 'jp', 'de')): # current definition of longtail out['publisher_type'] = 'longtail' out['is_longtail'] = True cur.execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO journal (issnl, issne, issnp, wikidata_qid, fatcat_ident, name, publisher, country, lang, is_oa, sherpa_color, is_longtail, is_active, publisher_type, has_dois, any_homepage, any_live_homepage, any_gwb_homepage, known_issnl, valid_issnl, release_count, ia_count, ia_frac, kbart_count, kbart_frac, preserved_count, preserved_frac) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", (issnl, out.get('issne'), out.get('issnp'), out.get('wikidata_qid'), out.get('fatcat_ident'), out.get('name'), out.get('publisher'), out.get('country'), out.get('lang'), out.get('is_oa', False), out.get('sherpa_color'), out.get('is_longtail', False), out.get('is_active'), out.get('publisher_type'), out.get('has_dois', False), out.get('any_homepage', False), out.get('any_live_homepage', False), out.get('any_gwb_homepage', False), out.get('known_issnl'), out.get('valid_issnl'), out.get('release_count'), out.get('ia_count'), out.get('ia_frac'), out.get('kbart_count'), out.get('kbart_frac'), out.get('preserved_count'), out.get('preserved_frac'), )) cur.close() self.db.commit() print(counts) def everything(self, args): self.init_db(args) self.index_doaj(args) self.index_norwegian(args) self.index_crossref(args) self.index_sherpa_romeo(args) self.index_road(args) self.index_entrez(args) self.index_ezb(args) self.index_szczepanski(args) self.index_gold_oa(args) self.index_openapc(args) self.index_wikidata(args) self.load_fatcat(args) self.load_fatcat_stats(args) #self.preserve_kbart('lockss', LOCKSS_FILE) #self.preserve_kbart('clockss', CLOCKSS_FILE) #self.preserve_kbart('portico', PORTICO_FILE) #self.preserve_kbart('jstor', JSTOR_FILE) #self.preserve_sim(args) self.update_url_status(args) self.summarize(args) print("### Done with everything!") def export(self, args): def dict_factory(cursor, row): d = {} for idx, col in enumerate(cursor.description): d[col[0]] = row[idx] return d counts = Counter() self.db.row_factory = dict_factory cur = self.db.cursor() for row in cur.execute('SELECT * FROM journal'): print(json.dumps(row)) counts['total'] += 1 def export_fatcat(self, args): counts = Counter() self.db.row_factory = sqlite3.Row cur = self.db.cursor() for row in cur.execute('SELECT * FROM journal WHERE valid_issnl = 1'): counts['total'] += 1 name = row['name'] if name: name = name.strip() if not row['name']: counts['empty-name'] += 1 continue if len(name) <= 2: counts['short-name'] += 1 continue publisher = row['publisher'] if publisher: publisher = publisher.strip() or None out = dict( issnl=row['issnl'], wikidata_qid=row['wikidata_qid'], ident=row['fatcat_ident'], publisher=publisher, name=name, _known_issnl=row['known_issnl']) extra = dict( issnp=row['issnp'], issne=row['issne'], country=row['country'], ) if row['lang']: extra['languages'] = [row['lang'],] if row['sherpa_color']: extra['sherpa_romeo'] = dict(color=row['sherpa_color']) urls = [] webarchive_urls = [] cur = self.db.execute("SELECT * FROM homepage WHERE issnl = ?;", [row['issnl']]) for hrow in cur: if '://' in hrow['url'] or '://' in hrow['url']: continue if '://' in hrow['url']: continue if '' in hrow['url']: webarchive_urls.append(hrow['url']) urls.append(hrow['url']) continue if hrow['host'] in ('', ''): # individual books or google searches, not journal/conference homepages continue if '/oai/request' in hrow['url']: # OAI-PMH endpoints, not homepages continue if not row['any_live_homepage'] and hrow['gwb_url_success_dt'] and hrow['gwb_url_success_dt'] != 'error': webarchive_urls.append("{}/{}".format(hrow['gwb_url_success_dt'], hrow['url'])) continue if hrow['blocked']: urls.append(hrow['url']) continue if hrow['terminal_status_code'] == 200: if hrow['terminal_url'] == hrow['url'].replace('http://', 'https://') or hrow['terminal_url'] == hrow['url'] + "/": # check for trivial redirects; use post-redirect URL in those cases urls.append(hrow['terminal_url']) else: urls.append(hrow['url']) continue # didn't even crawl and no match? add anyways as a pass-through if not hrow['status_code']: urls.append(hrow['url']) continue extra['webarchive_urls'] = webarchive_urls extra['urls'] = urls cur = self.db.execute("SELECT * FROM directory WHERE issnl = ?;", [row['issnl']]) for drow in cur: if drow['slug'] == 'ezb': ezb = json.loads(drow['extra']) extra['ezb'] = dict(ezb_id=drow['identifier'], color=ezb['ezb_color']) if drow['slug'] == 'szczepanski': extra['szczepanski'] = dict(as_of=SZCZEPANSKI_DATE) if drow['slug'] == 'doaj': extra['doaj'] = json.loads(drow['extra']) out['extra'] = extra print(json.dumps(out)) def init_db(self): print("### Creating Database...", file=sys.stderr) self.db.executescript(""" PRAGMA main.page_size = 4096; PRAGMA main.cache_size = 20000; PRAGMA main.locking_mode = EXCLUSIVE; PRAGMA main.synchronous = OFF; """) with open('chocula_schema.sql', 'r') as fschema: self.db.executescript( print("Done!", file=sys.stderr)