priorities: - coverage stats, particularly for longtail - "still in print" flag - clean out invalid ISSN-L from fatcat - don't list dead URLs in fatcat ## Sources - PKP OJS index => mostly redundant with DOAJ? - dblp conferences/series => no container-only metadata dump available? - MAG - vanished journals => => - sherpa/romeo refactor (no moreo updates) - entrez refactor (no moreo updates) - unpaywall journal-level classification => ask for journal-level dump or do munging - SERP homepage munging - repositories (?) - jurn matches - datacite metadata (?) => via munging - currated quality lists (eg, national libraries) => - public scopus list (?) - scrape/munge public clarivate dumps - "GOLD" importer (for scopus/WoS) - ISSN metadata from scraping is done only for ISSN-Ls from existing table would require a good deal of munging (eg, MARC region -> ISO) (?) improvements: - entrez: "NLM Unique Id" - JURN: finish - crossref: empty string identifiers? ## Code / Behavior - black (syntax) - log out index issues (duplicate ISSN-L, etc) to a file - flag to delete old table/rows when loading (?) - fully automated updates, cron, luigi/gluish style => downloads/uploads source metadata files - check that all fields actually getting imported reasonably - efficient fatcat export => filters for changes to make => not really necessary, fatcat importer already skips ## Schema - `platform` column in database - `container_type` column in database => munge this in various ways => if title is "blah, Proceedings of the", set type to proceedings and re-write title => if title like "Workshop on", set type - imprint/publisher distinction (publisher is big group) - summary table should be superset of fatcat table - `update_url_status` (needs re-write) (?)