#!/usr/bin/env python """ This code is intentionally very c-style """ import sys node_table = [] DEFAULT = "(& (>> t 6) (& (* 2 t) (>> t 1)))" # node = dict(type="", cval="", ival=0, lval=0, rval=0) def find_split(s, start, end): """ this function searches for the split between arguments in a binary sexpr """ depth = 0 for i in range(start, end): if depth == 0 and s[i] == ' ': return i if s[i] == '(': depth += 1 if s[i] == ')': depth -= 1 if depth < 0: raise Exception("parse: unmatched ')'") if depth > 0: raise Exception("parse: unmatched '('") return -1 def parse(s, start, end): """ we are going to get either an sexpr (wrapped in parens) or an atom """ # number if s[start] in "0123456789": return dict(type='n', ival=int(s[start:end+1])) # variable if s[start] == 't' and end-start == 0: return dict(type='v') # must be an s-exp if not (s[start] == '(' and s[end] == ')') or end-start < 4: raise Exception("parse: unparsable: '%s'" % str(s[start:end+1])) # unitary operator if s[start+1] == '~': rval = parse(s, start+3, end-1) return dict(type='u', cval='~', rval=rval) # various binary operators if s[start+1] in "*/%+-&^|<>": cval = s[start+1] offset = 3 if cval == '<' and s[start+2] == '<' and s[start+3] == ' ': cval = 'l' offset = 4 elif cval == '>' and s[start+2] == '>' and s[start+3] == ' ': cval = 'r' offset = 4 elif s[start+2] != ' ': raise Exception("parse: invalid operator?") split = find_split(s, start+offset, end-1) lval = parse(s, start+offset, split-1) rval = parse(s, split+1, end-1) return dict(type='b', cval=cval, lval=lval, rval=rval) # should not get here raise Exception("parse: feel through") def ezparse(s): s = s.strip() return parse(s, 0, len(s)-1) def strmachine(sexpr): #print sexpr # atom if sexpr['type'] == 'v': return 't' elif sexpr['type'] == 'n': return str(sexpr['ival']) # unary elif sexpr['type'] == 'u': if sexpr['cval'] == '~': return "(~ %s)" % strmachine(sexpr['rval']) raise Exception("unexpected unary: %s" % sexpr['cval']) # binary elif sexpr['type'] == 'b': if sexpr['cval'] == 'l' or sexpr['cval'] == 'r': oper = '<' if sexpr['cval'] == 'r': oper = '>' return "(%s%s %s %s)" % (oper, oper, strmachine(sexpr['lval']), strmachine(sexpr['rval'])) elif sexpr['cval'] in '+-*/^|&': return "(%s %s %s)" % (sexpr['cval'], strmachine(sexpr['lval']), strmachine(sexpr['rval'])) raise Exception("unexpected binary: %s" % sexpr['cval']) def execute(sexpr, t): # atom if sexpr['type'] == 'v': return t elif sexpr['type'] == 'n': return sexpr['ival'] # unary elif sexpr['type'] == 'u': if sexpr['cval'] == '~': return ~ execute(sexpr['rval'], t) raise Exception("unexpected unary: %s" % sexpr['cval']) # binary elif sexpr['type'] == 'b': if sexpr['cval'] == '+': return execute(sexpr['lval'], t) + execute(sexpr['rval'], t) if sexpr['cval'] == '-': return execute(sexpr['lval'], t) - execute(sexpr['rval'], t) if sexpr['cval'] == '*': return execute(sexpr['lval'], t) * execute(sexpr['rval'], t) if sexpr['cval'] == '/': return execute(sexpr['lval'], t) / execute(sexpr['rval'], t) if sexpr['cval'] == '^': return execute(sexpr['lval'], t) ^ execute(sexpr['rval'], t) if sexpr['cval'] == '&': return execute(sexpr['lval'], t) & execute(sexpr['rval'], t) if sexpr['cval'] == '|': return execute(sexpr['lval'], t) | execute(sexpr['rval'], t) if sexpr['cval'] == 'r': return execute(sexpr['lval'], t) >> execute(sexpr['rval'], t) if sexpr['cval'] == 'l': return execute(sexpr['lval'], t) << execute(sexpr['rval'], t) raise Exception("unexpected binary: %s" % sexpr['cval']) pass def play(machine): t = 0 while True: t += 1 sys.stdout.write(chr(execute(machine, t) & 0x000000FF)) def test_parse(): tlist = [ '1', 't', '(+ 1 t)', '(~ (~ 1))', '(+ (^ t 123) (| 300 t))', DEFAULT, ] for t in tlist: assert strmachine(ezparse(t)) == t, "\n%s <- GOT\n%s <- EXPECTED" % (strmachine(ezparse(t)), t) flist = [ '', '~', '~~1', '(+ + +)', '(+ 1 1))', '(+ 1 1', ] for f in flist: try: assert strmachine(ezparse(t)) == "SHOULDFAIL", "%s <- SHOULD HAVE FAILED"% t except: pass print "passed all parse tests!" def test_execute(): assert execute(ezparse('t'), 12345) == 12345 assert execute(ezparse('(+ t 6)'), 5) == 11 assert execute(ezparse('(& t 99)'), 0x12345) == 0x12345 & 99 print "passed all execute tests!" def main(): if len(sys.argv) <= 1: play(ezparse(DEFAULT)) elif sys.argv[1] == '--test': test_parse() test_execute() elif sys.argv[1] == '--parse': if len(sys.argv) < 3: print strmachine(ezparse(DEFAULT)) else: print strmachine(ezparse(sys.argv[2])) else: play(sys.argv[1]) if __name__=='__main__': main()