redis-002-lua-AR.patch: Improve redis Makefiles to handle Lua's unusual
definition of AR.  Patch originates from:

  Define AR to help with lua cross-compilation
  Daniel Price,

Signed-off-by: Daniel Price <>

diff --git a/deps/Makefile b/deps/Makefile
index d58ee56..c9d7116 100644
--- a/deps/Makefile
+++ b/deps/Makefile
@@ -60,10 +60,15 @@ endif
+# lua's Makefile defines AR="ar rcu", which is unusual, and makes it more
+# challenging to cross-compile lua (and redis).  These defines make it easier
+# to fit redis into cross-compilation environments, which typically set AR.
+AR = ar
+ARFLAGS = rcu
 lua: .make-prerequisites
-	cd lua/src && $(MAKE) all CFLAGS="$(LUA_CFLAGS)" MYLDFLAGS="$(LUA_LDFLAGS)"
+	cd lua/src && $(MAKE) all CFLAGS="$(LUA_CFLAGS)" MYLDFLAGS="$(LUA_LDFLAGS)" AR="$(AR) $(ARFLAGS)"
 .PHONY: lua