############################################################# # # ne10 # ############################################################# # We use a Git commit ID because the last tagged version is more than # one year old. NE10_VERSION = 88c18f02199947b2c8b57796f5a3ca53160aff96 NE10_SITE = git://github.com/projectNe10/Ne10.git NE10_LICENSE = BSD-3c or Apache 2.0 NE10_LICENSE_FILES = doc/LICENSE ifeq ($(BR2_PREFER_STATIC_LIB),) NE10_CONF_OPT = \ -DNE10_BUILD_SHARED=ON endif # The package does not have any install target, so have to provide # INSTALL_STAGING_CMDS and INSTALL_TARGET_CMDS. ifeq ($(BR2_PREFER_STATIC_LIB),) define NE10_INSTALL_STAGING_SHARED_LIB cp -dpf $(@D)/modules/libNE10*.so* $(STAGING_DIR)/usr/lib/ endef endif define NE10_INSTALL_STAGING_CMDS cp -dpf $(@D)/inc/NE10*h $(STAGING_DIR)/usr/include/ cp -dpf $(@D)/modules/libNE10.a $(STAGING_DIR)/usr/lib/ $(NE10_INSTALL_STAGING_SHARED_LIB) endef define NE10_INSTALL_TARGET_CMDS cp -dpf $(@D)/modules/libNE10*.so* $(TARGET_DIR)/usr/lib/ endef $(eval $(cmake-package))