#ifndef __LINUX__FUSION_H__
#define __LINUX__FUSION_H__

#include <asm/ioctl.h>

 * Fusion Kernel Device API Version
#define FUSION_API_MAJOR      3         /* Increased if backward compatibility is dropped. */
#define FUSION_API_MINOR      2         /* Increased if new features are added. */

 * The Fusion ID is a unique identifier for one process consisting of threads.
typedef unsigned long FusionID;

#define FUSION_ID_MASTER      1         /* This is the fusion id of the master (first process). */

 * Entering a world
typedef struct {
     struct {
          int            major;         /* Must be set to FUSION_API_MAJOR before entering. */
          int            minor;         /* Must be set to FUSION_API_MINOR before entering. */
     } api;

     FusionID            fusion_id;     /* Returns the fusion id of the entering process. */
} FusionEnter;

 * Forking in world
typedef struct {
     FusionID            fusion_id;     /* Returns the fusion id of the new (forked) fusionee. */
} FusionFork;

 * Sending a message
typedef struct {
     FusionID            fusion_id;     /* recipient */

     int                 msg_id;        /* optional message identifier */
     int                 msg_size;      /* message size, must be greater than zero */
     const void         *msg_data;      /* message data, must not be NULL */
} FusionSendMessage;

 * Receiving a message
typedef enum {
     FMT_SEND,                          /* msg_id is an optional custom id */
     FMT_CALL,                          /* msg_id is the call id */
     FMT_REACTOR,                       /* msg_id is the reactor id */
     FMT_SHMPOOL                        /* msg_id is the pool id */
} FusionMessageType;

typedef struct {
     FusionMessageType   msg_type;      /* type (origin) of message */

     int                 msg_id;        /* message id (custom id or call/reactor/pool id) */
     int                 msg_size;      /* size of the following message data */

     /* message data follows */
} FusionReadMessage;

 * Dispatching a message via a reactor
typedef struct {
     int                 reactor_id;
     int                 self;

     int                 msg_size;      /* message size, must be greater than zero */
     const void         *msg_data;      /* message data, must not be NULL */
} FusionReactorDispatch;

 * Calling (synchronous RPC)
typedef struct {
     int                 call_id;       /* new call id returned */

     void               *handler;       /* function pointer of handler to install */
     void               *ctx;           /* optional handler context */
} FusionCallNew;

typedef enum {
     FCEF_NONE   = 0x00000000,
     FCEF_ONEWAY = 0x00000001,
     FCEF_ALL    = 0x00000001
} FusionCallExecFlags;

typedef struct {
     int                 ret_val;       /* return value of the call */

     int                 call_id;       /* id of the requested call, each call has a fixed owner */

     int                 call_arg;      /* optional int argument */
     void               *call_ptr;      /* optional pointer argument (shared memory) */

     FusionCallExecFlags flags;         /* execution flags */
} FusionCallExecute;

typedef struct {
     int                 call_id;       /* id of currently executing call */

     int                 val;           /* value to return */
} FusionCallReturn;

typedef struct {
     void               *handler;       /* function pointer of handler to call */
     void               *ctx;           /* optional handler context */

     int                 caller;        /* fusion id of the caller or zero if called from Fusion */
     int                 call_arg;      /* optional call parameter */
     void               *call_ptr;      /* optional call parameter */
} FusionCallMessage;

 * Watching a reference
 * This information is needed to have a specific call being executed if the
 * reference count reaches zero. Currently one watch per reference is allowed.
 * The call is made by Fusion and therefor has a caller id of zero.
typedef struct {
     int                 id;            /* id of the reference to watch */

     int                 call_id;       /* id of the call to execute */
     int                 call_arg;      /* optional call parameter, e.g. the id of a user
                                           space resource associated with that reference */
} FusionRefWatch;

 * Inheriting local count from other reference
typedef struct {
     int                 id;            /* own reference id */
     int                 from;          /* id of the reference to inherit from */
} FusionRefInherit;

 * Killing other fusionees (experimental)
typedef struct {
     FusionID            fusion_id;     /* fusionee to kill, zero means all but ourself */
     int                 signal;        /* signal to be delivered, e.g. SIGTERM */
     int                 timeout_ms;    /* -1 means no timeout, 0 means infinite, otherwise the
                                           max. time to wait until the fusionee(s) terminated */
} FusionKill;

 * Shared memory pools
typedef struct {
     int                 max_size;      /* Maximum size that this pool will be allowed to grow to. */

     int                 pool_id;       /* Returns the new pool id. */
     void               *addr_base;     /* Returns the base of the reserved virtual memory address space. */
} FusionSHMPoolNew;

typedef struct {
     int                 pool_id;       /* The id of the pool to attach to. */

     void               *addr_base;     /* Returns the base of the reserved virtual memory address space. */
     int                 size;          /* Returns the current size of the pool. */
} FusionSHMPoolAttach;

typedef struct {
     int                 pool_id;       /* The id of the pool to notify. */

     int                 size;          /* New size of the pool. */
} FusionSHMPoolDispatch;

typedef enum {
     FSMT_REMAP,                        /* Remap the pool due to a change of its size. */
     FSMT_UNMAP                         /* Unmap the pool due to its destruction. */
} FusionSHMPoolMessageType;

typedef struct {
     FusionSHMPoolMessageType type;     /* Type of the message. */

     int                      size;     /* New size of the pool, if type is FSMT_REMAP. */
} FusionSHMPoolMessage;

 * Fusion types
typedef enum {
} FusionType;

 * Set attributes like 'name' for an entry of the specified type.

typedef struct {
     FusionType          type;
     int                 id;

     char                name[FUSION_ENTRY_INFO_NAME_LENGTH];
} FusionEntryInfo;

#define FUSION_ENTER               _IOR(FT_LOUNGE,    0x00, FusionEnter)
#define FUSION_UNBLOCK             _IO (FT_LOUNGE,    0x01)
#define FUSION_KILL                _IOW(FT_LOUNGE,    0x02, FusionKill)

#define FUSION_ENTRY_SET_INFO      _IOW(FT_LOUNGE,    0x03, FusionEntryInfo)
#define FUSION_ENTRY_GET_INFO      _IOW(FT_LOUNGE,    0x04, FusionEntryInfo)

#define FUSION_FORK                _IOW(FT_LOUNGE,    0x05, FusionFork)

#define FUSION_SEND_MESSAGE        _IOW(FT_MESSAGING, 0x00, FusionSendMessage)

#define FUSION_CALL_NEW            _IOW(FT_CALL,      0x00, FusionCallNew)
#define FUSION_CALL_EXECUTE        _IOW(FT_CALL,      0x01, FusionCallExecute)
#define FUSION_CALL_RETURN         _IOW(FT_CALL,      0x02, FusionCallReturn)
#define FUSION_CALL_DESTROY        _IOW(FT_CALL,      0x03, int)

#define FUSION_REF_NEW             _IOW(FT_REF,       0x00, int)
#define FUSION_REF_UP              _IOW(FT_REF,       0x01, int)
#define FUSION_REF_UP_GLOBAL       _IOW(FT_REF,       0x02, int)
#define FUSION_REF_DOWN            _IOW(FT_REF,       0x03, int)
#define FUSION_REF_DOWN_GLOBAL     _IOW(FT_REF,       0x04, int)
#define FUSION_REF_ZERO_LOCK       _IOW(FT_REF,       0x05, int)
#define FUSION_REF_ZERO_TRYLOCK    _IOW(FT_REF,       0x06, int)
#define FUSION_REF_UNLOCK          _IOW(FT_REF,       0x07, int)
#define FUSION_REF_STAT            _IOW(FT_REF,       0x08, int)
#define FUSION_REF_WATCH           _IOW(FT_REF,       0x09, FusionRefWatch)
#define FUSION_REF_INHERIT         _IOW(FT_REF,       0x0A, FusionRefInherit)
#define FUSION_REF_DESTROY         _IOW(FT_REF,       0x0B, int)

#define FUSION_SKIRMISH_NEW        _IOW(FT_SKIRMISH,  0x00, int)
#define FUSION_SKIRMISH_SWOOP      _IOW(FT_SKIRMISH,  0x02, int)

#define FUSION_PROPERTY_NEW        _IOW(FT_PROPERTY,  0x00, int)
#define FUSION_PROPERTY_LEASE      _IOW(FT_PROPERTY,  0x01, int)
#define FUSION_PROPERTY_CEDE       _IOW(FT_PROPERTY,  0x03, int)

#define FUSION_REACTOR_NEW         _IOW(FT_REACTOR,   0x00, int)
#define FUSION_REACTOR_ATTACH      _IOW(FT_REACTOR,   0x01, int)
#define FUSION_REACTOR_DETACH      _IOW(FT_REACTOR,   0x02, int)
#define FUSION_REACTOR_DISPATCH    _IOW(FT_REACTOR,   0x03, FusionReactorDispatch)
#define FUSION_REACTOR_DESTROY     _IOW(FT_REACTOR,   0x04, int)

#define FUSION_SHMPOOL_NEW         _IOW(FT_SHMPOOL,   0x00, FusionSHMPoolNew)
#define FUSION_SHMPOOL_ATTACH      _IOW(FT_SHMPOOL,   0x01, FusionSHMPoolAttach)
#define FUSION_SHMPOOL_DETACH      _IOW(FT_SHMPOOL,   0x02, int)
#define FUSION_SHMPOOL_DISPATCH    _IOW(FT_SHMPOOL,   0x03, FusionSHMPoolDispatch)
#define FUSION_SHMPOOL_DESTROY     _IOW(FT_SHMPOOL,   0x04, int)
