bool "initial RAM filesystem linked into linux kernel"
	depends on BR2_LINUX_KERNEL
	  Integrate the root filesystem generated by Buildroot as an
	  initramfs inside the kernel image. This integration will
	  take place automatically.

	  A rootfs.cpio file will be generated in the images/ directory.
	  This is the archive that will be included in the kernel image.
	  The rootfs in the kernel will always be gzip'ed, regardless
	  of how buildroot's cpio archive is configured.

	  Note that enabling initramfs together with another filesystem
	  formats doesn't make sense: you would end up having two
	  identical root filesystems, one embedded inside the kernel
	  image, and one separately.

comment "initramfs requires a Linux kernel to be built"
	depends on !BR2_LINUX_KERNEL