// -*- mode:doc -*- ; [[requirement]] System requirements ------------------- Buildroot is designed to run on Linux systems. Buildroot needs some software to be already installed on the host system; here are the lists of the mandatory and optional packages (package names may vary between distributions). Take care to _install both runtime and development data_, especially for the libraries that may be packaged in 2 distinct packages. [[requirement-mandatory]] Mandatory packages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Build tools: ** +which+ ** +sed+ ** +make+ (version 3.82 or any later) ** +binutils+ ** +build-essential+ (only for Debian based systems) ** +gcc+ (version 2.95 or any later) ** `g++` (version 2.95 or any later) ** +bash+ ** +gawk+ ** +bison+ ** +flex+ ** +gettext+ ** +patch+ ** +gzip+ ** +bzip2+ ** +perl+ ** +tar+ ** +cpio+ ** +python+ (version 2.6 or 2.7) ** +unzip+ ** +rsync+ ** +texinfo+ (required for internal Buildroot toolchain backend) * Source fetching tools: ** +wget+ * Configuration interface dependencies (requires development libraries): ** +ncurses5+ [[requirement-optional]] Optional packages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Source fetching tools: + In the official tree, most of the package sources are retrieved using +wget+; a few are only available through their +git+, +mercurial+, or +svn+ repository. + All other source fetching methods are implemented and may be used in a development context (further details: refer to xref:download-infra[]). + ** +bazaar+ ** +cvs+ ** +git+ ** +mercurial+ ** +rsync+ ** +scp+ ** +subversion+ * Configuration interface dependencies (requires development libraries): ** +qt4+ to use the 'xconfig' interface ** +glib2+, +gtk2+ and +glade2+ to use the 'gconfig' interface * Development libraries: ** +zlib1+ ** +netpbm10+ (for +fbtest+) ** +python-xcbgen+ (for +Matchbox+ on Debian based system) * Documentation generation tools: ** +asciidoc+