// -*- mode:doc; -*- // vim: set syntax=asciidoc: Tips and tricks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [[package-name-variable-relation]] Package name, config entry name and makefile variable relationship ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In Buildroot, there is some relationship between: * the _package name_, which is the package directory name (and the name of the +*.mk+ file); * the config entry name that is declared in the +Config.in+ file; * the makefile variable prefix. It is mandatory to maintain consistency between these elements, using the following rules: * the package directory and the +*.mk+ name are the _package name_ itself (e.g.: +package/foo-bar_boo/foo-bar_boo.mk+); * the _make_ target name is the _package name_ itself (e.g.: +foo-bar_boo+); * the config entry is the upper case _package name_ with `.` and `-` characters substituted with `_`, prefixed with +BR2_PACKAGE_+ (e.g.: +BR2_PACKAGE_FOO_BAR_BOO+); * the +*.mk+ file variable prefix is the upper case _package name_ `.` and `-` characters substituted with `_` (e.g.: +FOO_BAR_BOO_VERSION+). [[github-download-url]] How to add a package from github ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Packages on github often don't have a download area with release tarballs. However, it is possible to download tarballs directly from the repository on github. ------------------------ FOO_VERSION = v1.0 # tag or (abbreviated) commit ID FOO_SITE = http://github.com/<user>/<package>/tarball/$(FOO_VERSION) ------------------------ .Notes - The FOO_VERSION can either be a tag or a commit ID. - The tarball name generated by github matches the default one from Buildroot (e.g.: +foo-1234567.tar.gz+), so it is not necessary to specify it in the +.mk+ file. - When using a commit ID as version, usually the first 7 characters of the SHA1 are enough.