package main import ( "" "fmt" "html/template" "log" "net/http" "path/filepath" "regexp" "time" ) var ( tmplHome, tmplView, tmplAccount, tmplUser, tmplBomView, tmplBomUpload *template.Template ) var store = sessions.NewCookieStore([]byte(*sessionSecret)) func baseHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { var err error log.Printf("serving %s\n", r.URL.Path) bomUrlPattern := regexp.MustCompile("^/([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/$") bomUploadUrlPattern := regexp.MustCompile("^/([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/_upload/$") userUrlPattern := regexp.MustCompile("^/([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/$") switch { case r.URL.Path == "/": err = homeController(w, r) case r.URL.Path == "/account/login/": err = loginController(w, r) case r.URL.Path == "/account/logout/": err = logoutController(w, r) //case r.URL.Path == "/account/newuser/": // err = newUserController(w, r) case bomUploadUrlPattern.MatchString(r.URL.Path): match := bomUploadUrlPattern.FindStringSubmatch(r.URL.Path) err = bomUploadController(w, r, match[1], match[2]) case bomUrlPattern.MatchString(r.URL.Path): match := bomUrlPattern.FindStringSubmatch(r.URL.Path) err = bomController(w, r, match[1], match[2]) case userUrlPattern.MatchString(r.URL.Path): match := userUrlPattern.FindStringSubmatch(r.URL.Path) err = userController(w, r, match[1], "") default: // 404 log.Println("warning: 404") http.NotFound(w, r) return } if err != nil { // this could cause multiple responses? log.Println("error, 500: " + err.Error()) http.Error(w, "Internal error (check logs)", 500) } } func homeController(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (err error) { session, _ := store.Get(r, "bommom") context := make(map[string]interface{}) context["Session"] = session.Values log.Printf("%s\n", session.Values["UserName"]) context["BomList"], err = bomstore.ListBoms("") if err != nil { return } err = tmplHome.Execute(w, context) return } func loginController(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (err error) { session, _ := store.Get(r, "bommom") context := make(map[string]interface{}) context["ActionLogin"] = true context["Session"] = session.Values if r.Method == "POST" { if isShortName(r.FormValue("UserName")) != true { context["Problem"] = "Ugh, need to use a SHORTNAME!" err = tmplAccount.Execute(w, context) return } audience := "" vResponse := VerifyPersonaAssertion(r.FormValue("assertion"), audience) if vResponse.Okay() { session.Values["UserName"] = r.FormValue("UserName") session.Values["Email"] = vResponse.Email session.Save(r, w) context["Session"] = session.Values http.Redirect(w, r, "/", 302) return } else { context["Problem"] = vResponse.Reason err = tmplAccount.Execute(w, context) return } } err = tmplAccount.Execute(w, context) return } func logoutController(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (err error) { session, _ := store.Get(r, "bommom") context := make(map[string]interface{}) delete(session.Values, "UserName") delete(session.Values, "Email") session.Save(r, w) context["Session"] = session.Values context["ActionLogout"] = true err = tmplAccount.Execute(w, context) return } func userController(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user, extra string) (err error) { session, _ := store.Get(r, "bommom") if !isShortName(user) { http.Error(w, "invalid username: "+user, 400) return } if err != nil { // no such user http.NotFound(w, r) return } context := make(map[string]interface{}) context["BomList"], err = bomstore.ListBoms(ShortName(user)) if user == "common" { context["IsCommon"] = true } context["UserName"] = user context["Session"] = session.Values if err != nil { return } err = tmplUser.Execute(w, context) return } func bomController(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user, name string) (err error) { session, _ := store.Get(r, "bommom") if !isShortName(user) { http.Error(w, "invalid username: "+user, 400) return } if !isShortName(name) { http.Error(w, "invalid bom name: "+name, 400) return } context := make(map[string]interface{}) context["BomMeta"], context["Bom"], err = bomstore.GetHead(ShortName(user), ShortName(name)) context["Session"] = session.Values if err != nil { http.Error(w, "404 couldn't open bom: "+user+"/"+name, 404) return nil } err = pricingSource.AttachMarketInfoBom(context["Bom"].(*Bom)) if err != nil { log.Println("error attaching market info: " + err.Error()) } err = tmplBomView.Execute(w, context) return } func bomUploadController(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user, name string) (err error) { session, _ := store.Get(r, "bommom") if !isShortName(user) { http.Error(w, "invalid username: "+user, 400) return } if !isShortName(name) { http.Error(w, "invalid bom name: "+name, 400) return } context := make(map[string]interface{}) context["Session"] = session.Values context["user"] = ShortName(user) context["name"] = ShortName(name) context["BomMeta"], context["Bom"], err = bomstore.GetHead(ShortName(user), ShortName(name)) switch r.Method { case "POST": err := r.ParseMultipartForm(1024 * 1024 * 2) if err != nil { log.Println(err) http.Error(w, err.Error(), 400) return nil } file, fileheader, err := r.FormFile("bomfile") if err != nil { log.Println(err) context["error"] = "bomfile was nil!" err = tmplBomUpload.Execute(w, context) return err } if file == nil { log.Println("bomfile was nil") context["error"] = "bomfile was nil!" err = tmplBomUpload.Execute(w, context) return err } versionStr := r.FormValue("version") if len(versionStr) == 0 || isShortName(versionStr) == false { context["error"] = "Version must be specified and a ShortName!" context["version"] = versionStr err = tmplBomUpload.Execute(w, context) return err } //contentType := fileheader.Header["Content-Type"][0] var b *Bom var bm *BomMeta switch filepath.Ext(fileheader.Filename) { case ".json": bm, b, err = LoadBomFromJSON(file) if err != nil { context["error"] = "Problem loading JSON file" err = tmplBomUpload.Execute(w, context) return err } case ".csv": b, err = LoadBomFromCSV(file) bm = &BomMeta{} if err != nil { context["error"] = "Problem loading CSV file: " + err.Error() err = tmplBomUpload.Execute(w, context) return err } case ".xml": bm, b, err = LoadBomFromXML(file) if err != nil { context["error"] = "Problem loading XML file" err = tmplBomUpload.Execute(w, context) return err } default: context["error"] = "Unknown file type: " + string(fileheader.Filename) log.Fatal(context["error"]) err = tmplBomUpload.Execute(w, context) return err } bm.Owner = user bm.Name = name b.Progeny = "File uploaded from " + fileheader.Filename b.Created = time.Now() b.Version = string(versionStr) if err := bomstore.Persist(bm, b, ShortName(versionStr)); err != nil { context["error"] = "Problem saving to datastore: " + err.Error() err = tmplBomUpload.Execute(w, context) } http.Redirect(w, r, "//"+user+"/"+name+"/", 302) return err case "GET": err = tmplBomUpload.Execute(w, context) return err default: http.Error(w, "bad method", 405) return nil } return } func serveCmd() { var err error // load and parse templates baseTmplPath := *templatePath + "/base.html" tmplHome = template.Must(template.ParseFiles(*templatePath+"/home.html", baseTmplPath)) tmplAccount = template.Must(template.ParseFiles(*templatePath+"/account.html", baseTmplPath)) //tmplLogout = template.Must(template.ParseFiles(*templatePath+"/logout.html", baseTmplPath)) //tmplNewUser = template.Must(template.ParseFiles(*templatePath+"/newuser.html", baseTmplPath)) tmplUser = template.Must(template.ParseFiles(*templatePath+"/user.html", baseTmplPath)) tmplBomView = template.Must(template.ParseFiles(*templatePath+"/bom_view.html", baseTmplPath)) tmplBomUpload = template.Must(template.ParseFiles(*templatePath+"/bom_upload.html", baseTmplPath)) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } openBomStore() openAuthStore() openPricingSource() // serve template static assets (images, CSS, JS) http.Handle("/static/", http.FileServer(http.Dir(*templatePath+"/"))) http.Handle("/favicon.ico", http.FileServer(http.Dir(*templatePath+"/static/"))) // fall through to default handler http.HandleFunc("/", baseHandler) listenString := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", *listenHost, *listenPort) http.ListenAndServe(listenString, nil) fmt.Println("Serving at " + listenString) }