Title: New Web Server (2016) Author: bnewbold Date: 2016-05-01 This is a stub posting to note that i've transitioned this website (`bnewbold.net`) from a custom dynamic Django setup that I wrote [back in 2007](http://git.bnewbold.net/bnewnet/commit/?id=5b31039d4c581048959dc51436f6918f29fbf9ea) to a simple [Pelican](http://blog.getpelican.com/) based static site generator. This shift co-incides with my transition from hosting on `adelie` (last upgraded to Ubuntu lucid 10.04!) to `adze` (Debian stable, currently jessie). Some of this transition was made easier by using [ansible scripts](http://git.bnewbold.net/infra/) to automate the common basics of server configuration.