Title: Crypto Keys Url: /crypto/ SaveAs: /crypto/index.html

My GPG key, valid for my email address at the robocracy.org domain from 2014 onwards, is:

pub   4096R/0x0C9337BCEC3932B9 2014-03-27 [expires: 2022-03-25]
      Key fingerprint = 3F46 8108 EE58 663C B95A  E9DC 0C93 37BC EC39 32B9
uid                 [ultimate] bryan newbold <bnewbold@robocracy.org>
uid                 [ultimate] bryan newbold <bnewbold@alum.mit.edu>
sub   4096R/0xC32BD9CE46B152D7 2014-03-27 [expires: 2022-03-25]
      Key fingerprint = 894E D8EA 476D 9BEE 5E28  6D4D C32B D9CE 46B1 52D7
sub   4096R/0x084425E080357D53 2014-03-27 [expires: 2022-03-25]
      Key fingerprint = 0C8E 4A0D A8E9 9908 7295  2B3B 0844 25E0 8035 7D53

My old keys, as well as the full public key for the above, are in HTML comments of this document.