{% extends "photos/base.html" %} {# {% load markup %} #} {% load comments %} {% block path %} {{ block.super }} » {{ object.gallery.title }} » {{ object.title }} {% endblock %} {% block title %} {% if object %} {{ object.title }} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block content %} {% if object %}
{% if object.date %}

Photo taken {{ object.date }}{% if object.photographer %} by {{ object.photographer }}.

{% else %}.

{% endif %} {% else %} {% if object.photographer %}

Photo by {{ object.photographer }}.

{% endif %} {% endif %}
{% if object.next %}

{{ object.next.title }}
{% endif %} {% if object.prev %}

{{ object.prev.title }}
{% endif %}
{{ object.title }}

{{ object.desc }}

{% if object.extra %}

More information

{{ object.extra }}

{% endif %}
{% if object.prev %} « previous {% endif %} {% if object.next %} next » {% endif %}
{% else %}

This is not the photo you are looking for.

{% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block commentary %}
{% load comments %}

Post a comment

{% if user.is_authenticated %} {% comment_form for photos.photo object.id with is_public true %} {% else %} {% free_comment_form for photos.photo object.id with is_public true %} {% endif %}
{% get_comment_list for photos.photo object.id as comments %} {% get_free_comment_list for photos.photo object.id as free_comments %} {% include "comment_list" %}
{% endblock %}