{% extends "photos/base.html" %} {# {% load markup %} #} {% block title %}Import photos into a gallery {% if gallery%} ({{gallery.title}}){% endif %}{% endblock %} {% block content %} {% if gallery %}
{%if form.zipfile.errors %} {{ form.zipfile.errors|join:", " }}
{% endif %} {{ form.zipfile }}

{%if form.photographer.errors %} {{ form.photographer.errors|join:", " }}
{% endif %} {{ form.photographer }}

{%if form.date.errors %} {{ form.date.errors|join:", " }}
{% endif %} {{ form.date }}

When you upload a batch of photos in a zipfile, it will give each of them a title based on its filename, and assigns them all the same photographer and date. That's probably not always what you want, so you can change any of these settings on a per-photo basis after you upload the images.

{% else %}

Oops! No gallery here!

{% endif %} {% endblock %}