from django.db import models from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ import django.contrib.auth.models as auth from django.conf import settings from django.dispatch import dispatcher from django.db.models import signals import os, os.path import Image # Handle settings here try: STOCKPHOTO_BASE = settings.STOCKPHOTO_BASE.strip('/') except AttributeError: STOCKPHOTO_BASE='photos' try: STOCKPHOTO_URL = settings.STOCKPHOTO_URL except AttributeError: STOCKPHOTO_URL='/photos' if STOCKPHOTO_URL[-1] == '/': STOCKPHOTO_URL=STOCKPHOTO_URL[:-1] try: ADMIN_URL = settings.ADMIN_URL except AttributeError: ADMIN_URL='/admin' if ADMIN_URL[-1] == '/': ADMIN_URL=ADMIN_URL[:-1] # Create your models here. class Gallery(models.Model): title = models.CharField(_("title"), max_length=80) slug = models.SlugField() date = models.DateField(_("publication date"), auto_now_add=True) created = models.ForeignKey(auth.User, verbose_name=_("gallery created by") ) display_width = models.IntegerField( _("width to display full images"), default=640) display_height = models.IntegerField( _("height to display full images"), default=480) thumbnail_width = models.IntegerField( _("width to display thumbnails"), default=150) thumbnail_height = models.IntegerField( _("height to display thumbnails"), default=100) class Meta: get_latest_by = 'date' class Admin: ordering = ['date'] prepopulated_fields = {'slug': 'title'} def __str__(self): return self.title def get_absolute_url(self): return "%s/%d/" % (STOCKPHOTO_URL, def get_admin_url(self): return "%s/photos/gallery/%d/" % (ADMIN_URL, def was_published_today(self): return == def first(self): try: return self.photo_set.all()[0] except IndexError: return None def update_thumbs(self): for photo in self.photo_set.all(): photo.create_disp() photo.create_thumb() class Photo(models.Model): # import os, os.path, Image image = models.ImageField(_("Photograph"), upload_to= STOCKPHOTO_BASE + "/%Y/%m/%d/") title = models.CharField(_("title"), max_length=80) desc = models.TextField(_("description"), blank=True) gallery = models.ForeignKey(Gallery) photographer = models.CharField(_("photographer"), max_length=80, blank=True) date = models.DateField(_("date photographed"), blank=True, null=True) extra = models.TextField(_("any extra information about the photo"), blank=True) class META: get_latest_by = ['date'] class Admin: list_display = ('title', 'date', 'gallery', 'id') ordering = ['id'] list_filter = ['gallery'] search_fields = ['title'] def __str__(self): return self.title def delete_thumbnails(self): """Remove thumbnail and display-sized images when deleting. This may fail if, for example, they don't exist, so it should fail silently. It may not be a good idea to delete the original, as the user may not understand that deleting it from the gallery deletes it from the filesystem, so currently we don't do that. """ try: os.unlink(self.thumbpath()) except (IOError, OSError): pass try: os.unlink(self.disppath()) except (IOError, OSError): pass # Deleting the original might be a bad thing. #os.unlink(self.fullpath()) def get_absolute_url(self): return "%s/detail/%d/" % (STOCKPHOTO_URL, def get_admin_url(self): return "%s/photos/photos/%d/" % (ADMIN_URL, def thumbpath(self): """Path to the thumbnail """ photobase =[len(STOCKPHOTO_BASE)+1:] return os.path.join( settings.MEDIA_ROOT, STOCKPHOTO_BASE, "cache", "thumbs", photobase) def thumburl(self): """URL to the thumbnail """ photobase =[len(STOCKPHOTO_BASE)+1:] if settings.MEDIA_URL.endswith('/'): return settings.MEDIA_URL + STOCKPHOTO_BASE + \ "/cache/thumbs/" + photobase return settings.MEDIA_URL + '/' + STOCKPHOTO_BASE + \ "/cache/thumbs/" + photobase def disppath(self): photobase =[len(STOCKPHOTO_BASE)+1:] return os.path.join( settings.MEDIA_ROOT, STOCKPHOTO_BASE, "cache", photobase) def dispurl(self): photobase =[len(STOCKPHOTO_BASE)+1:] if settings.MEDIA_URL.endswith('/'): return settings.MEDIA_URL + STOCKPHOTO_BASE + "/cache/" \ + photobase return settings.MEDIA_URL + '/' + STOCKPHOTO_BASE + \ "/cache/" + photobase def fullpath(self): if return return os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, def fullurl(self): if # Shouldn't happen anymore return (settings.MEDIA_URL +[len(settings.MEDIA_ROOT):]) else: if settings.MEDIA_URL.endswith('/'): return settings.MEDIA_URL + return settings.MEDIA_URL + '/' + def next(self): '''Return id of 'next' photo in the same gallery or None if at the end.''' # we could probably be more clever here by using the new nifty # db access filters and queries, but for now, this is good enough photo_list = [x for x in] ind = photo_list.index(self) if (ind +1) == len(photo_list): return None else: return photo_list[ind + 1] def prev(self): """Return id of 'previous' photo in the same gallery or None if at the beginning """ photo_list = [x for x in] ind = photo_list.index(self) if ind == 0: return False else: return photo_list[ind - 1] def full_exists(self): return os.path.exists( self.fullpath() ) def disp_exists(self): return os.path.exists( self.disppath() ) def thumb_exists(self): return os.path.exists( self.thumbpath() ) def create_disp(self): im = self.fullpath() ) format = im.format # create the path for the display image disp_path = self.disppath() disp_dir = os.path.dirname(disp_path) if not os.path.exists(disp_dir): os.makedirs(disp_dir, 0775) # Make a copy of the image, scaled, if needed. maxwidth = maxheight = width, height = im.size if (width > maxwidth) and width > height: scale = float(maxwidth)/width width = int(width * scale) height = int(height * scale) newim = im.resize( (width, height), Image.ANTIALIAS ) elif (height > maxheight) and height >= width: scale = float(maxheight)/height width = int(width * scale) height = int(height * scale) newim = im.resize( (width, height), Image.ANTIALIAS ) else: newim = im, format) def create_thumb(self): im = self.fullpath() ) format = im.format # create the path for the thumbnail image thumb_path = self.thumbpath() thumb_dir = os.path.dirname(thumb_path) if not os.path.exists(thumb_dir): os.makedirs(thumb_dir, 0775) # Make a copy of the image, scaled, if needed. maxwidth = maxheight = width, height = im.size if (width > maxwidth) and (width > height): scale = float(maxwidth)/width width = int(width * scale) height = int(height * scale) newim = im.resize( (width, height), Image.ANTIALIAS ) elif (height > maxheight): scale = float(maxheight)/height width = int(width * scale) height = int(height * scale) newim = im.resize( (width, height), Image.ANTIALIAS ) else: newim = im, format) def build_display_images(self): """Make thumbnail and display-sized images after saving. For some reason, this may fail on a first pass (self.image may be empty when this is called), but if we just let it fail silently, it will apparently get called again and succeed. """ if self.image: if not self.thumb_exists(): self.create_thumb() if not self.disp_exists(): self.create_disp() def build_display_images(sender, instance, signal, *args, **kwargs): """Simple hook for save-after trigger """ instance.build_display_images() def delete_thumbnails(sender, instance, signal, *args, **kwargs): """Simple hook for pre-delete trigger. """ instance.delete_thumbnails() signals.post_save.connect(build_display_images, sender=Photo) signals.pre_delete.connect(delete_thumbnails, sender=Photo) #dispatcher.connect(build_display_images, signal=signals.post_save, # sender=Photo) #dispatcher.connect(delete_thumbnails, signal=signals.pre_delete, # sender=Photo) from django.contrib import admin